BREAKING: Russian Foreign Intelligence Confirms France Deploying Forces In Ukraine

BREAKING: Russian Foreign Intelligence Confirms France Deploying Forces In Ukraine

Sergei Naryshkin

Less than a week ago, SouthFront reported that Paris was already training the special battalion tactical group assigned for Ukraine. On March 19, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin confirmed the reports. He claimed that Paris is already preparing the military personnel for deployment in Ukraine. At the initial stage, France is going to send about 2, 000 servicemen to the war-torn country.

The Russian SVR recieved the data that France is already preparing the units for the battles on the Ukrainian battlefields.

According to the Director of the Russian foreign intelligence, the French military fears that it will be too hard to hide and secure the transfer of such a large unit of French forces to Ukraine, as well as to secretly accommodate foreign servicemen on the Ukrainian territory. The French unit is a legitimate and priority target for Russian precision strikes. Thus, the French servicemen risk to immediately face “the fate of all Frenchmen who have ever come to the territory of the Russian world with a sword.”

“The current leadership of France does not care about the death of ordinary Frenchmen and the concerns of the generals.”

The French army is now concerned about the increased number of French citizens killed in Ukraine. Only the destruction of the temporary deployment point of foreigners near Kharkov on January 17 resulted in deaths of dozens of French citizens, and since then such strikes have become frequent in the Ukrainian conflict.

The French military leadership is also concerned about the growing discontent among the current middle-level officers of the French army. The rate of their deaths is disproportionately high. At the same time the French military faced the problem of finding new “volunteers” to rotate and replace those already fighting in Ukrainian.

As unofficially recognized by the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, the country has not known such losses abroad since the war in Algeria in the second half of the 20th century.

“As they say in the Elysee Palace, the number of French dead has already exceeded a psychologically significant threshold.”

The release of such sensitive data can provoke citizens to protest, especially amid the ongoing mass protests by farmers across the country.

“Sooner or later, Macron will have to reveal the ugly truth, but he will strive to delay confessions as much as possible.”

Paris is carefully hiding not only the number of casualties, but also the very fact of the involvement of the French military in the hostilities in Ukraine. That’s why Paris is rushing to find solutions to the most persistent problems like burying the dead, compensation to families and pensions for the disabled. All this requires proper documentation, and further “double accounting of deaths” is fraught with lawsuits from disgruntled relatives.

“President Emmanuel Macron, who announced the possibility of sending military personnel to Ukraine, should read the memoirs of Konstantin Paustovsky in order to get rid of “insane paranoid dreams.” In particular, the following lines: “At that time I felt a cruel resentment for France and for the French… They were cruelly humiliated by the political bullies of France and their representative, the cocky General D’Anselme.”

BREAKING: Russian Foreign Intelligence Confirms France Deploying Forces In Ukraine

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The claims by the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence confirmed the reports by SouthFront, according to which, the French military is already conducting the combat training of the special tactical battalion group for Ukraine. The training is ongoing on the training ground la Courtine. The group should include about 1,500 servicemen of the French Foreign Legion, but Paris failed to find enough servicemen ready for their deployment in Ukraine. That’s why  the French military leadership was forced to fill the ranks of the group with personnel from the Ministry of the Armed Forces. LINK

BREAKING: Russian Foreign Intelligence Confirms France Deploying Forces In Ukraine

Ukrainians are publishing photos with French servicemen in Ukraine: “Glad to meet you! The Legion is a large family. Legion Etrangere”

Moreover, last night, two planes with French military was spotted landing at Sofia airport in Bulgaria. The group likely included about 500 servicemen. The French got on the closed trucks. The drivers, who locals were not told where they were going. They are supposedly traveling through Romania – Izmail – Odessa.

The official claims by the Russian SVR is a response to Macron’s policy. Moscow warned the French military leadership that the Russians are aware of what is happening on the French territory. Foreign servicemen will have much less chances to hide from the Russians in Ukrainian rear and risk to be destroyed by precision strikes before they come to the frontlines. 


