Russian Army Hit River Crossing Set Up By Kiev Forces In Kharkiv With LMUR Missile (Videos)

Russian Army Hit River Crossing Set Up By Kiev Forces In Kharkiv With LMUR Missile (Videos)

A screengrab showing the LMUR missile carried by the Mi-28NM attack helicopter.

The Russian military has destroyed a crossing on the Volchya River that was recently set up by Kiev forces to supply their remaining troops in the settlement of Volchansks in the Kharkiv direction.

The crossing, a vehicle that was using it and a nearby post of Kiev forces were targeted with helicopter-launched Izdeliye 305 missiles. Videos of the pinpoint strikes were posted to social networks on May 25. However, it is unclear when exactly they took place.

The Izdeliye 305, officially called the Lightweight Multifunction Missile, was developed by the Kolomna Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering for upgraded Mi-28NM and Ka-52M attack helicopters. It can also be launched from Mi-8MNP-2 special forces helicopters.

The missile is equipped with an GLONASS-aided inertial navigation system, an optical thermal imaging homing seeker and a two-way secured data-link. The maximum range of the missile is said to be around 15 kilometers. It is armed with a high-explosive warhead weighing 25 kg.

The Izdeliye 305 can be used in two different modes. In the first one, the target is marked by the operator before launch, and the carrier helicopter can turn away directly after the missile launch.

In the second mode, the missile is launched without it being locked on a target. It first flies in its direction, using inertial guidance with satellite navigation providing corrections. The image from the seeker is transmitted back to the helicopter via a data-link system, dubbed the AS-BPLA. The operator can select the target and change it while the missile is flying towards its area.

The strikes on the Volchya River will facilitate the ongoing Russian attack on Volchansks. Kiev forces have already lost much of the city.

The Russian military launched a limited military operation in the Kharkiv direction earlier this month in response to recent Ukrainian strikes and raids on Belgorod and other neighboring Russian regions. The main purpose of the operation appears to be to establish a safe zone along the Russian border.


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Shoigu's Clown Army

the tsiklon missile ship destruction pushes russian military to relocate vessels
over the past few days, several russian ships have departed from temporarily occupied crimea, following the destruction of the tsiklon missile ship. this information was provided by dmytro pletenchuk, head of the strategic communications center of the south operational command.

South Front Is Pure Joke

russian black sea fleet leaks like roof of old trafford. 😂

Kjetil Roxrud

three useless things for mankind: 1)balls of pope, 2)nipples of nun and 3)russian navy.

Braindead West

your leaders are useless


4) ukraine and ukrainians


oh dmytro pletenchuk , the real source lol

the reality show

didn’t he say they shot down 183 zirkons last week?


temporarily occupied? country 404 had it for a little more than 20 years, and it’s been russian again for ten, with no end in sight.

Roy Of The Rovers

deputy chief of staff vadim shamarin faces bribery charges
russian deputy chief of the general staff gen-lt vadim shamarin was reported on may 23, 2024 as having been detained on suspicion of taking large bribes. he faces charges under article 290 part 6 of the russian criminal code (taking a bribe on a particularly large scale), the uk defense intelligence reports.

Mike Tyson

drunkards and corrupted crooks – that’s the true faces of russia.

the reality show

“ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole and we were nuts to every get involved.”

bojo’s former chief advisor.

jens holm

the whole world not even deny that. its a left ussr leftover and russia is just below on any lists 👨‍🦽🦽🧑‍🦽🧑‍🦽

Kjetil Roxrud

corruption and fascism are institutionalized in russia.

Braindead West

fascism is the soul of the west. you know why you fall for anything? you stand for nothing


the end of history was realized in usa

materialism prevails.


it runs itself

jens holm

russian has no idea of that.

everyhing is erased to iron age for marx and engels.

economy is same thing. russian still compare and relate by their own collapse.

its like pedals into a museum lada.

the reality show

haha….meanwhile, bojo the reich clown unfurls an azov flag with a wolf’s hook rune on the foreground and a black nazi third reich eagle silhouette as the background.

if bojo’d been chamberlain, he’d have come home with ‘success! we’ve joined the third reich! long live hitler!’

a pure unadulterated jackass.

Massa John

fire and forget with lmur, our best guy in the field….

Z - It's Winding Down

ukrainian drones strike russian fighter jets at kushchyovskaya airbase, including russian knights aircraft. as a result of a long-range ukrainian attack, the enemy lost at least three fighter jets, one of which belonged to the aerobatic team russkiye vityazi.


cool story, bro. how many ukrainians killed since the 2014 us coup in kiev? how many since the failed peace proposal in march, 2022? how many since the “offensive” of 2023? thanks for playing!

Braindead West

the west is led by complete braindead cretins. they need to be nuked at some point

the reality show

at least neutered so they can’t reproduce.

jens holm

you can raise your level grapping a chair.

jens holm

you are kept away from real knowledge about it.

we are doing better then most.

Degeneration Of Russia

the russian army that went into ukraine has been totally hollowed out. so it had the effect of changing a professional army into a semi-professional, conscript army and decreasing quality as the number of deaths has gone up. russia lost its best troops during first 3 months of the war.

D. R. O. N. E

russian “tourists” been killed in ukraine because they don’t have visa. 🤣


and that’s why the ukrainian puppet army keeps losing?

jens holm

thats right. its decided and no putin walkover.

Massa John

the dire the situation in the field, the more bedtime stories the trolls paddle, even in bright daylight.

