Russia’s state-run news agency TASS reports (source):
The sole bridge across the Euphrates near Syria’s Deir ez-Zor, built by the Russian military, has enabled local farmers to deliver produce to the city and linked communities on either side of the river.
Locals recall that before the war there were twelve bridges across the Euphrates here. US bombardments have destroyed them all. Last year Russian military engineers built a 100-meter-long pontoon bridge near Deir ez-Zor, thus creating a vital link between communities the Euphrates separates.
“We have only one bridge left. Many people have relatives across the river. In the past we had no problems travelling either way. When the bridges were ruined, we stopped seeing each other,” engineer Malik al-Omar, of the Deir ez-Zor Province’s gubernatorial council, has told the media. Now that the pontoon bridge has opened, people have an opportunity to visit each other as before. For local farmers it is absolutely crucial to bring foodstuffs to the city.
The desert takes up a larger share of the province. The Euphrates valley is an oasis. Local farmer Abd al-Hai Shmayan recalls that when the Islamic State (terrorist organization outlawed in Russia) seized the territory, he had to flee the area where his family had cultivated land for more than 150 years.
“As soon as the bandits left, we were able to get back to normal life and work. The Syrian soldiers and your [Russian — TASS] army have given us a chance to live calmly and earn a living,” the farmer says. “I grow wheat and vegetables and plan to plant cotton.”
In the village all homes ruined by the militants have been restored. Tractor engines are heard roaring all around: local farmers are hurrying to work their fields. “Getting back here is the best of what one can think of. I have my tractor and work to do. My neighbors are alive and safe and sound,” says tractor driver Halil Abul.
Russian bridge
The sole way to bring farm produce to Deir ez-Zor is across the ‘Russian bridge’, as local people are in the habit of calling the pontoon crossing created by the Russian military. “We go to Deir ez-Zor to sell our produce — beans, pepper and garlic. We make good money,” says farmer Turkasyan Hamad, who has brought several dozen sacks of harvest in the back of his small truck.
The bridge makes a fast way for the local people to get to the city to handle their private affairs.
“One of my kids has a sore throat, we are going to the hospital,” says a local woman, Hamara, with two little kids — a three-year-old girl and a six-year-old boy — by her side. “It’s been very easy to move around since the bridge opened here.”
Large-scale postwar reconstruction is underway in all of Syria’s areas retaken from the militants. Homes, businesses and infrastructures are being repaired or built anew. According to the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides and Refugee Migration Monitoring, in recent years a total of 957 educational and 238 health service establishments have been restored, six automobile bridges and 1,300 kilometers of roads repaired, 1,200 kilometers of high voltage power lines laid, and 199 water supply facilities, 315 bakeries, 776 electric power substations and 14,500 industrial enterprises commissioned.
At the moment, in 345 communities in ten provinces: Aleppo, Damascus, Deir ez-Zor, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Daraa, As-Suwayda, Quneitra and Raqqa work is in progress to restore and repair 2,700 homes, 225 schools, 176 preschool childcare centers, 241 medical facilities, 203 bakeries, 203 power substations, 281 water pumps and 90 places of worship.
Russia is doing a good job and now needs to assist the SAA in regaining full control of eastern Syria and also expel the Turkey cunts from Idlib. The Turkeys are now busy in Libya and getting more and more bogged down as Haftar’s forces are being pushed back after major Turkey reinforcements and additional terrorists being shifted there. Even the headchoppers are tiring of the Turkey invaders in Syria. This is the time to inflict serious losses on the Turkeys whose economy is up the creek and the Pimpeovirus is hitting the goat fuckers.
From a military point of view it might be correct. Ypu might get the barking mad neocolinialic state baca as it was – and can rebuild it.
Wjere are the milions living in Syria in this.They dont exist. They are not even asked apart from forced recruitsments.
Thats a future intop the past, from where people for good reasons got its opposition and made a violnet build ip for goof reasons.
Thats a good indea. Even if SDF was its own, its a fact DEZ as well as Raqqa are local regions and shuld be connected well to both sides.
DEZ has vital never things as the SDF side. Powerplant, Pipelinecenter and train center is just examples. Its also jobs. When jobs can be created or recreated and pepople gets an income and might be less crowded at home. ,many things might be a lottle calmer.
But my minus is the same. Assads DONT create jobs. They really dont and thats a MAIN REASON to to any uprise as normal opposition, which also was strictly forbidden, tortured,killed and emmigrated from and the only language Assads understan named as “VIOLENT UPRISE.
If Russians really should solve anything in Syria they should remove Assad and let bridges be symbols connecting each other again.
They’ve had 2 elections since the war started and the Syrian people have already told us who they want running the country, and I’m pretty sure majority rules in elections, and the majority have spoken, they want Assad and his government.
Parliamentary elections in may 2012 and Presidential elections june 2015, and both were fair and free.
