Russian Army Took Control Of Pivdennoe Near Toretsk

Russian Army Took Control Of Pivdennoe Near Toretsk

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The Russian Army does not stop advance in different directions on the Donbass frontlines. New victories were achieved in the area of Toretsk, where the Ukrainian military is trying to hide on the streets of the settlements around the town.

On July 30, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine declared the full Russian control of the village of Leninskoe located on the southeastern outskirts of Toretsk. The Kyiv regime renamed the settlement to Pivdennoe when it was fighting the Soviet history of Ukraine. Today, the village became Leninskoe again after it came under Russian control.

Russian Army Took Control Of Pivdennoe Near Toretsk

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The battle for Leninskoe began in the end of June after the Russian military launched assault there. The Armed Forces of Ukraine were repelled from the village days ago but the Russian Ministry of Defense officially confirms control of the captured settlements after the streets are completely mopped up and the Russian military positions there are secured.

the footage showed Ukrainian servicemen who tied white armbands in an attempt to deceive the Russian fighters and repel them from one of the buildings. Ukrainian militants were spotted by Russian UAV and their operation failed:



The Russian military is rapidly expanding its zone of control in all villages around Toretsk. According to preliminary reports by Ukrainian military sources, Russian assault groups managed to break through Ukrainian defense and enter the town of Toretsk, the main stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area. However, reports about the beginning of clashes on the streets of Toretsk are yet to be confirmed. Meanwhile, clashes continue on the outskirts.


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homer simpson

ukies trained and funded by my light army–superior russian humiliate me


otan trannie faggots are losing. french olympics showed their geyy colors to the whole world, just in case anybody had any doubts


france wasn’t satisfied with furthering ukraine’s debauchery. it had to debauch the olympics too.

it seems to me that the entire west has decided it should emulate fellini’s satyricon.


ukraine would be nothing w/o western weapons and the bear seems more like a pincushion, putting up with such treatment of itself. it could have earned the gratitude of civilians being murdered deliberately in the hundreds of thousands, but instead it let its troops be killed by western weapons w/o significantly retaliating. freemasons and jews.


it was an easier rout for ru, as all the ukranian conscripts were drunk in pivdennoe on piva and surrendered faster than denmark surrendered to the wehrmacht.
