On March 11, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that it is working to determine which Eastern European state supplied Igla man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs) to Ukraine.
Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the ministry, revealed that a new batch of these systems was seized by Russian troops in the Kherson region.
“Inspection of the serial numbers of the portable surface-to-air missile systems has now been organized to determine the country that supplied these weapons from Eastern Europe,” the spokesman said.
The Igla MANPADs, which was developed by the Soviet Union in the 70s, is guided by infrared homing. The 9M313 missiles captured by Russian troops have a maximum range of five kilometers. They are armed with a 1.17 kilogram blast fragmentation warheads.
Брошенные украинскими националистами в лесной местности переносные зенитно-ракетные комплексы «Игла» pic.twitter.com/PLljdbtE2d
— Минобороны России (@mod_russia) March 11, 2022
The system is still in service with a number of Eastern European states which are now members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), including Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia. None of these states have publicly acknowledged sending MANPADs of this type to Ukrainian forces.
The Russian Defense Ministry warned against sending MANPADs to Ukraine, as they are being reportedly distributed to nationalists. This will create a long-term threat of terrorist attacks on civilian aircraft in Europe and beyond.
Despite this very serious threat, the US and several European states continue to ship hundreds of MANPADs to Ukraine on the hopes of slowing down the ongoing Russian special military operation in the country.
I would send it back to its country of origin – strapped onto a nuclear MERV 15 to watch the pretty colors!
Send! I want to see the fireworks!
Lol they probably got thrown out of the back of a Russian Red Cross ambulance when they started taking casualties and retreated! Then “discovered” on the next advance.
Putin is going to be surprised when he finds they came from Belorussia lol
SBU ukrobot detected…
Stick to the Disney channel…
FSB operative, it’s apparent your contributions to the discussion board are poorly thought out and juvenile.
I don’t think mother Russia is getting her runnels worth from you. Even considering is recent precipitous devaluation.
слава свободным русским, долой тиранию Путина
slava svobodnym russkim, doloy tiraniyu Putina
SBU operative, it’s apparent your contributions to the discussion board are poorly thought out and juvenile.
I don’t think glorious Ukropisstan is getting her hryvna worth from you. Even considering is recent precipitous devaluation.
Why do people gotta be this shade of stupid..just sad you are..parents should’ve left you out for the dogs to tear apart..stupid dumb shart..lmao
Loser..your that stupid incest drizzle soaked mongaloid that eats his own parents out reject
In seriousness, all weapons captured from the Ukrops should be sent to Syria to eject the they/them army which is currently stealing the oil
It would be easier to just follow the money back to the World Bank in Brussels, Belgium.
I guess lead to the Ursula Von Der Leyen account
And remeber to put salt and pepper on it too.
As usual the rest of us are sitting ducks even mpre stupid then Yourself.
They should be passed on to Hezbollah.
That will make USNato withdraw all weapon from Ukraine instantly as US of AIPAC will assassinate Biden and entire Congress if Israel is been attacked.
Strange man with ever-changing arguments why he necessarly starts a war of extermination similar to Nazi Germany. He drags in successive justifications, a possible future nuclear bomb, a possible development from a bio-weapon (by migrating birds)?, liberation (the majority hates him),demilitarisation (= destruction and enslaving), denazification (a hallucination he means) regime change = enslaving, super nationalisme= like Russians nationalism and the primary (acceptable) concern of national security but there he confronted the wrong subject. And now he complains that they use his tricks too; who introduces jihadists, traitors (fake Chechenen an equal invade country) and Belarus provides him with additional weapons and personnel. Don’t complain for manpads now
Don’t pay attention to the only real sources of news anymore huh? Must be a devout “television news believer” like that song by Conspiracy Music Guru.
It’s easy to spot someone who enjoys being spoon fed War Propaganda by MSM , which is run by devout communists who hid the Epstein Network for years to protect its purpose to subvert governments all over the world.
Better look up how folding your money oddly shows the events of Freemasons biggest day of the past 21 years. Then study all their symbols ON the money itself. Then read a Bible and look closely at that money again.
Ask God to open your eyes to see the truth and give you Discernment and Wisdom.
I will pray that God will show you the Truth and that , like Moses, you will find the wisdom the satanists have kept from you with their deceitful use of media.
Moses and Elijah know who the real Son of Man is, they cannot be deceived.
This is the beginning of Revelation now. Satan runs THIS world remember that…, and they despise the Truth that is Jesus Christ.
Maybe he could keep it, Scooby. He might need it considering the massive overhaul of machinery and weaponry he just gave the Ukranian forces free of charge.
What’s with the all the “Scooby”? Is that supposed to be some kind of insult or is it just OCD stemming from whatever cognitive malady you suffer?
I’m just a fan of Scooby. Look how funny he looks trying to hide before being blown apart. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=270201138626305&id=100069092624537&m_entstream_source=timeline&anchor_composer=false&ref=bookmarks
You give me pedo / serial killer / rapist vibes.
You sound like an old geezer pedo that routinely tries to bribe kids with old cartoons to get them into your house. “Hey kids wanna watch some Scooby in my basement”?
You give me the vibes of a Putin cockroach trying to justify mass murder. Can’t get any worse than that, Scooby.
Shut up you 55 year old incel, go wank off or something
Lol you even had to edit that, struck a nerve I see.
I have to edit it because it’s 20 Putin cockroaches against me. Only one. And I still easily destroy your mass murder fantasies. It’s just too much fun, Scooby. Something new always pops up.