Yes what you say is true. VeteransToday chief editors Jim Dean and Gordon Duff were part of the UN overseeing committee to make sure the election process was fair and open and not tainted in any way back in 2014. They often make comments on VT that it was all above board and the election was done in a proper manner with no corruption or vote rigging.
is how it was and is.
You dont know what elections are.
Half of the populations is not even there. Here it would be hostage taking and the criminels would be in jail.
2010 Syrian population 21,362,529,
Current Syrian population, 17,411,475
That’s a difference of less than four million people, so you saying 50% of the Syrians didn’t vote because they were living overseas is a bit of an exaggeration.
And even though I know the numbers living overseas is a bit more than just 4 million, I doubt very much it’s the 8 to 13 million some sources state, that would mean the rebels living overseas doubled or tripled their numbers in just 10 years, LOL.
Assad’s numbers are the real numbers, the UN and others have always inflated the refugee numbers.
If we were to believe the UN and others Syria would now have a total population of well over 30 million, meaning it went from 21 mill in 2010 to 17 mill in Syria now and another 13 mill living overseas. So the 4 mill who left in 2010 all bred like flies and now there’s 8 to 13 mill of them according to the UN. So they doubled their population in just 10 years if it’s the low 8 mill as they suggest, or nearly tripled it if the numbers 13 mill, humans can’t breed that quickly Jens.
It’s actually less than 30% of Syria’s population that live overseas now, and on top of that not all of them are anti Assad either, some of them fled the fighting when it started and have remained in the countries they fled to for sanctuary and they’ve stayed there for economic reasons, but they’re still pro Assad even if they don’t live in Syria anymore.
The vast majority of Syrian opposition forces that you support want a sectarian government to replace Assad, less than 10% of the opposition forces are non religious, way less than 10%, so 90% of them are Wahhabi extremists.
But the vast majority of Assad supporters only want non sectarian government, they want equal rights for women and equal rights for the many different ethnic and religious groups [the Kurds were the only citizens who didn’t enjoy full rights but that’s ‘mostly’ rectified now], and under Assad’s government that’s what they were mostly getting [apart from Alawites making up most of the military high command].
I hope you don’t really support the 90% majority Wahabis who make up the Syrian opposition, and that you instead really support the less than 10% non sectarian opposition to Assad, but just remember Jens, even if it is the non sectarian part of the opposition you support, and your side was to win in the end, that 90% Wahabis who make up the bulk of the opposition forces, would just turn on the 10% non sectarian opposition and do the same thing to them when they’d beaten Assad, is that what you really want, do you hate Assad so much that you’d prefer the 90% majority wahabis to take over Syria.
If the opposition wins you won’t be seeing any more pretty girls in Syria, they’ll all have to start wearing those hijabs, yuk, I like looking at pretty Syrian girls. So kill each and every one of those Wahabi fanatics I say, and jail the idiots fighting alongside them, men who tell women what they can or can’t wear have to be shot on sight, if she wants to wear a bikini, I want her to be able to wear a bikini, it’s that simple Jens.
Wahhabis are really weird, they like watching young Afghani boys dancing in skirts, so what more can I say, they ban women from wearing bikinis and have sex with young boys instead, that’s what the side you want to win in Syria really does, so do you really want them to win instead of Assad.
Under Assad girls can either wear a bikini or a berker if they want to, they get to decide, your side won’t give them a choice, so if you like looking at pretty girls you’re barracking for the wrong side Jens, your side will only have Afghani dancing boys for entertainment when they win.
There’s industries and power plants on the eastern side. The SDF has been assisting the locals in rebuilding infrastructure using grants from USAID where local residents get training in the trades so they can have decent paying jobs and do the work themselves in a timely fashion. A few months ago they finished repairing a power plant so now the local shops have power for their tools and the refrigeration units at their agricultural warehouses where farmers kept fruit and vegetables cooled while waiting to be shipped.
I think thats what I wrote above, but maybee not.
I followed every detail very well when SDFs was blamed for not helpinbg to take DEZ and when they were close to reach the Eufrat and then cut ISIS there in two were bombarded away by the Assad artillery.
The ISIS main defense line was in those industrial facilities. I do remember Russian experts went to that side invited by the SDF to repair parts of the pipelines there.
It was about the same for the Assad Dam powerplant.
Right,so now roll tanks and thousands of troops over the bridge and liberate the area.
Indeed, the area of eastern Euphrates should be the easiest to liberate as the Americunts are holed up with around 1500 oil thieving lardass child killers in the northeast oil weeks and about 10,000 armed Kurd turds who will not put up a fight as history has shown. The SAA should link up with the Iraqi PMU on the Ash Shaddadah/Sinjar axis where the Kataeb Hezbollah have a strong and growing presence. And then squeeze the Americunt arseholes near al-Hasakah. They simply do not have the manpower or the staying power if a few dozen of the cunts are killed.
the thing they don’t like is flag draped boxes arriving home.
Yjey are doing fine with that.
Again orgastic sounds from Your behind. No substance.
