Russian Forces Accelerate Their Advance In Mariupol


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Russian Forces Accelerate Their Advance In Mariupol

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Russian Forces Accelerate Their Advance In Mariupol
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Russian Forces Accelerate Their Advance In Mariupol

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to ,

The Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have accelerated their advance in the city of Mariupol.

On April 8, Russian and DPR forces made a significant breakthrough. With minimum fire power, the forces managed to storm the seaport of Mariupol, which was one of the key strongholds of Ukrainian troops, Azov nationalists and foreign mercenaries.

After seizing most of the port, DPR forces began evacuating the crews of the civilian vessels which were stuck there. Since February, sailors from different countries, including citizens of Ukraine, were held hostage by the Azov nationalists, and were used by Ukrainian troops as human shields.

While retreating from the seaport, the remnants of Ukrainian troops and nationalists seized two foreign vessels. Holding the crews of these vessels hostage, the Azov nationalists began firing from the decks with 120 mm mortars, various types of grenade launchers and small arms.

While some Ukrainian troops and nationalists are still trying to hold onto the port, others are trying to flee by sea.

On April 9, the Russian military foiled an attempt by Ukrainian troops to break the Mariupol siege on the Maltese-flagged Apache dry-cargo ship. The attempt was foiled and the ship was captured along with its crew.

The recent operations of Russian and DPR forces in Mariupol were not limited to the city’s port. As of April 11, almost all residential areas in the city were moped up. Several hotspots of Ukrainian resistance left in the Primorskiy district, where street fighting continues along the main avenue, and in the central districts of the city.

On April 10, the DPR flag was raised over the Mariupol city administration building. The DPR flags are already waving over the Kalmius and Left-Bank districts of the city.

Currently, most of the remaining Ukrainian troops, Azov nationalists and foreign mercenaries in Mariupol are besieged at the Azovstal steel plant and the Ilyich factory.

While Mariupol remains one of the hottest front lines in Donbass, fierce clashes continue on the other fronts of the region, especially in the areas of Izium and Severodonetsk.

The LPR units reportedly managed to establish control over Krimskoe and Prichepilovka villages, strengthening the control zone near the village of Novotoshkovskoye. After a massive artillery bombardment of Severodonetsk, LPR forces attempted to storm the city. The AFU units repelled the attack.

Meanwhile, the Russian military continued its missile strikes on military targets in different regions of Ukraine.

On April 10, Russian Kalibr missiles destroyed the S-300 anti-aircraft missile division hidden in a hangar on the southern outskirts of the city of Dnepropetrovsk. It was recently supplied to Ukraine by a European country, likely Slovakia. Four S-300 launchers and up to 25 personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces were also destroyed.

During the night, Russian missiles destroyed the repair base of weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian air defense forces near Velikaya Novoselovka, including Buk-M1 and Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile systems.

Two ammunition depots were destroyed near Nikolaev and Zhovtnevoye, and a radar for illumination and guidance of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed in the area of Uspenovka.

As a result of high-precision strikes in the areas of Vozdvizhenka-2 and Ivanovka villages of the Donetsk region, nine tanks, five self-propelled 2S3 “Acacia” artillery installations, five BM-21 “Grad” multiple rocket launchers and more than 60 nationalists were destroyed.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, two Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft were shot down near the village of Izyum.

Suffering heavy losses, Ukrainian nationalists are reportedly preparing to up their propaganda tactics.

On April 10, Russia revealed that Ukrainian soldiers had mined reservoirs with chlorine at a water utility in the Popyasnaya district as a part of a plot to blow them up when forces of the LPR approach the city. Earlier, on April 5, an acid tank in the 1st workshop of the Zarya plant was blown up in the town of Rubezhnoye.

Russia also revealed that with the West’s support Kiev is plotting more provocations with massacre of civilians in the LPR to place the blame for it on Russian forces.

The West is not appeared to be planning to tune down its support for the Kiev regime any time soon. On April 9, British PM Boris Johnson paid a surprise visit to Kiev, where he met with president Zelenskiy. Following the visit, the UK promised to supply Kiev forces with 120 armored vehicles and anti-ship missiles.

The West’s blatant attempts to prolong the war in Ukraine on the hopes of “defeating” Russia will likely continue at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

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The fate of the Eastern Ukraine will be decided eventually but Kiev will remain free and open. There are many clubs that I go to where I can dance with other men which is my given right. We do not descriminate here, quite the opposite in fact. EU and US values will prevail in Western and we will have lebirty.

Leena's clitoris

I don’t know why you keep going on about this. It is like you guys have a chip on your shoulder.


Faggotry hates women and life.

Vulva Brittania

More like an itch in their bottoms


The chip on his shoulder probably matches the one in his ass.

Ghost of Kiev

Hey, Ghost of Kiev here. How that’s counter attack on Kherson going, have we retaken it yet?


I am thrilled that you have taken time out from your busy schedule of knocking down RUssian aircraft to join us.

Karma Karmelian

Ukrainian troops have launched a counteroffensive and have captured Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, the North Pole and Prudoe Bay in Alaska. They are launching the first manned mission to Mars this weekend and have discovered the cure for cancer. But they still don’t have any access to the Azov Sea. And soon, the Black Sea . . .

