Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has warned Germany and France against supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles.
Peskov told the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” program on the Rossiya-1 TV channel on June 4 that the supply of such missiles will only lead to more escalation.
“Now we are already seeing that discussion begins about deliveries, for example, from France, Germany of missiles with a range of 500 or more kilometers. This is a qualitatively different weaponry, which will eventually, let’s say, lead to another spiral of escalating tensions,” the spokesman cautioned, answering questions from journalist Pavel Zarubin.
In May, reports in the German media revealed that Ukraine had submitted a request asking Berlin to supply long-range KEPD 350 Taurus cruise missiles.
The Taurus is a Swedish-German low-observable, air-launched cruise missile with a reported range of more than 500 kilometers.
The missile utilizes a GPS-aided inertial navigation system backed by a terrain contour matching system. The same thermographic camera used for terrain navigation helps the missile home on its target during final approach using image matching.
The Taurus is comparable to the Anglo-French Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missile, which the United Kingdom supplied to Ukraine early earlier on in May.

A Storm Shadow missile inside the Royal Air Force museum in London. By Wikimedia user (Corrado Baldassi).
Ukraine reportedly received an export version of the Storm Shadow with the range downgraded from 560 kilometers to just 250. However, there is no downgraded version of the Taurus, which means Germany could supply Ukraine with the original version that can in theory reach the Russian capital, Moscow.
French media reports from May also revealed that Ukraine could soon the French version of the Storm Shado, which is known as SCALP EG [Système de Croisière Autonome à Longue Portée – Emploi Général, meaning General Purpose Long Range Cruise Missile]. It remains unclear if the range of this version will be also limited to 250 kilometers.
The Russian military has already intercepted dozens of Storm Shadow missiles. A number of Ukrainian Soviet-made Su-24 fighter bombers which were modified to launch the long-range cruise missile were also either shot down or destroyed on the ground.
By boosting Kiev’s long-range strike capabilities, the West is not only escalating the conflict in Ukraine but also risking a direct confrontation with Russia.
none of these weapons will make a difference for the ukranazis.
are we not hearing this every time. just think about himars which damaged the bridges so that kherson could not be supplied and they had to retreat there. hell if someone would have told you that ukraine will send drones and even some troops into russia a couple weeks ago you would have laughed at him and now it is normal. the russian side should stop opening their mouths before they have really analised the potency of a new weapon on the battleground.
“just think about himars which damaged the bridges so that kherson could not be supplied and they had to retreat there.” …
we had already discussions about the retreat from kherson etc. it was not only himars , but the whole situation on the front , where the overstretching became a real danger for the russian army.
i don’t want to claim how much mistakes and incompetence was on russian side to manouver the army in the situation like that, but sure it was helpful to take gen. surovikin in their team and to retreat from kherson etc.
opposite to this the decisions of the ukrainian leadership about bakhmut.
they are going to kick those fucking kremlin orcs back to their shithole….
why does putin even bother wasting his breath when he knows no one is paying attention to him or anything g that cones out of his mouth! is the world community suppose to take serious a nation that issue such warning like a thousand times already and every time n.a.t.o. or kiev crosses those redlines, russia just stands there with their dick in their hand not knowing what to do!
gli ucraini nazisti hanno perso la guerra ormai da marzo 2022 purtroppo il criminale assassino ignorante usa di biden assieme ai piccoli dittatori sottomessi dei paesi nato non ha capito che non può ricreare in ucraina una nuova guerra terroristica -mercenaria -fascista simile a quella in afghanistan contro l” urss !
la guerra usa-nato contro la russia capitalista fa comodo al” impero usa che vuole conquistare tutto il mondo e ai paesi con dittature fasciste filo-usa !
trying to break russia’s defensive strategy to force a costly offensive or their whole economic and political system is failing and seek suicide by russia while the leaders hide in their bunkers.
rf bude musieť pritvrdiť. inak sa nezbaví týchto provokácii zo západu. uvidíme z čím príde ruská armáda. ale predpokladám, že to nebude nič pekné, teda nie pre banderovské fašistické svine. zrejme bude potrebné kompletne zbombardovať stanice a letiská na západe ukrajiny. konflikt sa začína priostrovať. západ už dáva do boja posledné zásoby. bude zaujímavé sledovať vývoj na bojisku.
at the beginning of the war this threats might have worked. now they just work as encouragement to send more. the western world has lost all respect for russia and the eastern is just eating popcorn and enjoying the show hoping the west and russia will weaken each others to the easts profit.
1. the western are running out of their patience and start desperate actions like belgorod , which have no effect. it’s not a sign for the lack of respect. moreover there was already no respect for russia in the last 30 years , so they couldn’t have lost something what they didn’t have.
2. there is a limit for the escalation , since everybody in the west know one of the next steps would be the nuclear war
3. the eastern are not eating popcorn and are sure not hoping that russia would weaken , since they face the same threats from the west like russia. it’s an open secret that the next target after russia would be china.
he speaks too much, now it’s time to walk the talk. i would suggest to kill the messenger (in this case the deliveries/shipment)
the best way to warn them is to “return to sender”.
that’s why moscow and teheran are going to burn ….
hahaha iran is strong nato is afraid to attack them
iran has 24 su-35 now
that’s the problem. all russia does in warn and nato keeps crossing the line again and again. russia is a joke.
ha, ha, ha…same little nazi’s whining here again and again and again. we are winning, we are winning…yeah, right. 100k dead and god know how many wounded. millions out of country, debt for generations, etc, etc, it is really nice “victory”‘
please stop warning them, just kinzhal them.
“russian electricity was like putting sewage into drinking water. glad it’s over.”
– fingrid’s jukka ruusunen
fossile fuels are reality even in 2030s though share will go down. nordic countries might be first in the world totally abandoning coal and natural gas when it comes to producing electricity. russia in this context is pretty backward.
you’re vacinated aren’t you 😂😂
it looks like putin himself is humiliating russia with his own incompetence and neanderthal action.
send them back to where they came from…wherever the political filth is nested that started this eussr slash natostan anglozionazi war. dead anglozionazi politicians are the answer to the ongoing slaughter in rump ukrapland. blood for blood.
russia should do the same in west europe start arming any groups who oppose the eu or their puppet governments across the eu….
la russia deve smetterla di fare minacce stupide è deve agire militarmente anche in maniera indiretta contro usa-uk-ue-nato !
gli usa aiutati dai suoi paesi satelliti nato hanno invaso e occupato mezzo mondo !
perché la russia non finanzia ed invia armamenti anche a lungo raggio devastanti alle nazioni invase dagli usa e di paesi nato ?
iraq-siria-libano -palestina-somalia -serbia -eccetera sono tutte nazioni che sono state invase è occupate dagli usa e dai paesi nato !
gli ucraini nazisti hanno perso la guerra !
anche gli usa hanno perso la guerra contro la russia !
il mondo libero è con la russia !
ormai è solo questione di mesi !
90% of artillery and tanks in russian reserve stock waiting patiently for general mobilization. either that or delivery of missiles that reach russia capital will justify low yield tactical nuclear strikes against ukropi critical military airfields/leadership compounds. both scenarios will result in the complete destruction and surrender of ukropistan. enjoy
i think ukrop would be wiser to choose tactical nuke option ;)
russian military is piece of shit. soldiers too poorly trained and morale low. ncos incompetent and officers corrupted.