An unusual sky-written message appeared above Los Angeles on October 7. Russian-speaking residents and social media suggest that the celestial hashtag, #VVP67, was a nod to Russian President Vladimir Putin (often refered among the Russians as ‘VVP’ – Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin), who celebrated his 67th birthday on 7 October.
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#vvpg7 or #vvp67 – why did ya hire a #skywriter ??? What up!?! Read answer in thread below !
(((Hollywood citizens))) will now demand the FAA investigate this clear interference in democracy and elections. Wishing a foreign leader a happy birthday is clearly treason, unless it’s Netanyahu or Churchill, in which case it’s a legal holiday with paid time off.
True, sadly. Those two are some of the worse war mongers, war lords.
lol nice i wish i saw it
thank you Al!
Hopefully this is his last one . EH
I keep hoping that too but you keep popping up like some kind of retarded wack-a-mole.
HA HA you funny grumpy .
Couldn’t do it without you.
You mad bro vvp outsmarted you and your fascist chums??
Guess what , even if vvp goes, russians have outsmarted fascists before without putin and they can do it again.
But your just an ignorant peon, problem is you dont know how ignorant you are.
the canadian wanker is back.
where ya been?
getting your diaper changed?
Trollontescu Tontescu is actually from Romania: just a cheap, dumb bot paid to spam garbage on Disqus pretending to be ‘Canadian’. 100% fake.
thanx for the heads up.
Don’t worry bitch, he will live much longer than you….
Oliver Stone?
Fake news?