2712070 10/04/2015 Russian servicemen attach a Kh-25 high-precision missile to a Su-24 aircraft at the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. Dmitriy Vinogradov/RIA Novosti
British-made long-range artillery and anti-ship systems, which the UK has promised to Kiev, will become legitimate targets for Russian troops if delivered to Ukraine, Russian Ambassador to the UK, Andrey Kelin, said in an interview with the TASS news agency on April 2.
“All arms supplies are destabilizing, particularly those mentioned by [UK Defense Secretary Ben] Wallace,” Kelin said. “They exacerbate the situation, making it even bloodier. Apparently, those are new, high-precision weapons. Naturally, our armed forces will view them as a legitimate target if those supplies get through the Ukrainian border.”
Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said last week that more “lethal aid” will be sent to Ukraine, including longer-range artillery and anti-ship system.
Prior to that, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised to provide Ukrainian forces with 6,000 missiles as well as Starstreak MANPADs [man-portable air-defense systems], in addition to the 4,000 NLAW and Javelin anti-tank missiles already supplied. Shipments of the Starstreak system have already arrived in Ukraine.
The UK has been leading Western efforts to support the Kiev government side by side with the US. Britain hopes that Western military support will eventually lead to the failure of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, which started on February 24.
The Russian military has already destroyed or captured several shipments of Western-supplied weapons, including British-supplied NLAW anti-tank missiles.
In his interview with TASS, Kelin noted the illusory perception of military actions in Ukraine in the UK. According to the Russian diplomat, the British media have been relying mainly on “overly positive” reports of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the leadership of Ukraine.
The UK’s decision to provide military support to Ukraine will likely have a negative impact on the Kingdom’s relations with Russia for the long term.
Hey Zelensky here, I just want to “thank” the Brits for all the useless garbage they’ve been sending us. Remind me again, how the fuck are we supposed to win this war when we lose hundreds of ukrop goblins to missile strikes on a daily basis huh you cunts? “We will fight to the last Ukrainian”, well the last Ukrainian is not far away when the remainder of our army is completely razed in the Donbas region.
Sadly it is not garbage. It will prolong the conflict. Many tanks and heavy armour have been taken out by NLAWs and Javalins. Russia will still win of course but it will take longer and more people and buildings will be destroyed, especially if missiles are supplied. UK makes a lot of good missiles, ask Theresa May’s husband. UK wants to degrade Russian military capability to whatever extent they can and bolster the military industrial complex. UK citizens are paying for the hundreds of millions of pounds worth of weapons which are sent to Ukraine whilst UK politicians and elite profit from the misery of Ukrainians. That is the nature of proxy wars. The cynical machinations of NATO make the devil seem angelic.
The thing is though, I don’t know for the life of me how there’s people out there who are stupid enough to be willing to fight for my regime. Ukraine is poorer than ever, child porn, human trafficking, black market organ trading is rampant. It’s not like we needed more proof but Ukraine is yet more proof that 75% of the global population are full on NPCs just like the global elite says.
Dumbo look 🖕 you can sit and spin on it.no Vaseline
I dont see that. We tryed to keepp Minsk 2. We are not pacifists.
It could be fun to take Belarus back to the proletars.
You need to quit shoving fetanyl up ye cakewhole,with the itlalian strapon,simp!
jens nazi senility cannot be improved by lgbt social worker—he provides discarded lonely cretin discounted dildo and laptop—diaper change weekly
Nazi did you already shout 3x Heil Holms today?
Italy, too. “Weapons for peace”, that MIGHT only work in peace times. But in an ongoing war, they’ll bring only more death & destruction.
But we few now exactly, that reaching quickly peace isn’t their goal, rather prolong the conflict as much as possible.
It’ll continue until the Russians just get fed up and launch strikes upon perfidious Albion proper and it will happen as it will to the Washington DC and Tel Aviv, the puppet masters. They will soon understand hybrid multi-theatre asymmetrical warfare like they could have never imagined. Remember this is not a war of only Russia, but China, Iran, North Korea, India and a growing list of countries that have many debts to settle with the Anglophone 5-Eyes Empire.
