Viktor Ozerov, Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Defense and Security Committee, said that Russia may provide air defense systems to Syria in the event of an agreement with the Syrian side, according to Sputnik news agency.
“If these systems are issued, there will be nothing unusual in this export process,” he said, adding that “Syria is fighting terrorism and Russia is assisting it in carrying out counterterrorism missions.” He stressed that “this will not violate the principles of International law and UN Security Council “, since these weapons are defensive and not offensive.
It’s worth to mention that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad announced during a meeting with a group of Russian media outlets that Syria had lost more than 50% of its air defense capabilities as a result of the ongoing war. He also asserted that Russian have make up a part of these losses.
“This is always the case, before the war and during the war. Of course, we need more weapons after the war because of consumption . This is part of the daily relationship between the defense ministries in Russia and Syria,” President Assad said.

There have been some reports suggesting that Syria may buy modern air defense systems from Russia, including TOR-M2E medium altitude, short-range surface-to-air missile system, and BUK air defense systems. It’s believed that the version that was referred to is the latest BUK-M3 armed with 9M317M missile that has the ability to intercept cruise missiles such as the American Tomahawk, which was used against the Al-Sha’ayrat airbase on April 7.
Err….. hurry up?
They are thinking of the negative effects it could have in the future. Like US selling air defenses systems to Ukraine and Georgia or any other future conflict.
your leverage
their trophies
Defensive systems to Ukraine and Georgia would be defensive , so that is Okay. Russia believes in that, that all have the right to defensive weapons.
It doesn’t matter if you get the most modern up to date weapons systems, if the personnel you’re letting them operate consists of chimps they’re just expensive paper weights. A hard lesson that most Arab militaries seem unable to learn. Just look at Saudi Arabia. And it wasn’t that Syria had much success shooting down IDF aircraft invading its territory before the civil war started.
I dont know why people keep retelling this 1960s era arab narrative. The modern system come with instructors. After a few near misses, you are going to start seeing hits, captured pilots, drones. You underestimate the equipment.
I have to mention Syria have no save area or large buffer zone for those weapons to be save. Right now they need a lot of attacking Helicopter and modern airplanes and more missile launchers and better train SAA to create larger buffer zone, before they can put air defence system that will be save.
This is true because there are pockets of rebels within syria. However, those pockets are collapsing. Also, the recent improvements in the ranges of long range systems like the S300-400, and the short range systems Assad just acquired in bulk are plenty to secure syria. Also the terms safety is relative. Safe from who and for how long. Much like locks on doors air defense system make the malfeasance more difficult. I fully expect to see Assad purchase BUK and Tor systems from russia. the Tor system allows target tracking on the move. i think syria will become more viable as assad defeats it’s internal threats, and puts down the jihadists near homs and near damascus.
Assad should also consider BUK and Pantsir-S1, before S-300 and S-400. If SAA will get overrun by ISIS or FSA, the SAA will not be able remove the system very quickly. As I mention above SAA need more attack helicopter and airplane and better train infantry soldiers. SAA making very basis error. As one example – many time I see they grouping in large number in open or marching as a group. One TOW missile can can destroy substantial SAA soldiers. There are many other mistakes SAA making. Therefore, they need better training
Those two issues are unrelated as SAA faces a range of threats from different opponents. We agree about the short range system, but like long range systems, they all have their place and purpose. The SAA like any group of people consists of individuals who make mistakes. Russians have invested time and equipment in rehabbing several units of the SAA. I think Russian helicopters and aircraft have demonstrated their worth in gold. Everyone always needs better training, and a bj.
Yes, Russia doing good job, but Russia can’t defend Syria for ever. Assad need to sign agreement with Russia on more attack helicopters and better airplane and training and use the training and hardware in this war by SYria forces. Assad have no much time left. If he waits longer there will not be Syria to defend, because americans, Turkey and western establishments will split SYria. War in SYria will not end defeating ISIS or FSA
Assad is doing all these things. Russia is introducing advanced military hardware, and Assad is shopping on the battlefield. I think Assad is moving cautiously because his forces are building up and getting stronger. Re-acquiring capacity to engage on multiple fronts. It would be a mistake to destroy all that progress by moving forward without caution.
The developing situation is currently see in SYria I have to disagree from military strategy and for Syria. If Assad will wait longer to obtain better military hardware and better advances he will loose East Syria the oil and Gas fields and North Syria. I bett very soon you will see ISIS offensive in Palmyra and Deir ad Zor area and another from Jordan. As I mention before this is bandages. Putting bandage in one place, than somewhere else the bandages is needed
I think, in the end SAA prevail. You don’t always get the fight you want, but that doesn’t mean you can not win. SAA is going to be fine against the jihadists, the turks, and ISIS. Trump is going to be too busy in north korea to deal with anything in Syria.
