Russia Declassified Footage of the Largest Nuke Ever Tested

In 1961, the USSR tested the largest nuclear bomb the world has ever seen: the RDS-220, or Tsar Bomba. This hydrogen bomb exploded with the force of more than 50 million tons of TNT and caused a mushroom seven times taller than Mount Everest:

It was the largest man-made explosion in the history of the world.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Meanwhile Putin at Kremlin listening patriotic song Farewell of Slavianka

Assad must stay

nah thats your little mini hitler erdodog

Servet Köseoğlu

change your central processing unit.. we are at 2020…summer august…

Assad must stay

change yours, its not the ottoman empire anymore, torki is just a little shit country now

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont care ottoman empire…jeez…ı didnt live in that era how can ı dream,miss or imagine something connected with ottomans..’torki” is absolutely not little considering its long hands…you have odd choice…

Black Waters

Don’t do drugs mate, this inst that kind of place to talk about such things.

Servet Köseoğlu

your avatar:spawn my avatar:urizen…how did you find me?

Damien C

its a PR bomb

It can’t be used in a war without killing the pilots
If they attache parachutes to slow the fall to allow the pilots to get beyond 10 miles then it will be shot with SAM’s causing either it to fail completely or airburst too high

I suppose they could drop a smaller version on Istanbul Tel aviv and Kiev for a laugh


Yes, that would be entertaining. :)


The Sarmat is supposedly capable of delivering 1/4 of the total payload of the Tsar bomb so “only” 4 of them would be needed for the job, with no planes or pilots at risk, besides there’s drones now.


Today Kiev, tomorrow Minsk… Who knows what new friends Moscow makes


Don’t worry, whatever you are smoking, the one country that will never be dominated is Russia. One ICBM is message enough.


Depends of the economy, in 30 years the USSR-Sport still don’t have real products on the International market, selling natural resources like the Saudis.


You’re comparing the Russian economy to the Saudis?

Russia’s economy is vertically integrated …. they can produce everything they need without having to rely on an external supply chain.

They produce their own food, they have abundant water, all the energy they need, they mine their own minerals, have their own universities and scientific research facilities turning out more STEM workers than any western nation, have advanced manufacturing capabilities that can build anything from toasters to space craft, they have their own version of the internet that can be isolated from the world on command.

Name another country on earth that can do all that. Cut the Saudi’s off from imports and their back to riding camels from oasis to oasis looking for water.

You bring up the production of consumer goods as a measure of an economy. During a pandemic or war would you rather live in a country whose economy relies on selling iphones and tv’s made by a rival you are about to go to war with or a country with a resilient economy that relies on no one?


Name few Russian brands that you can find products outside Russia made by them.


“Name few Russian brand”

Boy oh boy Madison Avenue has you by the short and curlies don’t they?

You realize that brands are a marketing tool … not the measure of an economy. The purpose of a Brand is to evoke a Pavlovian response in you. Cultivating a brand is expensive …. corporations pass those costs on to you as an overhead.

So behind these brands are corporations and people from all over the world invest in these corporations. These ‘brands’ are manufactured all over the world from materials sourced from all over the world

How do you know whose money is invested in a particular brand? Russians can buy coca-cola stock just as easily as an American can.

Aside from marketing what purpose do brands serve? They contribute to an economy as a service in the form of work for advertising agencies … nothing more. In real terms brands don’t contribute anything to a product …. it’s just advertising that adds to the cost of the product you are buying.

Here are some real economic measures you should consider.

The USA runs a trade DEFICIT of $616B while Russia had a trade surplus of $175 B in 2019.

The USA has a debt to GDP ratio of 137% while Russia has a debt to GDP ratio of 23%.

The Russian economy is vertically integrated …. they can firewall their country and produce everything they need.

Those brands you cherish … made in China.


Then why are they not doing it already?


Doing what?


Stopping the commerce with other countries and living in self suficience.