Peppe country you count there all f****** bankrupt .expect Chinese
Like Turkeystain and all the West who print nothing but FIAT money with no hard commodities to back anything? C’mon, I know you’re not the brightest bulb in the box but you can do better than that. 😋😋
You expect too much…it’s all he’s got.
Pity that all those countries have, aside of being a dictatur, an enemy inside their own country waiting to take power, so any international conflict will inflict intern civil war, at least partisan attacks. I think if Russia was going for WwIII they would have a lot of fronts opening and Contraire to Europe they would have to fight inside And on the borders. china would certainly correct some borderland stolen from a weakened neighbour. So good luck.
Shouldn’t your name be ‘Elensky since you banned the letter Z?
And what is the ‘bad news’?
Also with the behaviour of EU and US it is now legit to send arms to a country in conflict. My guess is that the next conflict where ever it arises will be flooded with weapons from the east.
Lololol please send more popcorns
Nazis are getting destroyed,by the minute,hour,days,weeks + months,enjoy your popcorn,gimp!
you alabama nazi hillbillies can afford popcorn only when you provide fellatio to crackheads in trailer park
Sure. We could send arms to Russia as well. That might be the equalizer.
If all Russian troops are that low Our few Natos can overrun them and just for fun.
They think they are Armenia against Azarbaidian. The tank commaders seemes used to horses and try to give them hay.
senile homo =jens—-nato cowards sodomized by taliban–slither like lizard in Iraq, Syria—nazi jens sodomized by nazis for 5 years–no resistance…you always lose
Yeah, just like they did overrun Afghanistan just for fun. After 20 years NATO/US had to withdraw or face bankruptcy. You clearly have no clue what you talking about. Denial or just plain stupidity?
You are really underestimating the hypocrisy and stupidity of the West. They will cry and rage if that will occur. You know, they always think they the only one entitled to say what is good and what not.
But that is not how reality works. They already got slapped by Russians regarding payment for Russian goods. That was strike one. If they escalate further they won’t like what’s coming next.
Western countries have shot themself right in the face … some even several times. US is boosting Russian oil supplies already. No sign of sanctions here.
It’s people like this…that your donations are supporting./
When ever I see people sporting anything with the colours of Ukraine, including badges, ribbons…this is who you support.
nahhh talking is cheap should have nuke the fuck out of nazis already if u not scare of the west. sorry but Russia is showing weakness and losing pulling out of kive 1000s of dead if u lose this war Poland will be enough to captured Masco
What language is this even mate?
Thats fast american. Here people like U prfare we all are correct in lawyers and doctors version transdlated from simpleton languages.
Very much is Russian and Muslim haram as well. No devbate about infrstrucure. No debate about education. No eqaul right for all.
LGTBs are worse then Russians attacking Ukraine. Jews run everything because You are low life and deny to learn it.
Where I live normal people use SMS and MMS as fast language a lot. its no 4U.
uneducated senile nazi jens has zero academic training right miss ebola
Its very visible in the articles here. They use about 3 or 5 times more space and line to explain things.
I again and again are not accepted being incorrect here. But the whole western Europe and USA eat it and even correct my spelling failiures.
Thats timewasting of the worst kind.
When I try to explain how things actuaky are here so many dont belive it and not even try to understand. They have no pefect English in that. They dont have the context keys for it.
None can understand Western kapitalisme as some repair to Engels or Muhammedmeeting some greedy Jews 1500 yars ago. .
jens nazi stupidity and senility worse than drug addict
Compared to the lives Russia saved to date,its a no brainer,then again you lacketh needed iq to Z
hillbilly west virginny nazi coward—brave laptop warrior
hillbilly west virginny nazi coward—brave laptop warrior—-
You don’t nuke people. Are you so stupid? NATO just got bitch-slapped by Russia. And how they denied to be any part of this mess just shows how really scared NATO is. Even yesterday they stated again, there will be no NATO inside what’s left of Ukraine. They even deny any support to Ukraine. All of the sudden NATO don’t want a conflict. I guess they underestimated Russia’s response to Ukraine’s criminal behavior against the breakaway regions. The exceptional fast obliteration of Ukraine forces surely scared the s**t out of NATO.