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the people who are members of the climate change cult want to make man-made climate change (nuclear holocaust) a reality. remember that by supporting the war in ukraine you have been sleep walking into ww3 and soon there will be no return.


i like the image of macron, pretending he is thinking. imho his head is not used for thinking as it is buried very deep into s0r0s/roths* asses


that is not macron my friend


indeed :p it is in moscow

The fubar renaissance

it’s naryshkin, russia’s spy chief. says so right under the image.

Last edited 11 months ago by The fubar renaissance
France is Fallen

from the “leader” who declared french history is obsolete and oversaw the hurried destruction of french culture for immigrant relativism. macron is forcing french troops to enforce their own historical cultural holocaust, fighting for their own extinction. this is true of all nato, only turkey benefits now.

the resistance

perhaps he has been tasked by his “masters” with the mission to jump-start world war 3 before the u.s. elections… that would explain why the deep state are not worried at all about it, the democrats haven’t even named a candidate yet while the elections are just 6 months away.

AM Hants

he was taking lessons from blair. back in the 90s, he opened up the uk for anybody and everybody. the reason was to dilute traditional values of the average uk citizen. it worked. not forgetting blair, back in 2003 and telling parliament saddam had all those naughty toys. they never found them.

AM Hants

have you heard that one of the leaders, who has no qualifications in viruses, agriculture, bio-labs, etc, etc, etc, but, fully passionate about removing 90% of the global population, is now moving into the nuclear sector. what possibly could go wrong?


russia’s ministry of defense’s response will be swift and decisive. just kidding. they’ll tell their men to drive in circles in minefields as they have been doing for 2 years. they would not dream of, just as an example, send in small sabotage/ambush squads to destroy ammo depots, attack supply lines etc.

nope, back to the minefields boys.


unfortunately, this is perfectly what putin did. he is super weak towards his western “partners”, obsessed with “deals”. at the same time he does not hesitate to sacrifice lives of hundreds of thousands of his own people. he even treats war criminals in kiev better then his own people.


sure…that’s why the oekies have marched all over moskou ten times already…
you believe your own bs, dont you???
might wanna lay off them mushrooms for a while…


so unless there is ukrainian infantry marching in moscow in formation, the situation is not serious enough for you?


ukrainian infantry marching on moscow? really?! in which dimension of existence? not in this one for sure. i’ve only noticed russian infantry marching deeper into ukraine. i assume you and your kind would just love to have wwiii to help you establish some fascist utopia of totaly controlled world.

AM Hants

will ukrainina infantry, marching on moscow, be provided by the local kindergarten? after all, there is no gene pool left in ukraine or anybody available for military service, over the age of 3, now is there?


you are just stupid like dirt. totally westlie 😂


i tend to agree. this could have been wrapped up in the first year by seizing kiev. instead putin been pussy footin around leading to a bigger war

AM Hants

so he did not go for the hato style carpet bom*ing? instead, he went for military installations and saving as many civilians as possible. is that wrong? anybody seen mariupol, post russia takeover? looking good. compare that to raqqa in syria, after hato visited.

Boycott USA the world's Bully

not for the frenchies. russia has already made french mercenaries priority targets and told the french ambassador in moscow about the french they killed in kharkov. now they have said the french troops will be treated as invaders and priority targets.


you are dumb. probably you are british or american. that’s your level…


he could be american or british with dual citizenship. guess which is the other citizenship of his. you can easily pick two: israheli or ukrainian.

AM Hants

projecting ukraine onto russia?