Why should they? You build a fortress for when you’re under attack … you don’t just give up ground and say fuck you to the world simply because you have a fortress.

The same logic applies to nuclear weapons. Russia could end the Syrian civil war with a handful of nukes so why don’t they? They can do that but until there’s they are obviously better off using soft power and measured kinetic force to meet their strategic objectives.

Russia has a trade surplus … why give that up simply because they can survive without it?


Simply because of that thrade make the other industrial powers grow faster than Russia. They have trade surplus on natural resources. The other players use this resources to make goods and sell them adding value of work. That’s why the others have known brands, because they sell manufactured goods. Colonies had trade surplus also, selling their natural resources.


“The other players use this resources to make goods and sell them adding value of work.”

Those days are long gone in the west.

Does the US firm Apple make iphones in the USA out of materials and sub assemblies sourced in the USA? Nope.

How about Nike shoes? levis jeans? Milwaukee tools? Nope.

Are Ford or GM trucks made in the USA out of American steel and aluminum. Nope.

Western corporations are no longer national …. they haven’t been for nearly a century. Supply chains are sourced from all over the world and investors come from all over the world. manufacturing is done where labour is cheapest and regulations are slackest.

Either out of necessity because of a century of isolation or by design out of security concerns Russian industrial enterprises rarely use global supply chains. They make as much as possible in house using Russian raw materials.


How about check the exports on google and compare Russian natural resources exports to other industrialized economies?


Why is that any of your business? No one is in a race here to sell products.


Yes, all countries are in competition with each other. And humans too.

Lone Ranger

That was 60years ago.
That warhead can easily fit on top of an ICBM nowdays.


Thanks to Soviet SAMs Vietnam could contain the US Zioterrorists’ air superiority and defeat them on the ground, but like the Tsar bomba, those are things of the past. By 1973, the Soviets were already forcing Syria to withdraw from ISISrael because Moscow didn’t want to upset Kissinger’s Nickel Grass operation to save the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine, which apart from Pentagon mercenaries in IDF uniform, got nukes for the Samson option.

Lone Ranger

Its politics.
Vietnam was a major win.
On the other hand the Soviet Union had no interest in a total war in the middle east.

Lone Ranger

Blast radius was around a 100mile.
And another 150mile with major destructive force.
It could take out a small country with one shot.
Its worth to mention that the bomb was a 100MT design.
Scientists warned that a 100MT blast could cause sever damage even from that distance, so the last stage uranium temper was changed to lead to absorb fast neutrons scaling down the yield.


Just two Tsar Bombs could re-model the UK to a pile of debris :)

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and ukropnazis will cry and rage :)

Ivan Freely

A not so subtle reminder to the psychopaths that govern Western civilization. Although the original Tsar Bomba is not practical, no one should be surprised that the Russians have quietly continued the research in miniaturizing it.

Traiano Welcome

They split the Tsar Bomba into about a dozen MIRVs …


Well said.

Assad must stay

wow truly spectacular


Yes, in a sinister type of way.

Have you seen mice
build mouse traps?

Mankind is..

Blas de Lezo

That’s nothing. There’s a purpose made doomsday ship going around displacing several thousands of tons thermonuclear material ready to end life on this planet in case a first strike is successful.


It would be pretty hard to find a crew for that ship! :)


Nancy Pelosi could easily find a ‘crew’ in Congress.
They live in a ‘All American Hero’ world of Derring Do. :)

Tommy Jensen

Then people wonder why innocent Americans are trying to defend themselves against Tsar bombings of their country and their overseas military bases, only because we are defending freedom in dictatorship countries.

cechas vodobenikov

u duraks hate freedom and justice—backward savages so insecure u lose all wars—soon BLM will destroy all your plywood windows


“soon BLM will destroy all your plywood windows”



Jim Allen

US Government is NOT defending “Freedom” anywhere in the world, and especially not in USA.
US Government is the God damned terroist dictatorship, that is practicing genocide on US citizens right now, you stupid son of a bitch. And, what are you doing about that ?
Go get tested for COVID-19, and be first in line to get the vaccine. Then you’ll die happy knowing you did your part.