I would not be so sure about Trump gonna be busy with N.K. First he will try set China against N.K.. Remember China has invested over 1.3 trillion in US bond and treasury. US know it and will use it. China will not jump to high against america. Going back to Syria, Longer the war drags on in Syria, there is more suffering on Syria’s civilians. Therefore, I would like to see Assad obtain more and better military hardware I mention above and make large offencive,as a surprise. Going slow does not help
I am with you on the war ending quickly. However, that is not realistic. Isis is losing. FSA will lose, but it will all take time. Iran is heavily invested in Syria, so is Hezbollah, so is Russia. Assad will be fine unless he is assassinated, and even then, the regime will survive. The bigger strategic question is what it means for Syria to survive. If the government has any hope of holding on, after these foreign mercs are defeated, they have to have a trained army. This is what Assad is doing. I agree with you about conventional upgrades, Assad is working on that. The 5th Corps, Tiger Forces are units rebuilt bottom up with new equipment. Fielding new equipment to local militias wouldn’t produce great results as equipment requires training. I also think you underestimate the progress Assad is making. Just prior to this recent FSA suicidal charge in northern hama, SAA had ISIS on the run near Deir Hafer, Palmyrra. Similarly, the rebels are not expanding vis-a-vis SAA, they are taking land from ISIS in the desert, which is fine, another way to look at this is that the number of people SAA has to kill is decreasing. In Dara, it’s a stalemate for now, but from my point of view, the lack of physical contact between Israel and SAA is a good thing.
I hope Assad succeeds and with assistance of Russia, IRAN and Hes** SYria will have strong army and create alliance between Russia, IRAN, Syria, Lebanon, Serbia and maybe N.K
I agree. Also if Syria is headed for partition Assad should consider some type of union with the Shia dominated areas of Iraq.
I think there is already deep cooperation between Iraq and the regional shia and alawites. Evidence is evident in how Shia militias organized and worked together to expel ISIS from Iraq, various political moves such as Iraq allowing the overflight of troops, planes and missiles to fight ISIS as well as other more subtle local election and political clues.
In addition, americans are not sending their troops to help or hand over the East SYria to Assand. They are there to have control and divided Syria. The cal Plan B
Fully right. So short-termed the SAA need more attack helicopters, fighter planes and much better trained infantry soldiers to clean the pockets and to protect the gains. They further on need a big bundle of advanced military hardware and ground troops from Iraq to get a west-east axis to avoid the splitting of Syria by its enemies. S-400s should be esablished with some personnel to avoid further air attacks by USrahell which blaming the syrian army and its moral. Syria needs a plan of co-operation with the Kurds in their northern parts in wartimes and after the war. To keep all the efforts and results Syria must be changed mid-termed in a ME-country of military strength.
You mean Assad’s external threat that pay for the mercenaries. The internal threat has collapsed. Assad’s main threat is the United States and Israel and their vassals Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
You are right. I simply meant to say enemy formations on syrian territory.
2007 was pretty modern with the Operation Orchard or you just forget about that one?
Here another one On October 5, 2003, the Israeli Air Force attacked an alleged Palestinian militant training camp in Ain es Saheb, Syria.
I don’t think these two are a retelling of the 1960s arab narrative.
So israel and united states violate international law and attack some facility in Syria in the 21st century, and that is suppose to impress upon me what exactly? The fact is that in 2017, Russian ground to air missiles are a force to be reckoned with. You can relive your glory days all your like, but i think the reality that the way israel and the united states interact with other people on this planet is going to change, no matter what. The Chinese, the Russians, and even the North Koreans have had it. Believe what you like. Its your funeral.
nobody saw in real battle action ;)
Are you saying Russia didn’t provide air defenses ten years ago to Syria, get real please. I’m not trying to impress anyone you are trying very hard and failing sadly that with your comment. Don’t state false statements that is all i’m asking. You lied you said 1960s arab narrative yet in 21st century it got strikes where was the air defenses assad claimed 50% of it was destroyed in the war what did he use it before then it let sit and collect dust? I destroyed your argument the end. Believe what you like just don’t sit here and spread BS. Why are you also lying or just assuming I’m pro Israel or US can’t handle people stating the FACTS that you told a LIE? Is that suppose to make my comment invalid as well? You can live in fantasy world all you like with those people who liked your comment, I live in reality and you need to face it. Your funeral if you keep playing illogical games.
