Russian Defense Minister Revealed Total Losses Of Ukrainian Army

Russian Defense Minister Revealed Total Losses Of Ukrainian Army

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On April 23, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation launched the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Army General Sergey Shoigu made a speech summering the interim results of the ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian Defense Minister revealed Ukrainian losses and confirmed the recent Russian victories. 

In total, since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in February 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost almost 500 thousand servicemen, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry declared. The Army General Shoigu did not clarify if the number includes only irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or it includes both killed and wounded servicemen.

Shoigu: “The American authorities cynically declare that Ukrainians will die for their interests in the fight against Russia. In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to almost half a million soldiers. The Kiev regime failed to achieve its goals in a counteroffensive prepared by NATO instructors. Our servicemen have dispelled the myth of the superiority of Western weapons.”

Last time Shoigu called the losses of Ukrainian troops in February, 2024. Then, they exceeded 444,000 servicemen. Since the beginning of the year, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been losing more than 800 military and 120 units of various weapons, including foreign ones, every day, the general said. Then, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced that Ukraine had lost 31 thousand soldiers.

Both sides are suffering losses in bloody battles but both Russian and Ukrainian sources and military officials confirm that Kiev’s losses are several times higher than those of the Russian side. While the cemeteries are growing throughout the country, the Kiev is trying its best to find the fresh cannon fodder, both in Ukraine and abroad. However, no poorly trained Ukrainian men thrown to the battlefield can help to stop the Russian advance.

The Russian Defense Minister confirms that Russian troops maintain the military initiative along the entire front line and continue to “squeeze out” the Armed Forces of Ukraine from their military positions.

For example, the Russian military recently took control of the settlements of Pervomaiske (Avdeevka direction), Bogdanovka (Artyomovsk direction) and Novomikhailovka (Mariinka direction) in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The Russian military is also expanding the zone of its control in Berdych and Georgievka.

The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are unable to further restrain the advance of Russian troops and they are forced to leave their positions. Ukraine’s sponsors from the United States and other NATO states urgently approved the allocation of additional funding to Kiev to save the situation, but this will not help the Ukrainian military. In response to the resumption of military supplies from Western countries, Russian forces will increase the intensity of strikes on logistics hubs and storage facilities with Western weapons.


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informal formal

ex commander-in-chief and sa hauptmann valery “röhm” zaluzhny is currently kept under heavy security (=arrested) in the stadelheim prison to monitor the situation in the country. the ukrainian insider telegram channel “resident” writes about this.
sources say that he was planning a coup along with his neonazi allies of the ss kraken, azov and right sector. the nazis gave zelenski 48 hours to leave the power. the night of the long knives 2.0 is about to start.


stop killing our nato nazis! reeeeeeeeeeeeee

Zack Priem

every military man is a nazi (aka nationalist).
every nation is based upon nationalism (aka nazi).
russians = nazis
chinese = nazis
japanese = nazis
americans = nazis
mexicans = nazis
brazilians = nazis

Ivan Skavinsky Skavar

that’s incorrect. i am a military officer and consider myself to be a patriot, but not a nationalist. i love my country, but i dont hate other countries, specially those friendly to my country, they are my friends. so keep your nazi rants for yourself, son of a dirty ukra bitch


the words are funny – to me, nationalism and patriotism are exactly the opposite of what you told them to mean to you…. i mean cross each other.

Ivan Skavinsky Skavar

then you must be as nazi as zack. to you both, just kill yourself imbeciles


interesting , you have listed russians , chinese, japanese even americans but not the ukrainians. also nationalist is not necessarily nazi.

jens holm

its forbidden.

aol regan joke. i usa we can and do critiseize the president..

we freely can too it that in ussr as well

jens holm

0 id–i senile lick penioz—-criticize my transgender rapist

Yuri Bagarin

i eat dog shit too in murica.

jens holm

stalin them . every enemy was nazis even the allies fighting them in ww2 giving them some 17 billion help in ww2 and fighting the japanese as well.

and not enough americans and britts dies. killing own people was the good solution.

jens holm

5 million inferior danes —dawin was right we extinct inferior sub species

Peppe il Sicario

yeah, you see nazis even in your corn flakes and frootie loops!!!

