Russian Forces Complete Assault In Ivanovskoe, Approaching Chasov Yar (18+)

Russian Forces Complete Assault In Ivanovskoe, Approaching Chasov Yar (18+)

Illustrative Image

The Artyomovsk region (former Bakhmut) remains one of the main directions of the Russian offensive in the Donbass, where the Russian army has recently achieved some significant gains.

On the evening of February 29, the first reports from the front claimed Russian advance in the village of Ivanovskoe (Krasnoe). The Russian military broke through Ukrainian strongholds in the center of the settlement and took control of almost the entire western part of the village. Some preliminary reported claimed the full Russian control of Ivanovskoe, but clashes are still ongoing on the western outskirts.

Destroyed Ukrainian positions in the area of the village:



Russian Forces Complete Assault In Ivanovskoe, Approaching Chasov Yar (18+)

An approximate map from Russian military sources

In their turn, Ukrainian military sources confirm Russian advance in the area but their maps differ from the Russian ones. The Ukrainian military rarely admits Russian gains until the defeat is no longer possible to hide:

Russian Forces Complete Assault In Ivanovskoe, Approaching Chasov Yar (18+)

Click to see full-size image

While the battles are ongoing on the western streets of the village, Russian forces continue assault on the heights north of the settlement. Control of these heights is strategically important to secure Russian positions in the village and increase pressure on the Ukrainian garrison in Chasov Yar.

The Russian command is pulling reserves in this direction; Russian artillery, aviation and drones are actively working; but the Ukrainian command is calming their audience, urging Ukrainians not to worry, since the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to create “several” lines of defense. The AFU are transfering reinforcements on armored vehicles and attempt counterattacks, firing at the lost part of the settlement, including with cluster munitions. Some Ukrainian reserves are deployed in Bogdanovka in an attempt to prevent Russian breakthrough on the northern flank.

Russian Forces Complete Assault In Ivanovskoe, Approaching Chasov Yar (18+)

Click to see full-size image

Meanwhile, Russian forces have approached the outskirts of Chasov Yar and are pounding Ukrainian forces there. LINK




According to open sources, the Ukrainian command accumulated large forces in Chasov Yar and around it. They include the remnants of the following units:

Separate Motorized Brigades:

  • 22nd
  • 24th
  • 30th
  • 42nd
  • 93rd

Separate Assault Brigades:

  • 5th
  • 92nd
  • 24th ‘Aidar’

Brigades of the Territorial defense:

  • 107th
  • 114th
  • 241st

Separate units:

  • 1st separate Special Forces brigade
  • Brigade of The National Police “Lyut”
  • Special Forces of border troop
  • Assault regiment of the National Police “Tsunami”
  • 214th separate special battalion OPFOR
  • 24th separate riffle battalion

UAV units:

  • Signum
  • Achilles
  • Ochi /Asgard

As well as:

  • 17th Tank Brigade
  • 26th Artillery Brigade

In Chasov Yar:





The Ukrainian military command is again sending large forces to another meat grinder in the Artyomovsk region. The Ukrainian defense risks to fell in three directions at once, including in Bogdanovka, in the area of Ivanovskoe, and near Klescheevka. In the case of Russian success, the entire Ukrainian garrison will be forced to go into defense in the partially surrounded Chasov Yar. The town is doomed to become another Ukrainian fortress. Located on a hill it has heavily fortified lines of defense with an extensive network of passages.


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the russians are moving quickly. ukraine has been beyond stupid to trust the psychopathic freak governments of the west. they have led ukraine to ruin.