David Tanner

Ha! Says every major news outlet in the West all day, every day like a broken fucking record. Even if I had fully chosen a side the relentless propaganda is frustrating.

The Lost Brigade

We got lost along the way and ended up in Transnistria. Natives not too friendly here. Still, they invited us for dinner but I’m not sure what that big boiling pot is for. Am kinda suspicious.

Falcon of Kherson

I have single-handedly put them on the defensive. The cowards hide once they heard of my name. Send more weapons, we are winning.


And what is exactly “lebirty” ?? To get Sodomized by an Ukro-Nazi ??


“We do not descriminate here” like Zion-stan.

wakka wakka

You spelt Palestine wrong.


why stupid Oregon hillbilly nazi comment at SF? CIA sodomize you




If AIDS doesn’t kill u, the Russian army will! #dirtyfags


move to Tel Aviv


il n y a pas de TEL AVIV c est la Palestine


What is so appealing about the poop chute?
Are you insane?

Abraham Lincoln

Russia can roll over and crush Ukraine in 3 days any time they want to. The only thing stopping Russia is that Russia wants to minimize the civilian casualties this would cause.

concrete mike

Dream on. The nazis will turn on any minority at the drop of a hat.

Karma's Drippy Ass

Free and open! Just like your asshole. You misspelled liberty.


That’s right thinking about dancing with other men it’s your god given right you said it all that’s all you think about dancing with another guy all you think about is DICK YOU LOSER…


Facts are, gay fags will always be discriminated against because it’s a minority position. As such, minority social behaviors are always socially reset given enough time because people get sick of all your gay shit, eventually. How about you just be gay and leave the rest of the world alone?

There was a time when it was ok to be gay af now and then, but it always goes back to the start. Kind of like… the matrix.



Putin's MASSIVE Balls, NATO's empty nutsack

And the right to Ass Fuck ourselves into oblivion! Slava NATO, Slava J..s, Slava faggotdom!


No one gives a shit.


Karma, you need to see a doctor. It is serious




lets just say you have absolutely no idea on whats going on and just leave it at that. Most people here are educated on weapon systems of all nations and geopolitics and history. Then along comes lemons like you with their 2 cents worth of opinions that end up in nonsense and digital dust. To us your views are a window into your fragile mind and how its has been manipulated via ego, a sense of patriotism but mainly via the intentions of “good”. “The path to evil is paved with good intentions”. You have no sense of true right and wrong only what u are told is right or wrong. We look at you like a human Zombie. As if you were bitten and have become an NPC character in a game that has no opinion formed of its own accord. You are a fish in a bowl. Thats what you comment above is. A fish in a bowl givings its 2 cents worth of digital dust. Sad.

Sophia 'actual Nazi' Townson

Off to a good start.

Putin Chess 4D

Good luck

Sophia 'actual Nazi' Townson


Jimmy Judo

I said the Korean Zombie was overrated. He does not deserve to be in the converastion when it comes to title fights.


Fucking buffering.

Segev 'neck-cranking spree killer' Azulai

The CIA are stealing your information.

Harry Taylor

When it does that, download the video.



Putin Chess 4D

You are so welcome


That is only because you are not at the Azov death factory.

The Lost Brigade

Remember that scene from Alien II or III whatever, where the slimy nazi azov creature had molten metal poured all over it and then fell into a cauldron of more molten metal? I think we’re in the sequel now. I hope Sean Penn is there with his film crew. It’ll be a blockbuster.

The Lost Brigade

It’s because of that nervous twitch you have.


Marriupol under control. Just need to smoke the Mercs out. Slava Rossiye

Sophia 'actual Nazi' Townson

Prefer BMWs anywhichway.

Fallujah Follies

Tear gas, napalm, phosphorus or carfentanyl? All four are approved by the international rules based order.


So are there Russian troops near Kiev or not??? What is it with your maps???

Pamfil Military Academy

Yes, they are. Russians maintain about 1/3 of the initial force into Belarus to put in any moment pressure on Kiev Reich.

Last edited 2 years ago by Slobodan

pathetic liar, they already announced a withdrawl of russian military from kiev and chernihiv regions, they are scared of admitting russian failures


complete Russia victory—the only world powers today are Russia and China—anglos and nato colonies tremble cry like obedient submissive lgbt…so many feminized cowards now come to SF—CIA nazis traumatized by their impotence astonished by Russian dominance…there are many lgbt therapists that can sodomize you if you are not overly senile obese and ugly

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

I have lived in England or anglia as you say. Very nice boys there especially the wales. LGBT are top dog in the NHS and as ambulance drivers they make sure they are present when certain people are out and about, they always driving by those bad people with sirens and lights.LGBT are also very present within human resourcing and government institutions. You might think you are getting personalised messages and actually you are because we chat amongst ourselves and make life very difficult for you if you are not down with our movement. This is LGBT, we rule!


Great! Oh gosh, throwing shade!


Heil faggot Hitler!


