
A screenshot from the video
Russia is deploying over 100 military police servicemen from its Republic of Chechnya to Syria according to an amateur video appeared in the Social Media on December 7.
The video allegedly shows preparations of Chechen military police members before their dispatch to Syria from the military base in Hankala, a settlement near the Chechen Republic’s capital – Grozny.
According to reports in the Russian media, Chechen fighters will guard crucial infrastructure, civilian and military objects in Syria. Russian experts suggest that at least a part of Chechen fighters will be dispatched to the city of Aleppo. There are little doubts that the city will be liberated soon and the Syrian government will need assistance to improve humanitarian and security situation in the city.
Fighters from the video have arm bands of the Russian military police:
Earlier, the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced that some Chechen units already operate in Syria along with other units of the Russian Special Forces.
An alleged discipling of the mufti of the Republic of Chechnya for Chechen fighters before the deployment to Syria is also available online:
Russia should not rush to send these former jihadist Chechnyans to Alleppo. You never know what they will do! You can’t trust them fully!
“former jihadist” Where did you get that from? And if there was any reason to doubt these men, soldiers (military police) I am sure they would not have been in this position and would not have been chosen for this mission.
The way the speakers in the video clips talk and the religious quotes they are making they certainly sound having some jihadist mentality. I could be wrong, may be most are not. Let us hope for the best! I hope and pray they diligently fulfill their mission with success!
i think russia purged the whole chechenya from all it’s jihadists also there is like 2000 chechen terrorists in syria at least there was , so if there is any chechen searching for jihad i think he already got a shoot . and they aren’t all muslims if you look at the picture they have a christian priest with them
Yes, I could see the Christian priest in the picture but the words of the speaker in that same video talking about “khalid binu-walid” an ancient jihadist leader and using jihadist sentiments are bit alarming!
You don’t even know what real Jihad is It has different meanings
Yes many Different Meanings, and The Greatest Jihad is Jihad Against Ego/Emotion
Yes, Jihad had many different definitions and many doing..
If you Defend against Thug it’s Called Jihad..
If someone Taking Your Land and you Defend it it’s Called Jihad too..
And Islam Teach that Greatest Jihad is Jihad against Ego/Emotions…
He talk On History when Khalid ibn Walid is Crushing Rebels, and the Rebels is Muslim too…
Russia does a great service to .. Saudi-Arabia: the Sheiks don’t HAVE TO PAY SO MANY COCKROACHES; Their pay-checks BECOME SMALLER AND SMALLER EVERY DAY ;-)
Kadirovci never been jihadists – you mixed up something. What is today known as FSB special forces of Čečenija is actaully core of kadirovci klan paramilitary rebels that during the first war led by Ramzan’s father. During the first war they were hostile to Russian army – but they had nacionalistic/seccesionistic ideology never jihadistic.
You are right but I think in that earlier war they also had a jihadist mentality and got jihadist support from Saudi Arabia and other countries with similar mentality.
Israel controls Saudi Arabia. The Zionists and the Wahabbis have been working together for a long time against Christians and the West.
” How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ” (!!?–)
By that Globalized Soviet Union – MSM-cockroaches… even THIS SITE would be stamped as Antisemitic :-)))
Also the Kadyrow-Clan are moslems and they control everything in Chechnya ;)
Kadyrows father was assasinated by jihadists, he eat them alive!!
Kadyrov Against Russia in First Chechen because He feel disappointed by Yeltsin and didn’t like Him, because Yeltsin is Western Puppet, in 90s Russia is Almost Collapse because Yeltsin policy & Many Sectarian Violence is Spread in Russia. When Chechen got Independence, Kadyrov feel betrayed by Independence because he knows that Chechen First War is Western-Saudi Plan & Wahhabism-Radicalism is Spread in Chechen & many Foreigners Radical in Chechen. as a Sufi Sunni he think that very dangerous ( yes, i think so ). So, when Putin Become President, Kadyrov is Side with Russia & against Chechen Radical. Then in 2004, radical kill him.
You have personal experience, then why would you call them jihadist? Chechnyans are Russians and have obviously done a great job at home in eliminating jihadist and the infiltration of same.
I can understand their words in the video and they sound familiar jihadist words.
I could be wrong!
No, Defend against Rebel, whatever it’s muslim or other religion rebel, it’s called jihad too..
Western make “Jihad” words looks Negative..
Some Years ago, when Aceh separatist in Indonesia want to Separate from Indonesia and make Islamic State. I go to there or Jihad in Indonesia Side/Nationalist Side against Aceh Separatist and Now, Aceh is peaceful again !
