Russian Army Captures First German-Made Leopard 2A6 Tank From Kiev Forces (Video)

Russian Army Captures First German-Made Leopard 2A6 Tank From Kiev Forces (Video)

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The Russian military has successfully captured a German-made Leopard 2A6 main battle tank from Kiev forces for the first time.

Video footage showing the slightly damaged tank being towed to the rear by a BREM-1 engineering vehicle of the Tsentr Group of Forces, which operates in the Donetsk direction, was first published by prominent Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov on his official Telegram channel on April 21.

The Leopard 2A6 is one of the latest versions of the German-made tank. It is equipped with the L/55 smoothbore 120 mm gun as well as improved sights, communication system and armor modules. Its internal design was also enhanced to improve crew survivability.

Russian Army Captures First German-Made Leopard 2A6 Tank From Kiev Forces (Video)

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Germany and other NATO members promised to supply Ukraine with around 100 Leopard 2 tanks over the past year, at least 21 of which are of the A6 version.

The Russian military has already destroyed or damaged most of these tanks. However, this is the first confirmed capture of a Leopard 2.

Russian sources speculated that the captured German-made tank will be put on display besides Nazi-era ones at the Kubinka tank museum near the capital, Moscow. However, before that Russia specialists will likely study the tank to better understand its capabilities and weaknesses.

Overall, the capture of the tank was yet another blow to Germany who became one of the main military backers of the Kiev regime after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine more than two years ago.


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put a swastika flag on it and parade it in moscow on may 9th. 😄👍🏻


looking forward to it!

Ramses II

a ha, now here we see the putler ghey boy fan club looking forward to the red army ghey parade.


after parade this tank can be placed under windows of german embassy for a week, then go to military research institutes and later to museum in kubinka.

Ramses II

the museum for stolen things? isn’t everything stolen goods in russia?


perfect example for victory day moscow parade.

Charlie Morningstar

search: “chase – hide away (verbalase amv)” if you want a good and chill song and amv to watch and listen to.

dead mercenazis

this old scrap iron is not worth even for reverse engineering, but ru can now at least test field it for weak points

jens holm

i pray to my god –the amerikun dollar to forgive my senility

jens holm

only evil russian believe in jesus christ—the real god is money—i worship us dollar

James Hodgkiss

what a load of rubbish, it doesn’t even have any tracks.

chat guy

you idiot, the russians removed the tracks in order to toll it faster bitch


or may be they are left after blast of mine or artillery shell. anyway the tank looks quite undamaged. if its optics still alive, the tank is combat ready, because tracks can be easily mounted again.

James Hodgkiss

dont call me and idiot, without the tracks its rubbish. you need to evolve into a sentient being or get off the internet.


idiot, he is right

chop suey

what an idiot.


the nazi kraut whores of uncle shmuel will be crying in their bratwurst und sauerkraut!


oh ja! das ist grosser buttenhurt for adolf scholz.

Stoopid Germans

german rhymes with cuck nowdayz…americans convince them to destory their image, economy and military hardware. i have no respect

Last edited 5 months ago by Stoopid Germans

nobody gives a shit about it, except our little ruzzian nazis and do you know why? it’s alien technology for them 😆😆😆


seems you give a shit but are to retarded to understand it is useful in many ways.

Satanic Anglo Scum!

you wouldn’t even be posting say it was a m1 abram.

chat guy

most russian tanks are waaaay better than the most modern leo

Ramses II

pop ‘em! pop pop pop!


tank effectiveness regards mobility in different terrain—russian superior—larger more expensive tanks—amerikan brit german cost 20 million$ and disabled by 500$ russian drone…the western tanks do poorly in difficult terrain and very expensive difficult to maintain

Stupo McTaco

is sucker humiliated again by russian superiority? do you enjoy being sodomized by taliban?🤣

Last edited 5 months ago by Stupo McTaco
Ramses II

zombie ghey nazis

jens holm

amerikunt desperation proves your inferiority—how much you pay for taliban therapists to sodomize you?🤣

Saviour Complex

…”german-made tank will be put on display besides nazi-era ones at the kubinka tank museum near the capital“

that seems fitting. nato (+ israel) = modern day nazis

Saviour Complex

ukraine = modern day nazi wannabes

chat guy

the russian economy will keep growing steadily in 2024, alfred kammer, the head of the imf’s european department forecasts.

speaking at a press briefing following the release of the agency’s latest european economic outlook, kammer noted the resilience of the russian economy in the face of the wide-ranging sanctions.

“what we have been forecasting for russia is actually a positive development this year, and we also have seen quite strong growth last year”.

chop suey

it’s pretty funny, actually. those sanctions actually boosted the russian economy by forcing import substitution on them.

i mean, how long did it take them to replace siemens turbines with their own, 6 months, 7?

it’s hilarious when you think about it.

Last edited 5 months ago by chop suey
sasha at rosneft

gee, i don’t know, suey. that horizontal drill bit looks awfully complicated to me. it might take me all of 6 weeks to knock a prototype out. most all our metallurgists are working on nose cones now.

chat guy

brics countries, cooperating in the area of information security, will be able to stand against us digital colonization, which one country can hardly do alone, igor ashmanov, head of the kribrum company said in an interview with tass analytical center. “the issue is not simply about information security, including viruses, cyberattacks, jailbreaking, from which it is necessary to secure. information security itself contains several deeper layers”


soon it will be sold in 7-11 nationwide


good work! the german government will learn the hard eay

chop suey

it’s a shame really. baerbock was planning on riding it bareback into moscow this year.

Jürgen Grabowski

es ist kein leopard, das ist ein hamster!

Pasi Kuronen

well done!👍

jens holm

i pray to dollar god for germ dildo in my azz

Max Schmidt

neonazi leader “ian burdett” from chicago was demilitarized in the chasik front. ian was trending few days ago when his videos with fellow homosexual richard willians “duggyboi” went viral. rest in piss brother. we will not miss you.

Last edited 5 months ago by Max Schmidt
chop suey

american mercenary, ian burdette “nazty” has been successfully liquidaтed by the russian army in ukraine.

nice nickname. where do i send flowers?


the brits, as the perfide and cowardly cowards they are, haven’t even allowed their challenger tanks to go to work after the first 2 were taken out by russian drones and are now planning a better version based on the negative experience in ukraine (doubtful they can afford it, which is doubtful. the yankees abrams fare no better than the brits’ and the gasturbine heavy useless things work well in desert area against sandal shoed locals. in ukraine not so well.

Bojo the Bozo

we met the challenge head on and we tanked.


and the friggin’ krauts are planning a leopard 3 model since no 2 didn’t work particularly well in ukraine and by the way the brits new challenger will have a gun that is made to use ammunition of the other warring parties!

Stupo McTaco

mexican tank better than germland

NATO homo

big deal. they can never use it. their tanks operate with a 3 man crew. ours require 3 persons plus a large bull-dyke to load the main gun. the joke is on them.

jens holm

today i worship money for 3 hours–pray to dollar god—i am inferior to pygmys and monkeys—i live in zoo owned by disney—formerly called denmark


one more tank for the museum
