Russian MoD: Militants Led By HTS Are Massing In Demilitarized Zone, Could Attack Hama

Russian MoD: Militants Led By HTS Are Massing In Demilitarized Zone, Could Attack Hama

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Radical militants are massing in the southern part of Idlib’s demilitarized zone under the leadership of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, head of the Russian Centre for Syrian Reconciliation, Maj. Gen. Viktor Kupchishin, revealed during a press conference on May 4.

“According to information available at this point groups of militants under the command of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham have been building up strength near Latamna and Kafer-Zaita in the south of the de-escalation zone Idlib over the past few days,” the Russian news agency, TASS, quoted Kupchishin as saying.

Maj. Gen. Kupchishin added that this strike force could soon launch a large-scale attack on the government-held part of Hama.

The Russian commander also warned that the situation in the demilitarized zone is getting worse. According to him, militants are still launching attacks on civilian areas around Idlib.

“As it was stated earlier, the air base Hmeimim and also Syrian government forces in Latakia province were repeatedly attacked lately from the militants’ positions in the areas of Qalaat al-Mudiq and Bab Atiqa in the western part of the mentioned zone with the use of multiple rocket launchers and drones. From the southern part of the de-escalation zone Idlib militants repeatedly mount fire attacks on the positions of government troops in Mahardah and Skelbia,” Kupchishin said.

Last week, Russian and Syrian warplanes resumed their airstrikes on militants’ positions in southern Idlib and northern Hama in response to the repeated attacks. Dozens of airstrikes are being carried out every day.

Despite these airstrikes, Idlib militants appear to be determined to escalate the situation further. This could force Moscow and Damascus to launch a military operation around the northern governorate. Pro-government sources have claimed that such an operation is now being prepared.

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Xoli Xoli

Good intelligence now attack before their hide or attack Syrian forces.

You can call me Al

I would agree with that, but I have a feeling this is a set up – either to distract from something else, or set Syria / Russia off against Turkey or something like that.

Harry Smith

Or maybe it’s kinda warning? Like: in case if… – we warned you.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont think syria need any one to set her up against turkey, they know very well who was the main force beside the destruction of their country, from day one. On the other hand is the russians that have the love affair with the turks, not the syrians and I dont think russia plans any time soon to drop turkey as the only one they have


Russia naively thinks that somehow Turkey will abandon US masters and NATO overlords, perhaps Putin has not read Russian historical conflicts with the treacherous Turks who will double cross anyone. Erdogan has the same corrupt Ottoman mentality. Selling the Turks S-400 and the most secretive SU-57 is total insanity, might as well sell them to the US instead as that is where Russian technology will end up.

Harry Smith

Kurds with access to the oil are the existential threat to the Turkey as a state. It will lead to the civil war inside Turkey. So Turkey has no other choice, but grant the absence of the control of Kurds at the territory with oil.

Jens Holm

Another joke of the worst kind. SDFs are there and not Kurds as well as any from there has to sell to someone.

There is no independent Kurdistan as well as they have no transportation out for crude oil as well as fuel.

Iddijot. Do You know what a map is ????

Harry Smith

Well, now you have to tell it to Erdogan, that SDF are not Kurds. Maybe you would have some kind of success. Who knows? Maybe you have better info then Turkish special agency.

As for transportation, there are some pipelines, as I remember. Nobody can guarantee, that Kurds would get some oil fields with the access to the pipeline in exchange to the control over their territory given to the Assad. And Assad has nothing against the civil war in Turkey.

Jens Holm

I never has tryed to tell people like Erdogan anything. According to Darwin and Wikifreaks all AKP children will be born witout ears.

I know all details for any transportation of oil as well as gas in that area as well as the most infantile assumptions You write about.

Kurds never should have any pipelines and dont see it as any option. Before it was Batthist private property. You seemes to prefare that. So what about the rest of the Syrians.

Mustafa Mehmet

Dreaming dream. on Syrian land you seen nothing yet

Harry Smith

All is matter of trade. I.E. Kurds can lay down the arms and get their autonomy like it was before the war with some access to the oil. The oil will be transported via Syrian pipelines, so the Damascus would control the exports. This scenario, I think, is very acceptable for Assad, but suicidal for Erdogan.