South Front Is Pure Joke

well, actually, he’s currently hanging around in london, after zelensky called wadym prystajko away from there!

but london is effectively a prison for ukros

jens holm

wasnt it a fork.


stop. killing. our. nato. nazis. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Jens Holm

i know exactly why i left ukraine. three of my friends were killed by the rushnik flatheads.

i landed in denmark.

if all ukrainians follow my example, the war will be lost for us, but we will never have to return to ukraine and the eu countries will have to continue to pay for us.

i advise you comrades, do it that way, it is not worth lying in the mud for a gang of corrupt politicians in the donbass and being slammed down.

greetings from tilst

Last edited 5 months ago by Jens Holm
hyper sonic

makes a lot of sense


so now the ukrainian government suspended all consulate services for fighting age ukrainians living outside of the country, how are you going to renew your documents? if you’re really a ukrainian, and of fighting age, looks like tou’re going to die for zelwnsky either way

hyper sonic

he will have to apply for political asylum or just go underground, like many others

jens holm

not really.

danes decides about that.

jens holm

0 id—eerything in dumbmark decided by disney


you decide nothing

jens holm

0 id wrote that and not me.

jens holm

0 id wrote that.

jens holm

my brain not ukie it comes from implanted inferior dane species—darwin shows we are near extinct due to evolution monkey now superior to dane


fact is that this guy has no clue how many ukes have been killed. and like any propaganda the numbers are inflated.

just look at the facts.


okay, like these:
1) zelensky claimed only 30k dead ukrainians kia
2 they (forcefully in most cases) conscripted about 150-200k people last year
3) now they’re summoning an additional 500k this year and even lowered the minimum fighting age to 25, and extended the time troops need to serve to basically indefinitely.

two of these are true, one is a lie. can you spot the lie?
and there isn’t even one word of propaganda here, these numbers were all publiek shed by zelenskys government.


you forget the 1 to 4 ratio – killed to wounded. and of course rotation. 30000 killed and 120000 wounded. that’s 150000. when once wounded many won’t go back to combat forces. same with russia. killed in action is minority of all military losses.

Last edited 5 months ago by Henriksson

take your pick….if lies were shells, ukraine would’ve won over a year ago.

jens holm

fact is you are moron amerikunt hillbilly


the facts are, ukraine started with the 2nd largest army in europe and ended up with guys wearing dresses and girls wearing pants, with a few poor unfortunate down syndromers to entertain the trench rats. the western ukrainian population is well known for its right skewed bell curve for psychopathic traits. empathy is a foreign word to that motley crew..

Crocus Shooting Gallery

afu has sent half a million orcs to hell…thanks to help from usa-nato…with zero casualties for usa-nato…an excellent trade off!!!



“with zero casualties for us-nato …” , except for gen. adam marczak from poland , who died in bunker of tchasov yar , but officially fell from the mountain or from the window on vacation.


and that general from canada in bunker under “azovsteel” plant and over 10 thousand mercenaries – more than killed in afghanistan for 20 years.

hyper sonic

and let’s not forget american general roger l. cloutier jr. who also died in azovstal.


alright, completely no losses.)

jens holm

well. you has an infected context.

usa and uk was asked in to reorganize all over. russian fx also got their many nukes.

ukraine milititary we a attack one direted west.

but the agreement for ukraine as country was only defende. thats why russia even today is not hit hard as they should be.

jens holm

my worship money make me more jealous of superior russian—we weak fear strong russian must obey better master accept defeat

jens holm

you still got get the point is not yours.

usa armed the nazis because they no matter what was loyal to ukraine.

jens holm

i lick taliban peniz cuz they pay me ruble


lol….their only loyalty was to the money the jewish factions provided them. they’ll end up cutting the jews’ throats yet, just like in bandera’s day.

did you ever hear any of biletsky’s or tyahnybok’s beer hall speeches prior to 2014 and even shortly after, until they figured out that american jews were their bread, butter and shortcut to power? no? well, you’ve got one hell of a surprise waiting for you.