Also please don’t act like or lecturer that Russia cares for international law they don’t care for it just as much as the US and China buncha of hypocrisy. All those countries only care for international law when it suits their interests to hell with it when it becomes a problem for them.
Hello, Jaime, I am not lying nor am I assuming anything about you. You are some random person who took an issue with one of my statements. You are welcome to label everything I say BS and never respond in the future. The reason you are confused by my statement is because you are, and I say this meaning no offense, ignorant of the events I am describing and why they are significant. As part of my Monday pro bono, I am going to waste 3 minutes of my life responding to your rude and irrelevant comment. The reason I cite the 1960s, was because, during several major conflicts in the 60s, the poorly trained Arabs ran from various advanced soviet equipment instead of using it to turn Israeli air force into recycling materials. I could go into details and explain what happened and what was learned, but the sum and substance of the lesson were that when you deploy advanced military equipment, you send your own people to train the customers. With respect to your citing of various 2003, 2009 and other Israeli attacks on Syria, which are all indisputable crimes under international law, this has nothing to do with either the initial comment or the later comment. The fact is that the S3XX+ system was never tested against American, or cruise missiles, or Israelis for that matter. You may be some random ignorant, so I don’t know what you are and are not aware of, but the Syrians are not running from their s300 or s200 system when Israelis enter Lebanese airspace(illegally), nor are systems such as the s-300 suitable for shooting down missiles or threatening enemy aircraft over another country (also illegal). Countries unlike Israel and Unites States, like Russia for example, places that respect sovereignty and airspace do not shoot down Israeli aircraft over other countries. This, and this alone is the only reason Israeli planes continue to habitat the skies and their aggression against the Syrian unimpeded. Every person on this forum has read newspaper articles about Israel supporting various terrorists and bombing facilities in other countries. Contrary to your ridiculous statements, everyone here knows the utter destruction that would rain upon the Israeli air force, if they threatened a target protected by the S-300. Firing long range satellite guided missiles from other countries does not make an invincible air force my amigo. Now don’t bother responding again, you don’t know much and I don’t care to educate you.
You have a point, but the SAA has come a long ways since the war began. With Russian trainers, I am sure they can learn to use the systems effectively.
I do hope so. But still, good training takes time. And even the best training needs to overcome cultural obstacles. Western and Russian trainers have been training Arab armies for decades now and so far with little success. I’ve read stories about how after such trainings the unit’s commander would collect all the training manuals from his men and take them away, because by hoarding all that information he could maintain his own status.
And that’s excluding the fact that what good is a single decent SAM battery when there’s no integrated defense network that detects incoming intruders and controls and direct all batteries? The SAA’s network really needs to be gutted and rebuilt from the ground up. A job that even in the best of times would take years.
As an aside, it is worth noting that Arab Egyptian ATGM teams armed with Soviet Sagger’s were very accurate and effective against Israeli’s armor in Yom Kippur War. Henry Kissinger had expected quick IDF victory, so stalled at UN Council to give IDF time to snatch more ground – but Kissinger was deeply shocked by Egyptian’s counter assault and directly queried just how the IDF could lose 400 tanks in days.
That is the moral and smart thing to do.
Putin put off selling Syria S-300 defense system just long enough for Israel to receive F-35’s. Today Israeli HEADLINES are the Receiving of F-35s today! Everyone knows S-300 system cannot track F-35’s, that is why Russia built the S-400 system, which can target F-35s.
Putin… this is bullshit man. You are always selling worthless air-crap that is always just a-day-to-old to actually defend anything worth a darn.
Now you will probably deliver S-400 system in 25 years when that become obsolete.
Also, i provide the Jpost link from the Zionist below to better understand what the Jews say is going on here.
I swear Putin is a closet-Zionist. He is in cahoots with the deep state and UN and Israel all along.
All the rest of us “subjects” just get jerked around every single damn day.
Iran must surely be the last bastion of defense against the coming faults-Christ who finishes off the rest of us resistors.
Russia is indeed a close ally to Israel. Russian is also one of the official languages in Israel next to Hebrew, Arabic, and English. Its very obviously that Russia would never do anything to harm Israel, and therefore they don’t support Hezbollah either.
The bible says that the faults Christ will be Jewish, and will form the world into a single government.
Russia’s unwillingness to oppose Zionism is the last piece of the puzzle that Lucifer needs to conduct globalist operations against those who resist Lucifers will for the world.
Language is a social construct.
God’s holly word is timeless truth that should be adhered to.
Also, Russia is the second official language of Syria, not of Israel.
