Russian MoD Details Results Of Recent Ground Operations, Strikes

Russian MoD Details Results Of Recent Ground Operations, Strikes

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The Russian Ministry of Defense detailed in its September 4 briefing the results of recent ground operations in different directions within the special military operation zone.

In the Volchansk and Liptsy directions, units of the Sever Group of Forces inflicted losses on Ukraine’s 23rd, 25th mechanized brigades, 82nd Air Assault Brigade and the 3rd National Guard Brigade near the settlements of Zolochev, Goptovka, Aleksandrovka and Velikiye Prokhody in the Kharkov region, according to the ministry.

“The AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] losses amounted to up to 75 troops, one armored personnel carrier, two motor vehicles and one 122 mm D-30 howitzer,” the ministry said. “One ammunition depot was destroyed.”

The ministry also announced that the Zapad Group of Forces had improved the tactical situation and inflicted losses on Ukraine’s 44th, 66th mechanized brigades, 63rd Motorised Infantry Brigade and the 1st National Guard Brigade near the settlements of Petropavlovka, Kolesnikovka in Kharkov as well as the settlements of Makeyevka and Chervonaya Dibrova in the Lugansk People’s Republic.

The Russian military group also managed to repel a counter-attack that was launched by the 3rd Assault Brigade in its direction.

“The AFU losses amounted to up to 480 troops, one infantry fighting vehicle, three motor vehicles, one United States-made 155 mm M198 howitzer, one 152 mm Msta-B howitzer, one 122 mm D-30 howitzer, two United Kingdom-made 105 mm L-119 howitzers, one U.S.-made 105 mm M101 howitzer and one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar,” the ministry said, adding that “five AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.

The Yug Group of Forces also improved the tactical situation along the front lines, according to the ministry, which said that the group inflicted losses on the 23rd, 24th, 30th mechanized brigades, 46th Airmobile Brigade, 143rd Infantry Brigade and the 101st Territorial Defence Brigade near the settlements of Zaliznyanskoye, Georgiyevka, Chasov Yar and Konstantinovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

In addition, the ministry said that the group repelled two counter-attacks which were carried out by the 116th Territorial Defence Brigade.

“The AFU losses amounted to up to 670 troops, three motor vehicles, two U.S.-made 155 mm M777 howitzers, two 152 mm D-20 guns, one 122 mm D-30 howitzer and one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar. One ammunition depot was destroyed,” it added.

The ministry also confirmed in the briefing that the Tsentr Group of Forces had fully liberated the settlement of Karlovka in Donetsk.

“Losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware of the AFU 32nd, 100th mechanized brigades, 119th Territorial Defence Brigade and the 15th National Guard Brigade near Shcherbinovka, Dzerzhinsk, Ukrainsk, Dimitrov and Selidovo in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Seven counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of the 53rd Mechanised Brigade, 71st Jaeger Brigade, 25th Airborne Brigade of the AFU, 37th Marine Brigade, 14th National Guard Brigade and the Lyut Assault Brigade of the National Police of Ukraine were repelled,” the ministry said, detailing the group’s recent operations.

“The AFU losses amounted to more than 480 troops, one U.S.-made MaxxPro armored fighting vehicle, two motor vehicles, one 152 mm Msta-B howitzer, one 122 mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system,and one 100 mm Rapira anti-tank gun,” it added

The settlement of Prechistovka in Donetsk was also fully liberated by the Vostok Group of Forces, according to the ministry.

“Losses were inflicted on formations of the 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade of the AFU and 117th Territorial Defence Brigade near Shakhtyorskoye, Dobrovolye in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Priyutnoye in the Zaporozhye region. One counter-attack launched by an assault detachment of the AFU 72nd Mechanised Brigade was repelled,” it said. “The AFU losses amounted to up to 150 troops and five motor vehicles.”

From its side, the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on Ukraine’s 37th Marine Brigade and 39th Coastal Defence Brigade near the settlements of Berislav, Tokarevka, Verovka in the Kherson region and the settlement of Tamarino in the region of Nikolayev.

“The AFU losses amounted to up to 80 troops and three motor vehicles. Two ammunition depots and one electronic warfare station were destroyed,” the ministry said.

Also in the briefing, the ministry revealed that Ukraine’s 179th Joint Training Centre in the city of Poltava was struck on September 3 because of its role in attacks on Russian territory.

“The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered a precise strike at the AFU 179th Joint Training Centre in Poltava, where under supervision of foreign instructors signal and electronic warfare specialists from all formations and military units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were trained as well as UAV [unmanned aerial vehicles] operators, which deliver strikes at civilian objects on the territory of the Russian Federation,” it said.

As a result of the strike, some 300 Ukrainian troops and NATO trainers were reportedly killed or wounded. Many were evacuated to hospitals outside of Ukraine.

The ministry also revealed that the target of a group strike that was launched on September 4 morning was Ukrainian defense industry facilities based in the region of Lvov.

“Today in the morning, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered a group strike by long-range precision weaponry including Kinzhal hypersonic air-launched ballistic missiles and attack UAVs to hit Ukrainian defense industry facilities based in Lvov, which manufactured and repaired electronic components of AFU aircraft and missile weaponry,” the ministry said, stressing that “the goal of the strike was achieved. All the assigned targets were engaged.”

Separately, the ministry announced that the Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces engaged Ukrainian manpower and hardware clusters in 129 areas over the past 24 hours.

During the same period, Russian air defenses shot down 11 U.S.-made HIMARS projectiles and 30 UAVs, according to the ministry.

“In total, 642 airplanes and 283 helicopters, 31,017 unmanned aerial vehicles, 575 air defense missile systems, 17,814 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 1,435 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 14,039 field artillery guns and mortars as well as 25,556 units of support motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation,” the ministry concluded.

All in all, recent Russian ground operations and strikes inflicted heavy material and human losses on Kiev forces. With the Western-backed regime in Kiev showing no signs of backing down, Ukraine’s losses will only continue to grow. The country could eventually collapse.


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Crocus Shooting Gallery

every day more orcs are converted into useful fertilizer…heheheh


that does seem to be the case, given these apparent losses by the armed forces of the failed ukrainian cia project.

Colony Camp Humphrey

damn you’re pathetic like ukro foreign minister who resigned and you definitely know that’s a sign that shit is going to end soon.


not only the fm but 4 more ministers are outed by nazischwein zelensky.


dobrá práca!!! ďalších cca 2000 banderovských fašistov, prdí do hliny. to by šlo!!! svetu mier!!!


it looks like a load of swedish “advisors” were smoked in a missile attack on poltava. so sad.


“as a result of the strike, some 300 ukrainian troops and nato trainers were reportedly killed or wounded”

another sad day to be a ukronazi or foreign pig. don’t worry ukrainians, ziolensky thanks you in advance, what’s left of yur shit hole excuse for a country can be repaired in about 300 years.


it’s pretty obvious that they are, manoeuvring for another 100 hundred years, war

Last edited 11 days ago by Anonymous
homer simpson

only obvious to moron amerikunt–very original🤣🤣


the rumoured swedish victims in poltava is probably true despite and much because of that the swedish msm and mod and other institutions are mum on the subject. had no swedes been involved, the press and the mod would have had a field day laughing themselves into sheer stupidity. but no, not a word in the papers or on the telly would indicate that they prefer to keep it under wraps! close look at the obituaries the next few weeks!!
