Russian Offensive In All Direction In Ukraine On February 19, 2024 (Map Update)

Russian Offensive In All Direction In Ukraine On February 19, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces finished the mop up operation in the Coke plant and continue demining the city;
  • Russian forces gained a foothold in the northern part of Lastochkino;
  • Russian forces shelled Ukrainian military positions in Solovyevo and Tonenkoe;
  • Clashes continue in Pervomaiskoe;
  • Clashes continue on the outskirts of Severnoe;
  • Russian forces eliminated 565 servicemen, two armoured fighting vehicles, 23 motor vehicles, two M777 howitzers, one D-30 howitzer in the Avdiivka area.


Russian Offensive In All Direction In Ukraine On February 19, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces advanced in Bogdanivka;
  • Russian forces advanced to the east of Ivanivske and captured several Ukrainian trenches;
  • Russian forces advanced on a wide front and reached the western outskirts of Ivanivske;
  • Clashes continue on the heights near Klescheevka;
  • Clashes continue near Kurdyumovka;
  • Russian aircraft and artillery are pounding Ukrainian positions in Chasov Yar.


Russian Offensive In All Direction In Ukraine On February 19, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces advanced and gained new ground near Terny. Russian forces are already less than 1 km from the city;
  • Russian forces are finishing the mop up operation in the industrial zone in Bilogorivka;
  • Russian forces repelled 6 attacks of the 30th, 32nd, 60th mechanised brigades near Terny;
  • Russian forces eliminated 100 servicemen, one battle tank, three armoured vehicles, and four motor vehicles in the Krasny Liman area.


Russian Offensive In All Direction In Ukraine On February 19, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continued on the outskirts of Pobeda;
  • Clashes continued in the eastern part of Georgievka;
  • Russian forces took control over new areas northeast of Novomykhailivka;
  • Russian forces advanced in Novomikhailovka.


Russian Offensive In All Direction In Ukraine On February 19, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces advanced about 500 meters more in the area between Rabotino and Verbovoe;
  • Russian forces entered Rabotino from the southern and western directions. Clashes continue in the central part of the ruined village.
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finally some progress on the frontlines hopefully the russian advance will now take traction. the best way for a chance for peace is when russia has denazified the donbass area. as long as ukronazk bloggers can continue to bluff that crimea will be taken in the next spring offensive the war continues they have to loose. the battle of the buldge in robotyna failed now its time to roll them back all the way from kherson to izyium

Last edited 7 months ago by Worldpeace
General Winter

putin said in a recent interview after tucker carlson’s that they won’t negotiate with the west they will go until the end.

jens holm

the usual russian world. some 2,15 are nazis in ukrasine. he president is a jew and the nazis not even has a seat it their fair elected pm.

why use bloggers a source.

jens holm

my 2,15 brain cells so stupid they believe wikipedia

jens holm

215 nazis have me in latrine. face on toilet seat. source of clap.

Hunter Biden

you stupid son of a crack hore: it’s not just 2,15. they are millions who worship stepan bandera and the ss galicia, it’s now even in the history boos as national heroes. ss azov is the leading force in ukraine, and you know it. and most ukras have swastikas tattoos on them, you are ukra yourself, you must know it asshole. kill yourself.

Last edited 7 months ago by Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden

the fact that he is a jew does not mean that he cannot be a motherfucker nazi, not only he is a nazi but: by all his actions (persecuting press, killing journalists, banning freedom of religion and freedom of speech, banning free elections, killing civilains in donbass fro 10 years, banning languages) he is a nazi) he is an old school nazi like described in mein kapf.

Last edited 7 months ago by Hunter Biden
General Winter

ukrainians are so dumb. they literally fight for nothing and are nothing other than western globalist expendable pieces of meat.

jens holm

the are no globalists.

there are the rest of the world and russia only.

in that there are western economics. where more or less own each other by stockholding

jens holm

western economics make me pay more for electricity than all europe 65% income tax—we so happy 35% need mental health treatment

jens holm

in my nursing home we prefer losing


the western new way of “winning”.

jens holm

i never wrote that

jens holm

i did writ but in senility me confused

Hunter Biden

stop taking hallucinogens son of a bitch

Last edited 7 months ago by Hunter Biden

in neo-fascist russia this year alone, 48 journalists and opposition activists died, which is implacable. everything that has a brief whiff of freedom or that threatens the corrupt elite that threatens the west but has their children studying in london, new york, geneva, etc. kills, because power trembles, no one wants to lose the perks and bribes


assange sabe o que é o “reino da liberdade” dos eua e tuck carson foi demitido da mídia por fazer perguntas que encomodava.

jens holm

insect brain spider amerikunty amusing but wrong as always

Edgar Zetar

real journalist or recruited by c.i.a? russia is not playing anymore, their blood are spilled all over ukraine so they won’t play anymore the westerners game and won’t deal with the supreme hegemon anymore.

jens holm

how are things in the paleo-fascist ukraine? you know, parubiy, and biletsky, and yarosh and c14, etc.

jens holm

ukras has hard times.

jens holm

my rear like lgbt hard times

jens holm

ukra was hard many times in bus station toilet. anoos pain.


now that amerikan fake media admits russian victory the cia trolls humiliated retreat to lgbt trail park

jens holm

i am dump dane in amerikan world—broken senile tape recording


treba postupovať pomaly s rozvahou a čo najmenšími stratami. netreba sa vrhať do nepremyslených útokov. treba využiť teraz výhodu ktorá sa po oslobodení avdijivky naskytla. treba zužitkovať zmätok v radoch zdecimovaného nepriateľa. banderovskí fašisti sú teraz dezorientovaný a preto sú aj zraniteľní. svetu mier!!!


after numerous humiliation by taliban my hillbilly clown show expect humiliation by russia
