Russian Army Took Control Of Nevelskoe In Donetsk People’s Republic

Russian Army Took Control Of Nevelskoe In Donetsk People's Republic

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In its daily briefing on March 12, the Russian Ministry of Defense officially claimed the full Russian control of the village of Nevelskoe in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The settlement is located on the western outskirts of the Donetsk urban agglomeration.

The official confirmation of the Russian control of Nevelskoe came after the preliminary reports by military sources which are close to the situation on the frontlines.

The Donetsk direction remains one of the main directions of the Russian offensive. After the Russian victory in Avdeevka, the battlefields to the west of the city have been inflamed by the heaviest battles. At the same time, Russian forces did not stop offensive operations west, north and south of Mariinka, which already brought important gains.

Russian sources shared a video of destroyed Ukrainian vehicles in the area:



The Russian army recently entered the town of Kranogorovka, which turned into another stronghold og the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the western outskirts of Donetsk. The Russian military is currently advancing from the southern part of the town, while battles are also ongoing on its eastern outskirts. The control of the strongholds in Nevelskoe allows Russian forces to intensify pressure on the entire line of Ukrainian defense in the Donetsk direction and threaten Krasnogorovka from the north.

The ongoing Russian victories confirm the lack of Ukrainian reserves, necessary to hold control of military positions along the large frontlines and plug the holes in the defense. The Ukrainian army is now dealing with the results of the failed counteroffensive, which resulted in horrific losses and no gains.  The Russian military is taking advantage, looking for weaknesses in Ukrainian defense and as a result, advancing in different areas.


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Based US Vet

the pope is right. nazis should raise the white flag, at least if they want to survive another day.


they can’t do that because that means those nato criminals raising the white flag.


and do you think that ukraine/nato will keep promises about surrender and ceasefire ? nato – western “partners” violated already around 50 peace deals if i count of all them, not just minsk protocols and attempted ceasefire in 2022, but ceasefires in syria as well. but maybe yes. russian are that naive and they will go for a peace deal number 51.

jens holm

peace deals only gud fur rusia bandits. that why we in west tear up.

see uk fisher deal. russia want to starve englash of fish chips. it war crime.


are you wearing high heels at nato hq where you service men at the bathroom stalls?

Based US Vet

send your whore ukrie wife to the uk, her fish smelling pussy can feed the hungry lads


moron anglo impose sanctions–russia reciprocates and terminates treaty that permitted them to obtain 40% of their seafood in russia sea…now they only have soy boy and chips

jens holm

yarosh gave fingur to pope. siad ukraine raise black pirate flag insted.

jens holm

zelensky say that ok. ukranazis do what they do. only 0,0000000000001% of population anyhow.

jens holm

i am disgusting immoral nazi–i pray to dollar —my god is money..i also like torture children and kittens

jens holm

i never wrote that

jens holm

ok, i wrote most but not about kitten torture. kids ok though, we have many pedofilea rings in daenmark. they advertise in papers and billbords. it ok in constitutian.

Based US Vet

this is the jens holmo we all know

Last edited 1 year ago by Based US Vet

holmo jens only writes about money–obviouly you worship money—you are a submissive immoral slave

Massa John

as long as it takes – to save the most precious tool we have, the world’s reserve currency system. the colonials never disappeared, they only changed clothes, but there’s no skipping this time, they have to play ball to the upcoming powers or will be cut down, piece by piece.

jens holm

the world know all the way to berlin.

jens holm

i am jelly donut


no–holm is bitter senile moron nazi—only sweet for taliban lgbt

jens holm

i give around the world in toilet. fifty øre. bareback.


another useless dog and chicken town


now it is destroyed, mined, population was killed or left and it will never come back. after years of stalemate war, the destruction of pro-russian areas is total loss of infrastructure. it will be probably cheaper to build everything from the scratch elsewhere. but no bombs dropped on kiyv. putin style.

Massa John

nothing destroyed comes back, but kiev has to be destroyed, anyway…

jens holm

so far ukras deny that.

jens holm

ukras very good. deny all bad things. we have great hope they have democracy one day.


jens holm deny she is tranny nazi senile—ypu are a nazi liar–exposed routinely at south front

Ivan Notor

have heard from ukrainians that they want this war to end asap but they are to afraid to say it because you will be treated as a traitor and end up somewhere 6 feet under. just love how eu is supporting ukrainian democracy.


jens holms can be a rear deck hand for the united states tranny admiral and get extra rations by kissing the rabbit between the ears.

jens holm

i so love being oppressed i pay 65% income tax—i worship the dollar

jens holm

my attempt to control my diarrhea fail—-repeated sodomy by uncle hans make me a bitter diaper dependent nazi

captain hohol

nato is playing paintball, the russians are playing chess.


every day nato clowns become more desperate divided impoverished stupified—the amerikan imperialist project only succeeded in western europe

Kev not Kiev

russian storm troopers casually trotting across burning fields, exploding tank hulls, and unexploded cluster munitions… just to get to the voting station to cast a ballot for putin. you should see some of the crap these guys go through just to rescue a kitten…


dont worry about russia and the russians, but better take care of the rest of west-ukropistan that may be shared between polaks and romanian gypsies, after the total defeat of the kiew puppet regime.