Yeah thats what we want, but as long as there still isis near that area, and russia still dont had appetite to qonquer east euphrate.It will take a long time to do that, with really big area, it needs all forces to be moved from idlib to there make it impossible for now
What i don’t understand is why Iran doesn’t deploy the full force of their army to the battle, they could transport some tank divisions and heavy weapons to the area with tens of thousands off troops,it needs to be overwhelming force with full air cover.
Maybe because they are controlled by the eu-free mason-nazis?
Again no subtsance from You too. Bad grafiti is better then You.
Thats what israeli want, even without those combined troops, syria and iranian even russian got casualties for that reason, if they put that combined troops it will give us and israeli more reason to attack syria and russia dont want to escalate more further, even turkey deep involvement in idlib already make them an inch to open war with syria. So Iranian better give their best advisor and equipment sometime man power rather than big combined forces like that
I am sure USA is happy too. People kill each other well with no assistence by them.
Iran can’t afford to do that since they’re already strapped with the expense for providing assistance to Damascus along with supplies and wages to their 200,000 troops and PMU militiamen scattered thru out Syria. The majority of those PMU militias are third rate units that are basically cops and have no experience combating determined battle hardened fighters like ISIS and HTS has. I believe that the SAA and Russians have been working up some of the PMU’s to fight ISIS in the desert but really need more to have enough boots on the ground to flush them out to be killed.
Yes, its like that. It only will solve their unimplyment problems.
Iran has no logistics and Yor socalled tanks are the most primitive to move from the surface.
The Iranian forces are very good if someone like Turks or Russians are stupid and try to take the whole Iran meter by meter.
Thats how it is. Those are worth hardly nothing in modern warfare apart from their missiles.
The answer from fx USA would be to cut water, electricity, internet, dams and bridges in the whole Iran.
An Iran with no arms and lags woul d go nowhere.
Some realisme. Thanks.
So, how is the Make Syria LiveAble Again project going?? Well, where is Russia, there is Rebuilding!
Where is CIA+Mossad+IsraHell, there is ISIS and Fort Detrick mil.base created Corona and Death & Destruction and Make Syria Miserable.
Who wins?
So far Jew cunts, who have destabilized and shit scared the whole western fuckwits into accepting a police state as per the Jew agenda of a global surveillance state. The western sheeple are happily downloading Zionist created malicious tracking Apps that give away their locations and basic privacy in the name of fighting the Pimpeovirus. What a bunch of dumbasses.
They any time are better then anything You can propose or give links for.
Haha. Operation Weapons for no oil :)
Assad’s forces destroyed most of the bridges crossing the Euphrates while fighting the various rebel groups. ISIS repaired a few only to have them bombed by Coalition forces and the Syrian Air force. Assad’s forces destroyed all the bridges at Deir ez-Zor except for one that remained in SAA control. ISIS erected a few pontoon bridges at Deir ez-Zor that didn’t last long once those were discovered.
It’s sad, you told everyone the truth and yet you got a dislikes for it, but I’ll bet if Assad and the US hadn’t bombed the bridges and just let the FSA and Isis have free use of them, the people that gave you the dislikes would be even more unhappy about that.
Obviously Toni Liu and Zionism = EVIL, don’t pay attention to facts, come on guys, he just told you the truth, so why give him a dislike for telling the truth.
He just told you Assad was smart, he stopped the FSA by blowing up the bridges and stopped them using them, the US also did the same thing to Isis, I don’t see what you guys have a problem with, unless it’s the truth itself that annoys you, hopefully that’s not the case and you’ve just misunderstood what Bill said.
Condolences to your fallen mossadisis buddies, Shlomo…
He refer military facts. It has nothing to do, what You assume in Your barking madness.
No wonder most pigs emmeigrated from Your area. You even offend them even they are not there and has done You no harm.
Truth hurts, try to handle it…
I do. He refers to military facts only not being an infected hooligan like You.
Its vice versa :)
All boat were “killed” too.
Thank god for the Russians. Certainly didn’t see the US rushing to make bridges to help the civilians.
Babling non sense. Americans has done more then You know. They dont need to show their carrot below and capping hands with themseleves.
Just eveil talk form You again. You are like that: No substance.
Russia love, Russia is life.
Thank you Russia.
Building bridges is a good omen,destroying them was the bad.
Nah. Destroying bridges is a time honored tactic to delay an enemy’s advance and disrupt their lines of communication (ie: receiving reinforcements and supplies). Some of those bridges were spans of reinforced concrete with one span dropped into the river to render them unusable yet can be quickly repaired if one had the heavy equipment and skilled tradesmen to do the work. Others were economy pontoon bridging that could be patched up by jackleg rebel mechanics so the SAA and Coalition forces blew apart their entire length to make repairs impossible. There was a few old iron suspension bridges that should’ve been left alone since they were considered to be architectural masterpieces and could only safely handle pedestrian traffic due to their age. Those were designed and built by the French so maybe they’ll rebuild those once the situation in Syria is stabilized.
No substance again. blurp blurp blurp.