Members of the Syrian Arab Army, Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba and Lebanese Hezbollah in Syria, near the border with Iraq
Russia has never promised the US and Israel a withdrawal of Iranian forces from Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced on November 14. He added that the presence of Iranian forces in the country is legitimate.
Lavrov directly denied reports that the once again announced US-Russian ceasefire agreement in southern Syria included a Russian commitment to ensure that Iranian-backed forces would be withdrawn from Syria.
The minister stated that the Iranian presence in Syria is “legitimate” and added that the United States posed the biggest threat in Syria.
“If you look at who is the greatest danger, it’s just the wards of the United States, various foreign terrorists, militants who are attached to those groups of armed opposition that the US supports,” Lavrov said.
Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Israeli side has informed the Russians and the Americans that Israeli forces will continue to take action in Syria according to its interests despite any ceasefire. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman also promised to destroy the alleged Iranian military base, which is under construction in Syria. However, it’s clear that Tel Aviv will not get a Russian “support” in its efforts to limit the Shia influence in the country.
The video below was originally released on March 28, 2017. However, it still provides a comphrehensive answer why the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance remains strong.
Ok then Russia. Help them retake al-Bukamal NOW.
Who shoukd take Abu Kamal and why.
false flag/news created by green eyed zio retards
What do you mean by Green eyed? Never Head this term before, or do you mean it literarely?
Snakeheads? ;)
Maybe because they are keeping their eyes on the money if you think about it.
I was thinking about that too, but it can have many thinks to say if you never heard of such a tearm.
This is a russian videogame.
Western politicians just make it up. They say anything regardless of the
facts. I don’t think any sane government can deal with these people.
I think deep down Russia must know that in the end the only
negotiations that matter will be those on the battlefield.
Like Putin said when people that are suppose to be guiding the foreign policy of a country mixes up Austria and Australia then you know you cannot speak to these people.
Well, not only westerns make things up. You and others also forget, that Russia only promised that Baathistas should not be moved away. Thats what we almost see now.
At the battlefield SAA cant defeat SDF. So the solution should be that Federacy.
The SAA are currently quite busy, actually fighting and defeating ISIS and Al Nusra/HTS – the SDF/YPG can wait their turn. By the way, for the military reality of the SDF/YPG:
The crucial point is in my opinion – will the Russian air defence protect an Iranian base when attacked by ISisraeli air force?
Was that part of the original agreement between Russia and Syria? No.
I confirm that according to my memory.
Iran has its own air defense systems
They also have Russian S-300’s.
Iran always claimed in the past having all kinds of missiles but till date nothing is used in Syria . Maybe all bull.
maybe your are not up dated. Iran used missiles against ISIS after an attack in Iran, and these missiles were incredible accurate, such that USA-Israel are very worry about them.
If Iran is willing to build a military base anywhere, then defending that base is on Iran and Iran alone.
Why should Russia defend an Iranian base?
Russia could sell Iran modern missiles or base defense services for cash, gold or oil, but has no reason to give such services away for free. Same goes for US military assistance to Saudis.
Because they are allies are they not?
Exactly, that is a big point. Let us see Russia reaction when USA-Israel attack again Syria using some stupid excuse. Russia makes condemns for these type of Israel actions….I think UN must have filed about 1,500 Russian condemns (just bla bla bla).
Nope, Russia and Israel have ties that go back hundreds of years.
dumb delusional Jew doesn’t know Israel is less than 80 years old, thinks they have “hundreds” of years of ties with other countries.
I am not a Jew.
I knew that, but thanks for clarifying anyway. Now please prove that the other parts are wrong too. ;)
Anyway, ancient Spartans were called by Israelis as “children of Abraham” and Spartans called Israelis their brothers so it is a high possibility that Israelis have Greek blood.
So you will not admit that Israel is a new nation created by the UN after the War.
There was no such thing as Israel or Israeli before 1948 but you have boldness to claim that SPARTANS called Israelis their brothers. Either change your name to Delusional Dude/Hasbara Dude or be a serious and realistic ”dude” as your name suggests.
Look and stop complaining. http://www.israelite.info/research/sourcedocumentsfiles/spartan.html
Has there been random DNA sampling of the two populations to see if they are related? Otherwise this is just speculation based on circumstantial evidence and will not hold up.
