Slow And Steady, Russia Continues To Move Forward


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Slow And Steady, Russia Continues To Move Forward

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Slow And Steady, Russia Continues To Move Forward
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Slow And Steady, Russia Continues To Move Forward

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The Russian military and forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics continue the military operations in several directions in Ukraine.

After the area near the town of Liman was secured, the Russian units began to storm the town. After massive artillery strikes on the AFU positions, the assault groups entered the town, advancing from the north-eastern direction.

As of May 24, most of Liman has already been taken under control of the Russians. Ukrainian units have reportedly taken up positions on the south-western outskirts.

Russian-led forces are advancing in several directions from Popasnaya.

Assault groups are heading towards Bakhmut. Clashes broke out in Pilipchatino.

Russian forces entered the town of Zolotoe. The AFU units were knocked out from a fortified area and a command post on the outskirts of the town. Clashes continue in the southern districts.

To the northwest of Popasnaya, the fighting reached Vasilevka.

The highway between Bakhmut and Lisichansk is under fire control of Russian forces. As a result, military supplies to the AFU grouping in Severodonetsk and Lisichansk have been complicated.

Street fighting continues in Severodonetsk. Despite the threat of encirclement, the AFU command continues the deployment of additional forces inside the city. At least two more battalions from the territorial defense formations have been recently transferred to the battlefield.

In the DPR, the Russian army and the Donetsk People’s Militia advanced in the area of Svetlodarsk. On May 23, they took control of the villages of Luganskoe and Mironovsky.

On May 24, a Russian flag was hung over the administration building of Svetlodarsk. Ukrainian troops retreated to the north. In order to slow down the enemy advance, Ukrainian sappers blew up a bridge, and made an unsuccessful attempt to destroy the dam of the Uglegorsk reservoir.

In southern Ukraine, amid ongoing hostilities, the integration process begins in the Kherson region, which is under the control of Russian troops. On May 23, a dual currency zone was officially introduced in the region. The ruble will now be used along with the hryvnia.

On the same day, Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin announced announced new military supplies to Ukraine from its western allies. Denmark will soon hand over a batch of Harpoon anti-ship missiles, while the Czech Republic has already provided Kiev with tanks, fire support helicopters and missile systems.

The US official made his statement in the evening, while in the morning the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrel, stated that the military reserves of the union were almost depleted due to the support of Kiev to the detriment of its own security.

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While Ukrainian soldiers are destroying the cities of the DPR and LPR in the east and killing thousands of people, Ukrainians in the west are dousing themselves with red paint and putting pressure on pity, while hell has been going on in the DPR for 8 years


So true it seems that the western Ukrainian population, the wanna be EU population is in complete denial and beginning to partake on the “victim” and “woke” mentality of its western neighbors and the US while completely whitewashing the crimes committed by its own army against eastern pensioners and school children from the Donbass.


The number of Civilians that died in the 8 years of the donbas war was around 3000, those are still small numbers compared to how many have died in the special operation.

Boba Lazarević

Says who? Zelensky? Gimme a break, dude.

José Oliveira

+13k deaths in 8 years of Donbass war.
+3k deaths in 3 months of Russian SMO.

It’s a good deal, if the SMO is successful in de-militarizing and de-nazifying Ukraine, brings justice to the South+East victims of Maidan bloody Far-Right coup sponsored by Victoria “F*ck EU” Nuland, and forces Ukraine to accept a peace treaty instead of keeping violating Minsk peace agreements.

Also, let’s do the full math by including all the lives that Russia saved in the Donbass by blocking the NeoNazis/Banderist final assault on the region, as we can see by the OSCE reports showing the +1400 explosions/shelling per day in the Donbass separatist civilian areas during the week BEFIRE that people asked Russia to help them.

And from the current +3k, let’s remove all those that weren’t really civilians, but people with Kalashnikov in their hands, or all the “traitors” that SBU/Azov assassinated after Russia retreated from Kiev outskirts.

Let’s also remove the actual civilians killed at their own homes, because Ukraine committed the WAR CRIME of installing heavy artillery inside the cities, in order to have human shields, and in order to use that destruction/death just for propaganda stunts in western media.

