In 2014, Ukrainian radical nationalists, backed up by the EU and the US, seized power in Kiev overthrowing the legitimate president of the country, Viktor Yanukovych. The installation of new government sparked protests in the country's southeast. Since April 2014, pro-Russian separatists have been battling pro-Kiev forces in eastern Ukraine. In March 2014, a vast majority of people in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea voted for "reunification with Russia" and the region became a part of the Russian Federation.
it is nursery school level. the most advanced among us, can even write articulate word or two in comments…just in case imagination fly’s into the horizon…
qualche osservazione la possiamo fare anche noi. purtroppo sono avanzamenti millimetrici; il fronte è fermo. se lo scopo dei russi è una guerra di logoramento può anche andare altrimenti c’è da sperare che la controffensiva russa debba ancora iniziare.
2014(crimea) and 2022 (initial invasion stage) were 2 wasted moments to obtain quick bloodless victories against unprepared ukrainian army. russian army was also unprepared totally!
somebody lucked the “cojones” or simply preferred survival of the neo-nazis.
now the window of opportunity (for quick and bloodless victory) is closed.
nel 2022 l’esercito ucraino era preparatissimo al contrario di quello russo. sono d’accordo con te sul fatto che la finestra temporale per una rapida e incruenta vittoria è definitivamente chiusa.
if they were so prepared in 2022…how come the unprepared russian army took them by surprise? even though cia, mi6 were shouting at the time, about “immanent russian attack”. or how else to call that russian success, than “surprise” effect? how else to explain such big russian (ill planed, badly executed) advancement in all directions?
sooner you ukrainian cockroaches are exterminated with this attrition the better. then again you stupid ukrainians sided with an ideology that if old adolf would have one. you stupid untermenchen slavs would have been sent to the gas chamber, to bad the russians saved you rats from this fate.
mike, and how does your comment go with the prospect of future peace with the people with whom russians share common history, heritage, and culture? the more you kill, the more you call “cackroaches”, the less likely you will ever achieve a lasting peace. not smart.
i’m not “ukrainian”. i am for restoring russian empire. i do not like that kgb “liberal”, who pretends to be an orthodox and kills hundreds of thousands orthodox slav on both sides. the war could have been prevented.
non sono affatto avanzamenti millimetrici, si parla di svariate centinaia di metri (se non di chilometri), che è un quantitativo assai superiore a quanto ha ottenuto la cosiddetta “controffensiva” ucraina dell’estate scorsa. che lo scopo russo sia quello di una guerra di logoramento mi pare chiaro sin dalla ritirata tattica da kiev e direi che sta funzionando. il fronte si sposta di pari passo al lento ma inesorabile venir meno degli aiuti occidentali al regime ucraino.
the botched invasion of ukraine (kiev) is proof that original intention of kremlin was not “war of attrition” at all, but simple (ill planned and ill prepared ) invasion of the country.
russian army greatly outnumbered facing serious resistance and sustaining important losses didn’t have other choice but to invent logical “plan b”. significant reduction of the front (contact) line with built in defense positions.
judging from how close the russians had an agreement with your shitty regime, their invasion actually almost worked. yet you stupid ukrainian animals didn’t take a good deal back in april 2022 in istanbul. oh well sooner the male population of ukraine is culled the better, to bad you are not at the front chicken shit.
maybe ukraine is being dep[opulated to make room for the relocation of israel? they are trying hard to provoke a larger war but nobody wants them to spread to other countries, hence, nobody intervenes.
No love for 1776!
1 year ago
1 year ago
after 20 year 3 trillion$$$ taliban advance on my lgbt farce usa gay army
1 year ago
i have impression that putin does not want real victory in ukraine.
just partial, one. he only doesn’t know yet, how far he can go in his partial victory, without initiating ww3 in process…
when he became commander in charge of russian air force(for short period of time), the lights in ukraine were turned off. because he started to bomb ukrainian power stations immediately.
f*ck kremlin and kgb half jew pretending to be an orthodox christian! long live russian tsar and russian empire, long live orthodox slavic russia!
1 year ago
ruské vojská pomaly hryzkajú, oslobodzujú kúsok po kúsku. lákajú na seba bamderovské fašistické svine. rus sa rozhodol zvíťaziť v švo na donbase. nechce zničiť celú ukrajinu. kto by to potom dával do hromady? myslite. svetu mier!!!
1 year ago
unless you close those bays north of avdiivka and south of mariinka, unless you secure doneck by taking a larger buffer zone and unless you move forward past seversk to krasnyj lyman, sloviansk, kramatorsk and konstantynovka, there is no meaningful progress. these little, tiny “advancements” mean nothing from a military point of view.