Yes there was ancient Hebrew Israel before the split into two kingdoms Israel and Judea.
Joke of the day.
I’m sure you have a proof for that, don’t you?
It’s a very good development:
– If you have any evidence to prove that, then kindly take your Greek-blooded brothers to your hometown and together live happily ever after. I’m sure they’re great neighbours.
– If you don’t have any proof, well, you know what to do. Bwahaha…
Proof: http://www.israelite.info/research/sourcedocumentsfiles/spartan.html
Very good. Very convincing. Very true.
Thank you for successfully proving they are Greek and have no business being in Palestine.
They are Greek and that’s why they are crushing terrorists.
Oh yes, it takes great courage to “crush” these dangerous children:
A more detailed list with names and everything:
The fact is, Israelis became the most despicable and loathsome humans since the beginning. Worst than them are Israeli-apologists and the ones who try justify their inhuman actions.
You must be really proud.
Hamas uses humans as shields.
I don’t see any ”Hamas” in the picture above,you hummus sucker piece of shit.
Thats not a source.
Like Serious telling You have a big family or a hat and a cat are the same.
Your link is construction as You wish.
You are sadly misinformed.
No, its not. I eat many bananas, so Im good in climbing trees as well.
The facts are several nationalities such as jews, greeks, phoenesions, philistres, italiens, spains and portugeese knew each other well by trading.
You therefore could find many tradecolonies, where they were helping each other. Jews mainly are no sailers, but the jewish laws are very good for all kind of agreements from when a ship went down with all its cargo and to marrige treaties.
You could rely on the jews,because the same rules was all over down to the last comma.
Philistines were Cretan Greeks.
You can be, if You wish.
He is right.Most of these so called Israelis are actually Russian Jewish converts
Seemes You have to convert and update, what You think You know.
Those are not converts, but all are during centuries misted some up by marrige with others.
Turk fx are 80% indoeuropeans, but they still have their very mixed up language and some old culture, so they feel having an own ID, and they have.
I thought those “Israelis” were Polish. Those reptilians look nothing like Russians.
For those who have selective or short term memory, Putin has recalled all Russian citizens to include students living abroad to return for security reasons none the less.
Really, what ties did Russia have with Israel 200 years ago? None…genius. Put quotation marks on your name ‘ “Serious” Dude’.
Russian is the third language in Israel.
Yeah, those ties go back hundreds of years – up to 964 year. A year when Sviatoslav destroyed Khazarian Kaganat :)
More like 1948 + United Nation.
Israel has claimed Iran has a base in Syria , but neither Syria or Iran has stated they have said base .
I think we have seen pictures for the beginning to that base. I am not 100% in that.
One would assume that any Iranian base or depot would be allowed the same defense systems to protect it. Although Russia has offered S400 system to Iran, Iran has S-300 systems and what appears to be an equivalent system in the Bavar-373 is similar to the Russian S-300 and is capable of hitting targets at a high altitude. The new system uses a phased array radar like Russian 96L6 radar for tracking aerodynamic targets and ballistic missiles in medium to long ranges, mounted on the ZAFAR heavy truck.
Iran has also unveiled plans to increase the number of air defense sites from the current 3,600 to 5,000, according to Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli.
Its speculation from my side, but Russians has made a 20 km from the borderline. it says yes to me. It also could say Iranians could have their own local defence for their base. Why not. They make that stuff themselves.
Hopefully Iran will set up layers of air defense and be willing to use them.
Thought it was bollocks yesterday.
Israeli media are keen to present what they want as what there is.
Just the usual stuff. Neither Russia nor USA and we like Iran to dominate anything in Lebanon, Syria or Iraq.
In the other hand we do have accepts helping ISIS and other jihadist to heaven faster is to prefare for the moment.
I’m wondering if that suspicious earthquake that happened in Iran caused any sort of damage to the missiles beside the loss it caused to its people.
I’m still waiting for better proof than a satellite photo (or maybe just a Google Earth screenshot) with intel agency markings on it. Is it too much to ask. One heavy weapon being transported there, one line-up of a platoon, one multiple rocket launcher truck, one tank – anything at all. But no, all we have is photo and some “belief”. They invaded Iraq on a similar excuse – remember the mobile bio-lab trucks? It was all bollocks.
Russia would never make such a deal with those two backstabbers.