Two destroyed Turkish Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks after a battle with ISIS in northern Syria back in 2016.
Russian Kornet, Vikhr and Ataka anti-tank missiles as well as 125 mm Mango armor-piercing shells can effectively destroy German-made Leopard 2 main battle tanks set to be delivered to Ukraine, Russia’s state tech corporation Rostec told TASS on February 1.
“The Leopard 2 is a modern and well-protected vehicle but cannot be called invulnerable. Combat experience has shown that these tanks can be obliterated even with old man-portable anti-tank missile systems that are considerably inferior by their performance to weapons operational in the Russian Army, in particular, Kornet anti-tank missile systems,” Rostec told the Russian news agency.
The corporation was likely referring to the tank’s bad experience in Syria, where at least eight Leopard 2A4s of the Turkish military were destroyed by ISIS terrorists with Soviet-made Fagot and Konkurs guided missiles in 2016.
Compared to Russian tanks, the Leopard 2s lack explosive reactive armor (ERA), which will make them more vulnerable to high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) guided missiles and tank-fired armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS) shells.
“The German tanks will surely be knocked out by 125 mm Mango shells, regardless of the angle of their hits: a tank will be destroyed, if a projectile hits its front armor or its side. The Russian Army operates T-90M Proryv tanks that outshine the Leopards in terms of some performance characteristics and can effectively fight them,” Rostec stressed.
The Mango APFSDS shell has a double tungsten alloy rod sheathed in low melting point alloy covered with steel, that was designed to increase penetration against non-explosive reactive armor like the ones protecting the Leopard 2. It can penetrate at least 430 mm of armor.
Meanwhile, the latest version of the laser-guided Kornet missile, the Kornet-EM, is armed with a tandem HEAT warhead that can penetrate 1,300 mm of armor after ERA.
The air-launched, laser-guided Vikhr is armed with a similar HEAT warhead that can penetrate at least 1,000 mm of armor after ERA. The Ataka, which is guided by radio command and can be fired from ground or air, is also armed with a tandem warhead with a penetration capability of up to 950 mm of armor after ERA in its latest version.
Last month, German Chancellor Scholz formally confirmed plans for an initial transfer of 14 Leopard 2A6s to Ukraine, where the Russian military is currently conducting a special operation.
Berlin also announced that it would allow for the reexport of Leopard 2 to Ukraine by partner states. This has made it increasingly likely that Ukraine will soon receive Leopard 2 tanks from Poland, Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal, and others. The total number announced is between 40 to 44 tanks.
With Russia’s highly-capable anti-tank means, the Leopard 2s will not likely provide Kiev forces with an edge in the battlefield. These tanks will only make up for some of Ukrainian losses and prolong the conflict in the country.
The fact that those Turkish Leopard 2 Tanks were destroyed by the weak and pathetic ISIS, just goes and shows that no matter how “advanced” the Tank may seem on the western media or on paper, it is always possible to destroy it, I mean if ISIS could destroy them, what is stopping Russian drone or missiles from obliterating them?
Isis was not weak and pathetic it was the same as asov in ukraine, the kla in kosovo or the oluja/ blijesaz in croatia. A western trained and equiped armed regional force wich did the bidding of the usa.
The only difference with Isis was that it was a product of the bush government named project surge and the obama government abandoned them and stopped paying them. And since all they had ever learned was fighting and killing thats what they did to earn money.
Interesting question is what will the ukrainian militias do after the war is over as well as the russian mercs. All potential new selfmade problems.
I think the Russian Mercs will go on to new missions. They are the golden boys now of Russian Military Foreign Policy. Will most likely be redeploy to Africa and Middle East. There is even rumors that the have contracts lined up to train certain states militaries with the information they have received in Ukraine, either focus on Iran, Africans and South American states. Though these could all just be rumors
Russia and Germany will both rise again as great powers.
After this Germany may not even exist,they made themselves bitches of the US Reich.
They will rise, just like Turkey and Iran will rise again.
I agree, Cromwell. The fate of Germany is in the hands of the German people were largely emasculated post WW2.
Fighting for ZOG is not the way to seize back German sovereignty
Germany wont till it rids itself of the US mill stone around its neck.
