Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov has faced an assasination attempt in Ankara.
The Russian state-run news agency ‘Tass’ reported few moments ago:
An armed man has burst into the Contemporary Art Gallery in Ankara, where a ceremony to unveil the photography exhibition Russia through the Eyes of Turks was in progress, eye witnesses have told Tass, saying the incident occurred when Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov was addressing the audience.
They say gun shots could be heard and the man cried out “Get away from here”.
Russian ambassador in Turkey has come under attack, Turkish diplomatic source said.
Karlov in a critical state was rushed to a hospital.
UPD: Karlov died in the hospital. Russia describes his assasination as a terrorist act.
Video of the attack:
According to Turkish NTV broadcaster, 3 other people were also injured in the assasination attempt. Other sources say that 2 more people were injured.
Media reports also say say police are engaged in a shootout with the assailant. UPD: The gunman was eliminated

The attacker
Earlier in December, Anakara faced a series of anti-Russian protests organized by supporters of terrorist groups operating in Syria. Some experts link today’s assasination attempt with these developments.
Another important moment was that Karlov was shot amid reports that Turkey, Iran and Russia will discuss the Syrian crisis in Moscow on December 20.
“On December 20, 2016, Moscow will host a meeting of the defense and foreign ministers of the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Turkey dedicated to the Syrian settlement and aimed at facilitating the implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions,” the Russian Defense Ministry’s press service reported on Monday.
Most likely, the assasination attempt against the Russian Ambassador to Turkey was a provocation aimed to disrupt the announced meeting. The move was sponsored by some powers that are not interested in a cooperation between Moscow, Tehran and Anakra over the settlement in Syria.
SF, The Russian Ambassador died! There is a video of the whole incident on Conflict News Twitter. Of course,, the assassin was shot dead! Go to The gunman shouts “Allahu Akbhar” and fires the gun in the air afterwards! He then mentions something about “Revenge for Aleppo”. This is crazy! They are trying to get Putin to overreact so they have an excuse for a hot war before Trump takes office.
Well, if Putin didn’t overreact when the Sukhoi was shot down, and there was no hope of regime change in America, I doubt he’ll go crazy now.
But just like he did then, I would imagine Putin will increase kinetic operations in Syria, possibly Ukraine too, which has been heating up over the last few weeks.
It’s a bad situation, but thankfully, I don’t think the neocons will get their war this close to Jan 20.
Putin is ice-cold. He will NOT over react. He is much too canny for that. But he will play his cards coolly and carefully. He will not be Trumped. He probably has one or two aces up his sleeves, or maybe tucked away in his Black Belt.
Someone must be very angry on Aleppo deal. Could be some rebels, maybe Kurds. It is obvious that it could not be done by Turkish government. Hence I suspect it will have a reverse effect, and result on warming Turkey-Russia relations.
On the other hand, he looks well prepared. Could be trained by foreign intel.
I dont think the Kurds are involve. It was a footman from the rebels or jihadist. Its obvious theyre not happy at all with this meeting, since Turkey has been approaching Russia in the last months, i just wonder where were the security services
turkish media said he showed a Police badge. I guess it not hard to fake it after all.
Yeah, you could fake the credentials, or legitimately be a police officer. Infiltrating police and military with legit recruits is child’s play.
confirmed. he was a cop.
Infiltration is the first step; then subversion, sabotage, and assassination. An old CIA technique …. and very effective.
All part of the Plan. Where was air defence on 9/11?
This assassin getting this close to the Ambassador. ..
Seems poised in the few images of him.
He’s got to know he’s dead after the hit…
So why do it?.
MK Ultra ? …he’s in an alternative reality …do the hit …feel the drug programing
Take over / euphoria.
Maybe Kurd or Jihadi can act this calm. the hit and pose for the Statement
Knowing bullets are seconds away.
saw the video? not an amateur for sure.
& First Last name
Russia has lost its initiative in Syria…
The Way over the board & not really usefull Carrier arrives and losses 2 special
Design combat aircraft.
The ceasefire and amnesty allow 1000s of Takfiri kook to leave with weapons.
( Russian General calling this out was Right! )
The recent murder of bus drivers and burn the buses…by the same crowd you
Let go free…
Palmyra… ( oh not that again! )….Epic screw up. …Epic.
And now a Symbol of Russia’s presence in the World is coward act murder from behind.
Russian security services????
The Syrian oil/nat gas concessions map I’ve been posting reminds what this is all about.
Brad, calm yourself. They want to trigger Putin to overreact before Trump gets in. They want to weaken Putin domestically and only have about a month to do so.
Turk police officer….
Russia just not up to the game level of those She faces.
My above rendition is reminder of Russia’s recent month.
In the NFL. …you just went 0 and 4 in December and can kiss goodbye any chance
Of post season.
Russia needs to get its A game going.
Trump put that piece of trash Freidman in the Show.
There’s too many God damned Israeli Vipers!!…too many!
My 2 decades + career in oil/nat gas process shows me in the main,
What these foreign conflicts are about in high %.
I have no illusions of what Syria faces. ..
And ya…Iran and Turkey are shit allies…
Question is…is Russia more interested in future energy issues and Syria?
Trump’s philo Semitism is concerning, I’ll admit.
Candidly….many wished and hoped that a correction ** …was going to occur.
Realism. ….Trump can only do so much….vs the Swamp Monster.
Certain Admin slots now give pause…
Trump’s a lame duck with Nada political Capital going in.
Who would want to preside over the impending economic collapse?
Record dump USD Treasuries these past weeks. .
Even Belgium** dumping Billions USD…
I think the Bankers are going to blame the Financial wreck on Trump
While Obama dances off into the sunset.
The recent hijack of news and events which Force Trump to be Anti Russia,
Anti China.
US has a piece of crap F 35 program, ….Warships which are useless,
They Parcellel out Mechanized brigades into storage in Europe and mideast.
This signals future war. ..
The USD is finished as Bench for world Trade. ..
It’s all catching up with them…
Russian Hardliners need to lock Putin in a room and read him the riot act!
I think there is a part of the deep state on the nationalist side. Flynn is a good general and top national security advisor. Some have posted that he is anti Iran, but I know he, and others in Trump’s inner circle are certainly ANTI MB. He was fired for saying that Obama was allowing ISIS and Nusra to grow in order to oust Assad. He knows what is going on. The Trump friendly part of the deep state is signaling a roll back of the Empire and focus on the borders, immigration and the Western Hemisphere. Trump is trying to bring all industrial production back to the US. Also, Trump has appointed Big Oil people in his cabinet and a man who is against climate change myths to EPA. This signals a move away from KSA and the Gulf States and towards domestic energy independence. despite what CIA wants. The CIA and neocon faction is fighting like hell against it. They only have 1 month to get their war. When Trump gets in, I think the intelligence services are going to be purged. It would be nice to have a Trump – Putin Summit soon.
They are suppressing Gold in order to drive liquidity into the Stock Market.
Which is not the real economy…but the 1% Playground.
Trump has left control social programs nation to know uncouple and get
Shirkers working.
An increase in production economy….
Oil can rise in price which assists the New Economy….even though Interest
Rate rise will trash some percent of mortgage sector home and corporate.
Iran appears ready to rumble over the recent sanctions game.
This will reveal where Trump points regarding Iran.
China has been answering back to Trump over Taiwan …
Trump maybe backs off the Toxic one liners…
He can still wreck on South China Sea as Persian Gulf. ..
Hopefully his administration will not allow the Zionist media to drive him
And it all wrecks like the USN warships off Honda Point.
Just found this Brad. Perp has a Jewish – Turkish surname.
You see it clearly. Believe me, so does Putin. He knows who he can trust. The game has a long way to run. We have only just started. give it another 10 years and then see where we are.
The game’s not over until the last piece has fallen, so don’t be too pessimistic. There are a lot of moves yet to be made and the price of oil is rising again. My question is – Why do the refugees not go to Saudi Arabia? They share the same language and the same religion, and the same way of life. Is it all a fiendish plot? Has Soros anything to do with it? Is he trying to sink the euro?
“Russia has lost its initiative in Syria” true. Have they ever intended to have one?
Remember the British Moor who ran over the British soldier and chopped his head off, then posed for pictures and calmly did interviews with passersby?
