“Russia Is Guilty!” Irrefutable Evidence Released

The ongoing blaming and shaming campaign against Russia launched by Euro-Atlantic structures has finally triggered some useful reaction from Russia.


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Lone Ranger

Good thing nobody believes these fuckers.
The Emperor is naked, and everybody can see it.
Last agony of a crumbling U.S. Empire.

Lone Ranger


Jens Holm

Most they show is highly correct and well prooved. But will it change things? I dont think so.

Your version of whats crumbling must be Yourself looking down. Even Hesbollah use dollars.

The main change is China making the cake to share bigger. And Your kind do absolutly nothing apart from predicting other has fiasco, so they reach You non productive low level.

I predict You soon will blame the Chinese in chinese for all Your own mistakes and Leave my world alone. They will make You work. They are not as nice as we are.

Lone Ranger

Lower the LSD Jens.
As usual, better luck next time…


Jens is on the hard stuff these days. Its the British military grade LSD called BZ, Its the substance that a the government owned Swiss laboratory found in the Scripal samples supplied by UK Porton Down.


“Based on the results of the examination, traces of the toxic chemical BZ and its precursors, related to chemical weapons of the second category in accordance with the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, were found in the samples,”

The NATO has been pouring cold water on this in an attempt to Water Board the reality, but in practical Terms the symptoms of the Scripals in 2018 and Navaleny in 2010 are essentially the same.


As a reminder, out of pure coincidence the imfamos shady + dubious Chemical Weapons Laboratory Porton Down in Wilshire UK near Salisbury, their annual budget is 50% bankrolled/financed by the AmeriCunts Pentagon.

AM Hants

Didn’t the US donate £70 million and I wonder what the conditions for the bonus were?

Why were so many double agents working around Porton Down, when the Skripals went for a stroll?


As is also the UK spy centre, GCHQ, funded by the USA :)

AM Hants

Nice to be reminded of BZ. Funny how those that published the formula for Eau de Novochok, kept forgetting the hidden ingredient, known as BZ.


I am certainly not a chemist, but I wonder if the legal compound grudgingly identified by the OPCW Navalny enquiry is a constituent of BZ?

AM Hants

I do not believe you have to be a chemist Florian, to know that things with the OPCW are not as transparent as they should be. I wonder if Navalny self administered something, for his own amusement and it backfired? If there was anything dodgy on the water bottle, why did the wife pack it with his clothes and insist it be handed over to Germany? According to some article I read today. Surely you would not take an old bottle of water, with traces of a Soviet military nerve gas with you and bearing in mind, he had not fallen ill, before leaving his hotel room, had he?


I agree, and the whole ‘plot’ has the DNA of infantile UK Cyber Warriors all over it. :)

AM Hants

I wonder if they recruit the cyber warriors from the local nursery school. Makes sense, considering what they come out with.


Their attention to detail is certainly more Cbeebies than Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy, I think AM :)


AM Hants

Ha-ha and brilliant. ‘Topsy and Tim’ – so Belingcat.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

“Even Hesbollah use dollars.” Foreign dollars, so-called petrodollars. Is not for internal use in the United States.

Jens Holm

My point is people dont use the local currency because its worth almost nothing for important matters.

catalin zt

Anglo-saxon paedophile,capitalistfascist,greedy,mutilated mind,thirsty for profits on other people’s slavery,perversepervert,build facesave face ,and sooooooo on…this is how YOU ALL ARE ,u dirty racist race!!!

Jens Holm

Like only speeder in a car:)

Proud Hindu

Russia didn’t come to save Armenia.Russia lost another ally.

Lone Ranger

1. Armenia didn’t ask for help.
2. The region is not part of Armenia, not even according to Armenia.
3. Armenian leadership is run by the CIA and soros, they treated Russia like crap.
Russia has friends and allies.
Crumbling U.S. Empire has slaves, vassals and subordinates.

Proud Hindu

Nah putin is weak thats the main reason

Lone Ranger

Your comment is*


If he was weak the US Reich wouldn’t have been in such a state of hysteria and near panic since he was elected.

Антон С

Since 2004th after arrest of thief and murderer Hodorkovskiy and pushing out many other powerful oligarchs from the country. Before this year they asked themselves often “who is mister Putin?”, if you remember that. But Who is the name of previous chinese leader.) Hu Jintao.

Lone Ranger

Wrong century, country and reality…


Nope… they are gaining an ally actually. It is all about perspective :)

Jens Holm

Most try to act neutral and are for negosiations.

catalin zt

Better continue to kiss the feet of your upper casts you tribal mokey!

Jens Holm

Much better then long lists. It includes other then Russia and Doperman Putin.

Well produced second class fun.

Steve Standley

US media and the deep state (CIA, etc) have been in collusion for decades. Look up operation mockingbird from the 70s. It’s gotten much worse since then. We are utterly immersed in lies. Our entire mainstream media apparatus, right and left, is in collusion with the deep state, and it is in-turn under the control of those with vast amounts of money. These people have an agenda: World domination. They will kill anyone and tell any lie to get what they want, and the US is the golden calf for them; the mighty sword to subdue all nations.

catalin zt

Is all about the bosses who rule this two ugly races,the anglo-saxon and the jews! And those bosses are not humans but in the order of importance they are 1 DRACO 2 REPTILIANS 3 THE GREY’S! AMEN

Jens Holm

Thats no comment.

Jens Holm

If You really is an american, You also are among those, which can change that. Thats a right You have in USA even changes can be difficult to make there too.

Your version of whats deep unfortunatly also seemes to based on I know more about USA then I do, because You make Yourself remaining in dark. Most of the deep state is made by peole, which blindfold themself even information is in the open fx here by internet.

And left and right is wrong. You should make more dimensions on USA. Fx Sanders for years has shown choises, which actualy works around the world – But You will get Biden.


Russia and israeI are intertwined. Those oligarchs who really control Russia are mostly Jewish. So people should stop looking at Russia as some kind of victim.

Антон С

Jews controls Russia, masons controls jews, masons controlled by reptilioids and reptilians are under Putin’s control.


Putin is a bitch for Satan he doesn’t control anything.

Антон С

He also controls satan, thanks for the adding.)


us is in steroid desperation so funny

Jens Holm

I dont think so. Nut they do have probæems and has to learn to decide really changes.

Антон С

“The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. They’re right around. I’ve seen Russian soldiers.” – said admiral Forestall and jumped out from window.

Tommy Jensen

Russia is not innocent. They have done Gulag and Katyn.
Therefore they should not think they are better than an American because we have dollares and they dont!