“Jihad” is a CALL, a “push up” TO DO SOMETHING, not a term for blank religious wars. As much as I understood with my lamer-knowledge, they are plenty of Jihads: for Education, for Social Work, for Medicine.. They are called Jihad for Something, it’s not exclusively for fighting..
And Jihad isn’t even for WAR on others, is for defend yourself IF you are attacked. It was turned INTO ATTACK by some “clever” a++holes that tried to conquer territories ( a common “hobby” for Centuries by ALL a++holes that ruled over Empires. We may call the British Colonial Policy “British Jigad” , it won’t be different of that of Al-TARIK’s Jihad in Spain..)
Yes, Like That too.
And Greatest Jihad is Jihad Against Ego.
MSM Media make Jihad word looks Negatively
these former jihadist Chechnyans to Alleppo..”
And the French shall not trust the British because the British killed Jean d’Arc
That times with Chechens shooting on Russian troops are over: tzhe HEAD of the Chechen republic is an ALLY of Putin and HIS MEN ARE THE OVERWHELMING MASS OF TROOPS thathunt ahnd kill Chechen (Saudi and Qatari-paid) mercenaries in the Kaukasus mountains, Not so much the few Russian troops.
THESE MEN do in Aleppo what they did for years already at home in Kaukasus: they kill Israel’s/ saudi-paid /and many of dead-Berezovski’s MERCENARIES.
Putin#s ALLIES hunt and kill Israel’s/Saudi’s/ Jewish-Russki’s Runaway -Oligarch’s /MERCENARIES.
Hard to believe? For me it was, too and I thought exactly the same like you, being very surprized if such “finish of the Chechen-Wars”
That was so till a saw what a FRESH COUNTRY THEY HAVE NOW, how they managed to have a STATE, with Schools, Medical Care and all the other Normal Institutions in a Civilized STATE. A normal CIVIL LIFE… but jammed from time to time by that EXTREMISTIC sold-souls paid mercenaries.
Now the NORMAL and CLEVER Chechens go to Aleppo to kill the DUMB PART OF the Chechens. The same job like at home, but exercised abroad ;-)…
The Chechens in Chechnya now for the most part hate Wahhabi Chechen terrorists more than anybody else on the planet. After Chechnya had won it’s independence in the first war, the Wahhabi Chechens invaded Dagestan to try and form their Caliphate, which is what started the second war. During the second war, the Wahhabists (who were backed by Saudia Arabia, Turkish MIT, and the CIA) deliberately used their own people as human shields to try and make the Russians look bad, setting up their fighting positions right where people lived so that when Russian air and artillery support hit them they could say: look, the Russians are slaughtering civilians. They staged all the various atrocities that happened during that war to provoke Russian retaliation, again for PR, and also to scare their own people into staying committed to the war. When other non-Wahhabi members of the Chechen military councils objected to all these things, the Wahhabists, who had all the foreign money and weapons, and used this to dominate the military councils, ignored them, threatened them, or even killed them, which is how it came to be that all the other Chechens rose against them, and joined the Russians to drive them out of Chechnya. They are well aware that Saudi Wahhabism brought death, misery and destruction to their country, and it is generally looked upon as a corruption of Islam there these days. Also, you’ve got their character wrong. Chechens can be quite ruthless when fighting, but they also place great value on loyalty and personal honour. Kadyrov is very close to Putin, and Russia really has nothing to fear in sending them.
why they are using red berets?
its like the policehelmets of the US “MP” ;)
also the badge is red
you see them from far, so you can try to run!! Hahaha
I guess these are uniforms FOR AT HOME..
There they will have some GREY equipment, body-heat-detectors and rest-light-visors for the night, not to be seen in that rubble and concrete-dust, BUT to see the enemy like in a full-Moon-night .. ;-)
The Russkis have them, too, don’t worry
exacly they are MP so its not the red berets supose to be only for spetsnaz personel?
in soviet russia, red is the colour of freedom
Red is colour of tzhe Rotzhschilds. Al, that fake -Left -momements were financed and controlled remotelly by the Bankster-Mafia to get Russia’s ressorces.
Orange is Bilderberg’s and SOROS complot-colour => see Ukraine..
of corse dude thank you for this super hyper dupe valiable information keep it going smart alex ;)
Somebody has to be a little bit smart among the many strong bears ;-)
It’s like by that contest to become Soviet Militiaman : they had to push triangle into triangle-holes, round in round hole and so on with the geometric forms..