Last edited 5 months ago by bidencomics

is that the opinion of the people in the failed ukrainian cia project? all those dead ukrainians is a good trade-off?


for satanic supremacist sodomites? of course. they hate humanity and doesn’t count other people equal to them, we are kind of animals for them, just an instrument to fulfill their perverted fantasies. madlen albright answered “yes” when a journalist asked her: is economic blockade of iraq worth half million children lifes who died, because medicine was in blockade list. 500 thousand arab children, 500 thousand hohols…

Last edited 5 months ago by Антон
jens holm

and where is the reasons for that. thousens killed by him, war in iran and kuwait.

very small rubel. it only has one side and not even 3 dimensions.

i followed it. he didnt care about his own people even it as peacefull before war.

its the same with russia today. its childish revenge to almost famile, which collpased with them too in and by the fatal error karl marx version.

jens holm

ukras has to have no changes and should live in ruins made by not only ussr but also russia.

so we help it them as agree. they know defend their hopes and non are being with russian no matter what – ever. russia is no europe.

jens holm

i earn definition of europe from hillbilly in omaha—“russians are european”. geoffrey gorer

jens holm

i worship money must accept defeat of my ukie nazi—all my $$$ wasted to help russia humiliate me

jens holm

bork bork bork bork.

if you are 5 years old you write well.


if you’re 3 years old, you still write like a one year old whose mamma was addicted to crack. lol

(and i’m being kind).

Last edited 5 months ago by bidencomics

hehehehe….he actually believes that. wake up, goofy. dreamy time is over.

Global Zionism

it takes both sides to end this war the longer the biden junta delays the more territory the globalists will lose. ww3 is not the answer either because the globalists will be dug from their bunkers and treated as nazi-s should.

jens holm

globalist is the whole world minus russia and you still dont what a junta is and there hardly are any has nazis in the world.

jens holm

i very inferior to russian–they now humiliate me by denazify ukie–while my licktator buy zelensky new villa–humiliating to live in nation 404

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

russia highly exaggerates ukrainian losses. in reality ukrainian losses are around 70-80% of those of russians. the marginal is quite narrow. in same way zelensky is highly exaggerating russian losses. this narrow loss marginal between ukraine and russia explains why russians have not advanced much during last 15 months and ukraine has no hope to push russians back to east.


that is actually and factually incorrect. ukraine is at what round of mobilization already? the 10th or more?
in russia theres no mobilization. and i am saying this as a stupid american that hates the commies and support nazis. i am not so stupid to believe our nato propaganda that we love to feed to you other nato “allies”:

jens holm

thats the lada version. it also has no modern breaks, airbags, seat belts and is crash safe.

elon musk is not there. its more as it soon will have pedals.

jens holm

0 id–i worship money and my senility like joe biden


also, the russian mod does not count behind the frontlines or deep strikes. they explicitly state only those at the front, and even only say “up to”, only confirmed kills are counted at the monthly or so briefing, on the smaller daily lists its only “up to” before the detailed count and confirmation is done.

the russians are doing this by the book. while we tell tall lies.

usa! usa! usa!

jens holm

other reflexion is they not even count the lossed from they poor muslim provinces.

temping to refer to prigorsion giving correct losses.

its no new thing. i have just been reading about shcool system. they has lowered the demands, so more pass the tests. thast a trick too.

Last edited 5 months ago by jens holm

pathetic nazi holm desperation always gratifies—envious that russians now higher salaries than robot desks—yes homo—in past 3 years average pay in russia 3 times higher than 2020…lol

jens holm

i love nazi and worship money—i inferior stupified julius ebola


nobody count inferior nazi liar moron holm in nation 404

jens holm

are you stupid dane like me –if you worship dollar your mental illness will be cured


aha, that’s why nazis are filled all cemetaries by own bodies, non-stop mobilization is coming all this time and many people wish to leave area controlled by nazis while we haven’t seen anything of that in russia, where borders are opened, no endless total mobilization, no enormous new cemeteries, but volunteers keep coming to recruit centers ~1500 a day.

