Russian Army Took Control Of Kirovo On Outskirts Of Toretsk, DPR

Russian Army Took Control Of Kirovo On Outskirts Of Toretsk, DPR

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On August 31, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the full Russian control of the village of Kirovo (former Pivnichnoe) located on the outskirts of Toretsk in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Ukrainian defense in the Toretsk urban agglomeration is falling. The village of Artyomovo (former Pivdennoe) as well as important strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed on the local dumps came under the Russian control. In the south, the Russian army is rapidly advancing from Novgorodskoe to the west towards Panteleimonovka. On the northern flank, the Russian army is completing the mop up operations in the village of Druzhba on the northeastern outskirts, advancing on the streets of Toretsk itself. Heavy battles are ongoing in the northeastern part of the city, including in the microdistrict No.1 and in the residential area called Miner.

Russian Army Took Control Of Kirovo On Outskirts Of Toretsk, DPR

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Toretsk on fire:



Large Ukrainian reserves were taken from different directions in the Donbass, including the Toretsk area, and large forces were thrawn in slaughter in the Russian border Kursk region. As a result, Ukrainian defense is collapsing on the frontlines.

Also according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, over the past day, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed another US-made HIMARS MLRS launcher, as well as an UAV assembly shops, a warehouse of rocket and artillery weapons and accumulations of the AFU manpower and military equipment in 135 districts. The losses of Ukrainian troops per day amounted to 2025 soldiers. Russian air defense systems shot down four ATACMS tactical missiles, six Hammer guided aerial bombs, six Vampire rockets and 48 UAVs during the day.


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may russia stop moonwalking, and take back what is hers even sooner.


sorry, it’s russian federation, a multietnhic federal republic


do týždňa by ste mohli oslobodiť toretsk. to by tie fašistické zvery isto začali znovu panikáriť. určite by spolu s nimi panikárili aj debili z usa a eu. bolo by zaujímavé sledovať čo by stvárali. akú špinavosť by zase podnikli za to že ruské vojská postupujú. uvidíme, svetu mier!!!


it’s also prokrovsk direction, and look north, to kupyansk and liman, i bet that they are going to bypass slaviansk and kramatorsk.

Janne Kankaanpää

i thought this city was taken already more than a week ago.