But after all, nukes are still on the table in the case NATO misinterprets Russia’s dignity and their care for innocent civilian lifes as weakness and tries to do something very foolish.
Western MIC (raytheon/Lockheed Martin/Northrop Grumman) are greatly pleased with the destruction of these weapons since instant destruction is even more rapidly $$$$profitable than putting them to use; you can be certain that US will buy replacements
Sure, the best would be Russia had not invaded Ukraine.
no nazi jens–best if usa nato did not invade ukraine–we have emasculated you feminine cowards and stopped your killing and torture—you lose you nazi cretin
Sure, the best would be if NATO was dissolved after the end of the cold war.
Jesus bro just use your strategic bombers and carpet bomb kiev into submission already you could end this in a few hours, the weapons will be keep pouring in unless you don’t burn the nest.
that’s the answer
Well it is an effective technique used countless times by the Yanks
Sure its only 5 millions.
if Denmark obliterated nobody would miss irrelevant 5 million dimwit USA colony
this is immoral anglo nato thinking—not Russian
Stupid idea. You cannot win a war against an enemy army if you fight the population too. So far most Ukrainians don’t see Russia as a threat, but rather as a solution to their criminal and corrupt regime. That is how you win this conflict. In the end Ukrainian people and Russian people are the same tribe. You don’t commit genocide against each other, just because the West is pulling the strings in Ukraine. That is what they want, but that is what they don’t get.
You try that and we will hit all Russian millitary in Belarus.
New Srebrenica. The Ukrainian city of Bucha was in the hands of 🇷🇺 animals for several weeks. *Local civillians were being executed arbitrarily*, some with hands tied behind their backs, their bodies scattered in the streets of the city.
We will hit you hard inside Russia you will see…
Death to Russian Government all official will be targeted.
Utter garbage.
Right. That is how desperate some people are in here when they see how badly their side looses. It’s mostly rage and frustration. That is very sad!
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Certainly not even the dumbest goblin believes this crap. Why the fuck did you even bother typing all this, all you accomplished is make the entire ukrop movement look like insane retards.
I dont see that. They for good reasons defend their own country. Its biased some. Well Putin belives in old propaganda himself. Thats even worse.
pitiful nazi homo jens no longer able to form an intelligible thought
Evidence? .. ups, I guess I touched a sensitive subject?
do you buy crack in Alabama trailer park or from lgbt that sodomizes you?
Who is “we”? NATO and US that run away from day one? Nice try.
There is plenty evidence to crimes from Ukrainian side, so far no one has provided any to what you are referring. Ukraine’s army already paying for their crimes. Russia is making sure this is what they get.
No one is threatening what you say. Russia has shown it has the technology to obliterate anyone that will pose a real threat to them. No one is really supporting Ukraine. It’s just a lot of talk but no action. That is a clear sing they never cared about Ukraine. All they wanted was to impose more sanctions, but that has backfired immensely on them. Russian currency and it’s self sufficient economy are indestructible. With over 150 countries not supporting West views and not abandoning Russia is a clear sign that the West is loosing in the long run. No one is selling them oil and gas. Only the US is making promises they cannot uphold. One country after another will fold to Russia’s demands. They have no where else to turn to.
I’m wondering what the PROPER PAYBACK Russia should give the British for their actions ???
It is the Ukrainian people who will pay. There country will be further destroyed and more civilians will die. That is the nature of proxy wars.
We know. Thats why we use sanctions for Russia.