“russians are moving quickly”

– lost of 50% of initially captured territory after the battle of mariupol and from then onward until the middle of 2023. neo-bolshevik russia is taking heavy losses for small towns and cities. the battle of avdiivka for instance lasted 2 years. after the battle of bakhmut, ukrainian forces are still on the fringes of that cities outskirts.

macaroon clown Inc.

pathetic desperate poko molo amerikunt hillbilly retired nazi janitor amusing like child

captain hohol

cry harder, russia is winning.

jens holm

ukraine win booby prize tho.


stating facts you deny before you has nothing to do with crying. unlike you turd worlders who whine about the white man being the bane of human existence for teaching you how to use cutlery and toilet paper.


fun propaganda. 2022 was not about occupying territories, but about arresting zelenskyi. it failed the west secretly armed ukraine. the conflict shifted to protecting ethnic russians, who had been bombarded by ukraine since 2014.


if you think russia’s victories are small, what happened to nato and the usa in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, syria, somalia. they escaped tails between theyr legs.



“former russian president dmitry medvedev admitted that residents of the occupied regions of ukraine are waiting for the ukrainian army. he stated that russia will deport such people to siberia.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

avranno molto da aspettare!!


in the prison colonies/ concentration camps for sure.

jens holm

che me ne frega….we have baltik statlets to keep big bear in cage.

jens holm

i wait for napoleun army to come save ukraine. danemaerk make tasty napoleun pastrys so help our ekonomy.


video of girkin sometime before his arrest:

“former fsb colonel igor girkin (strelkov) admitted the “referendum” in crimea happened with a rifle behind people’s backs. not even local deputies wanted to willingly join russia.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon


“igor girkin’s friend evgeniy skripnik (“prapor”) admitted that girkin was preparing for war in ukraine even before 2014, when he served in the fsb.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon
jens holm

how com you not anglo saxon? anglo say jump and saxon say how high? yu wanna be picher or cacher? i like be cacher, not so bad….eazy life.


historical angles, jutes and saxons were identical to the old norse and proto-germanic peoples from around 500 ad and 4,000 years before.

also they were conquered by normans in the 11th century and infiltrated by sabbatean-frankist jews in the 1600s, culminating with oliver cromwell winning the english civil war and ended in the 400 years of jewish exile from britain for blood libel.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon
Board Certified Psychiatrist

so, you’re all nazis then?

Captain Crunch

even if true which i doubt, so was biletsky and all the other nazi banderite scum, so what’s your point?

ur answer: “gee, i don’t have one. i just wanted to make some shit up and turn ukronazis into freedom fighters.”

get lost, creep. face down in a trench will do. now be a good little boy and practice that.


it’s on video. bandera was arrested by the ss gestapo for declaring ukraine’s independence in 1941, according to his own admission in a cia interview. all of the nonsense you heard about the holohoax is projection of soviet crimes upon germany. checkout the website holocaust handbooks for more info on the subject, or fascist freddy’s odysee channel that reposted the books for free in digital format.


you claimed i made shit up when i always provide sources you cannot refute.

“get lost, creep. face down in a trench will do. now be a good little boy and practice that.”

^ aww. do you have any idea how pathetic and hypocritical you sound when you reveal your innermost subhuman character? you bolshevik mass serial killers are the splitting image of lies you were told about natsoc germany. which were projections of jewish bolshevik mass murders.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon
Board Certified Psychiatrist

come see me. i have a couch with a swastikapillow waiting for you.



according to him, the “novorossia” project, which involved the occupation of the territory of ukraine by russia, was developed by the russian special services long before the events in maidan. and girkin, as the responsible fsb officer, created a network of saboteurs in ukraine to implement this project even before the overthrow of president yanukovych.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

behave yourself nazi, its over.

taliban goat herder

nazi amerikan saxon humiliated inferior retired janitor


saxon licks my boots clean. he’s an excellent bootlicker.


ukies not so good. they try to steal my boots while i’m asleep and sell them on ebay.


you idiotically call me an american and imply i’m a redneck, while you larp under the pseudonym of an illiterate islamic goat fucker who routinely demonstrates his lack of vocabulary.

Board Certified Psychiatrist

i saw you marching in florida with boneface. i have it on video. boneface is a funny guy, he blew you a kiss. fact.

Reformed Ukrop

it ain’t over until that fatarse nudelmaniac sings the blues.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reformed Ukrop

you windup toys been saying that for 2 years already.

