Russian Large-Scale Combat Actions In Ukraine Expected In February

Russian Large-Scale Combat Actions In Ukraine Expected In February

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Belarus is considered to become the main springboard for the upcoming offensive.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

A new wave of activity is expected for the Russian special military operation during February. The recent changes in the command of the operation appear to have been carefully planned in order to elevate the combat to a new level and several of Moscow’s strategic objectives may soon be achieved, radically changing the course of the conflict.

According to information provided by Russian military, a major offensive is being prepared for the period between February and early March. The informants say that the objectives will be:

  1. Reaching the borders of the regions recently reintegrated into the Russian Federation, pacifying the new oblasts;
  2. capturing Nikolaev, Odessa, as well as the entire Black Sea coast, reaching Transnistria;
  3. seizing Kiev, forcing a political capitulation of the neo-Nazi regime until early March.

The territory of Belarus will become the main springboard for the upcoming strike. Mobilized Russian servicemen are being trained in training camps in Belarus, where heavy military equipment and combat aircraft are concentrated. A large bombardment force is in readiness for action. Also, Russian forces in Belarus have been collecting strategic information on the location of Ukrainian units, mainly about Kiev’s air defense, gathering intelligence data that will be used to plan the attacks.

In parallel to Belarus, Zaporozhye and Lugansk are also key zones for the Russian strategy. It is expected that massive attacks will come from these regions during the offensive, destroying enemy units in a short period of time which will allow a rapid Russian advance on the battlefield, reaching the zones listed in the above-mentioned objectives.

Sources also report that for the offensive to be successful Russian forces will focus on blocking all enemy’s supply lines. The main route of arrival of supplies to Ukraine is the border with Poland, where there is the transit of NATO’s ammunition and military equipment.

In fact, the battlefield conditions seem favorable for these objectives to be achieved. The Ukrainian forces are currently exhausted and weak. On the other hand, the mobilized Russian soldiers are fully prepared to engage in high-intensity combats. In addition, Russian artillery positions in Belarus and in the liberated territories have a privileged location, which significantly increases the chances of victory in the coming offensive.

Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, was promoted to the position of Commander of the Joint Forces of the Russian Federation in the Special Military Operation Zone. Gerasimov’s arrival to power seems to have been a move towards the final stage of the special military operation.

His predecessor, General Surovikin played an important role while in command. A veteran of Chechnya and Syria and having extensive experience in counterterrorism, Surovikin was appointed to the post at a time when Ukrainian terrorist actions were on the rise. He fulfilled the goal of neutralizing the enemy’s offensive potential with his strong actions on the Ukrainian critical infrastructure, at the same time that he saved thousands of Russian lives with his policy of avoiding trench warfare and prioritizing long-distance bombing. Now, however, the special military operation needs a new direction.

And this was the main reason for the appointment of Valery Gerasimov. As Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, he is undoubtedly the most prestigious Russian officer and therefore the right man to lead the operation’s most decisive moves. The objective now is no longer to break the enemy’s offensive potential, but to force Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime into capitulation through a huge offensive.

After so many Russian attempts to negotiate a peaceful resolution, with the Ukrainian government ignoring them and insisting on an irresponsible military campaign, now there seems to be no other possible end to the conflict than a Russia’s offensive strong enough to liberate the entire Ukrainian coastline and capture Kiev.


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Max Schmidt

Thanks for the report my brother.


Mid March will show a sharp turn in everything. The west will be livid.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

let them bitches be livid

Miki Miric

Hahaha Ukrajina je ovaj rat izgubila još pre nego je i počeo

Ghost of Moscow 👻

Hey everyone check out this link on Odysee: A small squad of Ukrainian Soldiers get ahold of a Russian ration, they mock it untill they open it, you can hear one soldier saying f*** my life, and another in background asking how can the Russian Federation afford to feed their soldiers so good!

You can tell after watching the video that the Ukrainian Government must be struggling to feed their soldiers, because the Ukrainians in the video starts opening the packages and eating it, while being amazed that the average Russian Soldier gets all of this everyday!


I think the likelihood of a potential attack from Belarus is low. Number of troops there are insufficient (5000-10000) and they are foreseen to divert ukrops from Donbass.

My bet is, Kremlin will try to reach the administrative borders of 4 oblasts East of Dnieper, so, the majority of the offensive would still take place in Lugansk, Donetsk and perhaps Zaporozhye.


