Russian Avtobaza-M EW System Reinforced Iranian Air Defense In Tehran

Russian Avtobaza-M EW System Reinforced Iranian Air Defense In Tehran

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Amid the sharp escalation in the Middle East, Iran reinforced its air defense, preparing to the possible Israeli attacks on its territory. The Russian-made Avtobaza-M electronic warfare system was spotted in the Iranian capital Tehran.

The first deliveries of the Russian Avtobaza-M complexes to Iran were reported back in 2011. The first footage confirming their deployment in Iran was leaked in 2016.

The Avtobaza-M complex of electronic intelligence is designed for detection, classification and subsequent trajectory tracking of air and sea targets by passive radio-electronic means installed on them. The Avtobaza-M ground-based electronic reconnaissance complex allows monitoring coordinates and other basic parameters of targets and automatically transmitting them to the command posts of air defense units. The Avtobaza-M ground-based electronic intelligence complex includes 4 detection and direction finding stations and an information processing station.

This is a critical system for protecting the existing air defense network from electronic warfare by interfering with GPS, radar and satellite signals at high altitude and at long range, as well as for a surprise attack on enemy aircraft and attacking systems, exposing them to EW.

The deployment of additional systems confirms that the Iranian military strengthened its air defense including in the capital amid the possible response to the massive night attack on Israel. LINK

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CEO of Yapping

this will be terrible for the jews!!!!! with this system and the current arman defense system it will take the jews an extra 2 minutes to blow these up. in the past it would take them 1 minute, but now this extra minute we will win and cannot be defeated!!!!

CEO of Yapping

use one exclamation mark (i don’t even use exclamation mark but whatever) – i have seen indian movies they are fuking yelling like dying pigs so i understand you indian kike.

hmmm, i don’t use that spelling of can’t.

Dog Stew

why the fuck do indians not see how pisraelis view humanity? they seem almost as much if not more rabid zionist than mkultra’d americans.

CEO of Yapping

– the heaviest damage of iran’s ballistic missile attack occurred on a secret intelligence base in the golan heights, for which the idf has imposed a media ban, so the damage cannot be assessed – hebrew sources

troll face.

CEO of Yapping

– u.s. officials to abc news: at least 9 iranian ballistic missiles hit israeli strategic airbases.

the nevatim airbase in the negev was struck by 5 ballistic missiles, damaging the main runway, a c-130 transport aircraft, and several storage facilities.

ramon airbase, also located in the negev, was struck by at least 4 ballistic missiles, causing unspecified damage.



the jooz kill babies and old folks. they are already defeated in the rubble of gaza. to imagine the jooz attacking iran directly is totally preposterous. jussa is incapable of that.

Last edited 10 months ago by Martillo
concerned citizen

i guess this would have trouble with drones that fly radio silent on a planned course.

Dog Stew

they just set a ballistic course initially so jamming is useless? i wish there was more info and schematics on these systems for people globally. common mans atgm or rpg could do lots of good for people globally.


if you want to know which countries are controlled by israel just turn on your news and watch which nations are condemning iran. but kept their mouth shut when israel attacked the iranian consulate in syria and attacks syria from third nation airspace. also how come isis never attacks israel?


the biggest vasalls of israhell are usa , britannia , france and germany

CEO of Yapping

don’t forget the pathetic jordanian government.

jens holm

we dont care half a turkish tourist camel a about your version.

some know in the same level about the rest of the world even all knowdge about it is free at our internet by few simple click.

jens holm

i moron click for electroshock—many click in anuz by gay mulatto and now i need diaper

Yuri Holms

i stupid yuri. ispik gibberish all the way.


very proper conscionable issues raised


you just admitted that jews are the most intelligent humans – they may be few but they control the world 😀

jens holm

i have added several time if jews really are runing everything here, they are doing a dammed good good job for the rest of us here here.

we dont see our very few jews extrematy rich. we all tax reallyu rich harder and they also create well paid for hard tax.

the result fx is rich and poor get the same beds, treating and medicine.

thats the contrast to countries with no sober taxsystem and no needed extra control.

jens holm

total bias a lies.

the consulate attack what and is all over my world in every detail.

very much your has no contract with our world of you have no ears, ears and a alarmclock brains.

you have no idea about were are organised and with israel as well. you not even know where israel attach for and russia for decades has accepted it.

jens holm

i sniff glue tantrum after retire as no educated potato farmer—potato more intelligent than homo jens


so, if syria is any guide, they will sit there and do nothing?


i’ve found that when i strike a nerve but there are no rebuttals, i am probably on to something important. and when people go through the dog and pony show mental hoop-jumping course, doubly so. some of the worst evils are in those areas where people recoil from thought from the implications of what those thoughts mean to their chosen paradigm. dirty truthers, looking for the truth. how detestable.

