Alleged fragments of missiles fired by the US-led coalition on April 13-14 and shot down by the Syrian air defense forces, as shown by the Russian defense ministry. © Igor Ermachenkov / Sputnik
KRET, a developer of electronic equipment for the Russian military, will use information gained from studying a US Tomahawk cruise missile unexploded in Syria, to boost the capabilities of its own equipment.
The company is specializing in electronic warfare.
“Our new equipment needs to cover all spectra, optical and radio, which we found in the products of our counterparts,” the company’s First Deputy Director Vladimir Zverev told Radio Sputnik. “As specialists we were very interested in seeing the real-life use of various weapon systems in Syria, including the Tomahawks. Now having this missile in our hands we clearly know what channels it uses to communicate control, navigation and geolocation information.”
According to Mikheev, incorporating the data gained from studying US cruise missiles will take KRET two to three years. The company will use info to boost capabilities of Russian electronic warfare systems against US missiles “on all stages of combat deployment”.
Russia reportedly obtained at least two missiles fired at Syria on April 14 by the US, the UK and France in relatively undamaged state.
??????? That’s going to piss the AmeriKKKans off no end.
Tomahawk is an outdated piece of military equipment, lol.
Saudi regimes have paid huge amount for these Tomato missiles. LOL
True, but still one that is in massive use by the armed forces of the US and several of its allies. So still useful to study because any successor is still years away. Maybe even decades, considering they gave the contract to Lockheed-Martin.
And its not like having outdated military equipment is that uncommon. I know that the F-16’s of the Dutch air force ran on computers that were basically from the 1970’s before their midlife update in the late 90’s, early zero’s. Which means that their onboard computers are probably outdated again today.
That’s why any piece of military gear gets updated, because it is outdated.
The Navy, not the armed forces(which you quoted above, which shows how little you know about US military) are the only ones using the Tomahawk because it is a Sea to Land/Anti Ship missile
The US are ordering a small amount of the Tomahawk, many production lines of the Tomahawk have stopped. Even though the Tomahawk will remain in service until 2040 (due to it’s long shelf life).
FYI, the US Navy are replacing the Tomahawk, like I said above outdated! LOL
And 8 stupid fucks up voted your bullshit…
Hey, you got your take on it, hat’s fine. That doesn’t make anybody else necessarily stupid.
No need to be so harsh.
Many confuse the USAF AGM-86 cruise missile with the Tomahawk.
Are you jealous that you didn’t get upvoted? Barba Papa got Nine upvotes by the way…aproximately 30% of these rockets reach their target….pretty shitty result if you ask me….the U.S. Should print a couple of Trillion Dollars for Research & Development… we are already in the Hypersonic Age at the moment
Hey Joe. Outdated or not, the US is highly dependent on that system. Without it, there is a huge hole in the available punch of US forces.
You are funny. It is what they use on all the ships, including subs, C’mon man.
The US Navy are currently phasing the Tomahawk as it main Sea to Land/Anti Ship missile.
The US are ordering a small amount of the Tomahawk, many production lines of the Tomahawk have stopped. Even though the Tomahawk will remain in service until 2040 (due to it’s long shelf life).
FYI, the US Navy are replacing the Tomahawk, like I said above outdated!
Yes, currently phasing, maybe. The DoD is so messed up now, I don’ think they know anything about what they are doing. Besides, you say they are phasing out …. and President Trump said new and shiny and behold ……. they used Tomahawks in droves.
The future, nobody knows what will go down but, right now stayed connected to what is actually going on and you may learn something important, so you can share it with us. :) Have a good night man. I am out.
Your argument is subjective and child like “The DoD is so messed up now, I don’ think they know anything about what they are doing.”
You are being blocked for stupidity
In two decades from now the US Navy will still be operationally equipped with Tomahawk missiles.
Exactly new Tomahawks haven’t been made in almost 10 years and we have lots in storage, and the ones fired were all past their shelf date, which was a decision made based on this possibility and the fact that it was still the 40 year old design. We have much newer and better systems like Exocet and others. The ships that fired these actually had to go get them from a supply ship because they don;t carry anything this old on normal deployments. So if the Russians “learned” anything from this they are so far behind it’s not even worth trying.
