A Russian military delegation visited the Iranian embassy in Syria to pay tribute and express condolences to the Iranian nation in connection with the US assassination of the Qods Force’s General Suleimani. General Aleksandr Chayko, the commander of the Russian military force in Syria, can be seen in the photos.
I wish the representatives of my country had dignity and the courage to make this gesture of respect towards a sovereign nation attacked in every way by USSrahell.
they never will,
they are mental slaves.
I wish the same, and am in Britain.
Your Foreign Secretary is jewish. There is no hope
The whole cabinet is on approval of the Zionist elite, like most of Westminster.
Ditto, from the UK.
If I only knew that you 2 were from UK,
I would treat you differently, but now is to late…Or is it :-)
The fact that the Rothschild family seem to be based in Britain speaks volumes about the the state of your country
It certainly does.
As well as corrupt weak spineless cowards who will never stand up for what’s right that’s who they promote into positions of power in the western world
If Russia is smart then they will offer way more support than this symbolism.
So, now you think you’re smarter than Russian military expert / people in Kremlin? My my….
Of course he is.
He had one week crush course on geopolitics in Middle East.
So now he knows everything.
He just doesn’t want to brag about it.
So you are saying that you already know that Russia has no plans to offer more support? How do you know this? Are you part of the Russian military or government?
In answer to your question, that remains to be seen.
trust me they move their missile system into iran if requested!
Yes,key words: if requested, Russia, unlike the US, respects the sovereignty of other countries. (Oops, I commented twice more!.)
I don’t think the Ukrainians would agree about Russia nor did most all the countries if the world who voted to condemn them for their illegal annexation of Crimea. And then there is the history of the Soviet Russian Empire and the earlier Czarist Empire. Respecting other people’s sovereignty was never a strong suit for Russia and the Russians throughout history and up to today.
Not likely.
I would hope so.
They are smart enough not to ask you.
So they will be OK….
Boy! You really told me.
Liberals. LOL Poor things.
This will show if Putin is Russian or Israeli.
Mr. Putin is Orthodox Christian, just like his mother. His mom snuck him into Church when he was a baby and had him baptized. His dad was a communist but his mom snuck him into Church anyway. He was baptized by Patriarch Kirill’s father.
Putin was a top Communist KGB operative and anything but an Orthodox Christian. He was a Communist and leader of the KGB while they persecuted the Orthodox Church and observant members.
You indoctrinated retarded simpleton.
You understand jack s**t about communism or Eastern Europe.
One could have been baptized and communist in the same time.
In those days it was impossible to be in KGB or have ANY important job in USSR without being member of the party.
People would become members when they wanted to make any kind of carrier. It was pure formality and it didn’t cost them anything
So everybody was member of the party (including Angela Merkel) including all post Soviet era politicians in Eastern Europe!!!
They were all ex communists without exception!
If that is the case it seems he has changed a lot he’s been criticized in Russia for too many liberal reforms
So am I, does this mean anything?
Do you think people are capable of deception?
He considers Israel sort of a Russian country given the great proportion of Russians there. Who knows, he may be considering annexing Tel Aviv.
Being Russian doesn’t mean that one is more Syrian or Iranian than Russian.
You belong to very big group of hypocrites on this forum created often by the people whose countries are responsible for all this injustice and mess.
So you all think that Russia has obligation to put her own survival in peril to save everybody else.
USSR had 27 millions of dead after WW2 from whom Russian’s were huge majority. So it is perfect solution for you HYPOCRITES that Russians get killed for the freedom of other countries.
One thing is sure US are Israeli slaves and war against Iran only can confirm that.
Nahhhhhhh…they are smart and that is why they will keep their distance. And Islamist Iran’s other supposed great ally showed their incredible support by reading a Chinese fortune cooky that said, Can’t we all just get along?
Well, I was going to down vote you for your first sentence but then I read the rest which needs an up vote. I’m wondering if there is some sarcasm here. I’m so confused. LOL.