Wahhabists do this all the time. This was a Wahhabi Sunni. Look at his finger in the air. He shaved his beard and drove a brand new Toyota truck to Turkey, probably when Russia started bombing last year. There was a big shaving/migration of jihadis last December, ‘member?
Is your real name Sherlock Holmes? You seem to pick up all the clues, very quickly. The Wahhabis are all in Saudi Arabia. They pay others to do their dirty work.
Correction: The HEADS of the Wahhabis are in Saudi Arabia. Their foot-soldier jihadi terrorists and commanders are all over the place – including places like Paris, Brussels, Berlin etc. (let alone Turkey).
No kurd would act the way this guy did, with the ALLAH AKCBAR nonsense and the finger in the air.
He’s a Wahabbist.
Al Nusra?
Mossad? CIA?
I doubt it. They don’t kill to send a message. They take out who needs to be taken out.
Sure. Any Wahhabi.
No! He was an actor. Anyone can shout Allahu akbar. It’s catching. Anyone wishing to be thought a terrorist does it. people are like sheep – one does it and they all follow.
Whose plans have been hit hardest by the fall of Aleppo? Clue: who armed and trained the ‘moderate rebels’?
Why not Turkey? So you think Turkey has got genuine interest in worming Turkey-Russia relations up?
They don’t have to want it. But they had to do it.
After the reveal of the details, now I am thinking he is a propoganda tool.
Gunman standing behind him?
Chief of Russian security services ….where were you?
Brad, this link has the full video and everything. They are pro “rebel’ and anti Russia, but they always have breaking, factaul information.
I think the real question is: What the hell is the Russian ambassador doing at a stupid photography exhibition called “Russia Through the Eyes of Turks” (!) at a time like this, in a country like today’s Turkey which is crawling with jihadis and their supporters, and ruled by an Islamist government which is the main supporter of the terrorists in Syria? Are these people really as stupid as this??? It’s hard to believe! ALL Russian diplomats (in fact most diplomats from anywhere) in a place like Turkey at such a time as this, should be living in near-lockdown mode and only staying inside heavily guarded compounds, 24/7!
He may have been protecting the ambassador’s back.
A job from CIA.
Well, he can hold a gun. So he was trained by US/SA/Canadian/Qatari SF, or at least some other jihadi trained by them. But at this point, the CIA doesn’t need to give orders anymore. They spun up this radical machine and now it runs by itself.
He was a Turkish cop… Possible Gulenist? He was assigned to guard the event. Perfect setup. Either someone trying to screw up tomorrow’s meeting or Erdogan was strong armed by his bosses.
Erdogan Islamist radicals after he did a purge there should be none left.
I just found out he was fired in the purge. He used his old badge to get past metal detectors and into the speech area. He was apparently a Gulenist.
thanks for the info. I hadn’t seen that yet,
Have you seen the gunman’s surname?
That was my guess too.
But still controlled by al CIAda, probably with Mossad’s help.
True providing that all roads lead to Rome.
Highly likely. But I doubt we shall ever know the truth. At least, not for another 30 years.
On Vatican orders.
And Mossad. They are now one and the same.
This has Israelis written all over the place. The Israelis are dead mad at Russia for helping the Syrians liberate Aleppo. No one else in the region has more to lose than the Israelis, after all everything that is happening there is all part of their agenda of “Greater Israel”. It’s all described in the Oded Yinon plan.
With Syria funneling missiles and general weapons to Hezbollah, can you blame Israel for wanting to weaken its enemies?! Enemies that have tried to destroy Israel more than once, ignorant people like you act as if Israel is totally unjustified and Syria is an angelic country. I want Assad to defeat the jihadists sure, but get real guy.
israel delendam esse
English, motherfucker, do you speak it.
are you speaking about yourself, asinus sevenus? :)))
Two wrongs do NOT make a right. Violence begets violence. Abuse begets abuse. Try to moderate your tongue when seeking to put forward your arguments. Then people might heed what you are saying.
Tut tut. You must try NOT to be abusive, nor to use abusive language. perhaps YOU need to take a course in correct English.
On an English language site in an English language thread, it’s rude and bizarre to just randomly reply to someone in a foreign language, knowing that they have no clue what they’re saying.
Both ISIS and Israel kill for land AND for religion. Such actions are as old as humankind. They will stop with the last human.
What is the difference between Israel and ISIS ? None. The two kill people for religion purposes.
You’re kidding right? You just said…. in defence of ISLAM.
You mean you never read about the crusades or Knights of the Templer which were all about religions if fact most of the wars in history were fought because of religions..
800+ years old example, how original. The Crusaders were reactionary, to the Muslim invasions of Europe.
Indeed and in 800+ years it has never changed( Ireland is a good example of that between the two different religions) and as far as the Crusades I was not aware that the Mid-East/Isreal was in Europe but I suppose you learn something new every day.!!
Your last sentence makes no sense, especially in relation to what I typed; stay off of the drugs Robert. I’m sure as a Muslim luvvie that you’re completely unaware of basic facts, as your kind typically are, but Muslims invaded Europe more than once, starting with Spain centuries before the Crusades, gradually and almost taking the whole country. Then of course almost of all Eastern Europe too.
I surrender for there’s an old saying “never argue with a fool for he will only wear you down and beat you for he has more experience” now run along and have a nice day.!!
Beautifully said Robert.
Facts are foolish now, yep, you’re definitely a Muslim then!
I think you loose your mind.
Being a Muslim/luvvie, you don’t have one.
Why am I a muslim ? Because I don’t like your terrorist state of Nazisrael ??
Because you think that criticism of Islam is proof of me ‘loosing’ my mind, Islam, which ISIS practices in its original form, the form that Muhammed taught, the man that all Muslims think is perfect.
So either you’re stupid or a Muslim. Which is the same thing really.
Spoken like a true bitter Jew or you could be a Christian/Jew lover. Same thing.
Here’s what some great minds of history said about you and/or your friends :
The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The big question is — WHY? Here, take a look :>
Bitter how? ISIS does exactly as Muhammed did, murdering and committing paedophilia.
Because they’re successful when others are poor, small mindedness is unsurprising back then, but now and for a long time since, they’ve integrated as well as any other group. Whereas Islam is a scourge that the people of the West want gone, thus the rise in right wing groups, Brexit, Trump etc.
Why Hezbollah is fighting ISIS and USA is helping ISIS ?
Islam with its 1.7 billion adherents is here to stay. Get used to it. As far as your and your Hebrew ilk, mankind will one day put you all on space shuttles with just enough fuel to get you past Orion’s Belt. Then there will be peace on earth.
Right, the 1.7b that fanatically follow a mass murdering paedophile will be a part of peace on Earth, good one!
For one man to do evil it takes a sick mind. For many men to do evil it takes religion
You must have very high opinion of religion. It seems like Vatican MOSAD anti-religious propaganda has been successful in your case. Obviously you don’t understand that wherever there is a true there is a counterfeit as well.
Mossad did not use condom, in bed with the US/CIA and Pakistan/URDU as the result give birth to Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and later Al-Qaeda changed name to ISIS/ISIL in Syria/Iraq then change to Daesh to Al-Nusra and to Jabhat Fateh al-Sham.
Yes you can blame them. Murder is a crime no matter how messed up the country’s leadership is. Hezbollah isn’t bombing other people’s countries, murdering civiliansor stealing land from them. Israel does and is.
All countries commit murder when it suits their purpose to do so. “All property is theft” (Proudhon). Humans have fought over land since time immemorial. Israel is no exception, but it is by no means alone in this. Some are more clever in the way they go about it.
A weak justification for behavior that civilized nations agree is criminal.
No, you can’t, you have NO IDEA if Israel was behind this, don’t be absurd. Hezbollah are terrorists, they’ve carried out bombings on Westerners more than once, they are stealing land from Lebanon because they illegally occupy the south with no mandate from the government. Israel won that land after Syria launched wars against Israel, Israel deserves the Golan Heights for Syria’s stupidity.
Hezbollah are NOT terrorists. They have committed NO bombings against Westeners. Claims to the contrary are simply more fabrications from Zionist & US “intelligence” and US-controlled NATO satraps.
These claims are simply another tool to discredit and de-legitimise a national/ethnic resistance group opposed to Zio-Anglo regional dominantion.
BTW it’s nice how you managed to insert your single-digit IQ into your handle… good to know…
!00% the Zionist regime in Palestine is one of the puppet masters in the war against Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Lebanon and Yemen. The other known puppet masters are Wahhabi/Takfiri Saudi regime and Turkey.