Karl Veltjens

won’t a humiliated putin incapable of saving face resort to some deranged action such as employing a nuclear weapon? putin has amply demonstrated already that he is delusional and willing to act on his delusions. it was delusional to think he could conquer ukraine in three days. and yet he tried. it is delusional to think that he is winning the war. and yet he does. it is delusional to think that russia’s economy can survive the sanctions intact. and yet he does.

Degeneration Of Russia

good news is that a humiliated, defeated and delegitimized putin is far less likely to do something crazily destructive than a proud putin who hasn’t lost face. the russian führer may, in the depths of his bunker, desperately want to press the nuclear button, but his manifest humiliation will deter the generals who need to endorse his folly from doing so. why follow a has-been into hell when acknowledging defeat can lead to more fortuitous outcomes for them and for russia?


and that’s why the failed ukrainian cia project continues to give ground to the russians and leave the corpses of their dead rotting in the fields every single day.

jens holm

go and find bunny.

if anything is just another failed ussr projct from 1917.

you live in selfcreated dark. so many has helped or tryed to help ukriane from province to state.

its totally memory lack only to mention one.

where are fx eu. here the ukraine as ussr has been a big tradeparter even for hitler in food as well as minerals. of course we want to regain and improve those relation in a something for something.

as i recall it cia are not in farming


ukraine can’t find more idiots to die at the front so they hire more trolls to be a childish nuisance on southfront. won’t stop kharkov from falling like bakhmut, adeevka and the rest.


the pace of advance is so slow as to qualify as stalemate and the cost per meter is prohibitive. zukov had an offensive after stalingrad. that’s what an offensive looks like. this war is in stalemate.

jens holm

of course they would be strange if they dont.

many things are nice in wartime at some it is not nice.

and who bakhmut a spenable. best regards from prigorzin.


nafomosexual eruption! failed circle jerk, fellas?


ukraine is suicidal but the regime was voted in with the promise to make peace not war fcol a general uprising is needed now!

jens holm

thats right. one with clean hands was not enough.

but he has united most of ukraine to a real contry


ahahaha the eurotard nazi clownshow in full swing again, seeing their “project ukraine” failing into pieces.

god i love beeing american, seeing you eurotards duke it out while we reap the rewards!
so easy, so guillable, such clowns… nay, the whole circus!

ww3 on european soil again, uraaa to ashes!


the wreckage of the su-25 aircraft now burns in the steppes of ukrainian donbas
the air defense operators from the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after marko bezruchko successfully downed another russian su-25 aircraft in donetsk region today. this is the 8th russian aircraft shot down by ukrainian forces this month.


ghost of kiev back in action?

Degeneration Of Russia

the genocidal war against ukrainians is putin’s war, but it wasn’t just a matter of his personal choice. putin sits in the royal core of a highly centralized political system that, like adolf hitler’s, thrives on and needs violence, both to maintain law and order at home and to intimidate neighbors, acquire territory, power and influence, and justify its fascist constitution and policies with its domestic supporters among the elites and masses.


keep deflecting you eurotard nazis. its your governments that invite bonafide nazis into their parliaments, its your people that stay silent and accept or endorse this fascism.
its your baltic states that have yearly marshes for honorary waffen ss soldiers.

you are acting just like the german population in the 1930/40s.

guillable nazi clowns :)


is this war really a reprise of 80-90 years ago? it’s not the same forces in opposition. putin is not stalin. putin couldn’t carry stalin’s jock strap.


and where is zhukov?

jens holm

ukraine nazis not even a seat in their parlament. the president is very sekular jew.

only estonia has a kind of nazi party, which has seat. in your version those many nazis must be dead ones or at least 90 years old – hip hip – 👨‍🦽🦽👩‍🦽👩‍🦯.

ussr made many nazis in 1935 in the baltics.

jens holm

i very like moron burger kingdom ruled by emperor bezos cuz i am also lgbt like all amerikunt

jens holm

0 id wrote that crap


quick reminder of recent endorsment of nazism by eurotards:

uk parliament invites azov nazis /
france trains ukrainians with ss tatoos on their temple /
germany “expels” 7 ukrainians for endorsing “verboten symbols” /
italy allows the hitler gruß /
estonia admits on camera that they revision history books to make nazism look more nice

keep digging that hole little eurotards! you people allow it, you are nazis just as your rulers


Last edited 9 months ago by _TomSawyer_
jens holm

our systems are that. we keep them in the open as anyone else. they and we find their level by votes.

if any dont keep the constitution we expell them.

we also see their reasons, which can be true. by that we make jobs and income, homes, food, chothe hospitals and medical care.

by that the nazis os seminazis decide by level as anyone else. they cant say they are kept down.

jens holm

estonia should not be written in a stalin version. he and the dunma too it and murdered and expelled many 1000 s for socalled anti communistic reasons.

it the exact the same in poland, ukraine. the polish ghetto is a very good one one.

but even before that it was in baltics and after that the rest and ussr inclusive,

jens holm

even the military forces best experts in modern warfare we kill and expelled in buches. after several mio russian soldiers and civilsians were kill by him he – in contrast to hitler – gave the command back to the general and also away from the kliment voroshilov thinking. tanks even were named after him.

none in the baltics ever want a father, mother or psyco brother like that forced adoption.

jens holm

all amerikan senile nazi like me–we worship money

joe biden

another bad day for us inferior amerikun–we #1 lgbt humiliated by taliban

jens holm

i cross american river in rowboat to enter gay bar

jens holm

not written by me.

Last edited 9 months ago by jens holm