Ukrainian service members firing a M777 howitzer on an unspecified front in the Donbass region. Source: the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.
The Russian military successfully destroyed a hangar in the Donbass region where US-supplied howitzers were being stored, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on July 9.
The MoD’s spokesperson Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov said a “high-precision weapon” destroyed the hangar near the settlement of Chasiv Yar in Donetsk. According to the spokesman, the hanger housed “American 155 mm M777 howitzers and up to 30 Ukrainian militants shelling residential areas of Donetsk”.
The M777 towed howitzer has a maximum rate of fire of seven rounds per minute with a range of up to 40 kilometers when firing Excalibur precision-guided rounds.
In April, the US supplied 108, Canada four and Australia six M777 howitzers to Kiev forces to help thwart the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Since then, hundreds of thousands of 155 mm rounds have been supplied to the country.
In addition, the US latest $400 million military aid package to Ukraine included at least 1,000 Excalibur rounds for the howitzers.
Many of Ukraine’s newly-acquired M777 howitzers have been already destroyed or damaged by the Russian military. The howitzers failed to shift the course of the battle.
In the last few months, Ukraine received more than 200 howitzers of different types from its Western allies. Despite this, its forces are still outgunned by the Russian artillery. Kiev is now waiting for more howitzers and other heavy weapons. The only goal these supplies will achieve is to prolong the war.
All the talk in the western media is that its heavy weapons will “conquer ” Russia — I dont think so !
again I am blocked – so trying this way —
The UK says its training 10.000 Ukrainians to fight against Russia -I didn’t know they had that many young able-bodied males left ?
Typical internal Russian manipulation of the worst kind. Hard to say if Donnchadh has acces to Our world at all. It makes fear, so you can be contolled better.
We build fences to help Putin to make people stay where they are. The reasons are right here.
He not even know how many millions Ukraine are. UK has OFFERED to train UP TO 10.000 every fourth month as well. Today UK is training them to use the advanced weapon systems only.
Sod off brainless monkey from Aarhus gay brothel for US marines.
Yes JH is wrong again -according to the UK media – they are going to get BASIC training.Even fox “news ” says they have arrived to begin basic soldier training .
Jens was one of several hundred Danish orphans used in secret experiments supported by the CIA
Jo that is the reason English nation must be annihilated from the face of earth – that pirate nation is a plague on the earth which needs radical treatment.
Coward English plot wars but have no guts to fight on own – they get patsie to fight for them
One avangard or ten topols will take care of english bas_ds.
May 5, 2011
Last year, British forces in Helmand province sent a message to the Taliban that all major operations were carried out by the Americans, so if we, Taliban, did not target them, the British forces would not target the Taliban,” Nazir said!
What a coward the English pirate nation is!!
Hitler’s Generals surrounded 300K Brits at Dunkirk, and were ready to finish the job, when Hitler stopped them, saying, ‘we are not in the killing business !’
The Brits crow about Dunkirk which was a deliberate gift by hiler to Brutish, as if it was an heroic act when it was a case of coward English fleeing from the enemy after getting permission to flee from same enemy.
Only Hitler’s personal command to halt prevented Guderian’s tanks and troops turning Dunkirk into an English bloodbath. And as typical of the English cowards they fled tha battle field as soon as possible-hitler gave them 3 full days ! All because vile coward liar Churchill promised something to hitler only token resistance to his ultimate aim-to destroy russia and (thus from brutish point of view germans too.).
When someone asked Bismark once what he would do if the British invaded, he said he’d have the border police arrest them (or words to that effect—“ “If the British Army landed in Europe, I’d get the Belgian police to arrest them.” ).-that is how low the Germans thought of the English army capability at height of victorian period –and the Germans were right as was shown the cowardice of non fighting coward English troops in both world wars-they instigated others to fight but remained behind in actual fighting till late.
Remember Bismarck said that when the pirate empire called british empire was at height of her pseudo power-in other words Prussians could defeat the English race at the height of their so called power. And rightly so. english then and now are ready to fight only unarmed civilians.
It is the coward English who plotted Russian invasion by Napoleon the Great.
Considering the extent of the disaster (at battle of Austerlitz and of Ulm before that in 1805 instigated by england with money stolen from India), The Austrian Emperor said
The Emperor forgot to mention that the payment of gold is from the victim or some other people’s wealth especially loot from India.