So Basically you are saying you are going to fire some Newer Ones? Or was this Whole Excercise to get rid of Your Old Shit and have the American Taxpayer buy them for New Price?
there is nothing to “buy” the Tomahawk program was ended under Obama, we just have thousands sitting around. We already bought them and have them so might as well use them instead of something new we actually have to replace.
Yeah good Idea… Try them on some American States instead of the Rest of the World… Dump’m in your Own Garden
Im sure if any state ever uses WMD’s on another they just might.
Or if they need a False Flag Operation Northwoods or something Similar… it was the Russians that Fired it…they did it… they did it… Wasn’t Me… I never do Nuthin’
Err, Exocet? Design dates from 1967…
SDF started evacuating it’s location in Manbij as part of US and Turkish recent agreement, US and the French won’t evacuate their base over there, the announcement of the final agreement will be next month.
Well done Russia, Iran, Turkey and President Erdogan. This is another stroke to US, UK, France and Israeli migrants. LOL
The YPG and Saudi officials discussed forming a new force in Syria . The Anadolu report added that the Saudi officials setup communication checkpoints between Hasakah city and Al-Qamishli in order to recruit new fighters. Fighters are promised $200 if they join the new force.
What they gonna do on US$200 if they loose their lives due to Russian attacks. Second if any Syrian found traitor then in Syria anybody will leave him alive. Many their neighbours will assassinate him. Syrians home land is not for sale.
This is why South Front is often dismissed as a propaganda outlet.
Smug, I don’t get it.
This is why Smaug is often dismissed as a ‘disinformation outlet’ :)
Some of the time SF has put stuff out that is not that good. This said, overall SF is an outstanding source of information, which very frequently balances to the positive. It is far from the likes of Reuters, WSJ, NYT, Bloomberg and all the rest of the trash, which constantly hides and manipulates the truth. My take is that SF is solid.
Well said.
Russian propaganda??? yes, both Russia and the U.S. make a propaganda, the difference at this point is that Russian propaganda is more reliable
I didn’t say Russian, you assumed it. Interesting.
Also, your last statement is a literal oxymoron.
The demand for Russian S-400, S-300 and Pantsir-S air defense missile systems is very high because these missiles systems is a big threat to US, UK, France and Israeli aggression. Instead of Trump requests and threats still each nations buying S-400.
Every country is worried due to US, UK, France and Israeli aggression. They see that what they are doing to Palestinians, Yemenis, Syrians, Libyans and to Afghanis etc. They think that next is their number. lol.
At the second number is of Russian SU-35 and SU-57 the demand of which is very high and every nation want to buy these fighter jets.
How many Su-35 and Su-57 has Russia in service?
So much for all missiles hitting their targets there Mr. President. This is a very serious problem, considering that the strike was supposed to be using all the new and shiny stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised if some samples of Israeli missile technology is also making it’s way into Russia. My take, I wish well to all.
Russian EW has the number on Tomahawk LRALCM.
“””The company will use info to boost capabilities of Russian electronic warfare systems against US missiles “on all stages of combat deployment”.”””
All stages of combat deployment might mean, being able to take over the controls of the missile.
The United States have stopped all production of Tomahawks as of two weeks ago.
It is so outdated. It is a super slow system.
The future is speed warfare. Mach 7 and 8 in such. And the future is Photons such as laser defenses as well as laser strikes. No I am not kidding or being childish. In the next decent sized war between states, these weapons will be actively used. By at least one side, possibly as the war goes on by both sides.
Quite true…however, it’s the US procurement system that is the worst downfall of the military supply chain. Not only is design backseated by political concerns, but the inevitable cost overruns(that are traditional to US production), not to mention actual performance and delivery dates…means that immediate procurement of new systems are not at all close. Russia, on the other hand takes a far different approach and it shows…in design, right up through production , delivery and performance. The lessons of the Littoral ships, the F-35 (and F-22)are prime examples. The biggest edge the US has is actual production numbers and deep pockets.
Stealing, stealing? :))