They already have just quietly
I wish my country was not one of the world’s leading terrorist states-from America. God bless you, Russia, Syria and any supporters of Gen.Soliemani and the fight against terrorism . God bless you Iran and the Quds Force, Hezbollah, Ansar Allah in Yemen, and the Palestinians. God is going with you.
K.B. if I was American I would stay out of politics and news about US foreign policy as much as I can.
I doubt that anything good can come out of this situation for US and everything that will follow later on will be even much worse.
So why don’t you do yourself favor and stay out? Life is already complicated enough as it is, no need for more complications and bad vibes…
Sir, I don’t know what you mean. Do you mean for my own safety and to protect myself from “bad vibes”? Do you mean my comments add “bad vibes”? Do you mean concentrate on womanly pursuits such as house cleaning and cooking? Do you mean leave this to the men and/or soldiers? Do you mean “don’t worry my pretty head about such matters”? Do you mean women are too stupid to know about such things? Do you think women are too fragile to know this stuff, when unarmed women and children are the ones most often subjected in war to death and maiming, with no means to protect themselves?
I must disagree. For one thing, I have Bachelor of Arts in Native American Studies (I’m 1/4 American Indian) and a Master’s in Criminal Justice and am therefore interested in law and the breaking of it, especially thieves, murderers and rogue states which break international law and terrorize innocent civilians, as the US gov’t has done for its entire history. Also, in many American Indian Tribes, it was not traditionally thought that women should keep out of politics. The Iroquois grandmothers chose the leaders, and if they thought one was too warlike, they deposed him. War effects women and children most horribly, and the Iroquois were wise enough to know this and to seek the grandmother’s leadership about war. Not in strategy or tactics or battle, but in whether to allow it at all.
And as a Christian (Orthodox) I feel it t is my job to pray for God’s protection on the people beset with terrorism. I have to know what’s going on before I can pray correctly for the innocent civilians being murdered daily. .
Now if you have a reasonable objection to a woman, or in particular myself, knowing about crime and war on the innocent, I might follow your advice. But if you’re just bothered by a woman being on this site (maybe you like to cuss?) because it’s inconvenient for you personally, I’d like to hear other people’s opinions on this. If a bunch of you want me to stop commenting I will. But I will still keep myself informed about what,in my opinion, it is imperative for ordinary citizens to know.
If you are what you say you, excellent and fitting response even if I strongly disagree with many of your political comments.
Warrior of the Light, shine on brightly.
I am sorry KB for expressing myself wrongly.
You got my comment all upside down and it is my fault.
I find even absurd to explain now how my comment was well intended and that I did not mean any of those things you are mentioning.
It most definitely has nothing to do with those things you are mentioning.
So I would just avoid the long explaining and drop the subject all together.
Z.P. Ignore my comment
I will if I just find out which one is it.
I insulted you,……………. without putting my brain in gear……….and wish to apologise.
No need for that at all. We are all but humans.
To be honest I don’t remember at all of your insult. .
But if that makes you feel good about yourself , no problem.
I often insult people (sometimes even deliberately) and sometimes I apologies also.
My persistent mistakes help me to understand others. But it is process. Nobody is perfect.
Take care!
If you actually are an American, you are a traitor by supporting our enemies and internationally designated terrorist groups. But most likely, you are just another Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll posting for their Vodka ration and a draft deferment.
The traitors of US are in Washington on the Wall Street, Pentagon and MSM and MIC.
They have taken power from the people to themselves and totally robbed America blind.
No your the fucking traitor you support the globalists and foreigners that have taken over your country by stealth
I feel good vibes coming from you can i ask if many other Americans feel the same way as you do as it’s hard to know what the people of America really think about things as the msm just twists things in the wrong way all the time
They already did (together with China) they blocked US resolution passing Security Council with the condemnation of the recent protest against the US embassy in Baghdad.
They were targeting pro-Iranian forces in Iraq and of course Iran.
I do note that Russia was not represented at the funeral in Tehran where it would count. Of course, maybe they didn’t want to be too close to any Islamist Iranian leader.