The Americans will be happy to have a pool of Ukretard jihadis just as they were happy to have the radicalized Moslems. I have a cousin who is friendly with a former Special Forces soldier. These guys don’t often put two and two together, as military folks don’t, but the guy was puzzled by the fact that they were rounding up the same Jihadis in Libya that they had Afghanistan. These same radicalized freaks were then unleashed in Syria.
The fact that the Russians have to keep coming out in press conferences and relaeasing article after article in the news, tells me that the Russians are deeply concerned about NATO tanks! Oh yeah, by the way, f*** you Clyde I hate you!
Of course you do. You’ve been inculcated with some retarded Ukrainian Nationalist rubbish and reality is clashing with that silly nonsense. It’s called “cognitive dissonance”. Very uncomfortable. So you fixate on me rather than change your beliefs.
The American neoliberals are bad. The German nazis were bad. But do you know something? The Stalinists are also the same evil.
Yup and they are waiting in the wings to replace Putin. He’s a moderate whatever that means in the current climate…
Fuck-o, Stalin has been dead for seventy years. What in the name of Jesus H. Christ makes you think that anybody is a Stalinist? You can’t even come up with a single historical document to support your infantile Holdomor sentiments. Just pathetic.
I am infantile, while you say fuck-o, derp and Ihor all time. Since you deny the Holodomor you are Stalinist.
Don’t sell yourself short. You’re not just infantile, you’re also apparently quite ignorant of basic principles of logic. Show me a single document that supports your silly belief in the absurd Holodomor tale.
I am totally supportive of Russia in the SMO. However the Holodomor is very real. When the jewish Bolsheviks met resistance to the collectivization of farms they murdered and starved a significant portion of the Christian Orthodox residents of several large regions. I accept that some quibbling about the total numbers is merited but denying it is absurd or just propaganda. Not only is documentation available to prove this ( just go look FFS ) I have personally met people who lost direct family members to it. Be careful to not lose your own humanity in your rush to condemn those you oppose. The people of both the Ukraine and Russia don’t deserve this conflict. All wars are banker’s wars and this one is for the zionist evil empire and sadly the blood of the Ukrainian’s are just the grease on the zionist pigs trough. Onward to the final victory, Z.
As always, any of you stupid cunts babbling about the imaginary Holodomor are encouraged to produce a single piece of evidence to support your absurd beliefs. Put up, or shut the fuck up.
See? Everybody recognizes it. Now you should deny the gulags, the killing fields of Cambodia and the excesses of the so called “cultural revolution” in China also.
I have shown you but you refuse to listen. Your “logic” is trolling.
ISIS, Azov and UCK are not that strong but they are fanatic and can go to great lengths.
Riesiger Unterschied , für einen Laien.
Peoples here are obvious mostly noobs in military matters. A4, A6, A+++, and all other shit you can list have the same TOP armour, to say only one thing about that shithole wunderwaffen. And there is only counted in MILIMETERS, like any tanks on earth. A KRASNOPOL will open that trash can like a hot knife into butter. I can mention another 6 point list with same vulnerabilities for it. No big fking difference.
ba ce destept esti tu .. de ce nu te duci voluntar sa le arati cum sa le distruga la fata locului ?
Why the Germans were allowed to produce tanks after WWII?
They always have. East Germany made Soviet tanks. West Germany made NATO tanks. The pracrice never ended. Germany ceased to exist in the immediate aftermath of ww2. The modern day Germany isn’t the same Germany as during ww2. The current iteration is a puppet of the west. Willing to go against its own principles and domestic needs for a foreign power on the other side of the world.
It is not surprising to see that the Russians, 70 years later, continue with the same narrative and the same rhetoric is not surprising, it is surprising to see that they remain the same cowardly and frightened people who do not have the courage to fight for freedom, the greatest country in the world given over to a bunch of terrorists, who runs Russia????
“Although corporate media inundate us with stories of Russian aggression, far fewer people are aware that the Ukrainian government itself has been using the fog of war to move against certain sectors of its own population, settle scores, and attempt to revolutionize society.
These attempts have been led by President Volodymyr Zelensky himself, who, in recent months, has banned more than ten political parties (including the main opposition bloc), made trade unions illegal, outlawed Russian language, music and culture, and proclaimed his country open for business to Western investors.”
Ihor, you really suck at trolling.
Thats one of the more sickening things about all this,the Western filth in the MSM have not reported the facts since 2014,they are complicite in every single death in Donbass,they are scum.