US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.
They havent. Its transgenders.
they have druken lgtbs nazi retardeds !!! and they can all blow with novovitch in the anus of the jubileu nazi green queen of garbage !!!!
The Putin cockroaches have now been forced to use the S-300 missile defence system for surface to surface targets. That’s because the rest of Russia’s artillery has been practically obliterated. Probably by those same M777 howitzers.
Some link might be nice. Do You connections from above or below?
The Putin terrorists here at the Southfront troll farm eliminated the links when the truth started catching up with the atrocities the deranged terrorist Russian president is committing. You already know that. There’s no debate around here. Google it.
Of course that is not true, just as every other carp you say. Here is a link of your disease (one of many):
It’s long been rumored that Russian air defence systems had ground strike capabilities but US sources have always claimed bullshit. Russians also claim aegis MK 41 launchers based in Romania and Poland can launch ballistic land attack missiles and the US say no to that too because they don’t have the software to do it.
If you’ve got some proof that this is true please post it because it means Russia’s S-300 are way more capable than the US claims.
fake news, no proof or pics. Just like fake story with himars or caesar. Photo or didnt happend ! Russian ammo depots being destroyed 4 or 5 times every single day and thats why russian propaganda need to create such a kind of fake news to boost up poor russian morale :D
As a minimum there seemes to be no verifications at all. It says the Ukras are still resisting.
Fake news to boost morale?
The Russians are not the ones using images and video from other conflicts and video games as “evidence” of some victory.
Ukes ran from Lysychansk leaving enough armour to equip a battalion. It just makes sense that some enterprising young soldiers would sell their weapons and walk away from the war alive with beer money rather than face death or capture and the weapons is either going to be dstroyed or captured anyway. It’s way more believable than the bullshit story that Lysychansk was a strategic victory and not a rout.
Mediocre777 howitzers were hailed as another “game changer” yet they proved rather ineffective and most of them are already destroyed. The reason why US and its vassals switch to sending HIMARS. When it also fail there will be nothing left to send.
,,most of them are already destroyed”
source ? russian sputnik or russia today? :D nice COPE bro, russian bots are in panic mode
everytime you deny something i am pretty sure it’s happened for real. Say Ya dumbass!
There is only evidence that RU destroyed 2 or 3 m777. There is still around 120 m777 howitzers. Stick with facts bro. Russian propaganda will not make your fantasy to be real ;)
So Ukraine give their city to Russia one by one because Ukraine have many M777 .
Well. I allow me to add and subtract. I find very good plusses as well.
“Well. I allow me to add and subtract. I find very good plusses as well.”
Translation from monkey gibberish: Jens likes to suck bananas.
The proof is in the Russian gains on the ground. Dumb Westerners (not all are dumb and blind though but many are) for some reason are giving Ukraine a false hope that they can beat Russia. Russia will never be defeated Insha’allah.
what gains you talking about ? take a look on map from 24.03 to 07.08. Its just 0,3% gains by russian side. Stick with facts and statistics bro.
hahahaaa you hasbara faggot.
25% of ukraine now under russian control, thats nearly the size of whole uk, and in few months the ukro total defeat will be evident.
Russia gains all Luhansh area and 50% of Donetsk. It more than 200,00 square Kilometes . The same size as England land.
Your mother, she is well informed after sucking so many Ukro and Yankee dicks (almost as you).
Now stop crying and switch back to muhamad, of all your personas that one is the most laughable. hans r-anus is just pathetic.
ok commie
Jacob Wohl = ivan :D
ok tranny
hans = muhamad = jens = turd :D
hans, halt die fresse du volltrottel.
Those few are very accurate and do very good jobs. Your version for them is against all facts from the whole world. They also has been used a lot and are used a lot.
But there is not enough of them. The Russian artillery and missiles of many kinds are 10 to 1.
I we are vassels, they treat us very well. We prefare them from any other. Its true we are very dependent. Thats also make responsanility and growth both ways.
You should try that. We are so happy for the Russian Oligarcs. They invest here and not in Russia. given us jobs and wellfare. We try to tax them too. Thats difficult. They went to school of life in USSR.
Jens Holm: ‘I we are vassels, they treat us very well. We prefare them from any other.’
