Russian Forces Established Another Post On Golan Front In Syria (Photos)

Russian Forces Established Another Post On Golan Front In Syria (Photos)

Sergei Novikov/TASS

The Russian Military Police established another observation post in the southern Syrian governorate of al-Quneitra to de-escalate tensions between Syria and Israel along the Golan Heights front, Captain 1st Rank Oleg Ignasyuk, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, announced on August 30.

“An additional observation post of the Russian military police has been set up in the interests of de-escalation of tension along the Bravo line in the zone of disengagement between the Israeli and Syrian armed forces in the al-Quneitra governorate,” the Russian military official said in a briefing, without elaborating.

Based on the 1974 Agreement on Disengagement, United Nations forces maintains a 235 square kilometers demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights. The zone straddles the Purple Line, separating the Israeli-occupied portion of Golan and the rest of Syria, where the west line is known as “Alpha”, and the east line as “Bravo”.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the new observation post was established in the western plains area of ​​the town of Kodna in the western countryside of al-Quneitra.

Photos showing the new post were posted to social networks. The photos showed Russian policemen in the post manning heavy machine guns and carrying anti-drone systems.

This was the 15 such posts to be established by the Russian Military Police on the Golan front, according to the London-based monitoring group.

Many of the posts were established after the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip last October. The war caused more tensions on the Golan front with Israel escalating its strikes on Syria amid an increase in rocket attacks on occupied Syrian territories in the Heights.

As stated by the deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, the main purpose of these posts is to de-escalate tensions between Syria and Israel.


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Protecting who?

protecting israel not helping syria. israel can attack syria with impunity and us is allowed to keep its illegal military base and steal resources. what is russia’s goal in syria? prevent a gas pipe from qatar towards europe or has that been established too?!


that’s really it, russia is doing everything to protect israel with these israeli outposts, counting on russia is a pure mirage


russia prevented the toppling of the syrian government and prevented another me quagmire. syria has been russia’s closest arab ally since the cold war. and in the end, it is about resisting the west and ending uni polarity.


we have to stop with that, putin saved syria, 1) how to save a country attacked by turkey, usa, france, uk, saudi and with 1000 soldiers? 2) if the war still persists in syria it is largely the fault of putin who negotiates with each victory, 3) if syria is still standing it is 80% thanks to iran and 20% russia. if russia saved syria, why is it struggling in ukraine and kursk???


how many times has russia prevented israel’s bombing of syria? no time, how many times did his s300 loaned to syria work? not once, which proves the poutine-bibi duplicity


because the world isn’t black and white. russia is for peace and has always been for peace. russia is allies with the arabs, the west-asians, and the jews. and navigating all of these relationships is highly complex. i will say this, the west thought they could dictate to russia, they could dominate it, not only in the middle east where her interests lie but in her very backyard. and russia gave them ample time to reconsider peace, and proved them no different than her invaders before…

Last edited 6 months ago by Vegard

100% right


if it wasn’t for russia, syria would have been a true is kalifate now, you people have a memory span of a wasp


rus placed syr in stasis, at best. the problem is complex, and involves several 3rd party players including usa, iran, isr and trk along with their appointed actors and various plots. the problem also involves assad (and his family).

the very fact the post 2011 mess hit syr is testimony to the shortsightedness of assad overall. the cccp would not have allowed (or let assad allow) this mess to develop, let alone watch syr being carved up.


while sporadically going after rebels and us-funded isis, rus failed to stop the destruction of key areas (ie palmera) and theft of others (ie n.e. syr).

rus might have prevented a kalifate(?), but instead facilitated syr’s diminution by refusing to confront usa, isr or trk – or even allow syr to!

perhaps it could be argued that rus assists these invaders while reigning in iran’s influence? either way, rus motives are far from being pro-syr.


the sole purpose of such observation points should be to deter the friggin jews (on their last and desperate leg in palestine) from attacking syria in their cowardly manner. trust the russians to keep a scorecard to be ready when the jews have breached the line of decency one time too many!


try counting the amount of times isr has hit syr over the last 10 yrs (since rus involvement). isr assassinates and destroys at will from the air in syr, and rus does nothing. idf planes have free passage, as r.f. routinely immobilises the s300 etc systems.

time after time after time isr attacks syr but rus (the great protector) refuses to even scratch the paintwork of zio weaponry.

cccp, where are thou???


russia knows that if they down one or two or more f35s they will have to deal with thebgreat sham, the disunited states of a. the same applies to weapon deliveries to syria hurting the jews. better wait for the timevwhen the jews are close to disintegrating, right now more or less, and then go for the jugular together with hamas, hezbollah, iraqii resistence and iran (that has already shown that the jew’s iron dome leakes like a sieve)


in other words another ‘long-game’ argument. just wait until the plstns are wiped out, maybe? just wait until there’s nothing left of syr, maybe? as lav*lle would say “who’s got the clocks/time”?

the world doesn’t matter to such shills, as all zio-usa wants is rus to back off and give it more and more time to kill/advance.

of course rus does as it’s told (and has been invaded as a result) as does iran. thankfully the houthis don’t buy this bs.


more help for the psycho-zios. when did rus last prevent tel-av striking syr?