Thats not translating, rather transplantation. But sure jews as well as Christians will have a hard time, if all christians comes back to earth alive.
There is no denying that. Its as fine line to try and walk. There are a lot of rumors in Moscow that Putin will not run for another term as president. I think its time for new leadership.
How many more times? Zionists are not Jews.
You are a Zionist. Anyone can be a zionist. A Somalian can be a Zionist.
“Not all zionist are Jew’s, and not all Jews are zionist”
However most who read the Talmud are Zionist. lol
And what do the Jews read if zionists read the Talmud?
The same thing. Jews read the Talmud, the Zionist read the Talmud.
Theodor Herzl the rabbinical family who also organized the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897.
History tells the truth, hollywood tells the lies.
Most zionists are Jews. How do you differentiate them according to your understanding?
Jews follow the Torah, which is antithetical to modern day “israel”. Zionists are no more Jewish than wahabi are muslim. Nkusa.org and truetorahjews.org among other Jewish antizionist groups explaining this to any who will listen. Jesus even warned about these frauds “who say they are jews but are not, but of the synagogue of satan”.
Torah was given to the Jews by God in Mt Sinai, they did not keep it, instead they used it as a crutch to identify and glorify their “privilege”.
To follow the Torah means you need a temple to sacrifice for a variety of matters, Jews do not have a Temple currently, subsequently the ordinances outlined in the Torah cannot be kept. The word Jew is synonymous to Abraham who was chosen of God and maintained a good relationship with God; Jews in a biblical sense are those that keep the commandments of God and do well and are a light to the world.
Jews that do not keep the commandments of God, and glorify on their “privilege” are zionists used by Satan to further his agenda.
Caiphas who was the High priest who condemned Jesus to die, because of “blasphemy” was a typical zionist along with those in the Sanhedrin that supported his sentence
Jews that do not keep the commandments of God and do evil are Zionists.
Jews are a race not a religion. They don’t act like a religion but a blood-related ingroup. Let’s stop muddying the waters with bullshit books that they don’t believe in themselves – it’s the talmud not torah that dictates their rules.
Jews are a race that was given the Torah to guide their every day life. So what if they do not believe in Torah, they created a duplicate Talmud, theat circumvents the divine guidelines of the Torah. Because they relied on the Talmud, they rejected in Jesus and have been driven out of the promised land, until recently.
Talmud was written after Jesus, in 6th or 7th century I believe.
Before Jesus the Jews had a rabbinical writings that humanized and diluted the Torah, emphasis being on outward religious expression, example keeping the sabbath, things you can do and cannot do during the sabbath, keeping of feasts and many other ordinances governing Jewish life. One of the major problems Jewish religious leaders had with Jesus was Him healing on sabbath day.
These rabbinical writings can be compared to contemporary progressive translations of the Bible, making them acceptable for the day and age.
Thanks, that’s a solid insight that I lacked. Can you recommend me some book on the period after the destruction of the second temple?
I do not know of any specific books written about Jews in Israel after the destruction of the Temple, Josephus was a Jew and he documented the events with a positive slant for the Romans. If you read Roman historians about events in the eastern part of their empire, it might shed some information.
Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD by the Romans, whereby they carried the remnant of the Jews that were not killed in the war as captives throughout the Roman Empire. Many were slaves, the well to do were treated a little better.
A remanant of Jews remained in Judaea, although their significance was rather limited since the Temple and most of the countryside was destroyed. They ceased to exist as a Jewish entity after 100 years or so.
The Jews that were taken captive as slaves some could have bought out their freedom, altough I do not have reliable information regarding their numbers, possibly half a million captives.
Like the Babylonian captivity 586BC, many of the Jews taken to Babylon acclimated to that culture, and decided to stay there even though a decree from the Persian monarch allowed them to return to Judaea.
I am sure the same pattern followed with their captivity throughout the Roman Empire, at that time the Roman Empire extended from the Iberian peninsula to Asia Minor.
As far as the written anecdotal law devised by rabbis throughout their history, it became increasingly evident after the Babylonian captivity where the Torah was interpreted from various theological/political standpoints. This was prevalent during Jesus’ ministry and caused a major conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders of His day.
Here is a sample of His denounciations:
[1] Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,
[2] Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:
[3] All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.
[4] For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
[5] But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
[6] And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,
[7] And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
[8] But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
[9] And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
[10] Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
[11] But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
[12] And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
[13] But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
[14] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
[15] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
[16] Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor!
[17] Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?
[18] And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty.
[19] Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift?
[20] Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon.
[21] And whoso shall swear by the temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein.