I said elsewhere on a different post that there has been large number of Russian Troops being deployed to Belarus. There is a combined force of Belarus and Russians where 5-10 thousand Russians are involved. In the last month, words is that another 15-20 thousand troops and armour and artillery has entered Belarus. We also should expect Belarus participation with several thousand troops and equipment. This puts the figure around 50 to 60 thousand minimum on the northern front. A sizable force given the diminished enemy numbers. Meanwhile between 200 and 300 thousand soldiers from the east will push west as many western military officials have identified. This army severely outnumber Ukraines current combat force. If Russia was able to hold and break Ukraine when outnumbered, imagine the progress when Ukraine is outnumbered.

Formerly Ghost of Moscow 👻

I hope you are right, because it’s about time Putin puts a end to the Ukrainian War and crush once and for all!


Belorussian army has 50 thousand troops. Minsk called the reservists for training during last months, so they are able to double their numbers, if they have enough equipment. Though i think the Minsk army group will not participate in conflict, playing the role of counterbalance for Poland and prevent them from invasion to Lvov. Poland is possible to attack at Minsk direction, if so, they will also attack our Kaliningrad exclave, and our troops will have to break through so called Suwalki corridor to cut off Pribaltica from Poland and create land supply route to Kaliningrad.


If this was true it wouldn’t be published here, or anywhere.

More Psyops.


It’s a bit of an open secret that’s not really a secret anymore. An offensive is coming. The target goals are clear. The only question is when and how large the initial bombardment will be.


If there is it needs to be massive and overwhelming to leave no doubt about how this will end,the only people who know what the plan is are the Russian military,we can only guess.


How long will it be before the junta in Kiev fall! It is only a matter of time before the regime in Kiev flees the country to avoid capture either by the Russian military or that of the Ukrainian military themselves. Zelensky looks to Poland as an escape route

Last edited 2 years ago by Bobo
Oh the humanity of it all

Zelensky will be killed either by his own troops or by gypsies (read on) before he ever reaches Poland. Washington had an evacuation plan for him but changed it at the last minute when the ASPCA successfully lobbied to airlift stray dogs out of Kiev first, like they did in Afghanistan. Now they’re planning to smuggle him out in high heels and a wig in a gypsy caravan but since the gypsies were so maltreated by the banderites, they have their own plans for him and it ain’t pretty.


I nominate this glorious vision to be adapted into a movie and premiered at Cannes.

Perhaps the movie will chasten the gods to make it come true. The Gypsy denouement is sublime.


Un peu d’humour fait du bien !!! Cette crapule de Zelensky est de toutes façons condamné fusse par la CIA ou le Mossad ou M 16!!! Il ne sert plus à rien sinon que polariser les concertations politique ! Il sera butté! Peut être dans des chiottes afin de faire endosser l’exécution aux services Russe…….


It can last a long time. The South Vietnam regime lasted 15 years on USA life support, financial and military, then when that stopped, it collapsed into none existence in 1 year 1974-1975.

Ukraine is still on NATO life support. The EU has pledged €18bn this year to keep the government going. The IMF has granted a large loan. I think the Kiev regime carries on until change of governments in the EU that then stop support, or a collapse in the value of the EUR, because of debt and hyper inflation.

I do not think the Zelensky Kiev regime will last as long as South Vietnam, as NATO’s finances are a mess. 2 years max until NATO Europe political support stops or is worthless. Most likey winter 2023, as then NATO Europe gas will be empty.


If any sources in the Russian military really released their upcoming battle strategy someone would be charged with treason.

Nose, Nose

True, but if you have satellite imagery, an understanding of military strategy and some thinking capacity of your own, you might be able to reach such conclusions without someone needing to spill the beans.


“According to information provided by Russian military”
And where are those sources?

What you write may or may not happen. I’d be super happy if it actually happens. But sadly, the truth is that you’ve pulled all this out of your ass because Russian military has never provided such information.

Adam Kafei

It’s the same as “unnamed sources” in western media and should be taken with an equal amount of salt.

Formerly Ghost of Moscow 👻

Exactly what I was thinking.


With salt from Soledar, he-he.


If Russia were to manage the logistical efforts necessary to launch and maintain a massive force attack, whether only from east (logistically easier) or from north, east and south (with amphibious assault from south) (a three pronged attack is far more complicated logistically), there would be great destabilization in many corners of the world. Israel vs. Iran; China to Taiwan; Azerbaijan to the Armenian phalanx separating Nakhichevan from Azerbaijan; etc. Every military everywhere harboring offensive aspirations would see this as an opportunity to go one on one with its adversary given that NATO and Russia would be too busy.


Well, no. The US and vassal forces in NATO are not coming to Ukraine’s aid if and when a large Russian offensive occurs. Israel does not have a hope in hell of directly attacking Iran, and never, ever will. The Armenians are using phalanxes? Is that a hipster thing?