Saudi Arabia, the biggest Islamic power, will lose all of its reserves within 5 years. With America becoming energy independent, the price of oil has plummeted, draining Muslim cash reserves, and this is even before renewables have their day. The Islamic world is soon to be returned to the dustbin of history, irrelevant, poor, pathetic. I look forward to that. Meanwhile Israel gets richer and richer.
Right, because the West, with its Muslim hordes, are definitely showing signs of integration!
Hezbollah are illegal, occupying Lebanon as a militia, they’re terrorists within their own country. And in terms of birth rates, Lebanon is dying out whereas Israel is thriving.
Laughable. Saudi Arabia, with its 30 million people is nothing compared to Islam’s 1.7 billion adherents.
You are naive. If Oil goes ‘bust’ , so too does the dollar(petrodollar) and effectively the end of the west and judeo-chrisian(oxymoron btw) society with it.
Oil is not going anywhere. But then again, oil is not the economic engine that drives Islamic societies. Look at Malaysia and Indonesia(275 million ppl). They are advancing Muslim countries and how about India’s 350 million Muslims.
Look, bottom line is western societies are starting to realize that their backing of international Jewry (maybe 50 million, tops) to the determent of 1.7 billion Muslims is ethically, morally and plain stupid policy. Its like I own a store and will only cater to 100 customers and absolutely ban 100,000 others due to my narrow beliefs. Its ridiculous and deos not make even business sense in the short or long term.
BTW, Indonesia , the most populace of all Muslim nations became so through sincere conversion , not by the sword. Islam (Quran) states clearly that there is no compulsion in religion. The Christians of Islamic Spain were not forced to convert(although many did at their own free will). However, the Christians forced all Muslims and Jews to convert in 1492. Go look at the marvel of southern Spain and see the wonders the Muslims accomplished there. Every year, Spain get’s millions of tourist’s because of Islamic influence. Who do you think brought about the ‘enlightenment’ and ushered in the great leap of progress to the west (chivalry, how to act, how to cook, not to recycle feces, advances in all the sciences etc etc.) Returning Crusaders and Islamic world advanced societies, that’s what.
Did you know there is a crater on the moon named after a Arab Muslim scientist and one of histories greatest scientists ever(wiki Al-Hazen). There is even a comet named after an Arab Islamic scientist. Islam is capable of great advancements if not subverted and simply left alone.
Wiki ‘Islamic Golden Age’ or Ibn -Sina-‘Avicenna’ ‘ Averroes’ and many, many like him. Islamic medical books written in Islamic Spain still printed, taught and used in the world today. Greek philosophy was corrected and expanded by Islamic scholars . Even in New York. Also
, how can you explain for the many, many conversions to Islam in the west and around the world by free will? Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world by conversion rate…not birth. Why? Did you know that the Quran talks about 7 layers in the sky that was just recently proven to be true(seven layers to the atmosphere) , also, that the Universe is expanding; which was just recently proven with high technology. Or how about the embryotic cycle and all its intricacies mentioned in detail in the Quran, which was written and revealed 1400 years ago? I have been reading your posts, so I am answering now. Sultan Harun Rashid(see wiki) sent an automatic clock to the great Christian leader Charlemagne, who him and his advisors had burnt because they thought it was possessed by the devil in that it worked by itself!
If it wasn’t for Muslims finally defeating the Mongols, the west would have not been spared and over-run easily. But we saved your asses. You say Arabs and Muslims don’t know how to fight? Wiki this guy, who with his elite mobile guard over ran two great empires in quick succession ,Byzantine and Persia. Khalid Ibn – Al Walid …- the great turning point that saved the west from the Mongol hordes was an Islamic victory in the battle of Ain Jalut. –
See link :
Have A Good Day. Shalom, Salam.
No, oil isn’t the major factor in Western economies, and besides, when it does go/when the West largely turns away from it, they’ll use renewable forms of energy, so they’ll be fine and Muslims will be fucked. And ha, you don’t think oil is a major component of Muslim nations? Haha.
Malaysia and Indonesia are getting increasingly radical, and India’s Muslims are an infestation upon the Hindus there, preying on them.
Again, people that worship a mass murdering paedophile and subscribe to fascist cultures cannot talk about ethics and morals.
Jews are rich and would be good customers, what do Muslims have without oil, which only a tiny minority own? They’re worthless.
No compulsion, that’s a good one. They invaded Spain and were nice enough not to force anyone to become Muslims! They only levied taxes on infidels, with many probably not able to survive unless they gave in.
Recycling feces, I shouldn’t be surprised that that was the best you could find as a contribution. Islam stole plenty sure, pretending that they were their advancements, like algebra.
It’s not free will at all, it’s brainwashing. No-one in their right mind would follow a mass murdering paedophile as their version of Jesus, with the misogyny and homophobia that come in tow.
7 layers in the sky, that was no doubt stolen from earlier works, like there being 7 levels of heaven.
Muslims beat one proportionately small detachment of Mongols with overwhelming force, that may have saved Muslim states but not the west. What ended the Mongols was them fighting each other in the Caucasus 2 years later. See, with the slightest knowledge your seemingly valid points are undone.
Arabs are wimps, that’s why they’ve been Europe’s bitches for over a century.
Yes , so you accept that they are valid points. Btw, dnt you know that te people of the Caucasus were/and are Muslims. So any way you look at it, the Mongols were the third belligerent empire done away with by Islam. Most of the Soviet armies that took down the German war machine in WW2(see Stalingrad) consisted of Muslim soldiers in high numbers.
The Anglo-Zionist west is in terminal decline, once the Chinese make you their bitches, Israel will have no one to save its ass. It will be overrun with the utmost ease. I plan to be there with some non-alcoholic champagne. It give it 25-30 years tops.
Btw, I have had two Christian friends convert to Islam in the last few years. My wife was Catholic and now is Muslim.
Israel will go down into the dustbin of history as some kind of gross anomaly. Its 70 year criminal history is but a blight on world history. Meanwhile, Islam will grow, and continue to do so even among western societies as I said regarding conversion rates. You will too some day, as resistance is futile.
No, I clearly don’t. They were thieves and you’re a liar claiming otherwise.
And you’re lying again with your Soviet numbers; the populations of Muslim states within the union NOW is paltry, 70+ years ago they would’ve been even less, irrelevant compared to the tens of millions within the Russians’ army.
Trump will own China big time, their economy is slowing, and with him correcting trade deficits as well as implying tariffs on their goods, China will be quite screwed.
Of course you’re going to defend Muslim sharia, fascist dictatorships over an Israel Western democracy. 2 friends who were either brainwashed, as is the way, or very stupid.
Civilised and innovative, yep, Israel will definitely be an anomaly within the Middle East!
With Islam’s increasing belligerence, the West is waking up more and more; first Trump, who is the biggest game changer, then Brexit, the Italian referendum, France’s biggest party is anti-Muslim, Germany’s anti-Muslim party is growing at an exponential rate, Austria’s anti-Muslim party almost won their Presidential election, the Dutch anti-Muslim candidate leads the Netherlands’ biggest party, people are waking up to your kind’s barbarism. Jesus was all about peace and love, replacing him with a mass murdering, mass slaving paedophile is just a big no. Never, ever, ever. Resistance will keep growing against Islam until you’re all chucked out of Europe, and with the likes of America driving oil prices into the ground and advancing renewable energies, which will be viable in just a few decades, Islam will go back to being irrelevant.
Israel steals the land of other countries. It is ruthless in the persecution of its enemies. No one has told Israel that there is such a thing as ‘mercy’. I know that is a foreign concept that Israelis neither know not understand.
Maybe those enemies shouldn’t have tried, more than once, to gather their forces to destroy Israel. If you hit someone and they knock you out, you deserved it. The same applies to Israel taking the Golan Heights; would never have happened if Syria didn’t keep attacking Israel.
The West Bank and Gaza? The Golan Heights is being illegally occupied by Israel.
..but one day the Golan will be liberated and the occupying Zio-filth will be planted into its soil to fertilise Syrian national aspirations :-)
From filth, good things can grow.
Wisely spoken Mr. Sellars. Thank you.
Not illegally at all, just said so by sore losers; Syria waged a war, lost, and losing land was a mere consequence of their foolishness, get over it, the Golan Heights are Israel’s.
