The Russian military has developed Orlan-10 tactical reconnaissance drones to carry out airstrikes with unguided munitions.
On May 13, TV Zvezda released a video report showing an Orlan-10 drone being loaded with small unguided munitions before a combat mission against Kiev forces in an unspecified part of Ukraine. The drone was modified to carry up to four munitions. Every two munitions are loaded into a container pod.
The small HE-FRAG [High Explosive Fragmentation] warheads were reportedly especially designed to target vehicles and manpower.
While the munitions are not guided, they could be effective against large targets like artillery positions, unprotected ammunition depots as well as gatherings of troops and military equipment.
The Orlan-10 has a flight duration of 16 hours and a range of 140 kilometers. The drone can be equipped with several types of sensors to carry out a set of different missions including reconnaissance, 3D-mapping, electronic warfare and communication relay.
Orlan-10 drones have been supporting the Russian special military operation in Ukraine since it start. Several drones of this type have been shot down by Kiev forces, so far. However, more than 1,000 are known to be in service with the Russian military.
The low cost of the Orlan-10 makes it suitable for reconnaissance missions over high-threat areas Ukraine. With the new upgrade, Orlan-10 drones can now also deliver strikes to targets in these areas.
And then they pass off their equipment, captured from the Russians, as Russian when Russian troops destroy it by the dozens at the crossing.
Payload look to be very small for such a large drone. Normally, with less carburant it can carry a much larger payload, with a shortly time to fly. TYhe 140 km range is a serious limit, drone can reach it in less than 2 hours. So, 5 hours of fly are enough for any strike mission.
British Brimstone missiles are in Ukraine. There is no NATO weapon that should remain untested on Russia. Great opportunity!
Yes, great opportunity to do some collateral damage on Ukraines soil
hi natsik.
Skunky deepstate screwing us and making us pay more so they can loot Russian resources and still make us pay more, whilst adding this war onto taxpayers debt, taking and using our money and then THEY profit from it. It is immoral to pay taxes or to accept the debts, and highly immoral for us to support war against Russia. Britiain should at least OPENLY declare war against Russia AND they should stop screwing the Ukrainian people and stop fighting against Russia till the last Ukrainian is dead!
Expired useless junk, in order not to spend money on its disposal, the British send it to Ukraine.
Yes program for the missile comes from 1992…was started in 1982 but shelved. So its only 30 years old now. Was ready for service in 2000 but budget pushed it to 2005 before brits got it. $250,000 each shot. 30 years old now! You have a fascination with weapons that makes you believe they are magical. Wonderwaffen…. you would have made a good little hitler. It also gives you away no matter how many times you change your user name. The topic the spelling the vocabulary is always the same.
There are no wonder weapons that are going to change things on the battle field. They are simply no better or no worse than what they had to start with. While required in order to fight they are not war winners. Give it up.
Russian military has been degraded to such extent due to corruption. Stinking corrupt filth putin trusting snakes
Degraded stinking corrupt scum, stop talking nonsense.
haha, you are silly. how is your horse doing ?
Haha, you know better, you’re my stupid horse.
oh, that was you i kicked in face.
No, it was the meeting of my foot and your face.
watch out strong man over here. you know whrer your foot is. im impressed.
I always know where my feet are.
you goiims are funny.
Bugger off globohomo assflogged cia/soros/bandera troll,as if you give a rats arse!
Why No “Cassetten ” Bombs ? More effektive…
Russia : uraaa Orlan can now carry out airstrike 🥺
Ukraine: Hold my Bayraktar 🥲
Your Bayraktars have not been seen for a long time.
because these one who could tell you are not with us anymore.
<3 <3 <3 greetings from the free world
If you are telling the truth, then the video from Bayraktar should remain. Show it to me as proof of your words.
just proof yourself
This is your statement, so you have to prove it.
lame joke
more lame than the ruzzian army
Hardly anyone will be more lame than you.
I’m lame,but atleast for today as well,I used my head unlike fkn selow it!
What is “fkn selow”. My translator doesn’t recognize it.
Obviously ye can’t fight for shit,otherwise you would understand temperament!
Sorry bud roids dont cut it,selow you down particularly in de head,fkn drr dud!
the last bayraktars were destroyed while trying the occupy snake island BUHAHAHAHAHAHA
dozens of killed hohols and foreign nato scum roasted
Yes and the russians also even had the time to paint Z ontop of many roofs there too!
The electronic warfare sounds promising. Will there be decoys with it?
What happened with your decoy tanks?
the 9th may parade was so small. i watched with joy puttler crying about usa. special crying operation <3
11 thousand military personnel and more than 130 pieces of equipment are not enough for you? Give an example with a big parade?
Maybe you have a video where Putin is crying about the United States so that you won’t be known as a liar.
Putin don’t cry,he tells as it fkn well is,unlike you pity weak soros/bandera/nazi sulks!
All the best Russia!
No doubt. Will come with the Howitzer.