Formerly Ghost of Moscow 👻

I don’t know Clyde because Israel just attacked a base on Iranian Soil it takes a lot of balls to do that, and the Iranians didn’t respond, I think Israel would crush Iran because first they get billions of dollars from the Americans every year and the latest military equipment for basically free! And not only that the US is a puppet government of Israel

Israel actually runs the U.S. Government and I highly suspect that in a War with Iran, Israel would just get American Boots on the ground in Iran and let Americans die and once the Iranians and Americans are done killing each other, the Zionist would just march in and pick up the pieces!

Last edited 2 years ago by Formerly Ghost of Moscow 👻

@Jon , I expect rather the opposite : the successful Russian offensive will calm down the hotheads worldwide and support the stabilising powers which rather avoid further war adventures.
There are alternative worldviews to the western “think tanks”: the people there discuss such ideas as peace negotiations and benefits of the multipolar world order , in which the main powers solve the problems without wars. It may seem complete crazy if you look the actual western TV , but reflects much better the reality of our 7-billion -people world.


I think the Russians will go for a coup de main. The flanks are covered south and north and the logistics aren’t there for an operation equivalent to operation Uranus or Mars. Anyway, this nonsense has to be brought to a halt:Ukraine cannot win and Russia cannot lose or WW3Bwil be triggered. I’m shocked that we all missed the significance of the shooting down of MH17 at the time.m


This is not WWII. The staging necessary for a coup de main would be immediately detected. And it would take weeks or months to assemble the manpower and equipment.

Most likely the slug fest at the front in the various battle centers will continue without either side breaking out and making a run through enemy lines. This slow battle of attrition favors the side with a deeper bench which is obviously Russia. The only question is can the political will on the Russian home front be maintained or is Putin reflecting the impatience of the Russian people when he orders a successful occupation to the Dnieper by March?


The Russians aren’t in a slug-fest. They’ve avoided that since the strategic goal of obtaining a rapid capitulation of the Kiev Klown Kabal was not met. The Ukrainians, on the other hand, have attempted offensives a few times, and there is every indication that they suffered considerable numbers of casualties, while the Russians simply melted away and bombarded the Ukrainians attempting to advance. Now the Russians, seemingly at their leisure, are engulfing and consuming the areas fortified by the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project in Donbas and Zaporyzhe. Always amusing to see you insert the Rand spin in your posts. Glory to heroes! Glory to US Military-Industrial Complex!

Formerly Ghost of Moscow 👻

The Russians are in a slug fest, this is a War, a Battle of Attrition, that the Ukrainians are losing but the Russians have also been losing needless casualties because of bad tactical and strategic decisions in the beginning of the Special Military Operation, but it appears that the Russians are finally getting their act together!

Also Clyde I’m sorry that I said I Hate You I don’t even know you, so how I can I Hate You and you know what since I said that I’m just going to say I Love You Clyde, there I feel better now!


Once Odessa falls and uniting Transnistria with Russia as well as the force from Belarus cuts the Polish – Ukraine border it will be all over. =Z=

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba

I don’t think Russia will do such a great offensive. Yes, Russia is theoretically capable of doing that, but Russia doesn’t have enough soldiers for that kind of operation. They just trained 350,000 soldiers and that is not sufficient number. Ukrainian officials are saying 500,000 soldiers of Russia just to get more weapons and money from the west. Russia will do sufficient operation to get full control of the 4 provinces and may be 1 additional province like Odessa region. I don’t think they will occupy Kiev. If they have big number of soldiers and control the whole of Ukraine to eliminate NAZI formations and the Ukraine military, that will be a good thing, but for that they need a million + soldiers.

NATO terrorists

Let’s sit back and watch the Nazis get destroyed again after 80 years.. Glory to Russia 🇷🇺


If this is the plan it might have been a good idea not to broadcast it,so maybe its a psyops to keep the Nazis wondering what and where next,same as the allies in WW2 the Nazis thought the main attack into France on D-Day would come through the Pas-De Calaise


Hallo , it’s my impression too. Much fog and rumours to confuse the enemy. What really comes , is mostly not good predicted , then rather surprise.
Very unprobable that these are really Russian sources. Or maybe some Russian psyop maneuver. Or maybe from the western direction.
It’s war : deception , lies and propaganda are part of it. We will see.
The fact is however : January is over and US/NATO/Ukrainian subordinates haven’t taken Crimea yet , as they quite official claimed to plan and to win in December. This must be at least accepted by the west supporters. The so called “Ukrainian army” is crumbling and vanishing , each day a little bit more.