The Fascist renaissance

i wonder, how many of them are neo-nazis like that canadian quebecois merc from the norman brigade that just bit the dust?

je me souviens

pierre trudeau was a cuckold and his illegitimate son is just a kook.


like the nazi vichy macaroni is a pasta quisling puppet under amerikany rule


macaroni is neither vichy type nor degaullist one. he is jewish globalist’s puppet, raised like a cattle by kike rotschild scumbags and controlled by his handler, old hag wife. he is a wimp, sissy and a peter pan.

je me souviens

and so is the merconi macaroni


macron had worked for many years with the rothschild banking cartel. he was put into office by the rothschild family to do their work! i’m sure that any votes he ever got at any election in france were rigged as they are in most western countries

Massa John

china should send some too, let’s say 50,000. to start with.


north korea have one of the largest army in the world. it will be quite funny when they decide to move against europe. in germany, they have bullets for two days of fighting. for elite brigades only. as they don’t have any regular army worth mentioning. brits are the same. except of greek and poland, all other countries have some armies only on the paper. including france.

Last edited 11 months ago by hlohlo

germans will mount head on armored assault driving mercedes, bmws, opels and audis packed with stupid krauts wearing american hawaii shirts with ber mugs in their hands, furiously farting and belching. i’ve never met such a stupid bunch as the germans are. they beat even americans when it comes to stupidity, especially idiots from protestant north.

je me souviens

the original texas rednecks were german immigrants


that is very funy friend but also reality


damned right, as a german i can confirm it unfortunately. it’s the most stupid country in europe.


not for just fighting, which will be a matter of 100s of missile strikes. but for post-war order after capitulation of nato in europe .


“greek army” are you serious?
the greek army is half slavic macedonian- they wont be fighting for the genociders of their ancestry.

russia will not allow the birthplace of the cyrillic- slavic alphabet under greek control to remain. solun macedonia – now greekenized to “thessalonica”
and the truth about the greek myths of democracy will come out
greece is being cut in half now as we speak.


no need, 1500 volunteers have signed up every day in russia since 2023, 400k of them have already received 1 year training and are ready to go when needed. russia has so far only spent 15% of its military capacity.

je me souviens

just one brigade?


nothing is breaking on that news . it follows usual pattern. 1st they told us no weapons to ukraine, just helmets and bulletproof vests. then they started to transfer small arms, manpads, rpgs and call them “defensive” weapons only. then they say no tanks to ukraine and started to transfer mlrs, short range missiles and armored vehicles. then they said no f16 and no long range missiles and started to transfer tanks, medium range missiles and patriots…

Last edited 11 months ago by hlohlo

if they say that germany will not transfer taurus, you can be pretty sure they are already there, prepared to destroy crimea bridge. the west partners are obsessed with raising the stakes unless they start nuclear war. as for as france, macron should better deal with riots, africa invaders and never-ending strikes.


haven’t i just mentioned how stupid jewish controlled german protestants are?


destroying the bridge is pointless in any sense. the russians are days away from finishing several new rail lines connecting crimea. furthermore, before the bridge, russia was able to supply the region without issue.


it’s not “african invaders” you white trash. next time do not colonise.


the west is in an other jewish debt trap. they need a war but dont want to be blamed for starting it. usual trick


people are still surprised that the globo-homo child rape cabal want basically everyone dead?

Clown Z

2000 frogs wont make a damned difference, they will get chewed up like the rest


the so called “frogs” will kill some 10k rusian conscript as putin lost his elite troops the very first year of the “special military operation” putin just paraded them unprotected on kiev streets and then ordered them to withdraw because of his “super” peace deal in 2022. the last remains of his elite units were transfered to africa after “wagner mutiny” and silently killed there. that’s why russians have not any elite groups nowadays. putin and his generals killed them all.


who said so? russians will prepair food rations of them, not for them. nobody is useless. and the family of those killed soldiers will start another french revolution which should wipe out jewish menace in france. just a reminder: first french revolution was started by the jewish freemasonry circles, so called revolutionary internationalists. same in russia in 1917. today we call them globalist gangsters.


don’t forget 89 was also planned by ” them”. we didn’t see a real revolution yet on this planet i guess.

