Russia Fine-Tuned ‘Tor’ Air Defense Systems To Intercept HIMARS Rockets

Russia Fine-Tuned 'Tor' Air Defense Systems To Intercept HIMARS Rockets

Tor anti-aircraft missile system. Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

The Izhevsk-based Kupol Electro-Mechanical Plant, a subsidiary of Russian air defense manufacturer Almaz-Antey, has fine-tuned the Tor air defense system to effectively intercept precision-guided rockets fired by American-made M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), the company’s Deputy Chief Designer for Repair and Upgrading Ilya Rykov said on February 8.

“The targets that we began to work on, never encountered before and had no possibility to test are the notorious HIMARS systems. Now that we have encountered them, we can fight them. Some fine-tuning has been done and now these targets are engaged more effectively,” he said in a live broadcast on the Zvezda TV Channel.

The Tor system was designed to destroy aircraft, helicopters, drones, missiles, and other precision guided weapons, flying at medium, low and very low altitudes in all weather.

The older versions of the air defense system are armed with the 9M331 missile which has a range of ten kilometers and a flight ceiling of six kilometers. However, the newer versions of the system can be armed with the 9M338 missile, which has a range of 16 kilometers and a flight ceiling of ten kilometers. While the system can be loaded with only eight 9M331 missiles, it can carry double the number of the more compact 9M338.

The United States has supplied Kiev forces with at least 20 HIMARS systems since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. These systems are mainly armed with M30/M31 series GMLRS GPS-guided rockets, which have a range of more than 70 kilometers.

The Tor is not the only system being upgraded to deal with the HIMARs. Last month, Russian sources confirmed that the software of the Pantsir-S1 short-range air defense system was upgraded to intercept GMLRS rockets.

It’s worth noting that the U.S. is now preparing to supply Ukraine with Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB). The GPS-guided munitions have more than double the range of GMLRS rockets, specifically around 150 kilometers. However, they are slower which in theory make them easier to intercept.


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North Vietanamese girl

FINALLY! It took long time, and costed many civilian lives.

Based US Vet

To be fair with NATO groupies here, I can say that Russia would have difficulties to attack NATO with conventional means. NATO has the upper hand. But if we talk nuclear, oh boy, then it’s payback time – I give you just 4 reasons: the RF has more nukes. 2-The RF has much better nukes than NATO has. And 3rd: the RF has a multilayered AD which includes S-500, S-550 among others (able to intercept enemy nukes). And 4th: in a preemptive op the RF could destroy/jam NATO satellites, thus taking control over NATO’s nukes.


Samozrejme tento stav nastal až po rozpade CCCP a po tom, ako bývalé štáty VZ prebehli do zločineckej teroristickej organizácie NATO.


Did we? We didn’t? WTF?

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

There is no need for hurry, bitch


You’re going to be crying like a little girl once Kiev is surrounded, which will happen then you’re going to run like a little bitch to Poland.

Isser Harel

Poland is the dirty diaper of the fm stooge leaders. Simpleton idiots who are cheap to purchase and keep in servitude. Give them the kick in the teeth they deserve, but make sure to be thorough.


How many 3 days do we need to surround Kiev?


Falls bakhmut, falls ukraine probably.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

Artyomovsk already fell, the orchestra is just playing with food. Why not keep grinding Nazis a little longer..

Bakhmut is not yet done making mince meat from Russian convicts.


Drug addled loon.

V for victory

I’ve seen on YT a Pantsyr intercepting an entire volley of rockets, declared being HIMARS (GLMRS?). Just for the argument.


“Rumpelstilzchen” hunting Leo&co


Prvé HIMARS Ruské ozbrojené sily zachytávali starými systémami PVO 9K37/9K37M1/9K317 Buk M1/M2 / SA-11/17. Mali ale na zachytenie cieľa veľmi krátky čas. Tak zrejme použili isté poznatky s tohto a preniesli ich do modernejších systémov PVO.

Psionists slaves of America

The weaknesses of Western weapon systems and lack of preparedness for a major war are being rby by Russia’s special operation in Ukraine When China reunites Taiwan, they will make short work of any expeditionary force trying to meddle in the South China Sea.

Nose, Nose

Being able to shoot down the missiles is good, but I’d still say you need to find a way to take out the launchers.

Good luck, Russia!

jens holm

counselor gave me condom to inter kept Sawyer and cop 3 cm penis


“Rumpelstilzchen” is a nature born LEO-killer


Knutna nävar – Hallå där bonde


The problem is that the TOR systems are being destroyed by Ukrainian drones even before they start working.
They need effective protection, but are not getting it.

Romanian whore

Ukrainian drones are burning in Latvia, moron.

Romanian whore

Very good, but more good is the accelerated pace of producing those TOR’s, the production almost cvadrupled in the past year. Also the repair facilities are very intensive and for the sake of efficiency russians moved 1 of them pretty close to frontline in Rostov area.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

Slower doesn’t mean easier to intercept. The radars are programed to ignore background clutter like birds. If it is slow enough that can be a problem.


This is the main benefit of NATO arms in Ukraine — the Russian military gains valuable experience & intel and learns how to counter them, much like how a vaccine gives you resistance against pathogens (not counting the experimental covid shot). And if even 1% of NATO weapons get captured, that allows reverse-engineering and even more benefits.

Hero Crotchcalibur

There is nothing to reverse engineer an artillery shell or Katyusha rocket, moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hero Crotchcalibur