Not according to the U.N. its not. But it doesn’t matter. Israel stands no chance to survive in its present course for more than another 25-30 years.
The U.N. dominated by fascist Muslim regimes? The U.N. where Saudi Arabia are head of Human Rights? Syria will take years to win this year. The entire north will be Kurdistan, reducing Syria’s population significantly and leaving it as an ethnically divided, economically weak husk. Trump will tackle Iran as he’s itching to do, the Saudis will be in debt within 5 years, reducing benefits to its people until they rise up, the Muslim world is going to come crashing down. While Israel grows in number and economically, as it has been doing since its inception.
Yes indeed. And btw, Israel is in violation of 69 U.N. Resolutions. Since its inception/insertion, it has stuck its middle finger at international law and the world community of nations over and over again. The worlds patience is wearing thin for these baby and women killers. Zionism = Racism according to the U.N.
“Maybe those enemies shouldn’t have tried, more than once, to gather their forces to destroy Israel.”
You mean the belated Arab response to the “civil war” in Palestine when the Arabs foolishly waited until the Brits left before helping the Palestinians against rampaging Jewish terror groups (rather than helping from Day 1 once the Zionist genocidal & ethnic cleansing proclivities were first revealed?)
You mean the 1956 israeli invasion of Egypt?
You mean the Israeli attack on Egypt in 1967 that caught the Egyptians napping (because they were NOT preparing to attack)?
or maybe the 1982 invasion and occupation of Lebanon?
or the 2006 (attempted) invasion of Lebanon?
or maybe the numerous cases of shooting Gazan “fishes-in-a-barrel”?
What right to Arabs have to respond to conflict in another country? They only did so based on religious grounds; they couldn’t care less if 2 Muslim countries fought, but losing face to infidels, Jews no less was unacceptable. For the record, Israel’s neighbours HATE Palestinians, they don’t want them, they’ve even fought wars against them!
Nasser deserved that, he was a stupid asshole (watch The Crown).
Entire armies all caught napping on the Israeli border, very clearly about to attack? Poor guys!
Hezbollah are terrorists occupying, illegally, Southern Lebanon, stockpiling the world’s largest reserve of rockets, they ask for conflict. If ISIS were on the border of any country, that country would want to fight them.
Gazans shouldn’t throw stones at soldiers. If you try to murder someone, expect being killed in return.
No one has gathered to destroy Israel.
But as the Bible says, Israel was evil (the ten tribes of the north)
But that it was Judah that was good (the two tribes to the south)
Eventually Christ-Immanuel will come and destroy Israel, and bring about Judah!
And the Hebrews will slaughter the Khazers for eternity.
As the Bible also says, “All those who claim to be Jewish but in fact are not”
Hebrews can only be brown. Any light skinned “Jew” will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
(Japeth means light)
(Shem means brown of the earth)
(Ham means dark)
Jews are anti-Shemitic, as they are racist against Palestinians and Arabs.
Jews are anti-Hamitic, as they persecute Hamites ie(dark-Jews inside of Israel)
Jews are anti-Japetic as they persecute indigenous tribes of Europe.
Without prejudice mate you have no understanding of the Bible prophecy. It seems like you have taken Bible classes by MOSAD.
Why would Mossad hand out propaganda against Israel?
MOSAD is the most proficient manipulator of religious feelings in the world you included. Let me be kind to you. When you study Bible prophecy you don’t go for what you think or wish it might be the meaning of it or its fulfillment. God doesn’t need an interpreter of his thoughts he is capable of doing it himself. Remember the Jews were hoping that Jesus was going to establish an earthly kingdom. That’s how they understood the prophecy. Were they right? Let’s see what Jesus had to say. When he was asked by Pilate if he was the king he confirm it adding that his kingdom was not from this world. So they were wrong. Why? Because of self deception. Later on in AD 70 Jerusalem was razed to the ground by Romans. So much for their wishful thinking. Paul says that “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord”. There is no prophetic significance of earthly Jerusalem as the city of God which was only a shadow of the heavenly. It’s only distraction from the real one. 22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.
You didn’t answer my question. What you say might well be true but it’s completely irrelevant to what I posed to you.
Truth is never irrelevant.
Still can’t answer my question!
Christ, a Jew, will destroy Israel, you’re dreaming! God, major fan of the Jews, over anyone else, will destroy Israel, you’re delusional.
The BIG question is , how could a European racial group come to the heart of the once proud Middle-East and literally ‘steal’ a sovereign country from its inhabitants(who have lived there millenniums)in broad day-light.
As the wise Jamal Abdel Nasser said in a speech to Israel one time ” You left brown(semitic) and 2000 years later came back white(European),, we can not accept that ”
No worries, Israel cannot count on the West to save it’s ass in the future. This foreign entity will cease to exist in another 25-30 years.
Because as I said, there were basically no Muslims in Israel before Jews built it up. And Muslims are jealous of how successful this tiny little nation is compared to the parasitic, useless, fascist regimes around it are. All they can do is dig up oil, they have no worth, no skills.
Hezbollah is fighting ISIS. Israhell needs to stand down.
Terrorists fighting other terrorists, hardly makes Hezbollah ‘good’. Just makes them less bad.
Good or bad, it puts them on the right side of the issue. Also, what is the source of the old meme that Hezbollah is a terrorist group? Would that be THE SAME SOURCE who claims:
Assad is evil and must go.
Russians are trying to take over the world,
Islam is the religion of PEACE,
the U.S. is a beacon of freedom and justice?
…I thought so. NO THANKS.
I’m pretty that both sides would, or at least should, provide information about their various bombing attacks. They’re like Iran; not as bad as Saudi Arabia, but you’re dreaming if you think that they’re good. They’re just not quite as radical, not QUITE as oppressive. But still are very much so.
Well judging from your comments you are either simply too retarded or the typical Israel disinformation agent.
You forgot to mention that Israel is occupying a land which is not and never belonged to them. Israel justifies it’s brutal occupation of Palestine based on lies and more lies.
Can you blame Hezbollah and Arab countries like Syria, Lebanon and Iraq for defending against a neighbour which acts and behaves like ISIS. Israel seeks to expand at the cost of it’s neighbours. It’s an imperialist and expansionist enterprise. ISIS beheads their enemies while Israel airstrikes innocent people and snipers shootdown children and take selfies of it. See? No difference.
Israel attacks it’s neighbours on a daily basis and the reason why it’s Arab neighbours don’t strike back is knowing that if they do so the Israeli-owned western media will demonize them to kingdom come and the pretext Israel wishes for.
They won it, after being attacked by Syria, seems fair. The Palestinians are Jordanian and the like, only populating the area around the very same time that the Jews built it up, it was empty before that, about 100 years ago.
“Airstrikes innocent people”
Ah okay, so you’re a terrorist sympathising nut job, good to know; anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge knows that Hamas put civilians on launch sites and refused to move them when warned about impending strikes. For propaganda purposes.
Islam is everything you just described Israel as, except that Islam in its entirety can’t come close to matching the good that Israel’s doing, in terms of democracy and innovation.
You are either mentally retarded or the typical Israeli disinformation agent. I would say you are both in fact.
“They won it, after being attacked by Syria, seems fair. The Palestinians are Jordanian and the like, only populating the area around the very same time that the Jews built it up, it was empty before that, about 100 years ago.”
Syria is just another Arab country defending itself against Israeli aggression. Like I said you can’t invade a country, occupy it’s territory and expect the indigenous population and it’s neighbours to accept you in the vicinity.
Wrong the modern day Palestinians are the Philistines described in the Bible which means the modern day Palestinians are the true indigenous and always been the true inhabitants of Palestine. Israelis are essentially Ashkenazi Jews that migrated from Eastern Europe. Even from the skin color of the population in the region, one just needs to take a Palestinian and a Israel and compare the skin color to find out who really belongs to the region. The only darker skinned Israelis are the ones born from Israeli-Arab couples a mixture of both ethnicities but other than that they are very white.
“Ah okay, so you’re a terrorist sympathising nut job, good to know; anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge knows that Hamas put civilians on launch sites and refused to move them when warned about impending strikes. For propaganda purposes.”
Oh I see you like to repeat the same propaganda and lies the Israelis spew out over and over. Actually anyone with more than 1 brain cell unlike you will figure out that Israel always lies to get pretexts to wage wars against it’s neighbours.