When propaganda meet a braindead idiot…

Traiano Welcome

Excuse me? Manhattan project? Yanks started the problem first.
Get some self awareness!


The US military is first and foremost a welfare group, Tommy :)

cechas vodobenikov

will USA ever challenge Russia? No —fearful anxious robots can only defeat island nations such as Grenada

Jim Allen

What do you think this is all about ? US Government has been provoking Russia for years now. Russia refuses to give US Government what it wishes.
This has driven US Government, and it’s masters at The City of London batshit crazy, along with some other stuff Russia’s doing. When Russia, and it’s allies respond you’ll know it.

Lazy Gamer

Did it knock the earth some distance out of its orbit? Was there any study about the spread of fall out?

Lone Ranger

It did tilt the Earths axis but only a tiny bit.
Less than the 2004 mega tsunami.
Fallout was minimal, compared to its yield it was a very “clean” bomb.
Overall around 2-3 times more fallout than after Hiroshima.
But compare their yield, 50MT vs 23KT.

Lazy Gamer

Wow. Even just a tiny bit is something. lol


Sounds incredible affecting the tilt of the earths axis but consider the earth is really just a squishy ball of molten rock flying through space while spinning like a top and the rainfall from a hurricane can depress an area of land 2 feet just by the sheer weight of rainfall and it’s kinda puny in comparison.

The earths path through space is far more dynamic and fragile than you can imagine
from the surface. I know this is kinda off topic but this little video really puts things in perspective.

Lazy Gamer

great video! Knew the concept but couldnt visualize it as cool as the video.


We humans will eventually end our own species for sure

Lone Ranger

Contrary to popular belief nukes are beneficial.
The more the better.
MAD Doctrine works.


Oh then everyone should develop one. Ukraine seems keen too, specially since Budapest memorandum is down the drain:)))). I agree with you. The more the better, lets do it.

Lone Ranger

We should leave out terrorist groups….
Only sovereign countries ;)


Yeah so Ukraine. If you oppose Ukraine that much, ok ill compromise with you. Lets go with Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Baltics, Scandinavian countries. Plenty of options here. Even Canada since the arctic is becoming important.
I agree with you, lets go for it. MAD doctrine all the way.

Lone Ranger

Baltics aren’t sovereign either.
I agree with the rest.


Interesting definition for sovereignty you have. Anyone that doesn’t hate Russia, and anyone that cannot conventionally be conquered by Russia:))) Seems like someone needs to curb the bias. But anyways, I disagree. Lets give nukes to everyone, and start with Ukraine, and focus on tactical nukes, perfect for Crimea:))))) All the way mate all the way:)))

Lone Ranger

Ukropisstan is a terrorist state run by the CIA.
Vassal colonies under CIA/Uncle Sam occupation doesn’t apply, sorry.
You know full well one tactical nuke on Crime would end Ukropisstan as a whole.
And nobody will risk WWIII for a bunch of banderanazis with down syndrome


Yes sure it is. Still lets give it nukes. Nothing will happen. MAD doctrine works right?:))))

Lone Ranger

It works with sovereign countries.
Not vassal terror entities.
It even works with North Korea.


Ok then lets give it to Belarus. Hypothetical situation: In case if Lukas leaves and pro-western government comes into power. Hypothetically they would have nukes before the government changed, so its all cool. MAD works, right?

Lone Ranger

If Loui leaves Belarus will end as a sovereign country.
Like I said, it works, but only with sovereign countries.
For example I would support Iran or Turkey getting one.
But not Saudisis, Ukropisstan or Palestine, because they are proxy colonies.
Not sovereign countries, no matter who is behind them.

Lone Ranger

The only reason the wasn’t WWIII yet is nukes.
If not for nukes there would have been WWIII and WWIV in the past 75 years.