With love and joy from the free world. Have fun feeding your horse
Why do you always talk about horses, you don’t have a car?
service ceiling 5000km……….
Russian propaganda is flying high, at least in the infographics. 🤭🤷
Russia should urgently develop UAV’s. But they know it by now. Copy Bayraktar if necessary. But just do it!
Or buy from China
Bayraktar is too easy a target for air defense. Do you think why they stopped flying over land, but because they are successfully shot down.
Still they can take out a very expensive target. Death from above when you least expect it.
Maybe, but something video from bayraktars has not been seen for a long time.
Not that easy to develop with no supplies.
Greetings from the free world. Have fun feeding your horses :) You are so rich of opportunitys
Supplies? You mean chips? That are dependant on silicon vaffers and highly purified neon? Fun facts 90% of neon and large chunk of vaffers are supplied BY Russia… Hurry up with replacements and dont worry about RF supplies
Russia has plenty. Just look it up.
Now russians will demonstrate this kit as new game changer lmao.
Hundreds of russian made orlans covers the european skies:)
why not thousands? lmao
There is a time for everything.
Service ceiling of 5000 km cannot be correct, rather 5000 m
How Russia has a drone… so its not so bad as military after all, even though is forces are being destroyed by thousands by Nato weapons. But no, what am I saying, Russia is winning, look how much gains it has made in 2 months :)
Show these thousands destroyed with the help of NATO weapons.
The fact that you didn’t see yourself when you were born, doesn’t mean you were not born. Shoigu was absent the first month and Putin’s face was darker than my dirty floor, that is the sign of those thousands destroyed with Nato weapons. Do you get it? Sure you do , if you think :)
You are soo fullovit,which means as the gayto/bandera/nazi/cia trollop.opposite is true!=Z=
welcome to 21 century ruzzia. not impressed. have fun feeding your horses, guys
I didn’t even try. What century are you living in if you still ride a horse. 21st century, cars have been around for a long time.
Im sorry for your illness. You know about cars? im impressed.
There’s nothing wrong with my health. I’m sorry you don’t know about them.
But your brain is full of shit thats the case you cant notice it.Pity.
So much shit in your brain I’ve never seen before.
It’s a pity that you can’t notice how much shit is in your brain.
Seeya,subsonic pathedic overhyped degenerate fkd up f35,ouclassed by soviet rockets too!
They attached a Soviet era grenade to the drone so that it drops when the time is right.
when are these time. :D silly are you
Here is such information. A friend in Nikolaev has a brother who works in the city morgue.
Further uncut:
“The morgue has always been packed since 2014. It’s just a nightmare right now. There is nowhere to store. Unidentified in a common grave at once. There are no specialists and equipment for identifying the identity of the victims either in Nikolaev or in Ukraine. We take the bodies to the cemetery area. There are already several pits there since the year 14. Each for 2-3 thousand bodies. Here are some common graves for you already.
According to the documentation, the abomination continues. From the beginning of the topic of covid, they force us to give statistics in favor of covid. That is, they force the bodies of those killed in Donbass to write as those who died from covid, thereby underestimating statistics. After all, we have a concrete panic from the number of people killed. According to Nikolaev, that’s for sure.
All hospitals are packed with wounded, lying in the corridors. Severe lack of blood. There is a shortage of donors. There are no medicines for a long time. We are looking for volunteers. But the help is very weak. The fucking government is a moron-the governor is a fucking country, God forgive me. People went crazy. I honestly envy Kherson. And the city is whole and people are happy. And we will have a full ass.”
The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.
First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !
God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !
If these simply had a laser designator they would not need to carry a weapons load. Its drone operator would paint the target, send the approximate gps location to a nearby high flying Mig or Sukhoi to launch some of its standoff weapons.
Please could somebody post the link here the latest RT NEWS broadcast so people like me who are deprived of real news can watch the banned RT. PLEASE
Small payload is good you don’t really need much more than say a 1kilo or 2kilo of TNT or semtex to get the job done. On a targeted hit.
I don’t know why the Nazis get so turned in by the Gayrectum drone. It’s a pretty ordinary piece of equipment. Granted it makes for good propaganda value but overall it is pretty useless. Russians are shooting them down by the dozen.
Maybe they will use these drones to destroy artigliery mixed togheter with Civilian building? Surgery Hit ?
Looks pretty low-tech. Look at the ramp and crank they have to use to give it flight. Anyways, one more tool in the toolbox. Good that it can also drop bombs now.
Much more inexpensive then firing missiles. With a lot Ukraine’s Air Defense suppressed, they should give it a go.
Exactly – very low tech. Thus extremely cheap and easily made and deployed. So no worries even if they are shot down by hundreds (and they are not)
Laughable article. How could unguided munitions and that too small destroy large artillery positions? SF is making tall claims for orlan drone armed with a Nikon DSLR camera and bottle cap for fuel tank lid.
orlan = worthless shit