Captain Crunch

probably after he read brzezinski’s book and rand manifestos.



skripnik also confirmed that it was girkin who was instrumental in starting the war in eastern ukraine. and if it were not for his intervention, hostilities would never have started there.

this admission completely refutes putin’s words that the reason for the attack on ukraine was the “coup” on maidan in kyiv. in fact, putin made the decision to wage war even before these events.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

what this guy took 20 posts to say is, if victoria nuland shows up in your town, take the cookies and die for zion like a good goy.


there’s a word cap on how long your messages can be.


there’s an intellectual cap too, and for you it’s 3 words. just stick to what you know best, licking my boots.


victoria nuland’s a jew and therefore a genetic spiteful mutant.

the truth about the euromaidan:

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

saxo-homo is posting lgbt porn links. only jens and sawyer interested.


“beyond stupid to trust the psychopathic freak governments of the west.”

a lot of projection coming from russia. lol

the west, russia and china are controlled by jews anyway. they don’t always get along. jews have directly controlled russia since 1917 when jewish bankers like max warburg and jacob schiff financed the bolshevik revolution led by jews. and america since 1913 at the latest when the federal reserve act was signed at the 5-star hotel resort on jekyll island.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

moron poko molo the retired nazi amerikan janitor desperation delicious—typical amerikan farce


lol how pathetic are your copy and paste bombs. damn that triggered your ass hard. sorry but nobody is reading your bull.


clearly you are the one who is triggered. i know reading is difficult for chandalas such as yourself. at least i don’t bathe in cow shit.


“nobody is reading your bull.”

curiosity is a sign of intelligence after all. fear the unknown. and yet the footage i posted is proof i’m right.

Your Jewish masters

best to off yourself then. only way to escape them jews and their diabolical plots.

Just me

i think you didn’t understand the principle of a puppet government.


dpr and lpr were puppet governments.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

their stupidity stems from their corruptness. they thought that the eu and us was the road to fabulous wealth and riches. but the real plan was to enslave them and steal their country. the same plan in store for russia. all that fertile farmlands, natural resources and an educated population for easy plucking


russia will be fine. western europe on the other hand i’m not sure what that will look like in a couple of years 😬


“russia will be fine”

you mean like in novosibirsk back in january when central heating piping laid down in 1974 ruptured and flooded? leaving multiple districts without heating nor hot water in -25°c (-13°f) night temperature.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

thuletide wordpress com/ 2022/ 06/ 12/ russia is nigeria- with- snow/

Reformed Ukrop

we’ve always been slow learners


russia was late to abolish serfdom in 1861. imported technology from capitalist industrialists in america and britain in order to semi-industrialize throughout the late 1920s and 1930s. capitalists and jews ironically financed the jewish-led bolshevik revolution, while bailing out the ussr during ww2, after giving them the technology to massively produce the world’s largest tank and air force by the early 1940s.


britain, france, germany and italy account for 72% of all significant european achievers in science between 1400–1950. add in russia and the netherlands, and 80% of all significant figures are accounted for. but countries are bulky and their borders change. saying that a certain number of significant figures came from italy obscures the reality that most came from parts of italy surrounding florence and venice.


whether measured in people or events, 97 percent of accomplishment in the scientific inventories occurred in europe and north america.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

neolithic europe had the earliest wheel, earliest gold metallurgy, earliest bronze metallurgy, earliest evidence of copper smelting, and possibly the earliest writing (vinča–turdaș signs).