Last edited 11 months ago by S...

will russia now lift the order to their soldiers to spare special forces and mercs from france at least if not all of nato?


sure. the same they did in syria. russian forces protected american occupants against syrian people because of some “deals” brokered by lavrov and his idiots.


you are stupid?if the syrians start kiling usa terorist in syria then syria get deatroyed.fuck off stupid clown.stop posting this nonsense fucking faggot


jolly good, roast french fries coming up! nothing surer!

je me souviens

boil them in oil, you say?


it appears that macronpoleon really knows the short way into nuclear war. well, i guess he was ordered by his hidden handler to do so. so, edwin deagel was point on with his 2025 forecast … err agenda of de-population. very interesting times we are living in.


you’re out of your mind if you think that a population reduction of 50+%, within the next 8 months is realistic. a slow and steady decline? sure.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny

what would happen if half the major cities of the world were nuked and the agricultural supply chain was turned on its head?


a structural degradation of the world’s food supply is in play, however “half the major cities of the world were nuked” is a pure fantasy.


if the major cities in the world; london, washington, new york, berlin/frankfurt, basel, paris, bruxelles get nuked, world will feel great relief. wiping out those above certainly wouldn’t turn the agricultural chain on its head.


attack france military depots andradar station oil facilities and water reservoirs andpower station in france attak uk and all usa bases in middle east. cse closed. africa should also disconnect from swiss banking system.


switzerland should be hit first and strongest in order to turn it into a lake. it’s the worst den of globalist scum who count on hideouts there to control the war and an establishment of their new world order. hit the fuckin switzerland first, you wouldn’t regret it.


beh, vedremo se alla fine macron ripristinerà di nuovo la ghigliottina !


first blood on guillotine should be that of french rotschild gangster clan, then of french zionists then of pro-us french banksters, military mafia and corporatists.

je me souviens

french gigolos courting grannies should be prime material for la ghigliottina

Russia fobia

russia can hang the fab 1500s i think i know how they will use them


go back to your kitchen at your restaurant and improve the food before you post here again.

CEO of Yapping

west=🤡 😆😆😆

Fred P. Jeschke

la courtine – a legitimate target for russian hypersonic missiles.

but putln is too cowardly for that again, he prefers to sacrifice russian soldiers as a target for french war idiots!

the third world war is inevitable, when will moscow finally understand this and take the first step????


the lazy baguettes of champagne no one fears anymore…


i always thought british scum would be the first and most numbered cannon fodder that the westlie pussy coalition would sacrifice…. apparently i was wrong…it is france akka the biggest losers in 300 years 🤦🏻


crooked albion is there to cook up the trouble and then goes into hiding. but not this time. this time hefty price will be payed.

Marcel Lucard

the little gay dwarf from the saine is tired of his ugly old alibi wife brigitte and finally wants to live super gay.

he hates himself and tries to compensate for his homosexuality with outward aggression.

to this end, no embarrassment is too bad for him and he is just leading the french people into the abyss

Son of the Kingdom

hitler took france in 24 hr, hahaha they want to fight the russians, little rothschild jew puppet banker needs to do all he can to please his jewish masters.

Son of the Kingdom

their banking system usury is falling appart, they need war to control the whole system of finance. this time is the end for them. gods got his own plans against the synagogue of evil.

Son of the Kingdom

go get cocaine jew in kiev and get it over with. the jewwwwws won’t stop.

Son of the Kingdom

putin, don’t let blackrock take all the fertile land you go and take it that’s part of the plan. ko them!!!

je me souviens

the french were in such a hurry to hang white flags from their windows that more than a few french fell out while pulling off their underwear.

Last edited 11 months ago by je me souviens

the only training the frenchies need is to carry the coffins of comrades


open season on those vichy pigs.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

se macron quer guerra, terá guerra! paris será varrida com sua torre eifel.
que venham os homossexuais franceses que gostam de dar a bunda nas trincheiras de guerra ha ha ha ha ha

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

soldados franceses, vocês vão morrer todos! fujam antes que a morte os encontre!