hyper sonic

wait, dont make the helsinki incel angry, otherwise he will start to manipulate the likes again 🤣🤣🤣


in real life nazis loses 8-10 times more than antifascist forces of russia, because few times more artillery, heavy armored units and endless times more aviation, combat spirit is also much higher. that’s why russian forces can advance without superiority in numbers. find any video of improvised memorial in center of kiev, where each small flag = 1 dead nazi and you’ll understand that shoigu declines numbers. number of obituaries in soc.networks is also proves shoigu’s numbers with a margin.


now is 3rd level of speed of nazis’ losses.
22.02.2022 – 04.06.2023 — 300-500 a day;
04.06.2023 – february 2024 – 500-800 a day;
since february till now they are loosing 800-1100 with a record 2300 for one awful day of 18th of february (flee from avdeevka).
and “meat index” is growing up – year ago it was 20-30 men for 1 destroyed tank, ifv or apc. now it’s over 100 dead nazis for 1 heavy unit.


oh, there is new record in 22th of march – 2765 — when they tried to commit terror raid to belgorod region, capture at least one town and raise their nazist banners here for media “victory”. their previous plan was to attack before start of elections (15-18 of march) as well as terrorist attack in music hall was planned on 8th of march in the woman’s day to create more negative pr-effect. attacks on belgorod and music hall were coordinated by western sodomite masters of village nazis.

jens holm

i hears they fill in with russian bodies and are rewarded pr course from usa and eu.

the new oligars there are coffinmakers, unertakers and poor people are recycling plast flowers. t

he corpses only has a hat on as well.

Massa John

russian soldiers are in their prime time (25-35) with considerable air-support, so spare us out of your magical thoughts.

jens holm

its only just now. they soon will get needed help and lower.

jens holm

thank you. finally a sober and descent reflection about losses here.

seemes most people are diconned to most things about it.

when to usa help again arrive the ukras can hold the stalemate and no likely no more then that.

there are visble gamechanger and russians loose a lot as well.

jens holm

very drunk dane no like sober–now russian salary more than dane—increase 3 times since 2020–i very jealous of superior russian cuz i worship money


so, ukraine started out with 700,000 in the afu and now they scrounge the drug dens and prisons for warm bodies. where’d the rest go, genius?

Potemkin Village

stalin claimed in nov 1941 that “4.5 million fascists have been killed”. during that stage axis had lost less than 200,000 killed. just one example why we should not trust on claims of enemy losses. these claims are mostly just propaganda.

Massa John

russians rarely lie

Slava Joe Biden 👍

“russians rarely lie” 😭🤣

jens holm

its because its hardly are allowed to speak and and only say, what they are ordered too.

i have visited yaun yandex a few times. no wonder people using that has missing or limited oppinions.


stalin was correct—ultimnately more nazis were eliminated

jens holm

i agree.

almost the first eisenhower did in north africa was totally renew their enemy obsersation systems. they was not to rely on.

a also open up for the most trusted journalists to tell most things and they were able to avoid tell vital secrets only.

but they people knew better if things went well, bad and really bed. it went really bad for him and west a few times.

you must be tired about that bias and worse.


yeah, sure 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

i worship amerikan money—dollar god is my savior

Potemkin Village

this has been like ww1 western front where germans lost almost as many soldiers as entente. there is hardly much more killed ukrainians in 2022-2024 than russians or much more russians killed than ukrainians. there is name list in russia of 50400 killed russian soldiers but that is just part of total russian and pro russia killed soldiers. e.g dpr has not revealed its losses since fall of 2022. no data of russians mia (=missing in action).

Z - it's winding down

at the end of 2023 of russian military losses (killed): 21,000 contract soldiers + 19,000 prisoners (wagner) + 16,000 mobilised soldiers. lpr and dpr no data since 2022. no data of missing in action cases.


ldpr militia was transformed into 1st and 2nd army corpus, so their losses are inside numbers of army losses. they suffered more in the beginning due poor equipment of newly mobilized patriots after 24.02.2022. they came to the history as “iron helmets”, because they got old steel helmets of ww2 era. now they all equipped in quality composite helmets as any other military unit.

