Russian FPV Suicide Drones Set Ukrainian Abrams Tank Ablaze (Video)

Russian FPV Suicide Drones Set Ukrainian Abrams Tank Ablaze (Video)

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The Russian military has destroyed yet another American-made M1A1 SA Abrams main battle tank of Kiev forces in the Donetsk direction.

The tank was attacked with FPV suicide drones near the settlement Evgenovka to the northwest of the city of Avdeevka. Video footage of that attack that surfaced online on July 7 showed multiple drones impacting the tank, with the last one igniting the ammunition stored in the rear of its turret.

Ukraine received 31 Abrams from the United States over the past year. Russian media sources claim that to half of these tanks have already been destroyed or damaged. All the losses were near Avdeevka.

The tank targeted near Evgenovka was upgraded with a cage armor and explosive reactive armor blocks. Still, Russian FPV suicide drones managed to kill it.

Ukraine withdrew all Abrams tanks from the front earlier this year as the result of the excessive use of drones by the Russian military, which made it too difficult for the tanks to operate without detection or coming under attack, according to The Associated Press. However, the advance of the Russian military near Avdeevka forced Kiev forces to redeploy the tanks.

A recent report by CNN acknowledged that the tank performed poorly in Ukraine and revealed that Kiev forces have been struggling just to keep their remaining Abrams operational.


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Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

the only times anglo-american military hardware works is in hollywood movies and cod video games.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

sorry, ukrozzz, but the war will continue until all ukrainian lands are liberated by rf!


Crocus Shooting Gallery

sorry orcs, but the war is going to continue until all ukrainian lands are liberated!

Crocus Shooting Gallery



or every nato soldier is dead which is more believable

Smokin' Joe Biden

att’a boy. that’s what we need, more brave ukrainians willing to fight to the last ukrainian. what’s your battalion, son?

The Math Whiz

joe, that smoke, is it coming out of your ears? – because that could mean cerebral spontaneous combustion.

don’t let your donors see that. how about one of those russian hats with the pull down earmuffs?

Last edited 3 months ago by The Math Whiz

you jooish whore will be hanging on thin steel cable attached to your cunt.

Republic of Texas

all hat, no cattle


when you summon the ghost army, ukraine might win.

but as is, the dead don’t fight. they just lay there.

so it ain’t gonna happen. ukraine will depopulate.


attrit and attrit

Smokin' Joe Biden

they’d better attrit because i’ll never admit that i don’t run the world. their death before my honor. that’s the american way.

Smokin' Joe Biden

i run the world. how come the russians don’t understand that like the europeans do?

g simmel

biden believes nursing home is the world


nice job blowing up the nordstream pipeline joe.

man those germans are pathetic. they’re like bath house gimps. they just keep taking it!


hmm, looks like their jamming tech is much more effective than russian jamming for drones. it took what, five, six attempts to actually make the kill shot?

The Math Whiz

five 2 thousand dollar drones to take out a 10 million dollar tank? sounds like pretty sound math to me.

The Math Whiz

oh, i forgot. the pentagon charged another half million for the rebar cope cage. 10.5 million it is.

Rebar Engineer

never weld rebar together, as it weakens it and promotes corrosion. use wire ties. next time, just encase the tank in rebar reinforced concrete, much safer.

Last edited 3 months ago by Rebar Engineer
General Dynamics

we’re working on giving our tanks a coat of flubber and everything will bounce off them.

the pentagon ate the idea up and we’ve got a billion dollar contract to start work on it.

it pays well to pay those retired generals to shill for us. some actually even thought it’d work. military intelligence, go figure. greatest cash register ringer since the invention of cash.

Last edited 3 months ago by General Dynamics
g simmel

“amerikans are blind from birth”. sacvan bercovitch

jens holm

why dumb amerikunt comment south front?

Good Housekeeping

another wunderwaffle burns in the toaster.

g simmel

russia liberate chigari yesterday—talibanned amerikan double fentanyl

Joseph Day

ahh, my favourite video. burning abrams


what a beautiful view