Ny best hopes right now are the Russians soon will live only east of Ural and have soup with only chopstickers.
nazi delusions–halfwit anglos danes etc have increased rouble value, value of all Russian exports by nearly double—thank you halfwit jens homo racist cretin—retired car wash attendant impoverished robot salve w zero morality—thanks to your cowardice donbass Mariupol, Crimea now Russia
thanks jens cretin nazi
Yes it is the Ukrainian who will pay and from the way it looks they are willing to write the check. I do not believe Russia is. I dont think Ukraine would let this stop today… nor tomorrow. Russia needs to finish what it started. I see nothing that says they are attempting to do that.
So far the brittish are only nice persons. You are like many here. You think they and we are more stupid then You and sitting ducks.
Thats what You learned in school. If You are a calm nice loking not speaking sheep You might not be a spendable one.
LSD cannot cure your senility
You know at this rate its a letter of protest. Face it Russia is going to get is ass kicked if it does not get off its ass and get to war. They are still playing negotiator. Ukraine will be armed three times better than it was two months ago. It has a population of 40 million. About 4 million left, and maybe 5 to 6 million are pro Russian in the east and South. So there is a large pool of man power. They will be fighting Russia to take back Crimea in a few months if Russia does not man up and mobilize its nation to war.
All the BS about shutting off the oil is just that BS. They have not even taken out bridges or trains or highways. UAF uses cell phones the teli to broadcast all day and all night. Not sure what the hell they are waiting for. There is no going back its either they win clearly or its a loss.
Said. Special military operation must be replaced by clinic in levelling.
good question…. I have some Chechen friends and I’m going to ask them if these UK implements will work in the City of London
Easy, just get their hand on those “supplies” and give them to the forces of DPR and LPR. That alone should drive them crazy.
Very stupid article, ‘if you send them your weapons, they will be our legitimate targets’, ‘if southfront editors get thirsty tomorrow, they will take something to drink, and who knows if they get hungry, maybe they will take something to eat’. Unrelated to that, Gerasimov should be fired because of his debacle west of Kiev.
Correct, why the hell would you go to the trouble of saying they will be targets? Why would they not be targets? If Russia were smart it would dontate a few Bastions to Argentina … just for the sake of it.
drinking urine and fellating lgbt hillbillies in arkansas cannot increase intelligence of 4th grade educated redneck in Oklahoma
Please do it when english personnel are still in the place XDDD
Putin repordedly replied to Little Britain: “Tank you!”
NATO will fight until the last dead Ukrainian.
Send me some british dildos please.
Jensy loves quality flex toys.
https://youtu.be/vHnteimq15Q Nazis in Ukraine, I dont understand how supporting nazis is not treason.
What you say is stupid, and shows that you know nothing about Putin, and what’s really going on. Putin himself is close friend with a complete NAZI. The russian blackwater equivalent the russian mercenary group Wagner, which Putin send to Syria, Lybia and Ukraine is founded by Dmitry Utkin, a full-blown Neo-Nazi who even has Nazi-insignias tatooed all over his body. And still Putin is his best friend, posing with him and giving him money and medals. So wake up kid (southfrontfan). See:
Look at RU Wagner Group founder, Neo-Nazi Dmitry Utkin, best friend of Mr. Putin
Russian media nad Putin are lying into your face, claiming they are against “Nazis”. It is all bullshit, they o not care for “Nazi, not Nazi etc.” it is just that they got the order to start World War 3 in order to deflect word masses attention away from the mRNA Corona-syringe Holocaust, which was committed by the international Jewry and their “vaccine” corporations against mankind. Hundreds of millions of people will die, several hundred-thousands did already. Blood-clotting, heart-attacks, brain-strokes etc. etc. They poisoned nearly whole mankind, at most the western civilisation was poisoned to the maximum. But thes crime was recognized, even though too late, but more and more people woke up, and before the whole truth exploded into the perpertrators face (Rothschild, Chabad Lubawitsch and other satanic Jews), they needed to deflect the eyes of the world masses away from their universal crime, the global genocide they commited, and therefore told their puppet, Putin, to start war immediately. Realize : ALL, USA, EU, RU and China are controlled by the very same criminal jewish bankers elite !!!