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

I guess you missed the reality. There is no fog. There is a complete clarity in real time. 300 satelites over this small shithole. Not counting all other surveillance and intelligence. Fog is only in hicks and niggers heads. And maybe Chinese, since everybody is always quoting some imbecile idiot from China.


You mean Sun Tzu?


I have had confirmation that there are no ammunition factories in America. They have to be built, it takes 2 years if all goes well. But the right personnel is missing………….. in short, America has deindustrialized for a handful of dollars more, but it has no munitions factories, no metals, no electronic circuits, and the evil masters of America thought they were making wars with gossip?
Conversely Russia has ammunition, missiles, tanks, etc. in abundance and in continuous production.


If I was Putin, I would never talk about a war and a general mobilization. But I would add 500 000 Russian soldiers every 6 months until the general mobilization is effective. Then retake the Ukraine. In the same time retake control of Russian education system and entertainment industry, to de westernize it. The west has the bomb but has no soldiers. The “Elites” of Europe want that war but not the people. For decades, most of the native people of Germany, France, Italy, Spain, England… have been taught to hate their own country and their ancestors to accept to be replaced by mass immigration from Africa to create a “global world”. The replaced will not fight for a political system who hate them and want their death. The new “Europeans” will never fight to death for their “new home”. The only manpower NATO have is the people of eastern Europe which are still racially homogeneous. That’s one of the mains reasons why they go “All In” in Ukraine.

jens holm

I dont belieive SF but I her everyday comenting zhe interest texts they bring. For returning all. they went those .But in Danmark we go to sauni men women no problam. Biseksuel men also man. We respekt

Oh the humanity of it all

Men & women naked in saunas together? Danes have no libido, so women have nothing to worry about. That’s why your women all go to Italy for vacation, to get some action.

That’s all I could make out of your gibberish, The rest I threw out with the potato peelings.

Mighty Rusija

Time to get serious with these Globalist faggots…..Zelensky and his bitches must pay.

Psionists slaves of America

If Russian forces don’t advance in a decisive way before the spring, it will be game over for Putin by the summer and the only way for Russia not to lose Crimea will be to use tactical nukes to wipe out all the new Western weapons systems that Ukraine will be receiving.

Oh the humanity of it all

That’s just plain silly. Crimea’s as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. Ukraine will huff and puff and make farting noises just like Spain for 100 years and no one will care.

Formerly Ghost of Moscow 👻

I think you are right it’s time for Putin to take of the Gloves and actually fight to win!

Gerry Bell

Destroy NATO


Not sure there will be a “great offensive” as some people are predicting. Why waste the gas and leave a perfectly comfortable position when they come to you. It’s not like Russia is concerned about taking territory as much as they are destroying the enemy.

Mark Dankof

May this be the beginning of the bitter end of the Zionist-Neo Conservative Cabal and their New World Order. As Russia asserts its rights as a sovereign nation-state, may the people of the United States and Europe throw these bums out and into jail for the remainder of their miserable lives.

Don Krieg

You ruined the element of surprise

Tommy Lee

It’s not really a surprise when everybody already expects it.

Lance Ripplinger

I’m not sure I agree with the three actions listed. A major spearhead needs massive logistics. The Russians know this, and so I’m not convinced they are going to do a massive, multi-prong assault. The Russians are in a good position right now, where their supply lines are not overstretched. Also, I have yet to see Putin at all interested in conquering Ukraine. If he wanted Kiev taken, they could have done that back in Feb of last year. The Russians have all the time in the world, and so therefore the grinding war of attrition in the Donbass will continue.

Nose, Nose

The Russians don’t have all the time in the world. We thought so as well when they entered WW2 with little preparation. But during that time, America geared up mightily, and they may still break critical supporters of Russia along the way, leaving Russia exposed.


I think the Russians will have to take half of Ukraine up to the Dnieper river maybe a little beyond,there would be no point in taking Western Bandera infested Ukraine but they must also destroy what is left of Ukraine to have the ability to wage war and make sure Nazo can never occupy any of that land.

Tommy Lee

I find it difficult to believe that the Russian military would make such bold plans at this stage of the war.

jens holm

Rusticas vary vary bad

Isser Harel

The serpent is stirring: Russia must decapitate it before the viper strikes. Launch now or risk everything. The antichrist is in the west and Russia unites all faiths and is the Guardian standing watch.
The west cannot be saved, it has turned away from the creator and is enmeshed with evil.
Let the Bear loose upon the evil serpent before it is in striking position.
Each day the viper gets closer. Strike it down for Humanitys sake.


Let’s hope this article is a true reflection