Here’s a video of your Israeli faggots sniping little children on the rooftops:
“Islam is everything you just described Israel as, except that Islam in its entirety can’t come close to matching the good that Israel’s doing, in terms of democracy and innovation.”
Excuse me?
Exactly what ‘good’ has Israel been doing? Like I said you are either truly retarded or just an Israeli troll.
Since 1948 all that Israel has done is wage a campaign of terror and murder against the Palestinians and it’s Arab neighbours. Since 1948 Israel has been brutally occupying the Palestinian territories and has been committing ethnic genocide on a large scale.
Israel is NOT a STATE, it is actually the world’s best funded terrorist organization in the world today and unlike ISIS it has diplomatic immunity because of all the countries it has powerful lobbies in.
Get the fuck out you retard.
A Muslim calling me a retard, that’s a good one! Israeli aggression resulting from not one but TWO Syrian invasions of Israel you mean? I should think that they would be aggressive, especially after the 2nd time!
“Like I said you can’t invade a country, occupy it’s territory and expect the indigenous population and it’s neighbours to accept you in the vicinity.”
Yes, you can. That’s the way war has worked for all of time, you just don’t like it because Jews of all people beat the hell out of multiple Muslim armies, embarrassed them.
As I said, there were basically no Palestinians there 100 years ago, they’re Jordanian immigrants just like the Jews came from Eastern Europe. And the Jews won/are winning and the Jordanians lost/are losing and should go home.
I trust democratic people over sharia infested Muslim fascist states! So yeah, I’ll take Israel’s word over Hamas’ any day.
Excuse what, what has Islam ever done? And tiny little Israel, look into the sheer number of patents they’ve made, the technology they’ve advanced, they’re contributing to humanity, Muslims are just a cancerous, hateful drain on it.
Again, Islam seeks to take over the world, and where it has footholds in the West, it’s showing that all too clearly. Israel is involved in the fight against it, to divide and weaken Islamic states and get them to fight each other rather than outbreed the rest of us, so more power to them. Not that I sanction the use of jihadis but hey, all Muslims believe that Muhammed was perfect, and ISIS are doing exactly as he did, as he taught, so you’re all the same.
Yes indeed you are a retard. In fact you are the true meaning of what a retard is.
To make things worse your arguments carry no substance and no credibility because you are simply repeating the same lies and Israeli propaganda I’ve read countless times elsewhere. You make assumptions and false claims without some good hard solid evidence based on facts.
You know what’s that called in my book? Wishful thinking and you got fucking loads of it. And that’s all I see from your arguments.
I’ve had my fair share of dealing with people like this and you included. I like to have debates every now and then but when people make assumptions and don’t substantiate their arguments with hard evidence and that’s the bottom line for me.
Anyway have a nice day.
Haha, you won’t bother reading my comment because you know that I embarrassed you on every point you made, typical low IQ Muslim. And the irony of you saying that I’m not thinking for myself, when you’re repeating nonsensical stupidity that is torn about with the slightest scrutiny.
Embarrassed? Nope. On the contrary, you provided me with the best laughs I had in a long while because of your stupidity and ignorance on display here.
I also had a good laugh at your profile. You have almost 10,000 comments, and judging from your comments I would say you spend at least more 6-7 hours a day on disqus spewing your verbal diarrhea and pro-Israeli propaganda that no one gives a crap about. Damn as is often said the nutjobs always commit the most to something. You must be one of those lonely nobodies no one gives a fuck so you decide to throw out all your frustration here. Hahaha so sad and yet so hilarious.
Or maybe your account is shared with someone just as autistic as you are.
Feel free to spew out more verbal diarrhea here so that I can laugh at you and ridicule you.
You worship a mass murdering paedophile. A paedophile. That you believe was perfect. Nothing you have to say, because of this, will ever matter. This is why the Middle East is the arsehole of the world is Islam is a joke.
The only joke here is you, you are a clown and you should be in a circus because at least there people would find you funny. You support the world’s best funded terrorist organization also known as Israel who has been committing ethnic genocide and a brutal occupation since 1948. Israel has been waging of campaign of terror not only against Palestinians but also against it’s neighbours and you have the guts to even talk about Islam? So hilarious. You should really stop doing drugs and you should really take some time and read your own comments to see how stupid, retarded and ignorant they make you look. Nobody will ever take you serious nomatter what you say because you have no credibility. Its either drugs or someone brainwashed you.
As I said, Islam is evil, supporting a mass murdering paedophile and believing that he was perfect, is evil. There is no ignorance to that, that’s the basic fact about Islam and Muslims. Anyone fighting against that is therefore good. Western people are increasingly waking up to this fact, thus the rise of right wing, anti-Islam parties in Europe and America with Trump. With Brexit, with Trump, 2016 has been a great year for me and a terrible one for you. And 2017 will just get better once the Netherlands and France elect their anti-Muslim parties, because once they do it’s bye bye Muslims! Shutting the door to the Middle East and letting it return to being the asshole of the world with nary a wipe.
Again and again you are wrong, you failed once again to get your facts straight.
Islamic State, Al Nusra, Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham and the other terrorist Islamic factions do not represent Islam in any way. You are a fool if you think that’s the case. Even true and traditional Muslims despise these terrorist factions and those that join them. I despise all of them, rather than fighting and killing other Muslims, they should be exterminating the TRUE ENEMY of ISLAM = Israel and those that support them.
If I was to follow your flawed logic then Christianity would be evil since they killed millions of people for centuries in their Crusades, Witch Hunting and Inquisitions.
Judaism is also evil due to the fact that since 1948 Israelis have been committing large scale ethnic genocide of the innocent and true inhabitants of Palestine and also wage a brutal campaign of terror against them and also it’s neighbours.
Islam is not evil. Islam is also the victim here. You cannot blame a religion because of what a minority does. There’s this minority movement called Wahhabism which was created by your precious Israel along with USA when the Saudis sold their souls to them and was done with the purpose of creating an army to be used by the Israelis to get their agenda done.
Jews kill in their God’s name. Christians kill in their God’s name. They are also evil. Makes total sense to blame the whole religion as a whole rather than what some individuals do.
Paedophile? You keep making assumptions and false claims without evidence to back it up. Did you live in the time of Mohammed? Did you even know the man? Claiming he was a ‘mass murder paedophile’ doesn’t make it true. People say similar things about Jesus even though they don’t even know how was he like.
Once again you make yourself look like a complete douche, you should save me the trouble of verbally owning you everytime you post more of your brain diarrhea.
They do exactly as Muhammed did and said, and he created Islam, so how are they not real Muslims?
Christians have done ill deeds in the past but they’ve been superb and peaceful for many, many decades now, being the most free and advanced societies in the world.
Ha, how do you think Islam spread? By conquest! Genocide! Lebanon used to be mostly Christian, Egypt too, now they’re Muslim, how do you think that happened? Whereas Christianity was spread through conversion, not war. If the Israelis’ victims weren’t Islamofascists then maybe I could have some sympathy, but they’re not, so I don’t.
Does a majority in Islam think women are lesser? That homosexuals should be imprisoned or killed? That infidels are lesser? Yes, yes and yes. Thus it’s evil.
And of course here’s your typical Muslim, going into complete denial about Muhammed being a paedophile. He married Aisha, who was 6 or 7 years old, and raped her when she was 9. That’s a paedophile. This sort of thing happened back then sure, it’s gross but it happened. But thinking that this guy was PERFECT in every way, including this paedophilia, is despicable. His warring, killing and slaving is in the Koran. It’s always Muslims that are the most ignorant about their own religion, mostly because many Muslims are illiterate or just retarded.
More wishful thinking. You embarrass me only for the fact that you fail every time to substantiate your arguments with concrete evidence and facts. You’ve been brainwashed into hating Islam but your hatred is blinded because it’s just wishful thinking.
“Whereas Christianity was spread through conversion, not war.”
LOL. Your knowledge about history is also zero. The vast majority of wars in Europe during medieval times and before were of religious purposes. Crusades were waged by Christians against either Islam or Orthodox Christians for the purposes of expanding territory and influence. Witch hunting, Inquisition, property seizing and so much more was done under religious purposes. Get your fucking facts straight once again.
“If the Israelis’ victims weren’t Islamofascists then maybe I could have some sympathy, but they’re not, so I don’t.”
Islamofascists? What the fuck are you even talking about?
