Russian Flag Waving In Ocheretino North Of Avdeevka

Russian Flag Waving In Ocheretino North Of Avdeevka

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On April 22, the flag of the Russian Federation was raised in the center of the village of Ocheretino in the Avdeevka region. According to Ukrainian military observers, the sharp break through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine became possible after Ukrainian soldiers escaped from their positions despite the orders of their commanders.

On the morning of April 22, both Russian and Ukrainian military sources confirmed Russian breakthrough in the southern part of the village.



In the afternoon, Russian servicemen raised the flag over the building of the local administration. Thus, the footage confirmed that the Russian army crossed the railway station and took control of the central part of the village. Moreover, the footage confirms that the shooting is heard far from the center, likely on the outskirts of the settlement.

At the moment, the Russian military continues the mop up operation in the northern part of the settlement, where some scattered Ukrainian groups are hiding. Also, the territory of the Altcom brick factory, located on the western outskirts of the settlement, remains under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian military is hastily withdrawing from military positions in Ocheretino. Ukrainian military commanders complained that Ukrainian soldiers refused to resist and fled from their positions soon after the Russians approached the village.

Before the assault on the residential areas, Russian artillery and aerial bombs heavily pounded the area. This is confirmed by the satellite imagery of the area:

Russian Flag Waving In Ocheretino North Of Avdeevka

Click to see full-size image

The loss of Ocheretino will have severe consequences for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have already entered the village of Novobakhmutovka from the northern direction. Russian advance also threatens Ukrainian positions in Solovyovo. The AFU are withdrawing part of the troops from Solovyovo and Novobakhmutovka to the west along the road.


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dead hand system is ready

nato’s goal is to destroy russia. but the day they achieve this goal will be the very day when the rf will press the red button (as stated in the constitution). and this means their immediate end (because there is absolutely no way for defense) atomic destruction of all nato countries. i would do the same: if a killer kills me but i have the chance to kill him too, i would, ofc, no need for thinking. so in their places i mb would reconsider the goal. it is impossible to defeat russia by force.

Meshulam Salman Kron

>>> but the day they achieve this goal <<<

i have to defuse you dear friend, this day will never come

איך האָבן צו דיפיוז איר ליב פרייַנד, דעם טאָג וועט קיינמאָל קומען

dead hand is ready

i also hope that, but the rf must be ready for all cases and all scenarios. if the rf falls, the usa, uk, france and germany will fall too. guaranteed.


china and india will lead the ruins of this world, because euroidiots with their anglosaxonian/zionist masters tried to conquer the planet and suicided themselves in attempt to prevent china’s economic domination.


why then didn’t they arm the chechens with state-of-the-art weaponry in the 1990s at minimal cost to america? why not nuke russia anytime from 1945 to 1949 when america was the only country with nuclear weapons? the americans didn’t even exploit their qualitative and numerical edge over the russians in terms of nuclear weaponry all throughout the 1950s. they didn’t even listen to the pleas of patton and churchill to attack the soviets shortly after world war 2.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

they armed chechens a lot, they sent many arabs as mercenaries to them, gave money for terrorist attacks. burning of hiroshima and nagasaki was a signal to stalin not to come to west further. patton and truman were ignored just because number of nuclear bombs was too low before 1949 (when ussr got its own) and the red army in western europe was stronger than all fascists combined, that’s why “unthinkable” plan wasn’t realized.


chechens only had equipment from soviet stockpiles. they possessed no weapon system from any nato country, no heavy equipment (tanks, artillery), or manpads like “stinger” and other missile systems.

what proof do you have there were arabs fighting in chechnya? or any proof at all besides baseless media claims that no rebellions occur in russia without america being involved?

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

“patton and truman were ignored”

they literally had patton (a germanophile) killed for criticizing the occupation, and so that he wouldn’t discover the truth about germany not being responsible for starting world war 2. truman never wanted to attack the soviet union. himself, roosevelt and churchill were each 33rd degree freemasons.


“number of nuclear bombs was too low before 1949”

dwight eisenhower fired douglas mcarthur for constantly demanding that eisenhower (the architect of the rhine meadow deathcamps after wwii) let him use nuclear bombs in the korean war against communist china and north korea.