Promitheas Apollonious

or maybe his plans and your plans are not the same. I dont think it is anything about the turks or history Putin dont know. You confusing manipulating towards one action an enemy as turks are to the russians with ignorance.

As for what they give to the turks and what they keep for them selves is two different stories.

Jens Holm

You see nothing and hardly know why Turks would like to buy them as well.

Mustafa Mehmet

Why you always blame turks. one idiot make decisions on his own about Syria (Erdoğan) most of the Turkish people don’t agree what is happening in Syria we are neighbours we have to Peaceful with each other do not forget turks harboring over 3 mil Syrian

Promitheas Apollonious

i dont blame the turks as a population or blame any one for that matter. When we discuss here we discuss whom represent you as a country and their actions, as well the involvement of the turks day one creating isis. speaking of facts you dont blame any one. Now if you feel someone blames you that be guilty consciousness.

I think you confuse what you or how you wish it to be with the strategies and policies of who govern you. meaning the majority of the turks dont agree with you. People deserve the leaders they get since are the ones voting for them.

Mustafa Mehmet

Majority of Turkish people don’t agree with Erdoğan. but he did the right thing crossing the border to get rid of isis and pkk and pyg

Promitheas Apollonious

ok you use selective memory. ertogan and his grey wolves are major players in creating isis and supporting it to this day no matter how many names they change them. as for majority of turks not agree with him … i said more than 50% support his actions so are you too. As for the kurds zioslaves who ever get rid of them have my blessing.

Harry Smith

If most of the Turks are against Erdogan, then how he won the elections?

Mustafa Mehmet

Like every other leaders cheating

Harry Smith

Correct me if I am wrong, but you voted Erdogan after several years of Syrian war and his exposure of DAESH connection.

Mustafa Mehmet

correct you i never vote for erdogan

Harry Smith

Well, Mustafa, if you never voted for Erdogan, but he won the election just means you does not represent the opinion of the majority of Turks. That’s nothing wrong with it, because most of the people on this web-site are not the electoral majority in their countries. So, please, take my advice: it is better to say that you are Turk and you are not agree with Erdogan, then say it as a majority of Turks. Because if you say about majority, it means you lie and nobody will trust you here anymore.

Mustafa Mehmet

I’m Turkish and I got my rights say I don’t agree with Erdoğan inside turkey policy.

Jens Holm

None knows what they are doing there at all. None. Much like a competitions in stupidity. We see how the real regulars are.


Rebels feel strongly for Aleppo Hama Douma among many other areas.

They also feel strongly about an Islam first in Syria, and secular is merely a facade for zionist poison.

Rebels are wise and are in it for the long war, not the assheadist propaganda catered to western cucks.

Anyone who relies on the west knows they will get tossed like whores eventually, so dont whore yourself, and be a based Rebel even though its 1000x tougher (We are real Men).


“Real Men” would have liberated Palestine and Iraq.


We still have Gaza and still going strong. And we still have Idlib. And our backup is Taliban.

The rest of you can join us fight us or leave.


You have done jackshit so far, all your pathetic ilk has done is to kill fellow Muslims and behead them. Totally cowardly behavior, no wonder 6 million so-called Jews are running you around like circus monkeys.


Superfly even ice t ice cube are still house niggers. And house niggers (who live with jews in americuck and eurocunt), are the biggest circus monkeys.

Hanny Benny

get your calipHell and stfn


Gazans are Allied with Idlibi.

Paul Sharpe

Israel funded you, armed you and treated your wounded. There is no greater traitor than an Arab licking Israel’s boot.


Muslim Brotherhood are more Islamic than Asshead.

We consider Muslims in kikerael as traitors.

Promitheas Apollonious

some of them israel armed and treated, the majority of them, turks with saudi financing are responsible for.


Israel made an incursion into the UN supervised DMZ in Golan to close a road the IDF had built to supply weapons and supplies to the terrorists.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am fully aware of all done against syria as well by whom. I dont disagree with what you said just added to it.


They don’t stand any chance
But they can still try
Probably they don’t like to live they prefer to dye


With all due respect, it was Russian vacillating policies and cutting deals with these putrid terrorists and their Turk supporters that allowed them to consolidate around Idlib and now they are once again sowing the seeds of a long terror war with US help all over Syria. Russia needs to a make a clear choice or this war will never end.