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

“psychopathic freak gvts of the west” working for the joos.


as intended.

this has been a jewish operation to kill off slavs from day one.


none of this is even happening. the russians were destroyed outside kiev and the remnants of their army fled or surrendered at kharkov. all of their tanks were destroyed, and their entire army was made up of unmotivated, untrained conscripts who were either killed or surrendered, except for the part that was composed of prisoners who wouldn’t fight for the putin.


the armed forces of the ukrainian state, which was not overthrown by the us in 2014, are in no way influenced by a stream of ultra-ethnonationalism cultivated for eighty years by five eyes intelligence, and successfully completed the ethnic cleansing of russians and crypto-communists in donbas, where they also destroyed the russian army that invaded in 2014.


in fact, the russian state no longer exists. the overwhelming support for navalny resulted in the toppling of the russian government and the break-up of the state, which is just too darned big for my liking, anyhow. the pure ukrainian gene pool has been safeguarded, and the ukrainian people are now the most prosperous group in the eu, nestled firmly in the bosom of nato as full members.


whoever doesn’t jump, doesn’t get to move to canada!


trudeau welcomes all defeated nazis with bonbons and flowers.


they destroyed russian army in your dream, are you under lsd?


this is joking and describes the insanity of the kiev regime. they are firefighting from stronghold to stronghold. but this is the final one before the frontline implodes.

Reformed Anglo

russia playing rope a dope and wack a mole at the same time. they be multi-tasking


he be mr irony man today.


the “ultranationalism” in ukraine is greatly embellished by the russian state media. basically any sort of ethnic nationalism is blown out of proportion to make it appear “evil” to preserve your own people. slavic nationalism is banned in russia just as lenin intended, a man who helped popularize the word “racist” to condemn any healthy manifestation of european (white) national identity.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon

the nazi is strong in you, derpster. care to comment on the roles of parubiy, yarosh, biletsky and c14? any comment on the relationship of cia to mykola lebed and jaroslav stetsko? asking for a friend.


all s14 did was keep communists from demonstrating on the streets.

Reformed Anglo

c14? you, a gud german must know what the 14 stands for, eh?

anyway, who cares….the afu tent’s about to fold, so better luck next time. maybe try uganda next? germans always lusted after african colonies but never quite made it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reformed Anglo

they wouldn’t have been commissioned by the authorities in the first place if they were not in a state of war with russia since 2014. putin’s intervention in 2014 and 2022 ironically gave real (ethno) nationalists more power they otherwise would not be given. putin is an unwitting accelerationist for the white right against his own intent.


who was commissioned by what authorities, you rascally li’l nafomosexual?


sich14. it was disbanded in 2020. their leader was andriy medvedko.

learn proper english, rather than chink engrish that makes you sound retarded.

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon
Reformed Anglo

you bullshit artist. the only reason nudelman went in there to fire up a coup d’etat using svoboda and right sektor nazi thugs was for nato to move into sevastopol, evict the black sea fleet and turn the black sea into a nato lake. they were just too slow on the draw.

if you don’t understand that, then you’re two levels below a moron.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reformed Anglo
Reformed Anglo

and you germans are just as full of it as the rest of the western states, who said it was just fine for the yugoslav republics to secede unilaterally but not for the autonomous republic of crimea to do the same. there’s your bullshit rules-based order joke.

you germans are so full of shit that it’s blocked your brain cells.

Reformed Anglo

let me put it so even a simple-minded german can understand.

slovenia = crimea and kosovo = the donbass. live with it or die with it, i couldn’t care less.

amerikan clown show

saxon is amerikan nazi hillbilly


i’m not a german. the yugoslav government allied itself with germany before the yugoslav army overthrew their government in 1941. leading to the german-italian-hungarian invasion of yugoslavia. this wouldn’t have happened if mussolini hadn’t invaded greece drawing in british military support into greece. which would have otherwise be a neutral country.

Jean Paul France

you’re a loser obsessed with the 1945 defeat, you need anal shock therapy.


“are just as full of it as the rest of the western states”

fact being you can’t prove me wrong. all you have is your confirmation bias, and the fact you never actually look at the us government’s representatives – many of whom are not even anglo saxon, including many jews and other non-whites.


“who said it was just fine for the yugoslav republics to secede unilaterally”

the west had initially supported serbia before losing the war with the croatians.