And let’s not forget all those assassinated by Ukronazis outside the Donbass, like all those TRUE HEROES (not like Stepan holocaust Bandera) that were burned alive in Odessa.
Or all those the SBU made disappear…

Can you handle all this FACTUAL math?
Of course not. Because you can’t handle the truth. The supporters of the Empire of Lies can only handle FakeNews and propaganda, from the “ghost of Kiev” that never existed, to the “theater with 1300 dead children inside” that had no one inside, and also the “13 dead heroes of Snake Island” to whom -elensky gave post-death medals despite the fact that they’re all still alive…

You can’t handle the truth of the Past.
You can’t handle the facts of the Present.
You can’t even handle a simple letter: Z


At least 14,000 civilians have been slaughtered according to the treacherous USSAN Al CIAduh owned OSCE who have been willing accomplices of the Ukrop regime from day one.

Even if it were 100 innocents slaughtered by aZoV filth in the 8 years since all parties (except Russia) pissed on the Minsk Agreement, Russia is doing the right and honorable thing. Rump Ukropland will be partitioned and defanged. That much is clear.

If you don’t get the concept of basic morality and justice for ALL then obviously you too are filth.


14,000 is the total people killed including Ukrainian and separatist soldiers. Civilian deaths, according to Russia, are just over 3000.


14,000 dead (officially) in Donbas


Great nation of Russians and all we got is Popasna breakthrough. :-(

hunter bidé lab pork !

go make a blow job too SS Zoros and catch monkey covidiotic 1984 with climate change !! or change sex and make love with your nazi rats !!! great imperial napoleonic little hitler !!!



90 bayraktars destroyed by the Russians

No, not only that, we also raised gasoline prices in America by 300% (remember Biden’s words “Putin did it”) As well as record inflation in the EU countries, and complete dissonance regarding sanctions, the 6 package has stalled, and they are being paid 100 billion euros for gas. So the successes are much more than one Popasnaya, Mariupol and the Kherson region, part of Zaporozhye and others, and a bunch of captured fascists fed by NATO. And if we take into account that Ukraine screamed that they were the best army in Europe, then the rest of Europe is doing even worse. And their weapons are burning here for a lot of money. Oh, and would not forget the food crisis in Europe and the USA, anything else? In Russia, EVERYTHING is there, both food and energy, in Russia we pay $ 40 per 1000 cubic meters. And parallel imports will bring every luxury. And there is no more petrodollar, the Sheikh of the UAE called Moscow a second home. But the gas ruble is getting stronger, 49 countries are already paying for gas to OUR banks. Is there something else? Check your feelings, young Padawan, and wipe your glasses….

Last edited 2 years ago by 90 bayraktars destroyed by the Russians
Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians there are many prisoners and surrendered prisoners, new ones every day.
there are many soldiers of the Ukrainian army who were killed and surrendered, new ones every day. These are eloquent proofs of Russian victories on the battlefield


Russia is fighting NATO – that is a lot of countries and equipment. However, Russia needs to be able to, and dimensioned to fight NATO. That is what we see going on here, the learning and adaption on the battlefield to better deal with NATO. The key performance indicators are the ability to advance and achieve the goals and objectives. That is what Russia is doing, taking on NATO and advancing bit by bit. If Russia has made sure it has the capacity to scale this and keep going, then Russia will be provably prepared for NATO, and more importantly unstoppable by NATO on the battlefield. That creates opportunities all of its own over and above the nuclear options. Russia can just keep going and liberate as much of Ukraine as it wants from the Nazi regime.


Except in an actual NATO war, the enemy will have a superior airforce, something Ukraine doesn’t have at all. Another thing is that Ukraine is mainly using old Soviet-era armament, and yes this also includes most of the support they’re getting from countries like Poland, Czechia, Bulgaria etc.


You’ve just inadvertently exposed the core issue with NATO: its massive reliance on air superiority. That works against tribesmen living in the mountains but it won’t work against a real military with advanced air denial systems. And once you can’t use rely on air superiority, the situation quickly devolves into a boots-on-the-ground and artillery grind with massive losses (as we’re witnessing now in Donbass). Have you seen all the western mercs who served in Iraq and Afghanistan complaining how the frontline is “too violent” and running back home to their wives?

In reality, if Russia and NATO ever entered a conflict, we’d likely see salvos of cruise and ballistic missiles from both sides (not that NATO has a lot of these except for the US), a few US carrier battle groups ending up on the seafloor, Kaliningrad being attacked and the situation would likely very quickly escalate to nuclear. That’s why there won’t be a hot NATO-Russia conflict.

