Russian Foreign Ministry’s Crisis Management Center Twitter Account Hacked

Russian Foreign Ministry's Crisis Management Center Twitter Account Hacked

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UPDATE (14:35 CEST): The account seems to be inactive now.


On July 1st, the Twitter account of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Crisis Management Centre was hacked.

Russian Foreign Ministry's Crisis Management Center Twitter Account Hacked

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An advertisement was published, saying that for 66 BTC (bitcoins) anybody could receive a register of relevant June 2020 tourist payments for trips abroad from the database of the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (EGPU).

The tweet itself, from an official Russian government account was evidence enough that they could provide the information, and there was a throwaway email attached.

This is a striking example of incompetence – a Russian government was hacked, and more than half a day later, it still remains hacked with an advertisement to sell citizens’ private information remaining as the sticky tweet.

And there’s two options:

  1. The responsible persons have failed to return ownership of the government account, which is dubious, at best.
  2. The Crisis Management Centre’s account is paid so little attention that they’ve not yet realized it has been hacked. After all, these hacked tweets are the only tweets originally posted by the account in a long while. Everything else is just a re-tweet from other government accounts, meaning that it could simply be logged into a Twitter deck and little interest is paid to an account that should be responsible for managing crises.

Finally, if the advertisement is true, this means that the Foreign Ministry’s security was compromised and there is a massive data leak of personal payment information of Russian citizens.


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Lone Ranger

Anybody can be hacked.
Even the CIA and the Pentagon.
Chinese were stolen high tech info for years before they were caught at Los Alamos.

The Farney Fontenoy

True, but Twitter hacks rarely go undetected for more than an hour. Considering it took 11 DAYS for Moscow to become aware of a major toxic spill a few weeks ago, internal Russian governance is becoming farcical. Putin isn’t worried though, when his masters introduce global government, he’ll be promoted to it’s high council, maybe even world president, Russian domestic affairs are beneath him.

Lone Ranger

Im not that pessimistic it took them only 4 days.
And its at a desolate part of Siberia.
If it had happened in Alaska or Canada you would never know about it.
The shale and tar sand extractions have destroyed wast areas of regions there.
And not a peep.
80% U.S. nuclear reactors are leaking tritium, they shouldnt…
I could go on but I dont want to rant.
I only like fair play.
Putin is a well known conservationist, he established new national parks and gave money to existing ones.
With extensive projects like saving the Siberian tiger.
65% of the Russian civilian infrastructure has been upgraded since 2000.
No western country had that much investement in civilian infrastructure at the same time period.

The Farney Fontenoy

No, it took the LOCAL authorities several days to find out about it-through social media. Canada & the US are equally inept in their governance, which was my point.
Putin’s concern is keeping Russia’s head above water in the international arena, so he can make the most of it when the current world order collapses. Opening a park & managing a crisis like the Kursk are two very different things.

Lone Ranger

He is pretty good with with emergency management.
Kursk is not reailly a fair example, he was just sworn in back than, and there is a lot more to the story than whats public.

Black Waters

Twitter it’s owned by CIA/NSA (or at least under their control) of course they can take control of any account if they wish, the point here is that Twitter, Facebook as Google nazi practices aren’t safe, you aren’t safe nor your information. Having an account in these unsafe sites it always gonna end in “mysterious” hackers, when the perpetrators were actually the CIA/NSA.