You talk about Christianity and Islam but you never mention or talk about Judaism and Israel how these murderers and ethnic genociders have been expanding through war. Your the typical Israeli cunt.
And yet again you talk about Mohammed as if it was relevant to this conversation.
Sure why don’t you talk about some of the Jewish figures in history like Judas and how he was a cold blooded killer, a pure backstabber and engaged in sex with children? Why not talk about the King of Judea Herod and how he married girls under 15? Why no talk about how he engaged in sexual intercourse with children aswell? Why not talk about the 1st president of Israel through the present one and how all of them were blood thirsty killers wishing and working effortlessly for the murder of innocent people and the waging of a campaign of terror against the Palestinians? Not only presidents but prime ministers, Benjamin Netanyahu is a sick depraved individual, a murderer. What all of the Israeli presidents and prime ministers have done to this day far exceeds anything people think they know about Mohammed.
The fact that you don’t talk about your precious Israel, just further proves you are one. Hope you are in Tel Aviv when a Jihad is waged against your precious Israel and bombs start falling.
And there’s that denial again.
Europe became Christian quite peacefully, it just responded to Islamic aggression in kind.
True, Islamofascist is a redundant term; of course every Muslim advocates fascism, that’s a given, but with these Palestinians they do think less of infidels, women, gays etc. so I might as well state it anyway.
Jews don’t think of Judas or Herod as perfect in every way, sounds pretty relevant!! This argument is about how despicable Islam and its founder was, sounds pretty relevant to talk about Muhammed!
Netanyahu seems like a really cool guy, I like him. He puts Israel first, amidst a sea of Islamic hatred, barbarism and backwardness, I can’t wait to see Trump help him out. Islam is a cancer upon civilisation so I look forward to seeing them kick the Palestinians back to Jordan where they belong (because they are Jordanian after all, only moving to Israel when the Jews started building it up) and allocating the West Bank to Jews.
More wishful thinking more blind hatred more stupidity and ignorance. How’s the weather there in Tel Aviv?
When the Romans became Catholics they converted anybody they deemed ‘barbarians’ or pagans by force, meaning wars. Pretty much the following centuries aftet the Romans Europe was under constant wars of religious purposes to further expand the Christian faith. There you should thank me for teaching you facts every time I reply to you.
Netanyahu is a narssistic, murderer, rapist, paedophile and more just like all the past presidents and prime ministers of Israel.
My wishes for any president of the United States is that he or she eradicates Israel and those that support it (meaning you) but sadly since the US is under the control of Israel that is unlikely to happen.
I wouldn’t know. Just because I’m sane enough to support Israel, doesn’t make me Jewish. Anyone in the West who isn’t a left wing piece of shit is bound to support them over anything to do with Islam.
The Romans stopped expanding long before Christianity was enforced, so there weren’t really any wars to have, just controlling the ones they had.
He is none of those things, the irony is that those words describe Muhammed perfectly.
Western, democratic state> Backwards Muslim hellhole.
Like I said you are either a paid Israeli propagandist or just the typical idiotic brainwashed Israeli supporter. Definitely both.
Sane mind? ON the contrary, anybody that supports and helps what Israel does and has been doing should be psychologically checked immediately. Only mentally instable people support cold blood murderers that commit ethnic genocide on a large scale like the Israelis do. You like all bad, mean Israelis should be targeted for extermination as you are too a danger to this world and society by spreading the same Israeli propaganda and lies I’ve read thousand times elsewhere.
Nope, just well read and intelligent. You can’t call me brainwashed when you act like fundamental quotes about Muhammed in the Koran don’t exist, ones that undermine him and your entire religion.
And what about what Iran and its allies did to Lebanon? I’m sure that you’re clueless about this as well; they took a majority Christian country, flooded it with your ‘innocent Palestinian refugees’ who then started a war and ended up taking over the country with Hezbollah, a radical Shia Islamic faction, backed by foreign powers just like Israel, assume supremacy over the Lebanese army. Hezbollah who provoked Israel in 2006 by attacking its soldiers and inciting the 2006 conflict. But as a Muslim, you either deny or are simply unaware of anything against your narrative because again, facts make you look like a fool.
No, Islam needs to die. It is like a cancer and its proponents are as aggressive and oppressive as its founder. The world won’t advance as a whole until this cult is gone once and for all.
You know what I don’t even bothered to read your last 20 replies because I don’t give a fuck about the LIES and pro-Israel propaganda you’ve been spewing in this website and since I have better things to do from now on rather than waste my time with twits like you I will just block.
Be proud you are the first pro-Israeli retard to be added to my block list and certainly not the last, this website is crawling with Israeli trolls. Nobody even takes you serious anymore you have ZERO credibility. What a fucking douche LOL.
Typical Muslim, ignore every fact that makes you look stupid and/or insane. You’re a paedo worshipper, where’s your credibility?
I have been reading your posts and those of Mr. Mujahid. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are immature, intellectually lazy and inept.
My hat goes off to Mr. Mujahid, for patiently trying to enlighten you on the errors of your thinking.
But there is a part of me that says its not really your fault, its the shit your smoking. I don’t know what it is, but I do know, it’s potent.
Muslims are inept, thus why they’re parasites upon the West, refusing to work, and can only dig up oil, providing no other worth. They are also averse to facts, as demonstrated by this page, because who in their right mind would actually worship a mass murdering paedophile of a ‘prophet’?
Yes, and don’t forget this correlation. ISIS destroys heritage and sites of antiquity in Palmyra, and Israel destroys heritage and sites of antiquity in Palestine. Just recently they destroyed a 1400 year old cemetery of Islamic antiquity. Even the dead are not immune from this cancerous, parasitic people.
Yes not to mention that all the stolen antiquities in Iraq and Syria by ISIS were sent to Israel. Israelis are not only murderers, they are thieves in every meaning of the word.
Also don’t bother replying to Aquarter, he’s an Israeli troll through and through. I know one when I see one due to the fact that they all make assumptions and false claims without providing any substance, proof, no credibility whatsoever to their arguments. Wishful thinking in other words.
I do pity him he’s such a clown if he thinks he ’embarrassed’ me, on the contrary I had such good laughs about his retardedness on display here.
What kind of nonsense argument you post. You mean to say the US who have since 1948 provided the Zionist regime in Palestine billions if not trillion of arms to attacked Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Libya is for self defense? Since when did a Middle East country attack Israel since 1948?
And the answer = Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.
According to ‘who’s history. Islam tells its adherents to fight oppression, Israel severely oppressed/s Palestinians.
Look, the single biggest blunder the Jews(so-called)ever did in their 4000+ year history was seize/steal the sovereign state of Palestine.
Humanity is waking up; the ‘writing is on the wall’ for Israel as an experiment based on a racist ideology.
Can you blame Lebanese for wanting to defend their indigenous tribal lands from Jewish-Supremacist?
Jews say themselves, that all Goyim are made in the image of them but are soulless beast made only to serve the master-race-of-Jews.
This is what is written on the Talmud, the Holy book of all Jews.
The killer praise Allah. Would an Israeli do that?
See my above post.
altin = gold
tas = stone
Common! just because he shouted “allahu akbar” doesn’t mean he is Muslim.
Allah just means God. All Torahs and Talmuds written in Arabic and Arab say “Allah” throughout these Jewish books.
Also, Christians in the area also say “Allah” go read a book.
Christian Palestinians also say “Allah”
Allah is not a name, it is a title, the title of God.
Like Christ is a rank/title/designation. Immanuel or Jesus are actual names.
No human on earth right now knows God’s name, just that he is “Allah” “God” “Creator” these are all titles.
Thank you, your posts are always nice to see. Keep it up my friend.
They’ve done worse, just google the ‘Lavon Affair’.
They dress up as Arabs and commit atrocities in Palestine all the time. They were caught red handed in Egypt conducting a terrorist bombing campaign, again dressed as Arabs. They dressed up as Arabs when they blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing innocent British civilians.
The cutout who assassinated the ambassador has a Jewish surname.
It is NOT a Jewish surname, idiot. Just because its meaning in Turkish is the same as the meaning of the Jewish last name “Goldstone” in English, does NOT mean it’s a Jewish name in Turkey! These are common words in all languages. Surnames ending in “…tas” are very common in Turkey – they are not Jewish. Neither does the assassin look Jewish, at all. This guy was a Turkish Islamist, almost certainly put up to this by people in Erdogan’s government as revenge against the jihadi defeat in Aleppo. You are VERY IGNORANT. Anglo-Zionists are awful, to be sure; but idiots like you need to stop imagining a Jew behind EVERY SINGLE incident that occurs somewhere.