Yes, you are nothing but house niggers. Your Angloamerican masters treat you better than Haitians and you worship them like obedient, trained bitches with Stockholm syndrome, grateful for their ‘protection’. Eventually you’ll follow them to hell where you both belong.
You sold your soul for Coca Cola. Born in slavery, you don’t even know what freedom means. You don’t deserve freedom. Thralls. Dogs.
– Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
HIMARS not failing. These light and very mobile launchers are a real nightmare for weapons storages dep behind frontilne. They are very accurate and not miss target. I not know why russians not do more with aviation and drones to destroy them more rapidely.
I take it in the John Wayne gun slunger way: You show a vakkuum. Even the moon is defined as something with no hair.
Hip Hip Hop.
Typical propaganda version, which might be true.
The real message is, that Ukraine still is fighting back.
Another retarded LGBT CIA bot just in time to support other two.
3 amigos from CIA sewers: MuhamadYamil, Hans Anus and Trens Holmo 🚽
All three of them share one brain cell… and that one is dead.
yes, and loosing 1000 soldiers daily by killing, wounding, pow or fleeing from the front.
even hasbara faggots like you shuld understand that this could not go on for long for the ukros.
Fighting back? Really? Who would have guessed. Wow… must have took a good effort on your part to figure that out.
The real message is that you are an idiot.
This is against the Human Rights and War Convention of Geneva to destroy US assets, and Russia will have to pay the price in gold to the International Community for every little screw they destroy!
How many is that? 4 ? .
More wonderful news. The brave Russian soldiers and their equally brave brothers from the DPR and LPR are really doing some amazing work. I foresee a swift end to the war possible before the end of the summer. The Nato scumbags lost the war months ago. Everybody knows that. The question now is are the EU-leaders willing to carry on supporting this madness until autumn, or perhaps even further. Don’t think so, for they are going to freeze like dogs when winter hits them if they are foolish enough to do so. In any case Putin has once again outsmarted all his enemies.
Those howitzers should never have arrived in Donbas,how the hell did they get there? not in a briefcase.
What about CIA /british spies paid bounty to Talibans for killing Russian soldiers back in 1970s-80s?
Surprise is that Russia and china are not doing this yet-the logic demands that they should. There we go again, the US killed lots of Russians in Afghanistan, don’t be surprise if Russia would do the same. It will be very foolish of Russia if she wouldn’t do the same.
So USA soldiers are on the exception list of killing people without being killed. Millions were provided by the USA budget to support the ‘contras’ in Nicaragua. Millions were also provided to the Pinochet dictatorship to kill Allende’s supporters. China and Russia helped Vietnam with weapons to kill American soldiers. More than 50,000 Americans were killed in Vietnam because the Americans were killing not only VietCongs but peasants. So tell us why is wrong to help the Taliban to fight the occupier. With money or without money from the Russian the Agphanistan warrior has the right to fight the invader. This is a historical truth since the years of civilization. England gave money, cannon, and rifles to the insurgency in South America to kill Spanish soldiers with the propaganda to liberate these countries and so on. So what is this an exception? England created taliban to kill Russians, England created ISIS to kill Syrians. Why should English occupying soldiers be given immunity from reprisal? Is, indeed, Russia an ally of the england/ USA 5 eye cabal?
the First thing ( in fact the only sensible thing) Russia must do, is to kill as many English soldiers (and not only their hired mercenaries ), English spies masquerading as British and BBC journalists and mercenaries as possible as in shortest time. That will settle the problem of the world being destabilized by the England pirate island and there will be no more plotting for wars by English pirates. But Russia does opposite! It let English mercenaries escape safely from donesk (Debeltsov enckave) in Feb 2015!
that M777 seems to have a big problem (or photo-shopped?).. …upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/M777_howitzer_rear.jpg/320px-M777_howitzer_rear.jpg
SMASH the NAZIS and NATO, and any mercenaries captured know this YOU WILL BE SHOT BY FIRING SQUAD when you receive the DEATH PENALTY and that is 100% guaranteed. =Z=
jens—please ask your niece paula to sell herself to junkies in arhaus—-nobody at SF will rent danky crack whore
Excellent news to hear the hanger and its contents have been destroyed. This is effective targeting of the nato supplied weapons. Being put out of action before they can be used. I will say it again many many innocent lives saved as a result of this targeted action by the Russian military and their LDPR alies.