At the end, …like here on the page: 10% =intelligent, the rest of 90% =very STRONG, .. But they also managed to push all pieces into the holes; no matter how..
Interestingly enough, in Britain, the red coats worn by the soldiers of the empire date back to the English Civil War, where Parliament’s soldiers wore red, to distinguish themselves from the King’s men who wore royal blue.
Also interestingly, in America they have switched the colours: Oliver Cromwell, who chose the red coats, was part of Scottish Rite Masonry, which controls the Democratic Party. The lodges of Freemasonry that control the Republican Party were on the Royalist side.
Why are using Americans >GREEN-BERETS? Are they from the Green-party of Jill Stein? ;-)
British Airborne in WW2 had red berets , too.
See an historical movie about Arnheim /”A too far bridge” and the failed try of Montgomery to get into the Reich. There is a sequence where a British Airborne runs to get a container with supplies, dropped falsely by the US Air Force between the lines..
The British is killed by a machine-gun-fire and the container fall from his shoulder and gets opened by impact: it was full of red berets, , no food, no ammo: the poor courageous soldier died for nothing..
dont know what all that have to be with my question, i was asking because its not red berets suppose to be only carry by spetsnaz?
Not necessary only Spetznaz. Chechnya is ANOTHER Republic, inthe Confederation, so they chose THEIR OWN berets.
It could be that they coied the Spetznaz-sign, THESE guys don’t look like common infantery-troopers…. dude ;-)
Good point and yes they look tough XD
Are they Mooooslims or Christian Slavs?
they are muslims and friends of there russian brothers not slave of usa uk or west
are they speaking arab ?
they speak arabic russian and chechan
Who cares what language they speak. Important is that they clean then garbage in Aleppo :-))
Chechens are superb fighters and very loyal to their commanders. Good move to engage this unit, they don’t back down in a conflict and have respect for the rule of law which is exactly what Syria needs.
Well…. the same said THE SAUDIS about THEIR Chechens…
And in Donbas it#s the same: some Chechens are by the Insurgets and some… by Porosenko, paid by the Saudis, Qataris, George Soros & Co, I suppose
A Saudi Prince proposed shameless by one of that filthy “Peace-conferrence” (to gain TIME for the CIA-mercenaries, like everything John Kerry does => to get a new TIME-OUT by Aleppo) =>> Putin shall drop ASSAD in return of the TOTAL STOP of any Chechen-terrorists-attacks in Chechnya and Dagestan => “We control them, they do what we say”..
This reminds me a little the GERMAN tribes that fought, some for the invading Migrator Huns and for the others with them…. and some fought for the Roman Empire.
I guess Putin was very amused.. ==>more than 80-90% of the Chechens there WORK FOR HIM :-))
And Putin’s Chechens move ON DAY-LIGHT, are real Army and Police, formed a STATE, while Saudis’s Chechen-mercenaries hide in the mountains and are hunted. The Boris Yeltsin-times are over…
many people thinking why these muslim Chechen police officers from Chechnya to to ALEPPO in truth they are not just police officers they are specially trained to convert those jihadis and teach locals orthodox sunni islam which is preached in Chechnya they will set same curriculum of islamic studies in mosques and guide the locals about sunni sufi orthodox islam which helped to end extremism in Chechnya unfortunately in europe saudi made schools are created to spread radical ideology which is under the nose of uk they want these radicals to spread all over so they can use them as puppets
This ought be some fun .. if there’s anything undesirable to mess with, it would be Chechen’s.
The moosleem rabble is about to get a new course in their ‘life’.
The irony will be when we’ll see the first ISIS-boZ cought by these Chechens. And specially when they are Saudi-Arabia’s paid-Chechen mercenaries.. ;-)
I don’t guess that somebody likes to be cuffed on two tanks and tattered in the old Arab fashion ( the camels are now obsolete ;-)…)
Or you think that CHECHEN Military Police will be gentle to the traitors that kill their families at home in Chechnya and now make some stinky dollars selling their killer-instincts to the Mossad & CIA and to the Arab-Oil-mafiosi …. What dies in Syria doesn’t go back to Chechnya. ;-)…
They look like hard hard boys to me real soldiers…. go Russia !!
I was wondering where is the red line for russia to send chechens in. Well killing the nurse was!!! In times of car when somebody cross the red line cossacks came in, now the chechens. Sweat dreams jihadi rats!
I wonder where is the red line for russia to send chechens in. Well killing the nurse was!!! In times of car when somebody cross the red line cossacks came in now the chechens. Sweat dreams jihadi rats!