“but not for the autonomous republic of crimea to do the same.”

the ballots at the ballot box did not offer a decision to remain with ukraine – only to join russia, or become independent. tartars weren’t allowed to vote. crimea initially voted independent, only to later on be included into the russian federation.


on another note, why does putin think it was wrong for germany to reunite with austrian germans? bohemia and moravia were under german domain for 1113 years before 1919. why does putin complain about them rejoining germany? why shouldn’t slovakians have their own country? why should hungary not regain its ethnic territories in slovakia?


in 1940 the ussr demanded the right to station red army formations on baltic soil to “protect their borders”, despite the baltic states declaring joint neutrality and signing non-aggression pacts with both the ussr & germany. the three baltic states, together numbering barely 6 million, decided that resisting the ussr, numbering 170.5 million, was hopeless and agreed.


these bases were used to spread communist rebellions and eventually occupation, which again was not resisted out of a hope that not resisting would spare the population much needless death.

from may 1940 – june 1941, estonia alone lost well over 60’000 citizens to murder, torture, and deportation, out of a 1939 population of 1.1 million. the other baltic states suffered the same.


the winter war in finland started because finland refused the ussr’s demand to station troops in finland to “protect” their western border. commies today claim this is proof of finland’s ill intent towards the ussr, but what happened in the baltics just a few months later is never part of their narrative. finland saw through the ussr’s phony claims of merely desiring protection and considered themselves in an advantageous position to resist.


one month after the winter war, the british planned to invade and occupy norway in 1940 to cutoff germany’s iron supply. germany found out about this and beat them to the punch.

who’s to say the british were not secretly colluding with stalin to encircle germany in spite of the molotov-ribbentrop pact? the soviets also coerced romania to give up land to the soviet union in october, 1940.


they issued demands to ribbentrop that germany recognize future soviet interests of establishing military bases in finland, romania, bulgaria and the dardanelles in turkey.

meanwhile the communist international and soviet red orchestra spy network were working together to spread communism throughout europe and asia.


furthermore stalin was a military commander during the russo-polish war of 1919-1920. now why on earth would stalin ever give up on repeating that invasion when he already had territorial ambitions elsewhere? even in yugoslavia he wanted to establish military bases prior to conquest.


the footage is in the first links i sent. get on telegram. lookup james a:

he has articles on counter currents:

Last edited 1 year ago by Saxon
Reformed Anglo

don’t forget tyahnybok…i still have pics of him giving nazi salutes in a beer hall.

just type in tyahnybok nazi salute pics. you’ll find him.

Reformed Anglo

they’re a bunch of nazis, get stuffed – and i want my boots polished so i can see my face in them, so get busy.


you’re a bunch of commie rapists and serial killers. lowest of the low.

Jean Paul France

you cannot understand that the soviet “flatheads”, after clearing their rear of jewish conspirators (like trotsky), turned the nazis’ ass into the flag of japan. that’s why you are obsessed, you need to forget your ghosts.

jens holm taco clown show

saxon dumber than burger in its amerikan trailer

Jean Paul France

you’re a loser obsessed with the 1945 defeat, you need anal shock therapy.


time to take your medicine clyde ukraine is going to be over soon and then you can go cry over the next war in taiwan.


molto interessante.


indeed. from what i heard, they arrived at the gates of moscow yesterday. bbc tells no fibs.


why not avoid it and surround it taking over not fortified areas? then banderites inside wont get ammo and food and sooner or later surrender.

why take fortified positions instead of attacking around?


the troops have to be neutralized here, otherwise they start urban warfare in kherson and kharkiv. rf wants to keep flats and infrastructure complete. and maybe you notice every stronghold can be defended shorter. the end is near.


ur full of shit. taking territory between pincers is basic military maneuvering. you do that and the enemy will have no choice but to fall back on their own. but that’s not what russia is doing here. they did it in ww2, but they aren’t doing it here.

Reformed Anglo

russia had 5 times the firepower of the eu, even if it could muster more but it’s running on empty and the republicans in. congress know that dumping more money into ukraine is a black hole and waste of time. plus the russians have thousands of old soviet fabs modified to precision glide bombs, not even mentioning the rest of its arsenal.