I’m going to tell you exactly how this conflict will end: Russia will slowly grind down the Ukrainian military, dismember eastern and southern Ukraine, integrate those parts into the Russian Federation and leave western Ukraine a rump state with no Black Sea access, thereby making it permanently reliant on the EU for survival. That’s about as good as is it’s going to get for Ukraine. And there’s nothing the collective west will do about it because there simply isn’t anything they can do without provoking a nuclear war. It’s about time to stop coping on online message boards and start coming to terms with reality.

John Tosh

Do you think the morons running things in the Western intelligence services use reason?
They have had it so good for decades that their brain has developed inertia. It cannot process new information. It simply does what is has always done.


I agree with you the result will be a Confederation of Novorussia the question will be how much east of the Dneiper River will it be


How much east of Dnieper depends of Zelensky. If will call serious. Negotiations after he will already loose everything, then everything will remain in Russia hand.
If he will be prepared for peace before then it will loose less


Kierkegaard, Putin clearly said in his personal TV address shortly after the war (as well as in later appearances) that Russia has no plans to occupy Ukraine’s territory. If we disregard Donbas and only look at Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, they are both OUTSIDE Donbas and are both being occupied. They’re even apparently force-switching currencies to rubles now. That sounds like an occupation and an eventual annexation to me. So, does that mean your führer Putler was LYING? I thought you people claim only the West is lying. lol

Last edited 2 years ago by Boggs

I disagree. Russia cannot afford to let Ukraine be a swamp for ongoing insurgence and terrorism even as a rump state. Russia needs to completely demilitarise and denazify the whole of Ukraine. Then it needs to impose its countersanctions on Europe. No more oil, gas or agriculture. Anything else paid in rubles.


Russia ready for NATO? Hahhaah. That’s like an ant being ready for an elephant. LOL


which of the 2 is the ant ? the UK-US led nazi ? or the bear defending his cubs and territory ?


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Last edited 2 years ago by AngelaGarcia

the remainder of Donbass not liberated is entirely encircled by Russian DPR troops—ukies that do not retreat will be obliterated


The US has every interest in keeping this war going. The economic war is total! There is the supply of everything possible to Ukraine. If they can, they even sent nuclear weapons to these crazy people!


No way nukes,seens russia may obliterate usas in due process,worse yet with their failed reply!


Ukraine is winning everywhere!
But Russia is gaining ground everywhere!



I agree with slow but not steady. Russias army is under performing on all levels and must leave Ukraine asap if peace is to be achieved.

The maharaja

Right , they Russia now control about 20% of the territory of Ukraine. Its Russian land now , they are putting up Russian flags switched to Rubles and areas under Russian control will soon be part of the Russian federation. The only question left is how much will Russia take. Well that and how many dead Ukies will there be? Thats the reality! The only Time the UAF has ever taken ground in this war was when the Russians first decided to leave it. Not one single advance on their part in any strategic sense. Only retreat and surrender.


So was Putin lying when he said in his TV address that Russia has no intention on occupying any Ukrainian territory? I thought the West was the lying one. lol


History records these FACTS :

BOTH Napoleon and Hitler took Ukraine who’s hosts were using HORSES for transport took Ukraine in far less time

So the ONLY reason why Russia who has JET POWERED WARPLANES and TRANS -Continental BOMBERS is unable to take the ground is due to one thing

The FOOLISH and FAILED ideology of Pan-Slavism which treats Ukrainians not as a THREAT to Russia but as forlorn cousins

When a REAL ARMY with REAL MILITARY OBJECTIVES would have BOMBED EVERYTHING on the Roads and Rails WEST of the Dneiper river

joint smuker

No shock and awe.


Just boom and then TOTAL subjugation of the enemy and full control.

Be the good.

If not concerned about the civilians, i think the war was over and i dont think you can see the idiots zelensky anymore.




Your lust to kill lets me suppose you are ENGLISH Nazi. The thread is UK-US-NATO-Nazi Empire. Most Ukrainians speak Russian and feel Russian ( outside Galicia ) , without the 2014 Victoria Nuland coup , no war could ever have happened here.