That is not what i wrote about. What you think about Belarus?

Lone Ranger

As long as it’s a sovereign country not under CIA/bankster rule I’m fine with it.


No but, you or me being fine with it will not take away the nukes. If they have it they have it, regardless if the government changed or not. If they fall under CIA or someone else later, still they fall together with nukes. Then does MAD still apply? If it doesn’t that means WW3, if WW3 it means MAD is pointless. And everyone should denuclearize.
If MAD applies then lets give it to Ukraine:))))))

Lone Ranger

It only applies to sovereign states.
That’s why Ukraine gave their nukes back to Russia.
They knew they are on the path to become a vassal colony.


Again you avoided my questions. So I will go one by one.
Is it ok for Belarus to have nukes now? Not knowing for sure if their government will change or not.

Lone Ranger

I would wait a month of two.
If It wont collapse than yes.
Albeit I would install a safeguard, for example dual ignition and launch keys, they could only launch with Russian approval.


Giving a key of any country’s nukes to Russia would mean that that country is not sovereign and is under Russian influence. I thought you said only sovereign countries should have nukes, no?

Lone Ranger

Belorussians have no tech to develop nukes…
So they could only use Russian made ones…
It would be still a sovereign country.
Similiar to Turkey for example.
They also have nukes at Incirlic air base but can only joint launch with U.S. approval.
All that said Turkey is often going against the U.S.
Which means they are a sovereign country.


I am not talking about 3rd countries placing their own nukes at a different locations. Its about countries developing their own nukes. And its not 50s where you have to send spies to see the technology. As long as you have a civilian nuclear infrastructure (which is the first main step), the latter just is the matter of time.
But we are not talking about the technical possibility either, but the matter of MAD. So again back to the previous question.
Is it ok for Belarus to have nukes (its own, not belonging to Russia or any other country)?

Lone Ranger

As long as they are not under CIA control yes.
But its not as easy to develop the tech as you think, if it was Iran would already have it.
First Israeli nukes were Made in the U.S. for example.
They needed decades till they could manufacture their own.


Yes, yes it is hard, takes decades and etc, but with time possible. So lets move on from technical part.
So right now they are not under CIA. So they can develop nukes. Now the hypothetical situation: After they developed nukes the government suddenly changes and becomes pro-western (or under CIA or someone like that), they still have nukes though. Does the MAD apply?

Lone Ranger

MAD always applies.
If you fire your nukes at me, I fire mine at you.
Its simple.


Since MAD works, Lets have Ukraine have it. If they fire, they are fired back at. If CIA fires it CIA is fired back at. Logically it should be fine

Lone Ranger

Ukraine is not a sovereign country…


that doesn’t answer my question

Lone Ranger

I think it does ;)


Nukes for Ukrops it is then:))) Specially since its not them who violated the Budapest Memarandum

Lone Ranger

You keep repeating yourself, but you are still wtong, since Ukropisstan aint a sovereign country…
Sure they did along with the U.S.
Overthrowing the legitim givzt of Ukraine was a violation.


Thats Russias problem, i couldn’t care less

Lone Ranger

Is it?
Ukraine is a failed state and its draining U.S. andEU money not Russian.
Meanwhile EU countries dont want them…


that is Ukrainian problem, still couldn’t care less

Lone Ranger

Poland is on the fence…

Lone Ranger

There were no direct major wars between two nuclear powers.


” We should leave out terrorist groups…. ”

Does that mean that the US will have to destroy its nuclear arsenal? :)

Lone Ranger

Im a bit worried about it actually.
Once the Empire goes belly up who will own the nukes and access and launch codes, who will have control over them?


BLM could end up as a nuclear armed terror group :)

Lone Ranger

Dont give them ideas ?

Traiano Welcome

This was probably declassified in order to send the USA a clear message: “Don’t f*** with Russia or Belarus!”

Pawson Possumstein

Remotely piloted bomber.