Jens Holm

No it wasnt. Assads did terror against wast parts of the populations during many years and even any opposition was eliminated, they by good reasons thanked very much as uprisers, when they suddenly at least could shoot back.

Its normal faire. PKK is made by Turks in the same way. As long as fx Human Rights dont improve a lot, opposition will grow, and if none listen and make needed changes, they will grow from the unborn for good reasons.

Extremisme only can be kept down by inclusing all in equal and fair rights for a good life.

I see none of that in Syria and its about the same in Turkey apart from the level.


Carpet bombing on theirs positions and they will back down


It will take more than that, Russia/Soviets made the same mistake in Afghanistan in the 1980’s and did not impose a cost on Pakistan which was the CIA conduit just like Turkey is today. The stakes are much higher today as Russia itself will be a target soon if it fails in Syria.


Russia will not fail, Russia is not America.


Sorry, the track record speaks differently so far. Hope you are right though.

Promitheas Apollonious

Time will tell my friend not us on that point.

Jens Holm

USSR has learned a lot since Afghanistan as well as Tjetjenia.

Russia already has won. They have “Low Syria”, which is easier to control and now is equipped with better bases then ever.

You can say the same for USA. Assads are reduced to hardly nothing.

Turks are not winners as well. Erdogans AKPs has their dirty hands in the soup and the Jihadists having a hard time too.

The remains names as Daesh/ISIS are reduced, but semes to be reduced well even the last part remain as at least something.

Russia already are targeted by ISIS. That why they as everybody else fight them.

Mustafa Mehmet

With out ground force. nevermind how much you carpet bomb them just waste your time and very very costly

Jens Holm

I agree. Its well known for most normal people, that everything is digged well for years and results will remain low – and very espensive as well.

Jens Holm

19 million Syrian in Syria will solve a lot :)

Keep it Real

time for some tactical nukes!

Promitheas Apollonious

cut down on the drugs.

Keep it Real

the USA uses them in yemen! So why not!


US has used DU ammo in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan. Iraqi children are still born with deformities and the same is seen in Afghanistan and Yemen.

Promitheas Apollonious

Just follow my advice and stop hallucinating.

Taz T

They have to be eliminated but it looks like the Russian have made a deal with their Turkish friend so they can sell more arms to Turkey, keep Syria weak and Israel happy.


Russia is making perhaps the worst strategic mistake by selling its most modern weaponry to a historical and most untrustworthy enemy Turkey. Eventually these weapons will end up in NATO hands against Russia. This is simply insanity.

Jens Holm

Thats crap of the worst kind. Turks already are armed to the teaths, and isnt it better for them and You, they buy russian missiles. They will buy missiles – they will.

Hasbara Hunter

Burn everything Moving…Walking or Crawling in the Demilitarized Zone….Scorched Earth Policy…


Maybe you could do that personally – kids, elderly and all the animals. You absolute sociopathic looser!!!!


Ahh showing me your porn stash. Do you get aroused by posting this kind of stuff.

Hasbara Hunter

It’s from your Khazarian Master’s Snuff-Movie Collection….now go jerk yourself off Hasbara-Faggot


Oh come you use your own material – oh sorry you already did. Bet your hard drive is full of this snuff stuff – why the name change Nirjan?


Is that your family album!


Yeah exactly, kill the terrorists families, it works.
Israel does it all the time, and it works.


I’m guessing the camel and dog that produced you are watching their backs.

Hasbara Hunter

What are you doing in here anyway boy….lookin’ for Trouble? Hasbararats should piss off…and go back to the shithole they came from…perhaps you should kill some Palestinian Kids If you’ve got nothing else to do…


CrititcalshiteaterIQ1 what kind of absolute, sociopath, imbecilic loser (‘looser’ lol) upvotes his own comments?


Wonderful Russia-Turkey agreement on Idlib since the terrorists have become stronger, deathly.and feel much safer. WoW ! Russia supporting Turkey plans.


Damn it Russia, you seeing them massing with your drones, why in the hell you don’t drop some 500 kg bombs on those masses.


Bring in the Grads!

Jens Holm

KInd of funny using the term “escalate” in the article.

What is ? Stupidity ?


Show them you are serious.

The only way to stop poor Arabs taking yankee dollars is to let them know they are putting their whole family at risk, not just themselves.