Russia Developing Missiles Capable To Overcome Any Defense System: Putin

Russia Developing Missiles Capable To Overcome Any Defense System: Putin

Vladimir Putin

Russia is developing missiles that will be able to overcome any defense system, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Al Arabiya, Sky News Arabia and RT.

“We will work on missiles that will be able to outmaneuver any defense system. It is already clear that we will do it,” Putin said.

The Russian President noted that Russia is  developing not only improved ballistic missiles, but also other attack weapon sysystems.

“Apart from greatly improving them [ballistic missiles ], we have created other weapons that no one else in the world has,” he said.


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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i thought the avangard, and other weapons he talked about last year can already do this?

Mii Ke

No, not really, cause S500 could intercept them :P

Friend of Russia

But certainly the patriot PAC 3 can’t intercept even a sea gull


Intercepting sea gulls and storks is the area which F-35 excels in.

Friend of Russia

But F 35 pilots are terribly afraid of avian missiles ( S 200)

Friend of Russia

India has decided to cancel the S 400 deal and instead buy some birds to deal with prospective Pakistani F 35 threat


Mocking birds



Concrete Mike

LOL good one!


I am thinking he is talking about stuff the US and others are working on ( R&D ) right now. It is a brief message to the skunks works so to speak.


It’s one thing to have them, which is better than not having them. It’s another to be able to use them or not for fear of them being captured by the enemy and reversed engineered.

Toronto Tonto

More hogwash for his stupid populace , When are the cartoons going to be released .
The midget is full of shitt.


Where is the list of things this guy has promised that didn’t come true? Exactly. Compare to US presidents and their campaign promises. Exact inverse.

Otherwise why would they hate him so?