“the red army in western europe was stronger than all fascists combined”

germany was national socialist, not fascist (though both are third position). there were only three “fascist” countries in europe (germany, italy, spain). finland, hungary, romania and bulgaria did not have fascist governments. i did not include some occupation governments in the balkans.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

yugoslavia was initially allied with germany before the serbian-dominated army overthrew their government and declared war on germany in 1941. mussolini’s invasion of greece in october, 1940 very much irritated hitler. this was the same month that the soviet union grabbed romanian territory by force, and demanded that germany also let them establish military bases in bulgaria, turkish dardenelles, and the rest of romania like they had done before conquering the baltic states.


“number of nuclear bombs was too low before 1949”

they could have produced thousands if they wanted to. jews were deeply involved in the manhattan project that invented the atom bomb. many jews with communist sympathies (like roosevelt and his administration) were found guilty of treason for giving the soviets secret documents that allowed them to reverse-engineer and produce atom bombs.


the answer’s obvious. the neocons hadn’t completed their mission of taking over the entire us government and enslaving europe yet.


neoconservativism did not exist before the 1970s. it was started by jewish trotskyite irving kristol.


the soviets tried to conquer and enslave europe between 1918-1921. stalin was a military commander (despite having no experience) in the polish-soviet war of 1919-1921 as a land bridge toward conquering germany. to lenin, capturing industrialized germany was essential to achieving world revolution, i.e. jewish messianism (world conquest). – newspaper article, 1922.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

jta org/ archive/ben- gurion- foresees- gradual- democratization- of- the- soviet-union

“in jerusalem, the united nations (a truly united nations) will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the supreme court of mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by isaiah.”


chabad org/ library/ article_ cdo/ aid/ 1121893/ jewish/ who- is- moshiach- the- jewish- messiah htm

“during the messianic era, the moshiach will serve a dual role. he will be a monarch, ruling over all of humanity with kindness and justice, and upholding the law of the torah—613 commandments for the jews, and seven for the non-jews. he will also be the ultimate teacher, the conduit for the deepest and most profound dimensions of the torah which will then be revealed by g‑d.”


the law (halakhah) of judaism from the talmud as translated by renowned chabad lubavitcher rabbi adin steinsaltz “if a non-jew violated one of the seven noahide laws, he is liable to death by decapitation.” (babylonian talmud, sanhedrin 56a, steinsaltz edition, vol. xviii, p92).

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

now they are begging ukraine to stop bombing strategic targets in russia like oil refineries and military bases. don’t forget the amount of money they give ukraine is not even fraction of what they have given to israel. they want a predictable russia, not a disorderly russia that fragments into multiple countries. they don’t want to end up having to deal with hardline communists, or jihad fanatics armed with nukes.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

“they want a predictable russia, not a disorderly russia that fragments into multiple countries.”
it started from 5 billions to commit the coup in 2014, because they needed illegal radical regime – pure marionette like typical south american junta. next elections had to be just a year later, and pro-western fascists (like previous one – yuschenko, coup in 2004 with anti-constitutional third tour of elections) could be installed as quite legal authorities.


but their masters’ goal was a war with russia. that’s why they failed both minsk peaceful agreements (heavily criticized inside russia by the way) and armed village nazis for attack on donetsk and genocide of local population, if russia would stay apart. this would lead to collapse of trust to government in russia and grow of separatism movement heavily supported by western sodomites as they did with caucasian terrorists in 1990s.


and what adolf milley (head of staff in 2022) said: ““there should be no russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night,” milley said, according to an official with knowledge of the event. “you gotta get back there, and create a campaign behind the lines.”

create campaign behind the lines = terrorism in the rear.


yushchenko promised his masters to not renew russia’s sevastopol lease when it expired in 2017, so only a fool can’t understand that it was all about nato’s total control of the black sea.

when push finally came to shove, pushy nato finally got the shove it deserved. that’s the way nuland’s cookies crumbled. too bad, so sad.

Last edited 10 months ago by Amadeus

t me/ sillyziggers/ 1930

[video of former fsb colonel igor girkin (strelkov) admitting the "referendum" in crimea happened with a rifle behind people's backs. not even local deputies wanted to willingly join russia, as he claims. something you already know, but want to hear it directly from the snake itself.]