There appears to be a swarm of Ukie Trolls who vote down Russian leaning comments on Southfront.
UK 77 Brigade perhaps?
I voted you up, Cromwell.
Russians talk too much.
Russia needs to prepare for these tanks to fight to cut the land corridor and really reinforced mariupol for a fight, nato would need that to prepare for fighting in Crimea.
Which planet do you live on?
All 51 HIMARS were destroyed by Russia. The same fate awaits the Leopards!
Poor li’l Ukretard, crying tears of rage! How many dead Ukrainian military personnel since the US coup, Ihor? How many Russian soldiers on territory that was part of the Ukraine at the time of the coup, Ihor?
Ukranian foreign ministar visits France at the moment, He will want sending f16 fighter jets from Macron
The A7 will be equipped with manpad protection from Israel
Derp and derp again!
Looks like NATO is always finding new ways for their dum Ukrainian cannon fodder to meet death in ever more painful and horrific ways. Imagine how painful it must be when those poor Ukrainian conscripts breath vaporized metal and get cooked off inside those Leopard metal coffins.
Most of those who will crew the nato tanks will I would expect be rushed through a hastily and I’ll managed training programme. It will be a challenge for them to control these Western tanks on normal conditions let alone in a conflict environment. I would expect nato tank crew losses to be high more than 50%before they even encounter a Russian tank in short these Western tanks will be useless
I remember when Israeli tanks were annihilated by Russian SAGA wire guided anti tank missiles in the Yom Kipur war,i also remember Israeli tanks were reduced to scrap metal in Lebanon last time they tried their luck in 2006 with KORNET missiles,bring it on Nazis.
Abra-ham-hams and other crap wunderwaffen are nothing else than a piece of shit, like any other T72 when encounter a Krasnopol, a Vikr Alligator or a Kornet ATGM’s, period. The problem is not how to destroy one, but how to CAPTURE one intact. in my opinion I should give 1 million dollar for such record. An entire ameriscum armor technology doctrine will be KAPUT for at least 2 decades by now. For that reason they are not in a hurry and pressed the Scholz modern nazi little whore to do the first step with Leopard, to see what’s happen, how the world public opinion will be upcrumpled and horrified when first Krasnopol will open this trash can like hot knife into butter. And not to mention the historic HUMILIATION of the all ‘collective west’ shithole.
Dear Romanian Lady,
You are partially right. There is one technical detail: Krasnopol is capable to hit moving target only to speed limit of 34 km/h of this target. Leopard with 1500 hp engine is capable moving 54 km/h in moderate terrain and over 70 km/h on road. So Vikhr and Kornet are safe bet.
No matter who builds it, if you drop a big enough bomb on it, the fuel economy and handling will definitely be affected. Missiles are the order of the day, along with thermal imaging and synthetic vision and so on. Russia is really good at blowing stuff up. People, too. War is war, and Russia won’t play with their food.
I would expect the Russian military to form specialist anti-tank formations as a Fast Response that also coordinates with Russian helicopter gunships
You don’t think that the Russians have been dealing with Ukrainian tanks for a year, and the republicans for nine? The NATO uzed carz hardly require some new operating paradigm.
there are tactics for tanks to improve their war survivability in combat.
some are simple, by just digging down a tank in a hole just leaving the
gun and turrets free to spin and fire. it is harder to get hit by missiles
or troops fire. obviously, they should be able to rapidly move and manuever.
it also depends on foot infantry for protection.
Looking forward to skinned and grilled “leopards” out on the Ukrap plains not to mention those big old amerikan juice abra Ham$…they grill really nice.
Meanwhile Odessa awaits liberation in the spring time.
Z and lots of it until this canceroUS Natostan tumor is burned benign.
And 1 Brave Iraqi citizen with a potassium Nitrate bomb in a burlap bag can destroy an abrams from the belly pan whilst crew sleeps. video prob still on youtube. it might be titled “how to lose a multi million dollar tank to a sand flea with a fert bomb” .
That’d be a wreckage after being hit by a Kornet, we all know that. It is common knowledge.
Leos will buuuuuurn lol
Just like at Kursk in 43 whatever the little lapdog Zelensky and his puppeteers are planning a big push to nowhere his panzers will be roman candles in no time