CEO of Yapping

hmmm new here lol. don’t worry the next stage is when someone (kike, indian or neo-nazi lover) start impersonating you. very badly and i mean that… they mainly just using your name.

i mean i don’t know about you but i have been to 4chan for long time… you need to understand most of them are like under the age of 20. everyone has a bias to one side… this whole website sf was mainly about news from syria war.

jens holm

maybee he is a victim from there 👩‍🦽

jens holm

i worship amereikan money in church today—my god dollar forgive me for sniff glue and latent homosexuality

jens holm

do you also fight well armed against war or what 🙈

jens holm

there is no syria.

assads only control parts of the creation by rusia and iran. half of the populations is not even there. they like none of the leftovers.

assads are nothing.

looking back it was totally wrong making those stange state and afterwards uisreal as well. i have looket at maps. the most realitic dividing is from osmans in 1856.

jens holm

by that syria was some 3 regions, which could make states easy to rule,where turks has less in iraq as well, because aleppo and raqqa still has kurds and mixed in north.

kurds were tribes in those days. the should kept in keep in peace in their many small isolated valleys in hans to mouth.

i hope assas and erdogan dies soon. as they as they are there its no chance. a can it worse – some 10 mio people deny to move home?

jens holm

yes i am moron senile nazzi—zero kurds in aleppo…only in border region w turkiye

Yuri Holm

we love turks so much that we even look like them! ezpecialy kurdish sort.

jens holm

no id fake—only 15% syria occupied by amerikunt ypg turks—in past 8 years 5 million returned to syria

Yuri Holm

my mome get impaled by turkroach kebab several osmans with pig shit cook.


cue the hasbara impersonators. ahhh, right on time.

CEO of Yapping

brother he is an indain fuking kike… just my luck. i believe he try to impersonate me but now he/she/they/them/it give up and just using the name.

i really should have commented more on russia-ukraine war, maybe i got a neo-nazi lover to impersonate my ass. never lucky smh.


the islamic czardom of united russian provinces…

CEO of Yapping

you people called putin/russia a jewish puppet and islamic puppet now… which is it?


according to the duran, iran warned the us of the attack at least 3.5 hours before it happened giving plenty of time for the us, uk, and israel to prepare for it. how’s that for nice guys? this was a demonstration of iran’s capabilities and a warning that next time, not only will there be no warning but they will use the same or even more advance missiles that actually hit israel. israel is about to face their doom and done so by their own mistakes.

CEO of Yapping

like they just could have used hypersonic or advanced missiles… they didn’t that should give you the whole picture. but still it cost the us 1.3bn and now that jordan also show they will protect “israel” iran going to start fire there i believe.

– jordan summoned the iranian ambassador, telling iran to ‘stop insulting’ jordan and to ‘stop criticizing its foreign policy decisions’ lmfao

Dog Stew

that piece of shit race traitor why would he help israel

jens holm

why russia refuse to condemn iran—? in tel aviv gay bar my azz very happy

jens holm

0 id wrote that.

jens holm

mulatto gay bar in amerika better


another worthless ruzzian junk 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

mighty orc

taliban junk better than amerikan–amerikunt sodomized by goat herders..

mighty orc

again inferior amerikaunt humiliated


waiting for satellite images of the 2 bases iran hit


presne toto som predpokladal. že židovskí teroristi sa nevzdajú útoku na irán. teraz im to biden zatrhol, lebo usa nie sú schopné financovať takúto vojnu. tie sankcie na irán je niečo čo sme tu už videli. sankcie na irak!!! po cca 10 rokoch sankcií darebácky štát usa začal útok na irak na základe klamstiev o zhn!!! čo asi chystajú teraz? inak som tak isto predpokladal, že rf dodá iránu nejaké to pvo. hádal som s400. svetu mier!!!

jens holm

i go to bank amerika church today worship money ask dollar to forgive my glue sniffing and pedophilia