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

t me/ eternalmuscovite/ 59582

[video of igor girkin’s friend evgeniy skripnik (“prapor”) admitting that girkin was preparing for war in ukraine even before 2014, when he served in the fsb.

according to him, the "novorossia" project involved russia occupying ukraine, planned by the russian special services long before maidan. girkin, as the responsible fsb officer, created a network of saboteurs in ukraine to implement this project even before the overthrow of president yanukovych.]

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

t. me/ sillyziggers/ 2574

video of former russian prime minister dmitry medvedev admitting that residents of the occupied regions of ukraine are waiting for the ukrainian army. he stated that russia should deport such people to siberia.


counter- currents. com/ 2022/ 03/ the- truth- about- the- euromaidan/

tinyurl. com/ 4j7mtjn9

t. me/ jamesarants88

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

so, they got a predictable russia and should stop complaining. too bad they weren’t able to predict the predictable when they started messing with its neighbors, overthrowing democratically elected governments in the name of democracy (lol) so they could grab crimea and turn the black sea into a nato lake and other such moronic stunts overinflated and desperate empires often resort to.


one of the kremlin’s main talking points is that russia needs buffer states to protect itself from nato. russia can’t have ukraine joining nato because it is too close to russia, and that russia is threatened by nato neighbours. as usual, this propaganda is easily disproven when you critically examine the issue.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

uh, not to bust your balloon but i suspect that your ability to critically examine an issue goes no further than an in depth treatise on tying shoelaces.


russia is the largest country by landmass on the planet, possesses over 5 thousand nuclear warheads, a population of almost 150 million, and is abundant in natural resources. russia was supposed to have one of three strongest militaries on paper. the worst thing russia did in terms of maintaining its prestige was attack ukraine, thereby exposing the fact its military is in fact a paper tiger.

how does a neighbour joining a defensive alliance threaten russia?

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

“population of almost 150 million”
a bit over since join of ldpr and parts of cherson and zaporoje regions.


long and short of it is: you honestly can’t be that brain dead.


nato is a defensive alliance. history proves that wars launched by nato members, even america, are unlikely to be joined by the rest of nato. nato did not officially participate vietnam or
iraq. some nato members voluntarily participated, but were not obliged to under the nato charter. only when a nato member is attacked are other nato members legally obliged to join the defensive war against the aggressor.


“nato is a defensive alliance.”


he’s a real hoot, isn’t he?

what spilled the beans for any rational thinker:

if the west went all in on keeping ukraine together after a violent coup d’etat and a hostile western ukrainian mindset incapable of recognizing the humn rights of it’s eastern ukrainian population that expressed its legitimate will in referendums, then why did it bomb serbia for doing far less in trying to bring kosovo back under control.


after all, between 2014 and 2022, ukraine (purposely) killed twice as many donbass civilians in a terror campaign to break their will through helter skelter bombing than serbia ever did in kosovo, according to unmik’s two yr investigation. simply compare and contrast unsc res. 1244 and 2202 and you’ll see that what the west signs on to and what it does rarely correspond. they are truly ‘agreement incapable.’

nato’s self-interested hypocrisy cost it its legitimacy long ago.

Last edited 10 months ago by Amadeus

in no way is russia threatened by small (relative to russia) neighbours joining a *defensive alliance*, unless russia has goals to invade these countries in which case a defensive alliance on the russian border is indeed a threat – a threat to their imperial ambitions in europe.


russia has not been attacked by another nation-state since 1941, over 8 decades ago, and not including ww1 (germany and russia were both drawn in via their allies austria-hungary and serbia) russia has only been attacked by another nation-state twice in the past 117 years! russia has been attacked zero times since acquiring nuclear weapons in 1949!


russia could have just sat back, continued to pose as a military superpower, and enjoyed the geopolitical reality of possessing lots of natural resources, population, land, and nuclear warheads. they could have worked towards developing their country so it isn’t so much of a shithole, dealt with domestic issues, further developed trade relations and so on. instead they chose to attack a neighbour, again, and place their country in an unwinnable position.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

take a look at a list of russia’s wars through history. only twice in the past 117 years has russia been attacked by a nation state, all of their other wars are wars of aggression, conquest, or fighting rebellions within their empire. the list of russian wars reads like that of an empire. russia is not a victim of warmongering, russia is the warmonger.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

as an aside, it’s funny to hear alternative media commentators who spent years saying russia could take on nato, and that nato is weak, now say that nato (not ukraine – so they say) made the russian invasion a quagmire without even deploying a single soldier, just by sharing some of their weapon systems and vast resources with ukraine.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon
foreign legion dead in karkov

are you retarded? nato deployed many soldiers disguised as “instructors”, “mercenazis” etc. many of them already in bandera hell, as dead as dead can be and i hope the rest of them will die soon as well. dead hand is right.