Look at the Google search results as well. It is a common Jewish name in Turkey. It is even listed on Jewish dating sites.
“Google search results” include any crap written by anybody. “Google search results” in general, is not an authoritative, scientific, or 100% reliable information source. It all depends on the exact source (i.e., WHO EXACTLY WROTE a certain “Google search result”), and the precise information given therein.
Both Turkey and Syria have had actual openly Jewish-Hebrews elected to office inside of both countries, even in the last 5 years.
Jews living in Turkey number many thousands. Same in Syria.
Quite being a zionist-shrill, and accept that not all “Jews” are angels. -lol
Yeah idiot, I’m a “zionist-shrill” (whatever that means!) who thinks that “all Jews are angels”. Apparently you lack even basic reading comprehension, since you didn’t notice what I wrote in my post: “ANGLO-ZIONISTS ARE AWFUL”.
The fact that “Jews living in Turkey number many thousands” proves that this Turkish Islamist who assassinated the Russian ambassador was actually a Jew HOW, exactly???
Nice trick (!) up-voting your own stupid post. Pathetic!
As one great philosopher said one time ” It starts with the Jews, and ends with the Jews”. This is without doubt their modus operandi. I mean just look at the Mossad motto ” By way of deception, thou shall create war’ …Nice , real nice people aren’t they. Little lovely, cuddly , adorable Jews.
I agree with you, the Zionist/Takfiri gang did it. To sabotage the talk between Russia, Turkey and Iran. Same thing goes with the recent attack in Turkey airport. The Zionist/Takfiri regime wanted Turkey to attack the Kurdish YPG. It is not a coincidence there was shooting in Jordan. The Zionist/Takfiri regime wants Jordan and Turkey contribute more on destroying the Kurds and help the Zionist/Takfiri terrorists fight Syrian army. Especially after the Zionist/Takfiri was defeated in Aleppo. Why Aleppo is very important to the Zionist/Takfiri terrorists. It is the big civilian population that the Syrian army can recruit from. Why do you think the US and its Western lackeys want to bring in hundred of thousands Syrian refugees. It is to starve the Syrian army of replacement for those brave Syrian soldiers who were martyred.
Luciferian demonic Zionists, Jesuits and US will all reap their doom soon enough by Russia growing fury.
This guy was Turkish riot police officer. Somebody just byatchslapped Erdogan really hard. He can’t deny responsibility and blame the Kurds. He loses face, political points and credibility both home and abroad. Putin got slapped also. When the Turks shot down that Su-24 he was under pressure at home and virtually mocked abroad for not reacting harder. And now with the ambassador shot in the back by a Turkish policemen in front of dozens of cameras – he’ll have to bomb somebody and soon.
He doesn’t HAVE to. That is what they WANT him to do. They are lashing out and trying to get the slightest excuse to go into a hot war before Trump takes office. Putin is too smart to take the bait. The meeting for tomorrow is still on. The following link, Conflict news, is neocon, but they have accurate information. The Duma said this will not affect the meeting. Russia has blamed Turkey for security issue related to the shooting. Here’s Confict News Twitter. They have the full video and pictures of the gunman dead on the floor. Check it out.
You are right. Neocons would like Russia to overreact, but they wouldn’t mind Russia putting more boots on the ground in Syria and getting some serious casualties. It’s the biggest neocon provocation so far.
And wouldn’t the Yanks love that! They would enjoy seeing Russian – Turkish relations deteriorate once more. Remember what the Native Americans taught the world — whiteman speaks with forked tongue. Very true. Mendacious. Hypocritical. And snakelike.
There is no RU Turkey relationship there is only foolish and wishful thinking. Turkey has been and will remain all about Muslim Brotherhood and RU elite has turned a blind eye to it salivating after filthy lucre. Can you remember Turkish policy of no troubles with neighbor countries few years before the war in Syria started. There was even visa free regime introduced between Turkey and Syria. What has changed in the attitude of Turkish ruling establishment since then?
Here’s a Live Feed
Erdogan gun undercover work the big snake of sodomxand Gomorrah.
Seems you are becoming a bit too religious. Besides, Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped out long ago. When people learnt to write, they wrote down these old stories. maybe they hav a moral behind them. What do you think?
Sorry mate we are not discussing divine inspiration of the Bible.
Erdogans oil pipeline through Syria is in critical stage that why he do this to blame peace loving Kurds.
First, attack on a russian plane in Egypt.
Second, Turks shot down a russian plane.
Third, A turk kills a russian ambassador.
USA is trying to divide Russia and Egypt. Then, trying to divide Turkey and Russia.
If Russia gets a deal with Turkey, USA is doomed very hard and has no chance to stay in Syria.
This assassination is not the result of “USA trying to divide Turkey and Russia”. It is the result of the Russian ambassador going around unguarded in public like an idiot, attending meaningless “photography exhibitions” in a place like today’s Turkey. The Islamist-controlled, jihadi-filled Turkey of today does NOT need U.S. pushing to be “divided from Russia” (as if they were really “joined” in the first place) – it is already an enemy and danger to Russia and her allies (although the evil U.S. elites greatly enjoy this state of affairs, of course…)
My post to Percival below on this thread…
The True Russian interest in Syria is the oil/nat gas futures and trade Syria.
Russia maybe only interested in signatory ** to regulate that.
All others can rape each other to own a piece of Syria. ..
Russia maybe control the Hill as they say.
US…French and others who flipped out and went for war as tantrum after Assad Said no.
These have spent Billions to menace at each other on the boardroom of Evil.
Russia not really really going All in to save Syria indicates …The Deal** is very
Much in play regarding Syria.
I’m revising my opinion now on Russia.
My Oil nat /gas Fabrication career reminds me that Money and Power is God on Earth.
Energy security is the battle before the Almightys Throne.
I agree completely. Cheney, and his boys, knew what they were about and PNAC is still the guide.
Who could have been this “almighty”. “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.”
There is this really interesting place called Gobekli Tepe. …21 ring sites burried
The few unearthed reveal huge pillars which mark Solstice, Lunar cycle,and Stellar
Cartography. …all combination Stellar Calendar.
Some Pillars have Familiar Zodiac symbols which mark the Precession Cycle.
And wow!…..9000 bc…..way way before The Tribe*….which actually was a
Small group from the Hurrian culture circa to Akkad and Sumer.
Much of the Hebrews mystical ya ya…is the legacy knowledge going back
To Gobekli Tepe. …and then here….that Knowledge goes how far back in time?
It’s to be noted that Egyptology, Hebrew historians…and The Church Universal
All roar really loud that there’s Nothing* from before their* claims of knowledge
And Time.
Ya….each has lots to protect….and reasons to control the narrative.
Arthur Posnansky spent decades in the Andes.
At Tiwanaku…he unearthed skeletons with 3x elongated skulls.
Some of these still exist in Museum and Internet legacy .
The skulls were burried under terrains laid down from some massive hydraulic action
Before that. ..or below. …the ground was seared by heat as if some huge conflagration swept the region.
Posnansky dated these to 13,000 BP. ….but suggested they could be 30,000bp.
This race of Giant only went extinct just recently…as the hundreds of Paracas
Skulls turn up.
The Roman Legion archives report facing Giants in battle in Britannia and Germannia
By the 100s.
The real history this planet is not the same as the One the 3 Control powers publish.
Have spent decades online debate and publish on the above.
From Velikovsky to Electric Universe….the real History rocks!
You love ezoterjia. Don’t you? Solstice, Lunar cycle,and Stellar what that has to do with the future if I may ask? What did their graven images told them about the future? “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them” “Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.”
“Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.”
This being YHWY?….
Or…Jesus Christ Crucified?…
Just asking : )
You know it.
The fight is all about ‘resources’, otherwise called ‘resource wars’. Oil and gas are key essentials in the modern world. Follow the oil and you will find the killer. Oh, and by the way, the petrodollar depends on oil. If the petrodollar goes, the US will follow. That’s how critical oil and the Middle east is to the USA.
Well, there is also an ‘ideological’ motivation coming from ISIS/Wahabi’s and Jews/Israel for the war and carnage in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen etc.