When LGBT aren’t fighting straight people their fighting each other.


only rule in your immoral cultural desert cesspool

Timmy Temperance

Cool. Guys I am selling a lot of cool stuff at bargain prices over on Ebay. Message me or make an offer.

Sophia 'actual Nazi' Townson


Avid Collector

I want me one of them nazi skull & bones. How much they going for? Don’t want no singed ones though.




how about the bones of the people in the comments who are clearly nazis, spreading hatred of the jews, and are clearly pro russian LOL

Last edited 2 years ago by russianmom

Stop Use old map!!! is no Russian around Kiev!


Are these Chechens being paid by the hour? Taking all damn year to mop up Mariupol.

Fallujah Follies

Yep, if they were smart, they’d not risk a single Chechen and just level the plant on top of everybody trapped inside. Job done. Those damn humanitarians.

Lesco Brandon

A subterranean tactical nuke would solve this problem. Instant crispy Nazis plus contained fallout!


Ukrops are getting hungrier by the minute.


Right! Ukraine doesn’t discriminate. That’s an oxymoron, since you have a huge NAZI problem. Ignorance is bliss I suppose?


How could you possibly know that?


stupid racist Oregon hillbilly

Fallujah Follies

They HAD a HUGE nazi problem. Now it’s more of a huge “what do we do with all these dead nazis?” problem. “It’s getting hard to move around in here.”


This video is being bandwith throtled and keeps on stopping every 5 seconds … its not my computer and or my connection

Gipsy god

Wtf is wrong with the map, did they get lazy?


You are in for it now. Racist.


have you seen the people in the comments getting all the likes that openly say they hate the jews? where have you been, are you retarded?


they are scared to show russian withdrawl from around kiev and chernihiv and west of kherson, they still show a thin line above mykolaiv, southfront has no credibility

Last edited 2 years ago by StillNoMariupol
Pox Propaganda

Azov prepares chlorine bombs for use on Mariupol residents.

OPCW prepares report beforehand: “It was just some spilled clothes bleach”


I just don’t understand why the Russians would allow Boris the Clown or any other NATO leader make a visit to Kiev. All of Ukraine should be a No Fly Zone for the Western enemies.


You would think right

Marcelo Rodriguez

Es de suma importancia la toma de Mariupol, Rusia y las Repúblicas separatistas deben de tomar esta ciudad rápidamente, destruir por completo a las Fuerzas AFU, los batallones de Azov y los mercenarios Occidentales, no debe haber ningún tipo de negociación para la salida de estos mercenarios ya que cualquier tipo de negociación solo implica perdida de tiempo para la toma de la ciudad y alargar su caída. Se podría utilizar las armas termobaricas como el TOS – S1Buratino para limpiar las últimas posiciones donde se refugian los militantes de Azov y los mercenarios Occidentales. Una vez tomada Mariupol quedaría mano de obra libre para continuar con la limpieza restante del Donbass.

Lesco Brandon

Here are some options for flushing out the Nazi cockroaches from the subterranean tunnels they’re infesting in Mariupol:

1) Cut off the water supply
2) Poison the water supply
3) Poison gas
4) Tactical underground nuke – instant fried Nazis plus fallout contained underground!

Tommy Jensen

Whattabout the City of London and Bruxelles. Whattabout them?


Do not forget, US led NATO has long playlist in genocide and evil doing to others such use of cluster bombs and depleted uranium in Iraq and Balkans. And how about orange agent chemical weapon used in Vietnam and dropping atomic bombs in Japan? Exposing NATO officers that might be still hiding in Mariupol port, would be a added to their long history of atrocities.


Yep…the Zio terrorist EVIL EMPIRE head, USA .United Snakes of Aipac and their NATO EU cespit material is prepared to fight to the last Jewkrainian, once they are not Jewish who are given free passage to Help Aviv in Occupied Palestine


They are still using the same map from weeks ago!!! they withdrew from kiev and chernihiv regions but are scared to show it on the map!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by StillNoMariupol

Could you imagine what the results would have been if Russia had chosen a REAL COMMANDER for the theater.

Instead of adopting this WEAK and STUPID policy of lets Sunday drive to the capitol park our vehicles ( with WHITE COLORED “Z” on them which helps when you to ranging and TARGETING them) in FULL VIEW of the ENEMY and ask them(because you think they are your Slavic “brothers”) What day would you like to surrender???


It is not a question of what Russia is doing in Ukraine, they have made their plans quite public and precise. The question is what is the UK and the US doing in Ukraine? How does the Russian operation effect US & UK national security? If the US & UK lose a potential NATO ally on the Russian border does this mean the end of the western world?

pappa gone

in western world we are so tired of the axis of terror and lies we are, our governments are trying to destroy our lives, our economy and our way of life following orders of the zio-cabal which wants to kill old and poor people. also using germ warfare of biolabs of ukronazia, georgia, baltic states and other former sovietic countries created by fauci, gates and other reptilians

pappa gone

it’s time to stop them, thanks russia very much, and we await also china to stand-up these evil rogue animals


Russia methodically denazifies ukrappyland—-stupid amerikan hillbilly believes this can be accomplished in 3 days after your lgbt military sodomized by taliban for 20 years