‘gln front’ ffs!! has krmln read un dec.497 (1981) and realised the g-heights legally belong to syr -period?

btw, the s.o.h.c in lndn are another lot of anti-assd, pro-us puppets.


pomaly postupne treba začať pracovať na oslobodení celého územia sýrie. verím, že rusko sa nakoniec postará o to aby sýria bola slobodná. svetu mier!!!

Richard Harvey

many people keep asking why iran and others etc has not yet responded to the crimes by the zionists infesting palestine. when the response comes, it will be a conclusive response given in a way to finaly stop the rothchild owned zionists, it will be complete. it will be that way, other types of responses are just a waste of time and lives.


because time is on their side. for one, iran had to build up its air defenses. they just recently got additional s400 & s500 hybrids and produced additional indigenous air defense complexes. and they are all playing the long game and weakening the petrodollar and its reserve status. whereas israel needs to act now before the petrodollar gravy train ends. this is also why israel is a failed state. the us is 30+ trillion in debt. and the dollar loses ground everyday


how many more billions can be sent to israel? the us economy is completely canibalized. not only is inflation rampant and people are broke. the infrastructure is in shambles. crime is out of control. record bankruptcies. there’s a huge housing market bubble bigger than the 2008’s mortgage bubble/ global recession. shit is hitting the fan. the us citizens are deeply concerned and do not approve additional funds for either israel or ukraine.


there is potential for massive unrest. how will israel survive without us funding? it cannot. and iran knows this. israel cant even eliminate hamas. how will they take on hezbollah and iran are you kidding me. add to that, israel and us both have shortages in military recruitment and retention. israel needs to conscript ultra orthodox into the military… the much- needed formidable warriors 😂🤣 it all spells disaster for israel

Last edited 6 months ago by Vegard

this is all good, russia armed iran with sophisticated weapons recently and israeli officials threatened russia, and probably did more than threaten and added fuel to the ukraine crisis, and russia answered in kind. the greater israel project is as good as dead. the jews can’t take syria. the message is loud and clear.


when isr pushes, r.f. backs off. usa is rooted in ne syria, stealing oil and crops for israel. us-terrorist lackeys plus the bogus syr rebels tearass around at will and r.f. does bare minimum.

the optimism that zios can’t take syr is misplaced. with us (and arab) help it can and it still could.

r.f. could have stopped the plstn carnage in week 1, but nato knew it wouldn’t. whereas cccp would have stepped up and protected plstn (and syr), which is why nato used to back off


with what military would they achieve an invasion? isis is decimated. that was their strategy: a proxy war. the us military would not be able to invade syria even if it wanted to. not today with hezbollah, iranian, and russian support. israel is a failed state and everyone knows it. and everyone is playing the long game. whether you understand it or not makes no difference.

edit: i think it is a matter of time before the us leaves syria. they are being squeezed out little by little.

Last edited 6 months ago by Vegard

not everyone is playing ‘the long-game’. isr + us do as they please with nato backing. whereas plstn can’t play, as it is being annihilated bit by bit while ‘the good guys’ (the ones playing the long-game?) watch on and do f*** all.

the ‘long-game’ is another us-zio propg tactic. the houthis ‘get it’, iran doesn’t.

r.f. itself got suckered into this propg-game with the minsk accords etc, and as a result is now partly under occupation; unthinkable in the cold war.


they can’t even take gaza where hamas are reduced to reusing undetonated ordnance and back up cameras to make sure they aren’t blowing up human-shield prisoners who were scooped up by the jews because of bad luck. the hubris that this is going to turn out well for them is astonishing and mind boggling.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

‘they can’t even take gaza’

wake up!! there’s no longer a gaza, it has been obliterated. idf flattened pre-1948 buildings, erasing the built culture/memory. fake isr is no longer plstn.

no roads, schools, mosques, infrastructure, hospitals, houses etc. this inhuman zio-us-nato scripted slaughter ensured there’s nothing left to occupy!!


the west bank is getting a more nuanced but still iillegal/inhuman ‘kick ’em out or kill ’em’ treatment instead.

plstn and its people are vanishing while iran, rus etc just watch. so how exactly is isr losing?


but the palestinians aren’t gone, it is clear to even the densest psycho in israel that they will not get away with genociding all of them. they want gaza for themselves, and they have failed. what they have accomplished is making enemies who will fight to the death and are clearly more capable than the idf.


‘but the palestinians aren’t gone’

how many dead is acceptable to these so-called ‘enemies’ of isr? how much pltsn homeland stolen/demolished? how many missing or maimed for life?

there aren’t any isr ‘enemies’ outside of plstn except syr, hezb, the houthis and s.afrca. the rest wouldn’t ‘fight to the death’, but would gladly watch others die; while perhaps “tut, tutting” at the u.n. along with lvrv.

Conan M

jewish merchants and money lenders/launderers getting nervous!… just hope russia makes good on those kinzahl, iskander and zircon deliveries to iran!… a warning to the russian federation on their foreign service detail abroad in the west, china and india -get them home now!… and do your damndest to expel the western foreign service inside your borders asap!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

syria must ask russia to deliver 10,000 tanks with tons of fire power, and park these tanks along the 1949 syrian armistice line facing the mediterranean sea … (and use some of these tanks to evacuate and destroy all zionist israeli settlements on syria’s golan heights real estate). when syrians have completed this mission, then they can drive into palestine and help liberate palestine !!!