90 bayraktars destroyed by the Russians

Erdogan is furious, the truth is revealed, bayraktar is bullshit. Mariupol has been liberated, the underground thousand turned out to be ordinary earthworms. The Svetlodarsk arc surrendered without a fight, the Bandera cannibals wanted to undermine the dam and flood several villages. apu terrorists, honestly it would be better to be orcs (orcs at least do not exist) but maniacs and terrorists are in Ukraine in the Ukrainian government


the slow steady senile decline by Jens and his hillbilly conpaneros matches the steady Russian progress in Ukraine and elsewhere—God blesses these morons with laptops



Yesterday morning the Russians were fighting in Severodonetsk, with all the pundits talking if or not if they would be to Soledar in a week or whatnot.

Yesterday evening the Russians were in Soledar!!!

Seriously, is this slow? In a country as big as Ukraine? And with a force of max 200 thousands.

The muricans took 800 thousands and a coalition of dozens of nations, bombed Iraq night and day, destroying civilians infrastructures, were fighting against an army that wasn’t trained, armed and fed like the ukronazis are. And Iraq is much smaller than Ukraine!


The Russians have to carry out a surgical military operation with minimal civilian casualties. If they had acted according to the US methodology, the war would have already ended, but the whole world would have condemned Russia


What is, or was, surgical: in Bucha?Marioupol? Irpin? Popasna? Marioupol? Severodonesk?
These surgical strikes to save the civilians is just a sad propaganda.
It’s what they did in Chechnya and Syria: you destroy absolutely everything until people give up because there is nothing anymore to defend or protect, just cities in ruins, empty but full of the smell of deaths…
By the way, the US did that too a lot, but this is no excuse or reason!

Never, ever, betray your brothers, friends and supports…

Karma is a bitch!


LOL that Aziz moron is totally delusional. That’s exactly what Russians are doing. They can’t afford smart munitions so they’re carpet bombing whole cities. That’s what they’re known for. Get your head out of your ass, lol.


The whole world condemns Russia now. But I respect Russia’s compassion on the citizens. They have got to know, after theJewish Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in 1917, that the Jews, and their servants the Masons, have no compassion for anyone. The Russians shouldn’t give the international press the time of day. They surely know who owns them. When any news organization lies, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And if their lies are against the country where they reside, they should be prosecuted for treason.


Geriatric, smelly old clown aka “Josep Borrel, stated that the military reserves of the union were almost depleted due to the support of Kiev to the detriment of its own security.”

The Pedovore Politburo “running” the evil EUSSR for its chosenite masters in the angloZionaZi empire of shit will fight the Russian Bear, like the Ukroppers themselves to the last idiot.

Onward down the Western “democratic” toilet.


So the gringos exited Boy Scouts dogs have depleted their stock of new and old military trash. What a magnificent gesture to the military industrial complex of the gringoland, never in 75 years will business be so fruitful. Continue to send all trash to Ukrainians, they will pay as new, and all Europeans will pay 50 year old trash sent as new one, and will pay again for the new orders. What a bunch of morons these eurolemmings.
The Dane’s must be thought a lesson.


We want to assist a Uranus operation part 2.
Urra! Once again crushing nazos to their surrender!
Expedite, expedite.
Let them stay with their lost victories medals.


I sincerely hope that when this war ends, Russia post international search warrants for the Georgians clowns that assassinated wounded POWs while laughing including those with their hands tied in their back and proudly put in camera.
If these animals are caught they must be court martialed to the world to see and dealt with prejudice. And add to this the animal that shoot the legs of another POW
. These war crimes must be dealt the same manner.


Slowly and steady Russia is moving towards Western Europe.


Just came across this article in the US publication “Military Today,” on the Supposedly “game-changing” M777 towed howitzer:

Article states that the unit cost of the M777 is just over $5 million per each. The GPS-guided M582 Excalibur round reportedly cost between $214,000 and $22 million per each round, depending on the source you look at. And the M&& needs a crew of 8 to operate effectively, with a minimum of 5 crew to just do the basics. Reloading is manual, not by mechanical rammer like so many guns. Wonder how many blow up because the minimally trained VSU and mercenary troops don’t swab the bore properly or otherwise mishandle all that propellant and high explosive…

Doing the math, it looks like these “game changers” will eat through the actual funds appropriated for military aid to Ukraine by the slobs in the US Congress in pretty sort order.

How much is a GRAD, or the Russian artillery pieces and their ammo, I wonder?


this progress inversely matches the slow steady senile decline of the moron nazis that amuse us at SF—Sawyer Jonny, free tinker, rames, Hans, jens etc

I'm Orthodox Christian & I support Russia.

Slowly but SURELY Russia will achieve its objectives.