that was 9-10 years ago. some ukrainian soldiers were trained in nato countries since 2022 to learn how to use nato equipment. only a relative handful of non-slavic soldiers were sent to the foreign volunteer brigade. the bulk of the soldiers fighting for ukraine from biggest to smallest in the following order: ukrainian, russian, belarusian, georgian, chechen, former warsaw pact, former yugoslavia, albania, and after that: western europe and america.


russian media tends to lie a lot. thereby exaggerating the presence of mercenaries from america and western europe, pretending that all ukrainian men are dead (pre-war population was 44 million people), and more nonsensical russian claims about destroying 18,000 armored vehicles that neither ukraine and all of nato collectively possess.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

as for stefan bandera, he was opposed to hitler. he couldn’t have partaken in the holocaust since it is a lie to coverup soviet jewish atrocities (the first soviet government was 85% jewish according to vladimir putin, the nkvd was administered by jews), and create false justification for the creation of israel.

euromaidanpress com/ 2017/ 02/ 12/ from cia archives stepan banderas 1954 interview to german radio


“he was opposed to hitler” as well as his pal shuhevitch – ss captain from ss battalion “nightingale”? you’re disgusting liar and a criminal, because such kind of lies is hatred crime that lead to new genocide.


to be perfectly clear, all of the bullshit you think about “not sees” and “bandarites” is a projection of the soviet union’s savage character that has passed on to russia.

holocausthandbooks com/ book/ air photo evidence /

^ originally based on john ball’s book and video presentation with the late ernst zundel. aerial photos taken over babi yar show no sign of open-air cremations to “destroy evidence.” (a physically impossible task).


codoh com/ library/ document/ babi yar critical questions and comments /

odysee com/ @avawolfe: d/ holocaust stories versus science how does open air cremation work (documentary-film): b

i am pretty sure the second link is taken from a documentary by eric hunt before the jews got him arrested. he cowered out and subsequently renounced everything he ever said about the holocaust.


the river ganges in india is approximately 2700 kilometers long. it is heavily polluted and filled with hundreds of thousands of rotting cremated corpses. meanwhile, no forensic evidence of mass shootings and homicidal gassings has ever turned up at any of the alleged german death camps.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon

russian equipment losses in ukraine since feb. 24, 2022:

oryxspioenkop com/ 2022/ 02/ attack on europe documenting equipment html

this list only includes destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. loitering munitions, drones, civilian vehicles and derelict equipment are not included in this list. much effort has gone into avoiding duplicate entries and discerning the status of equipment between captured or abandoned.

Glen Andrew Bolderson

all from bs kiev sources. sit back and watch ukraine lose the war. nato cant produce enough equipment and there is no replacement for the 400,000 ukraine men lost. its a quagmire…..for nato. all those billions and for what? so we can sit here and read desperate flag waving armchair commandos talk out of their a-holes.


it’s a dutch source, faggot.

“400,000 ukrainian men lost”

at least half of that number is lost. there are many more men than that. you are taking russia’s casualties and applying them to ukraine. not to mention you can’t refute the pictures and footage presented as proof. childishly insisting i am wrong in order to cope with the fact russia is struggling against ukraine only shows you are retarded with no argument than to mindlessly repeat laughable russian media talking points.


ukrainian equipment losses since february 24, 2022:

oryxspioenkop com/ 2022/ 02/ attack on europe documenting ukrainian html

many of the entries listed as ‘abandoned’ will likely end up captured or destroyed. similarly, some of the captured equipment might be destroyed if it can’t be recovered. when a vehicle is captured and then lost in service with its new owners, it is only added as a loss of the original operator to avoid double listings.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon
foreign legion dead in karkov

stop spamming the forum with your fake posts


stop spamming bullshit that doesn’t refute me. that alone shows that i’m right. or you could refute me. except you rely on blind faith instead of critical thinking.


you’re mindless drones after all.


ethnic russians are barely slavic and culturally asian. that explains your robotic asiatic mindset. the vyatichi and krivichi were the only slavic tribes close enough to moscow when it was founded in the 13th century. these tribes “absorbed” many of the local finno-ugric tribes in the area like the merya and permians. that said, an ethnic muscovite is essentially a finno-ugric or uralic who speaks a slavic language that has some finno-ugric roots.