The Battle for Syria will determine the next course for humanity, will it be a uni-polar world(as we have today) or a multi-polar world for the future.
China, Russia and Iran will not let Syria fall. [Period.
No one likes freakin Islamist Turkey. Putin should dump him after Trump in office.
Relations between countries are much the same as between individuals. They last as long as they serve a useful purpose.
You are providing the motive.
There is another country besides Israel that doesn’t want a rapprochement between these nation’s and barbarism is their stock and trade.
Very true. Now remind me ….. all together …………. who is it
SOMEBODY wanted that meeting stopped. My condolences to the family of Mr. Karlov, and to Russia who also suffered a tragic loss. I can’t wait for President Trump to join forces and wipe out these bastards once and for all.
With Turkey becoming the “Pakistan of the Middle East” due to its backing of Jihadi terrorists, it has proven very unwise for Russia to trust Turkey in matters of security as that country further descends into chaos and violence.
EXACTLY! Unfortunately there are lots of morons who STILL continue to believe that Turkey under the Erdogan regime is going to sincerely “rapproche” with Russia and turn into a member of Putin’s Great Eurasian Axis With Iran Any Second Now. Idiocy and delusion are very, very difficult to overcome.
Anybody could have been behind this act, Mossad, CIA, they all have a reason to warn Russia over Syria. The assassin could have acted on his own. Even Obama recently stated in his last speach that he will make Russia pay for the alleged hacking.
Very convenient dead mouth don’t speak. I couldn’t agree more with RU it’s indeed terrorist attack organized by Turkey. However it’s worth it I mean pipeline.
With attack in Germany, it looks like pay back time for Aleppo. When Jihadists are hurt, they strike out. Just like a dying scorpion. Take Palmyra for example.
As a Turkish citizen, i can say Erdogan f*cks us all here, we are suffering from his mistakes and actions. There is a very long list of bombing attacks in Turkey till now from the beginning of 2016. He accepts all the jihadists, terrorists in to Turkey from the swamp of middle east. This attack came from America from “fetullah gulen”. i know it, beacuse they had good relationships before with erdogan and he put all his(fetullah’s) followers to the officer positions in governmental buildings such as police officers. Now their interests are against eachother and erdogan declared fetullah as a terrorist group. But he already filled people from that group to important places.That police officer was from fetullah’s group. And he knew he will die anyway, this attack came from fetullah gulen (america) to sabotage union meetings between Turkey and Russia.
This gunman was a current (or fired) member of Turkish police? Where are the security officers. He posed like one and he had a mission to fulfill. Why is american gulen always to blame? You took the words right out of Erdogan’s mouth. It must be a foreign sponsor that did this. There are many groups within Turkey who do not agree with these talks.
“This gunman was a current (or fired) member of Turkish police?” Yea he was an embodiment of the regime. An expressed will if you wish. I’m sure that Turkish MB will embalm and bury him with all the honors due to an hero..
This reeks of CIA/Mossad, why, two things, the “god is great/allah o akbar” is waaaay to conviniant exposed and remember Aleppo, witch they lost, and this is to further marginalize the before damaged perception on Islam, so this fits straight into the CIA/Mossad standard operandi modus, since this moronic issues is the one this Orgs use constantly, and that to smear 1.3 billion people.
And this could very well be an inside job from the Turks, so far their flip-flopping have med one thing certain, that nothing is certain, whatever babbling they can muster, it will never be believed anyway, since the Turks have 0 credibility.
And erDOGan is one rotten SOB.
Yeah and the Russians still believe the jooos, huh, dumb f…..
Its 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide.
Also Russians know full well what the nature of jooos are/is. Remember, the Communist Bolshevik revolution and subsequent genocide of the Russian Eastern Orthodox people was a Jewish plot and conspiracy, and almost succeeded in destroying Russia permanently. and the thugs who descended on weak Russia in the 90’s like vultures were also Russian Jews.
The Russian people know full well who instigated the Maidan coup in Ukraine. Jews working in the U.S.
The Russian people know full well the nature of the beast. Israel/Jews.
This is the direct cause of Zionist Israeli controlled propaganda mainstream media that caused this unnecessary death of Russian ambassador to Turkey. Another good innocent man gunned down by a radical Allah (Satan, dajjal) extremist brainwashed religious fanatic. Why aren’t Jews dropping like flies worldwide if Islam is so pissed at them? God grant Russia firm swift brutal justice against Satan’s Zionist children from hell.
JOHN 8: 44
Absolutely agree 100%!
John 8:44
“Ye are of your
father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there
is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for
he is a liar, and the father of it.”
King James Version (KJV)
I wish i could respond to all the morons, delusionals, idiots, frothing imbeciles and other intelligent posters below who think that the might Jews killed the Russian ambassador. Let me lay this out like the infantile dopes you are:
-If Israel had done this, they would have used a Muslim, not a Jew. Because:
-You are not smarter than the Mossad. You think they are so brilliant that they control the world. If they commit crimes, you in your basement will not figure it out.
-The Jewish surname thing is so stupid and so ridiculous, only a fool would believe it. So, obvs, many of this blog’s readers do. Too dumb for words.
-Israel is allied with Russia and just created ties to Turkey. They want stable relations to MAKE MONEY AND HAVE PEACE (two things even you Jew haters must admit are plausible; Jews want money and they prefer not to have their kids blown up).
-Torahs and Talmuds – if they were printed in Arabic, which they are not – would call G-d “HaShem” (the name of G-d), never ever ever ever “Allah.” Rambam (Maimon in Arabic) was a Jewish writer in medieval Egypt and he wrote his Guide to the Perplexed in Arabic. He was also physician for Saladin. He strictly prohibited the usage of colloquial Arabic terms like Allah for the reason that he thought Islam was “madness” (his letters to the Yemenite Jewish community lay this out in stark detail).
-The killer shouted Allah Akbar and you still blame the Jews. You are worse than the Europeans whose daughters get raped and call you a racist for pointing out that it was migrants who did it.
It is horrifying yet fascinating that you attack genuine Jew haters who point out that there is no way on earth that Israel did this, calling him a Jew lover. You are dogs eating dogs.
I work with Russian ex military. They believe in various conspiracies but even they never blame Israel or the Jews. They read the comments here and asked how much vodka you people have been drinking.
It reminds me on the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. The assassins in both cases have been very well prepared.
I’ll bet the farm, wife and kids that this was an Israeli instigated attack.
What is it about people of Hebrew persuasion and their lust for upheaval, war, anarchy, revolution, regicide, subversion, assassination etc ? I mean these people have even conspired and killed God’s own prophets too. Twice they tried to kill Muhammad. They succeeded in killing John the Baptist and his father Zachariah. These Canaanites are a bastard race indeed. Descendants of Ham, who was cursed for all time by his father Noah.
John 8 : 44
Peaceful Islam is not the problem here, never was. Radical, ultra nationalist, terrorism brainwashed false Islam is the manifestation and creation of the Jesuits order. These Satanic worshiping demons are not a religious order but a supreme and highly efficient and well organized, well financed military order of very secretive assassins that operate in the shadows of darkness and secrecy to perpetuate and manifest endless unnecessary divide and conquer conflicts, needless wars and manufactured terrorism worldwide with the aid of Luciferian Illuminati Zionist bankster financed fake paper printed blood money that only exists in cyber space as digital currency. Perpetual wars is good for private military contractors and reaps huge profits. Death and destruction fuels hatred and division amongst nations spreading religious fervorism. The Luciferian masters of global tyranny will meet their inevitable end at the hand of a more advanced ET civilization. They’re now preparing the war exhausted world for the grand awaited cosmic fake alien invasion, to bring in their New World Order satanic rule over the entire world. This is just an escalation to the coming WW3 scenario. Satanic Israel needs to fulfill the rebuilding of the third Jewish temple and provoke a final major conflict between Islam and Zionism as Free masonic Albert Pike had envisioned. The final great battle of Armageddon, Megiddo, in Israel. A mutual extermination of both ultra religious enemies of the ages.
Karlov’s letter to newly appointed Zionist Entity’s ambassador to Turkey which he received a day after Karlov’s assassination
“I look forward with great pleasure in entering both into official
and personal relations with you and avail myself of this opportunity to
assure you of my sincere desire to maintain and strengthen the excellent
relations which so happily exists between the two countries we serve,”
Karlov said in his letter
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