Slava Joe Biden 👍

the count of russian losses by mediazona is now 44,654 (as of 15 february 2024). if i double that, then we are looking at potentially 89,308 killed. this is about half of what zelenskyy is saying. now, the ukrainian book of remembrance for the fallen for ukraine had 22,224 names listed of the end of august 2023, while mediazone has 30,698 russian names listed as of 24 august 2023 (this is 72%).


“mediazona” of thief and murderer hodorkovskiy. and liar too. so it’s total crap in hohol style (lowest of possible).




mi-6 may be, because thief and murderer hodorkovskiy is hiding in london.

Erik Samuels

ukrainian sources tend to provide more complete information. for instance, without referencing the probate registry, birth and death dates were found for 55% of people in the russian context, compared to 75% in the ualosses database. russian local authorities face restrictions on disclosing detailed information about the fallen. additionally, one of the main sources for such entries, personal posts on vk social network, often lack detail.


are you stupid or does cia pay you taco? zelenky claims 31,000 dead ukie total

Erik Samuels

the battle for bakhmut highlighted a distinct difference in weekly casualties between russian and ukrainian forces (rf: 600-700 based on name lists, ukraine: 300-350), accentuated by the scarcity of open data on russian losses. notably, russia deployed a considerable number of prisoners, signed on six-month contracts, for the assault on bakhmut. russian most likely weekly true losses were more than 1,000 killed in jan-feb 2023.

Z - it's winding down

around 35% of russian military deaths are prisoners (wagner). their losses in bakhmut in early 2023 were horrendous. mediazone got highest point is first week of feb 2023: 1800 (all russian military deaths) . majority were wagner prisoners. in october 2023 russian weekly losses were on average 1200 killed while the namelists gave to both ua and rf around 400. russians are trying to hide their true losses more than ukrainians.

Last edited 5 months ago by Z - it's winding down
Thomas Sundström

russia losing more soldiers than enemy is norm. nothing really surprising at all. military history backs that fact.


another amerikan moron—humiliated to be in usa colony —40,000 deceased russian troops mostly convicts


well, half million or 500.000 is what the banderite hell’s rada is now forcing to will be more killed. banderit’s land = 500.000 in hell +….


since february 2024 they are loosing 30 thousand people per month, so they will get 666 thousand dead banderites before the end of this year. bandera and his master mad adolf will be happy in hell.

South Front Is Pure Joke

fantastic russian forces have killed 3 million ukrainian soldiers but have hard times to push 150 meters forward. 😭🤪🤣


amerikan loser humiliated

jens holm

i worship money—money god help my senility

Degeneration Of Russia

leaders and citizens in west are very confused when faced with brazen lying russians. they don’t know what to say or do when the other person lies to their face. the attitude in russia is completely different. putin is known to lie there, but that’s the spirit of the game. many generations have grown up amidst lies during the soviet union. even then, one truth was followed on television and newspapers, while another truth prevailed among the people.


holm jens allowed computer to treat her mental illnesses

ukro minced meat

the minced meatheads continue to die for worthless nato pigs


no 1 will win this war. except arm seller innocent people will die for nothing…so fuck putin and whatever you calling . uko leader


uglilla inferior humiliated—see pkk therapist


ok .🤡 idiot


amerikan lgbt military —international joke—-usa will surrender–as always…they are so puritanical and obliterated by narcotics they cannot feel; their humiliation

Paul Citro

the loss of 500,000 lives is tragic. good men don’t celebrate killing. they fight because they must to remain good men.


they fight, because 1) they were brainwashed previously with hatred: 2) because nazis with machine-guns and artillery are standing in the rear and shoot at all who tries to raise white flag; 3) because village nazis are sponsored by western sodomites. reign of terror could end long time ago, if not sponsoring.


nazist banderit gangs were sponsored by washington in 1945-1955, it took 10 years to get rid of terrorist attacks in galizia and volynia regions. in wwii time and few years before these terrorists committed genocide. they were guards and hangmen in death camps, that’s why germans support them now and doesn’t invite russia’s representatives to commemoration of death camps liberation – they were against then and they are against it now.