Russian Air Defenses Defeat Ukraine’s French-Made HAMMER Glide Bombs

Russian Air Defenses Defeat Ukraine’s French-Made HAMMER Glide Bombs

Click to see full-size image. By Wikimedia user (Killersurprise64)

HAMMER precision-guided glide bombs recently supplied to Ukraine by France are being intercepted by Russian air defenses over the special military operation zone.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported the first interception of the French-made bomb on March 6. Another bomb was shot down on March 7, according to the ministry. On March 8, the ministry said that seven more were intercepted.

The ministry didn’t clarify where exactly the interceptions took place, nor revealed what air defense system was used to shoot down the glide bombs.

The HAMMER [Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range], also known as the AASM [Armement Air-Sol Modulaire in French] is an all-weather, smart air-to-surface stand-off weapon developed by France’s Safran Electronics & Defense. The bomb is meant for both close air support and deep strike missions.

The baseline variant of the HAMMER integrates a nose-mounted guidance section and a tail-mounted range extension kit, which includes a rocket booster, attached to a 250 kg unguided bomb. This variant features an inertial navigation system (INS) aided by a Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance.

Other variants of the bomb incorporate either infrared homing or semi-active laser guidance in addition to the GPS-aided INS for increased accuracy.

The kits have further been developed for use with 125 kg, 500 kg and 1,000 kg class bombs with a range exceeding 50 kilometers.

Last January, President Emmanuel Macron announced that France would be providing several hundred HAMMER bombs to Ukraine at a rate of 50 units per month during 2024. Soon after, the bomb appeared with the Ukrainian Air Force.

The coast of a single HAMMER bombs is reported to be between €164,000-252,000 which makes it very costly compared to similar American and Russian systems

Glide bombs are extremely difficult to detect and intercept due to their low speed, small radar cross-section and minimal infrared print.

Russian air defense officers gained much experience in dealing with all sorts of targets, including glide bombs, early on in the special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian military has also optimized and upgraded its existing air defense systems during the operation to deal with such modern aerial threats.



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these froggie-supplied bombs are no match for russia’s air defense capability. try something else you slimy, sleazy, smelly, scumbag french douchebags. your ukro-nazi whore friends are losers.


ukraine is not my concern. by the way, we did vote no to eu in 2005.

jens holm

eu is amerikan scam to ruin europe

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

and french did know that by voting no

joke biden

my peasants like senile moron prez

jens holm

my licktator shine amerikan shoe


russia can act very lightly about the fact that the west is using ukraine as a proxy to deny their existence, as we all know only taking punches is not gonna win you the bout/ battle one day soon russia has to hit back hard – a ko i already can envision france to be that victim!

Last edited 1 year ago by Pet

ešte tak zistiť kým spôsobom sú navádzané a potom im zmeniť súradnice. to by bola riadna haluz. rus by mal nad tým začať premýšľať. svetu mier!!!

Jean Paul France

the russian leaders hide the serious damage suffered by their troops and facilities at the hands of nato because they did not and do not have the courage to stop it in its tracks with their powerful tactical weapons.

putin, lgtbi pink lines.

Jean Paul France

so europe’s warmongers are becoming increasingly emboldened (macron already says that there are no red lines) and the escalation of war can get out of control, as the chinese government is warning these days.

Jean Paul France

all this shows that a weak, indolent and indecisive leader like putin, who lets things deteriorate and rot, who loses the respect of his enemies, can be more damaging and destabilizing than an intelligent and determined leader.

jens holm

nobody wants to be respected by weak french

AM Hants

remind me, but, how much of ukraine has voted to return home to russia? remind me, but, does ukraine have a gene pool left? remind me, but has russia got over $6-600 billion in currency and gold reserves, compared to the $133 national debt of the us? if president putin is so weak, indolent and indecisive, then how would you describe zelinsky, biden, scholz, maccron, sunak or trudy trudeau?

AM Hants

russia, with over 6,000 n. warheads and hypersonics in active service. compare that to the 230 n. warheads that france has. there again, do believe france leads, where white flags are concerned.

Fried Frog Legs

froggie, be nice and go back to froggieland. this game’s for the big boys, not little emperor wannabes like your macaroni boy toy.

“i shall lead nato to great heights in europe, with france at the helm!” bwahahaha

macron is more pathetic than biden


yes, france has nothing to do in another country

jens holm

keep trying goober–even amrikan military analysts –macgregor wilkerson ritter butler mcgovern contradict your propaganda

Jean Paul France

hello hello hello

Last edited 1 year ago by Jean Paul France
Fried Frog Legs

goodbye goodbye goodbye

hop away, little froggie, before the big bad lizard eats you. lol

Last edited 1 year ago by Fried Frog Legs

the english, french, germans, turks, and many others thought they too could end russia.

i guess they all want history to repeat itsself.


the most dangerous were the british because the bolsheviks were losing the civil war until gb stopped weapon deliveries to the white russians.

jens holm

false vast urban majorities supported the bolsheviks—the much of the tsar army defected to the bolsheviks

AM Hants

the bolsheviks were a city of london creation. still are come to that. weren’t the miliband brothers, who served under blair and brown, the grandsons of trotsky’s colleague and good friend samuel miliband?

AM Hants

tony blair got rid of history being taught in schools. looks like he was not the only western muppet to do so.


ukies send weapons they cannot use—this requires military operators from usa uk france poland etc to operate repair and die for cookies nukeland

jens holm

french now amerikan colony

Kev not Kiev

macron is going to haz his mussolini moment, sending expensive tat to uaf lost cause, while lying to farmers about not having enough in the budget to subsidize farm diesel. peeps need liberation from wef g7 death cult government.