Translation: That would include the newest shoulder fired missiles as well.
Yep, I was waiting on this move since long time ago! Finally happened.
What move? The empty promises by the warmongering Brits or the response of the Russian side? Either way, that is bad news for the Ukrainian people. Zelensky is a stupid puppet and he’s the one to blame for prolonging this pointless conflict.
That is what happens when they cross Russia’s red line. I don’t think there will be any misunderstanding of that in the future.
They should be targeted on the way to fuckraine…
Those shipments, if ever made or possible, surely would boost DRP and LRP capabilities and they would make sure to put them for good use.
Better to capture them. Free hardware is always welcome.
On the topic of direct NATO-European military involvement in the Ukraine theatre, reports have come out that 2 French DGSE operatives, which is the French military equivalent of MI6 and the CIA were shot down in helos and killed during the raids on Mariupol to “free” Avoz commanders. In reality, they were there more than likely to extract NATO SF troops and military intel agents imbedded with the Nazi Banderista scum they control. In the meantime, Russia is taking note and making a list.
Not Russia’s concern. They have no business to be there and if they do, that is what they get. Period.
When the West calls this conflict a war, that is what they get. It’s not boy scouts earning their patches for having a sleepover in Ukraine.
May they rest in pieces and rot in hell.
Lets bring the war to Russia! Each bomb on a Ukraine village we will bomb a Russian village, each field destroyed will bring aRussian destroyed field, each women raped will rape……. it is always the most effective way. After WWII theRussian people demanded a peace deal against the bloodthirsty leaders because of the millions soldiers spend as canon fodder for the egos of psychopaths. Lets bring this experience to them.
Wow, what a scumbag! You are openly calling for rape of women, just because they Russians? Shame on you! What a lowlife scumbag you make out of yourself … unbelievable.
And you lot say you aren’t nazi scumbags. You are even worse!
Just bomb the weapons before they come into Ukraine. Isn’t that considered “interfering? Bomb them on the border and kill everybody including those that are attempting to deliver.
Wallace & Johnson might as well be Wallace and Grommet. They are destroying the UK and being utterly stupid in supplying military weapons to Ukraine. This will serve to prolong the Ukrainian peoples’ suffering and will serve to instill a financial hardship on the UK.
It’s difficult to determine if Boris Johnson is a strategic political and military genius, or whether he is just the best clown in the circus.
Maybe he has a top secret and ingenious plan that will get the weaponry into the hands of the Ukraine military underneath the seemingly permanent gaze of Russian satellites and drones, and simultaneously reconstruct the infrastructure that will give that military the capacity to actually use the weapons.
On the other hand, maybe he is just the best clown in the circus, willing to waste UK taxpayers money (these missiles don’t come cheap), and the blood and lives of Ukraine soldiers for a couple of laughs.
Russia has to kill anglosaxons, the Britons, not only in eastern europe, but mainly in UK, on the ilands, by means of a precize attacks, eg one of the addresses is downing street 10.
Britaniju treba potopiti
I don’t know why Putin don’t threat to STOP NordSream 1 at least for a week as retaliations ! He’s advisers need to reconsider the policy of dealing with the anglo-zionist neo-imperialism !
Yes, please Mr Putin, SHUT DOWN completely this pipeline for only 1 WEEK to let whole EU US whore see what means real sanctions ! In the first place, the most hard punch will be into the hearth of EU economy which will fall down like leaves in autumn. Than, the masses will be very hurted but hey, is already spring here !!! Or do you don’t carry for the dead russian soldiers killed by those weapons ???? Is 1 european life worth more than 1 russian one ? I don’t think so. Please RECONSIDER. Thank you.
P.S. SF, please, in some way let this message pass to Kremlin infos.