Russian Advance In Avdiivka, DPR (Map Update On February 15, 2024)

Russian Advance In Avdiivka, DPR (Map Update On February 15, 2024)

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  • Russian forces advanced up to 500 meters in the fields west of the Industrialny avenue;
  • Russian forces took control of Avdiivka motor service station;
  • Russian forces advanced north of Tsarska Okhota and entered Lisna street;
  • Russian forces are encircling the Zenith fortified area;
  • Russian forces advanced along Sobornaya street;
  • Russian forces took control of the forest between Water Treatment facilities and Avdiivka Coke Plant;
  • Clashes continue along Ukrainian defense line south of Severnoe.
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why russian soldiers don´attack at night? ohh i forgot .. putin didn´t bother for 20 years to buy night vision for his soldiers ..

M. Paraplu

there’s no need to worry player unknown.
this month an average of 1000+ destroyed ukrainians per day.
double compared to last year.
zaluzhny is gone, ukraine is slowly being liberated.
i know you want russians to win as fast as possible,
but you can sigh a relief that it’s finally happening.

Last edited 1 year ago by M. Paraplu

americans had near zero losses in 1991 gulf war because they attacked only at night while wearing night vision .. that was literally 30 years ago


the americans were up against a third world army you clown

Gneaus stapo

sure dawarish, 1990 iraq just had the 4th largest army in the world, but mostly bolshivik equiped/ trained, so ur right,3th world.

Gestapo mcstupid

“1990 iraq just had the 4th largest army in the world”

if u are a stupid nazi turd regurgitating western idiocy. congratulations bratwurst u just wun cnn viewer of the year, porn addicted inbred.


did russia and china send 200+ billion arms, ammo and equipment to irak, like usa and nato do to ukraine, you dumbass clown?


night vision costs way less than 1000 dollars … night vision for 100 000 soldiers is way less than 100 million dollars .. while putin wasted hundreds of billions dollars for nothing

Gneaus stapo

stop following russian flathead propaganda, ur fantasy numbers are a joke. bang for buck best war since gulf war 2.


why ukrainian soldiers don’t win if so many problem with russians? 10 year of us empire welfare, and ukrainian puppet cannot gain control of zapo, kherson, donetsk, lugansk and mykolaiv oblasts. never mind crimea.


nikolaev is the proper russian name of the region instead of the redneck ukrainian dialect mykolaiv

Gneaus stapo

same question for u.

why noone greets flatheads with bread 🍞 and salt+flowers? why or why?

just explain why russians/ ukrainians are not dancing in streets and why millions moved westwards not eastwards.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

you’re asking me why the ukrainians can’t win? beats me. they’ve been given tens upon tens of billions of dollars in us imperial weapons, along with training, advising and highly sophisticated intelligence support. why would anyone in the region be dancing in the streets? you’re very fond of the image of identitarian ukrainian nazis handing bread to the german nazis in 1941. ended well for all of them, didn’t it? you’re one strange li’l nafo cosplay boy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Clyde
Gestapo mcstupid

“why millions moved westwards not eastwards.”

millions did move east u stupid fkn nazi pig.


slow down junior, not everything is rocky vs drago. sometimes reality must surface in ur muppet melonhead.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gimpyplayer_wellknown

na to majú dnes už drony, len aby si vedel. tie plnia túto úlohu a plnia ju dôkladne a lepšie ako vojak v poly. dron má väčší výhľad a tým pádom i prehľad, teda zmapuje omnoho viac územia. na čo potrebuje rota prieskumníkov, hodinu dron zvládne do 10 minút. a dnes sa používa bojové nasadenie dron odhalí nepriateľa dron zničí nepriateľa.


lol you saudummes hasbara hurenkind, internet full of videos where russian night hunting teams hunt down ukros and russian helis hunt down ukro armor.
even all the new russian drones have night vision.

Gneaus stapo

still wait for ur proof for 35 ukrainian jets destroyed in 5 days. dawai dawai dawarish, raboti raboti. where is problem to presentation of truth/ evidenz? u are the subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum that claimed, russia always provides evidance. dont sing it bring it, bitch🖕

u are an amazing soldestka assclown, best of the best of flathead subhuman assclown empire. all talk,no substance, no truth,no proof, just russia today parralel universe reality.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

so the ukrainian forces have expelled the russians from crimea, lugansk, donetsk, zapo, kherson, kharkov and nikolayev?

Gneaus stapo

dont sing it bring it


time is on the side of the russian armed forces. minimize casualties, wear out the aggressor to zero…

Gneaus stapo

lol continue with the minimal casulties, like wasting a whole traditional tank division on a place like adivka, getting whiped out 10:1


so the russians took 10-1 casualties? then the ukrainians must have defeated them. are the ukrainians breaking out now from avdeevka in counterattack since they wiped out the russian attackers? is that what’s happening cosplay boy?


right idiot, russians wiped out 10 to 1, which is why the area is encircled. night shift gestapo is the dumbest gestapo.

Elon Musk

nazi-occupied zenith area should be the priority #1 for the russians

Last edited 1 year ago by Elon Musk

leave it to the professionals musk. stick with electric cars that explode while charging…


pasca na fašistických potkanov sa postupne pomaly uzatvára. raz ich treba vyzvať aby sa vzdali. druhý krát im túto možnosť už neposkytnúť!!! keď pasca sklapne, tak už nikoho nešetriť, všetkých treba zničiť do posledného!!! ich voľba, mali možnosť sa vzdať. svetu mier!!!