Glen Andrew Bolderson

this must be your assigned site is it? full time state propaganda? your not very good at it.


russian media is nothing but full-time state-run propaganda. talk about projection. how come you can’t refute the pictures and videos provided in the link? that’s why you keep resorting to empty accusations and other retarded statements.


you falsely accuse anyone you disagree with of being a shill despite not ever being able to prove them wrong.

Last edited 10 months ago by Saxon
troll profiler

you are a paid op from dc, an official troll spreading lies, but like glen stated, you failed your mission. loser


i think so ,you are probably reight, because there almost no option, they wil continue to cause demages to russia so long is possible

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

ukrainian front is crumbling like a house of cards. to be expected when the deck’s made up of jokers.


you said that for 2 years. yet russia lost 50% of captured territory and the front line hasn’t move very much since then. all you’re doing is coping over the fact russia is a worse shit hole than ukraine and has exposed its military as a paper tiger.


former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny is currently kept under heavy security (=arrested) to monitor the situation in the country. the ukrainian insider telegram channel “resident” writes about this, citing a source in the president’s office, who previously reported about the general’s detention .


doesn’t matter if spiders in a bottle bites each other like it was with mad adolf and his pal ernst rohm (a sodomite and a nazist). valera must be hanged on as well as clown of kiev.


so even if the disunited states of avarice can put some cash in the nazi’s cofferx, the nazis, like zelensky, wont have any men/boys/women to put in harms away. it’s depleted the available bodies for a continued war!!!


tak veru, banderovské fašistické zvery odteraz budú už iba ustupovať. presne ako aj dakedy nacistické jednotky nemecka. rus sa pohol smerom na západ a bude v tomto postupe pokračovať. bude záležať teraz na debiloch z eu kde sa rus zastaví. ak budú i naďalej podporovať banderovských fašistov a budú dokonca mať chuť posielať vojská nato na ukrajinu, tak sa môže stať, že sa rus nezastaví na ukrajine ale bude postupovať ďalej. svetu mier!!!

jens holm

only god in dumbmark=money…why superior russian not worship money like amerikunt?


another chicken farm town ……………..carpet bombing is better

Shistkin Hepres Ass

it’s not even a fucking village. it is a single farm 😂😂😂 kacaps are so weak and pathetic.

dead hand is ready

yes, ofc, and now the classic line “the town had no strategical value” 😂😂😂 nazis are so predictable


or another variant – it was dotational. as village nazis said about crimea, donetsk and lugansk before.


iran have not so many carpets.) if seriously, this is russian land, that’s why here is no place for barbaric methods of war like in gaza. though from the beginning i was for complete destruction of tv, internet, bridges, tunnels, power plants (except nuclear of course) and largest railroad stations.

foreign legion dead in karkov

pekka, the incel boy from helsinki just woke up and is now manipulating the likes again , what a pathetic loser


likes/dislikes are for dumb kids. adult persons pays no attention to such crap. truth still truth, even if disliked 1 million times. as well as lies is lies, even after repeating and liked million times.


mother russia the last hope of saving urupp from the evil eussr, the craven $atanic cabal of the anglozionazi empire of filth destroying everything it touches. onward to the end of the $atanic d€mons, one and all. z and more z!

NATO Bluff Brigade

more useless bradleys and westoid wunderwaffen coming in from polish kranskiy land…then they go ka koom

Last edited 10 months ago by NATO Bluff Brigade
jens holm

i fly
amerikan homosexual flag and worship money

jens holm

my uncle hans sodomized me when i was seven yers old–now i worship money and wear diapers

The ten commandments of logic

i don’t think people understand you’re feshesusnis/sarcasm.

The ten commandments of logic

good for russia