Jan Kotke
1 year ago
another pro russia bs. russian forces have advanced few hundred meters there and there looting dozens of toilet seats and destroyed houses. meaningless war by putin making even his once so bragging fanboys rather confused and annoyed. 3 days operation has lasted now almost 2 years. russian military is piece of shit.
a pcs. of shit is that what fell out of yours mothers crack.
and repeating this 3 day bullshit proofs that you are a moron.
russian gains in fact slow, but steady and causing still high losses for ukros due to russian air and artillery superiority.
while ukro “offensive” a huge catastroph failure loosing 100.000 kia, mia and pow for gaining only a few hundret square miles in the south, but at the same time loosing more than the double in the east, ongoing.
it is a very nice map but there is no article to go with it.????
it is nursery school level. the most advanced among us, can even write articulate word or two in comments…just in case imagination fly’s into the horizon…
qualche osservazione la possiamo fare anche noi. purtroppo sono avanzamenti millimetrici; il fronte è fermo. se lo scopo dei russi è una guerra di logoramento può anche andare altrimenti c’è da sperare che la controffensiva russa debba ancora iniziare.
2014(crimea) and 2022 (initial invasion stage) were 2 wasted moments to obtain quick bloodless victories against unprepared ukrainian army. russian army was also unprepared totally!
somebody lucked the “cojones” or simply preferred survival of the neo-nazis.
now the window of opportunity (for quick and bloodless victory) is closed.
nel 2022 l’esercito ucraino era preparatissimo al contrario di quello russo. sono d’accordo con te sul fatto che la finestra temporale per una rapida e incruenta vittoria è definitivamente chiusa.
if they were so prepared in 2022…how come the unprepared russian army took them by surprise? even though cia, mi6 were shouting at the time, about “immanent russian attack”. or how else to call that russian success, than “surprise” effect? how else to explain such big russian (ill planed, badly executed) advancement in all directions?
sooner you ukrainian cockroaches are exterminated with this attrition the better. then again you stupid ukrainians sided with an ideology that if old adolf would have one. you stupid untermenchen slavs would have been sent to the gas chamber, to bad the russians saved you rats from this fate.
mike, and how does your comment go with the prospect of future peace with the people with whom russians share common history, heritage, and culture? the more you kill, the more you call “cackroaches”, the less likely you will ever achieve a lasting peace. not smart.
i’m not “ukrainian”. i am for restoring russian empire. i do not like that kgb “liberal”, who pretends to be an orthodox and kills hundreds of thousands orthodox slav on both sides. the war could have been prevented.
non sono affatto avanzamenti millimetrici, si parla di svariate centinaia di metri (se non di chilometri), che è un quantitativo assai superiore a quanto ha ottenuto la cosiddetta “controffensiva” ucraina dell’estate scorsa. che lo scopo russo sia quello di una guerra di logoramento mi pare chiaro sin dalla ritirata tattica da kiev e direi che sta funzionando. il fronte si sposta di pari passo al lento ma inesorabile venir meno degli aiuti occidentali al regime ucraino.
the botched invasion of ukraine (kiev) is proof that original intention of kremlin was not “war of attrition” at all, but simple (ill planned and ill prepared ) invasion of the country.
russian army greatly outnumbered facing serious resistance and sustaining important losses didn’t have other choice but to invent logical “plan b”. significant reduction of the front (contact) line with built in defense positions.
judging from how close the russians had an agreement with your shitty regime, their invasion actually almost worked. yet you stupid ukrainian animals didn’t take a good deal back in april 2022 in istanbul. oh well sooner the male population of ukraine is culled the better, to bad you are not at the front chicken shit.
maybe ukraine is being dep[opulated to make room for the relocation of israel? they are trying hard to provoke a larger war but nobody wants them to spread to other countries, hence, nobody intervenes.
after 20 year 3 trillion$$$ taliban advance on my lgbt farce usa gay army
i have impression that putin does not want real victory in ukraine.
just partial, one. he only doesn’t know yet, how far he can go in his partial victory, without initiating ww3 in process…
tells about that, where you inside the kremlin.
as i’ve already said, it is just “impression”
what is the village in yellow near seversk, down below? (the second one on the extreme right, starting from upside)
surovikin would do better.
when he became commander in charge of russian air force(for short period of time), the lights in ukraine were turned off. because he started to bomb ukrainian power stations immediately.
whatever cockroach.
f*ck kremlin and kgb half jew pretending to be an orthodox christian! long live russian tsar and russian empire, long live orthodox slavic russia!
ruské vojská pomaly hryzkajú, oslobodzujú kúsok po kúsku. lákajú na seba bamderovské fašistické svine. rus sa rozhodol zvíťaziť v švo na donbase. nechce zničiť celú ukrajinu. kto by to potom dával do hromady? myslite. svetu mier!!!
unless you close those bays north of avdiivka and south of mariinka, unless you secure doneck by taking a larger buffer zone and unless you move forward past seversk to krasnyj lyman, sloviansk, kramatorsk and konstantynovka, there is no meaningful progress. these little, tiny “advancements” mean nothing from a military point of view.
another pro russia bs. russian forces have advanced few hundred meters there and there looting dozens of toilet seats and destroyed houses. meaningless war by putin making even his once so bragging fanboys rather confused and annoyed. 3 days operation has lasted now almost 2 years. russian military is piece of shit.
a pcs. of shit is that what fell out of yours mothers crack.
and repeating this 3 day bullshit proofs that you are a moron.
russian gains in fact slow, but steady and causing still high losses for ukros due to russian air and artillery superiority.
while ukro “offensive” a huge catastroph failure loosing 100.000 kia, mia and pow for gaining only a few hundret square miles in the south, but at the same time loosing more than the double in the east, ongoing.