You ukrotrash have been massmurdering Donbas and Lugansk for 8years…
Ah I get it, Scooby doo is a coward who talks Big and tough, but disappears when times get tough
Showing footage from Karabakh…
Why dont you post about the destroy ukrop military infrastructure instead?
Thats real.
Don’t offend his feelings, he might explode… literally.
Being a hard-core depraved zoophile, he has a hard-on for Scooby Do and is beholden to his continuous fantasies o butt-busting him.
It’s his Love Doll.
Has your shift started?
Ahhhhh if it ain’t Yamil the 55 year old incel, who else would post such stupidity?
Ukrainian forces? Ukraine doesn’t exist anymore. How hard is to understand? These military leftovers are lost and disconnected, slowly being chocked within the cauldrons. Pay attention to complete destruction in coming days.
Russia should nuke those countries
Hmm, Hungaryx would be a shame, they are truly anti- LGBTQ
I personally think it’s Bulgaria.
Yes me too Bulgarians are corrupt mafia that would sell their grannies to a whorehouse.
What their grandmothers able to do in whorehouse getting no customer, as tea ladies?
I am betting on Slovakia
Or maybe the Baltic states. Their political class seems to be high-grade NATO whores to the bone.
Poland, probably.
Or Germany.
Not a chance, we send them Grom and Piorun man pads. Try harder.
It”s not in service in Hungary.
Hungary in 2011, fired all the pieces in a Czech exercise.
I TOLD YOU guys, it’s either Slovenia or Slovakia. I bet on SLOVENIA.
Russia should focus attention on the Orthodox NATO countries and counter this satanist organisation from inside. Romania and Bulgaria. Here is the most VULNERABLE point of the entire west-fucked organisation because peoples are highly religious and extremely resistant to the neo-liberal LGBTQ agenda which in the last past years OUTRAGED the mass opinion like hell. One precision spark here and the whole Balkans would shift the sphere of influence. beside this, Russia will get a corridor to Serbia.
According to the oxford dictionary: WAR
[uncountable, countable] a situation in which two or more countries or groups of people fight against each other over a period of time.
Seems like a war to me, if the Russian plan A had not been a totally em area ing disaster it could have been called a special operation. Now Russia is at war, Ukraine is at war, Putin has said the sanctions are an act of war.
Why not call a spade a spade, can the Russians not lie and obfuscate with double talk anything?
While technically Russia has not declared war on Ukraine nor has Ukraine declared war on Russia. Were that to happen, then that would be a different kettle of fish.
The rest of the world knows how it is. The russians and their biased friends will learn too.
Don’t tell me the NATO victors of Afghanistan are getting upset!
The rest of the world knows how it is. The americants and their biased vassals will learn too.
The Ukrainians are being used in a hybrid war fought by the US against Russia for over twenty years. The Ukrainians were too brainwashed to understand that they were US puppets until it was too late. Now the country is destroyed, the state will never again exist in the pre-2014 form, the children will be war babies, the economy will be worse than sub-Saharan Africa, millions are refugees, and thousands dead. So absolutely, the US is at war with Russia, and the Ukrainian puppet has been subject to a Special Operation because the Ukrainian puppet leaders allowed the Americans to use the Ukrainian people. It’s quite straight-forward. No dictionary required.
Like the 2022 National Hockey League war and others.
Of course, it is a war, but it was not started by Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin, it was started by Olexandr Valentynovyč Turčynov on 6 April 2014.
The stingers are from the crumbling americant empire and limey land tho.
You are right. But they still work.
Too bad there won’t be anyone left alive to operate them in a few weeks.
Moderate success only.
You gave ukrobots some rope to hang themselves basically.
Slow clap…
Send them to hezbollah
Ha ha. They will eat them. They have plundred Lebanon to make missiles and whats the result. The result is visible. Even the Chritians producers has given up.
Triple the number with Russia manpad. Only when Jews homeland is burning, they will feel the pain and abstain from igniting wars.
They and I dont care half a Turkish tourist camel about what some shitty Russians says. We all send what we have. Thats mainly old stuff but even effective. By thats its no surprice thats what they have.
Putin is like comic Ali having no idea about whats going on. He not evendare to look believing in his selfcreated propganda only.
Very effective. With the US claiming that Russia was going to invade for weeks, and eight years of NATO training and supplies and special forces in the Ukraine, the Ukrainian armed forces have been absolutely smashed. Great success!
You are the one who has no idea whats going on jens.
You are so high you cant even find your dildo for your morning routine…
So these manpads should be distributed to whoever is resisting USNato occupation. When many USNato civilian planes are harmed, perhaps they will remember knifes have two edges cutting both sides.
The right is wrong and the wrong is right ,what a picture.
“On March 11, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that it is working to determine which Eastern European state supplied Igla man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs) to Ukraine.”
What do you figure the Russians already know who is responsible for the assaults against them?
Hungary delete this rocket in 2011, firing all the pieces in a Czech exercise.
I think they already had them.
Maybe Germany? They planned to send all remaining stock from Eastern Germany NVA times, where a portion was discovered non operatable anymore. Was a scandal as Germany offered only helmets before, and not promissed numbers of manpads couldn’t be delivered.
Deep down inside the most profound depths of my ruptured anus, I feel Russia will win. My Congolese friend Kabobo who entertained me last night is going to fight against Zelensky and his Nato-Nazi puppets. This convinced me once and for all.
Oh, so you will finally feel it in your head, too. It is already very close.
Slovenia or Slovakia.
Surplus sent from the UK and Canada.