[22] And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.
[23] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
[24] Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
[25] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
[26] Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
[27] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
[28] Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
[29] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
[30] And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
[31] Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
[32] Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
[33] Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
[34] Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
[35] That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
[36] Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
[37] O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
[38] Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
[39] For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Thats rubbish.
You have the same in Islam where You also right now are fighting about which are the right muslims and many muslims seems not even to be the right ones.
Well, and jews came first, next where the ones with Jesus and next was Muhammed & Co. Of course many jews are just like Christians and Muslims. They dont like the others – and everybody hates BAAL – just like Moses.
They are. Zionists are all for homeland for jews in general. You find peacefull ones as well as violent ones. Some didnt care where it was, when zionism started.
The background and base was many, many jews were killed in Russia, Lituania and Polen lets say starting 1800 to 1900. Many left, and where should they go and how.
Some countries supported own homelands and areas. russia did in Sibiria, Arentina did and later on britts took in jews to palestine to create an european or european like innovasion, where jews created new jobs – and – so to speak were new industrialists in towns. They could make space and britts could protect oil from Kirkuk as well as the Suez channel.
but you wrote, f-35 is only steel filled with shit.
thus israel already lost the war.
1) So far Israel has no F35 at all. Turks mainly has F16`s. So whats the problem. They also can shoot down helicopters.
2) The last 4 lines are rubbish, but if so many think You are wrong in so much, they might be right.
Some old men falling in their beards in Qum should be any kind of solution for the world. I doubt it.
Maybe you should also TURN ON those anti-aircraft defenses too???
Or maybe there’s some BS going on that we don’t know about… Israel….
But throw fertilzer, thats what Your are an expert in.
Syria has never been a country and its army is only made to terrorise its own citicens.
And yes, in Israel some syrian jews thrown out in 1948 or just after that after relatives of them were killed as well. they dont like most of the rest. Wonder why. And who are they with: Well, it could be some from Iraq.
For thats what Israel is made of. And syrians and Iraqians hate, they didnt kill them.
Don’t talk to me like you know me and……
Go tell your crap to someone who has no clue whats going on…
Any Kalifornia beach would be a great venue for you….
We have our own beaches here and toilet training too.
And maybe you should go back to your English classes, where ever that may be and DEMAND a REFUND…
But You did understand my points.
russia has already sold the S-300’s that were produced for syria…………..to iran………. go figure.
Short-termed the SAA need more attack helicopters, fighter planes and
much better trained infantry soldiers to clean the pockets and to
protect the gains. They further on need a big bundle of advanced
military hardware and ground troops from Iraq to get a west-east axis to
avoid the splitting of Syria by its enemies. S-400s should be
esablished with some personnel to avoid further air attacks by USrahell
which blaming the syrian army and its moral. Syria needs a plan of
co-operation with the Kurds in their northern parts in wartimes and
after the war. To keep all the efforts and results Syria must be changed
mid-termed in a ME-country of military strength.
Syria belongs to the people and is not private land for some mafioso like currupt Baathistas.
If You want better soldiers, You should start home and later on in school. Most parts of the populations and certainly syrians as a whole has to give up the despotic patriark systems, where You also almost only get bad and violent dictators.
Your population dont learn to think themselves. They learn mainly to obey orders and dont do that witout them. 80% of all production in Syria or more are private owned. You therefore get the top as well as the bottom by subjective familyrelation and either by education, hard work and talent.
You can also add, that You waste almost all of the one half of the population. Of course Your woman are more stupid than you men and boys. They are restricted and handled as sales objects, which can fit any with money and family relations.
And where are all the recruits. 8-10 million, almost half of Your population dont go into any military disputes. Do those support Your belowed Assadistas. I dont think. Do they support others. Well hardly, some are paid to fight and therefore have a jobs. And thats it.
Assads are not able to make any plan with others in Syria. Please get it. It was a big mistake Putin went in an froze things and Assads still are there.
Whats to compare with so far. Est. 300.000 dead. How many with one leg or worse. 8-10 refugees and totally damaged parts for billions and billions. And dont come with the religios ones are worse; Well Assads has systematicly killed all normal opposition and made a good landscape for them.
You are right about a balance between Baathisters and Kurds could work. But hell no. Those are the worst for the rest and they are all systematic killers.
Whatever happens, I certainly hope Assads is gone soon. Seems like Assads dont understand how they make that violent opposition themselves.
But of course Ergogans dont do either. After hard manipulation of the worst kind, Erdogan got 51% of the votes to be a dictator, which can do anything to the 49.
My advice is to buy Buk M3.