Reformed Anglo

all it has to do is blow the afu to smithereens and take its time doing it, then go in to pick up the pieces. you don’t think the afu abandoned avdeyevka just because they ran out of coffee, do you?

macaroon clown Inc.

under amerikunt clown show my napoleon dreams died when russian humiliated all nato

jens holm taco clown show

we no have napoleon only taco from amerika


e’ molto difficile distinguere la propaganda dalla realtà. rimane che il potentissimo esercito ucraino, quello che ha sbaragliato i russi diretti a kiev, vive, già da allora, unicamente di armi e munizioni occidentali.

Reformed Anglo

sure, because the russians have destroyed all ukraine’s domestic heavy arms and are doing the same now with its western arms.

btw: your meloni is an idiot.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reformed Anglo

meloni is a wef sponsored fake leader

Erik 1953

all that to break open all borders, to fill all the countries with migrants. except israel.


it’s really sad when u can see the grenade dropped on the man and he smiles and looks up at the drone after he nearly looses his life … is life really this futile where slavic brothers are fighting each other from jew commands …

what the fuck are they even fighting for they are brothers… ukraine and russian are part of europe.. to bad the fucking eu got usurped bye usa who had been usurped bye zionists …

it’s a dam shame


identitarian rubbish, like jewish supremacism.

Reformed Ukrop

i hate to say it but we are nazi lackeys for the jewish elite. look at ukraine’s leaders, then look at the enforcers. it’s like the jewish mafia using the italian mafia as enforcers back in the old days.


yes leading to a quicker defeat of each village and city; as russians momentum builds. russians learning to collapse defensive positions quicker with fabs and lack of ukrainian defenses; as they keep falling back. russians collecting lots of western weapons and proof western boots on the ground.

Reformed Anglo

no proof needed. they’ve been there for ten years and more.

Milei Vanillei

total eclipse over copeistan these days.

Last edited 1 year ago by Milei Vanillei
Reformed Ukrop

argentina should adopt bitcoin. a lot safer than the dollar.


the conclusion will come quickly; as many russian ukrainians had enough of the death destruction and lies. gorilla warfare fighting in the background behind the ukrainian lines right up to border with poland.

Reformed Anglo

just go on bitchute and type in ukraine. for every one western nazi posting russian losses (yep, western nazis), there’s ten posting ukrainian losses and ukrainians doing selfies of being ready to throw in the towel. ain’t for the faint of heart.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reformed Anglo

moron amerikan retired nazi janitor poko molo aka saxon more desperate as her cia ukraine project failure obvious


chasov yar seems to be the perfect place to make some largescale testing of thermobaric bombs…

taliban goat herder

we humiliate inferior amerikan—now russia exposes all nato as weak paralyzed stupified brain dead

taliban goat herder

inferior anglo saxon defeated by taliban now humiliated by russians

taliban goat herder

amerikan sissy must lick my sandal—where soviets defeated muhjadin…nothing better than incompetent amerikunt enemy than to assure victory


saxon tantrum humiliated by russian superiority the poko molo amerikan hillbilly exposes it is feminized insecure desperate

amerikan clown show

now my burger include prozac to cope w russian superiority

jens holm taco clown show

i only see burger or glue to sniff

jens holm

please send me glue for my senility—arhaus sanatorium for the stupid. #404 nation c/0 cia homosexual administration for jens holm mental illness

joe biden

where is me—did we find jens holm nursing home? can i have ice cream? is sodomy by taliban or viet gong better?

Peter Jennings

the usadmin, nato, and their nazi puppet, have sent all these ukrainian’s to their deaths. plain and simple. we hear reports all the time now of russian advance. yet the kiev junta and their press gangs can only retreat. such is the present day power of the usadmin and its nato poodles. the russian admin are very keen to stick it where it belongs but the usadmin and its nato poodles are hiding behind their nazi puppet.
