The Ronin: New Ballistic Helmet By Devtac

The Ronin: New Ballistic Helmet By Devtac

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Japan’s Devtac company showcased its Ronin Kevlar Level 3A Tactical Ballistic Helmet at Defense & Security 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.

The helmet is able to stop a 44 magnum bullet while providing a 160° field of vision. According to the developers, it is being tested by some members of special operation units, including SWAT teams.

The Ronin: New Ballistic Helmet By Devtac

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The Ronin may look like an airsoft mask, but it is an actual ballistic helmet providing NIJ Level 3A protection. The overall weight of the helmet is 4.85 lbs. The Ronin helmet is made of kevlar, featuring 7mm additional cheek panels which are held in place by neodymium magnets. The use of magnets allows to quickly detach one of the cheek plates if you opt to have a better cheek weld on the firearm. There is also an NVG mount on the forehead portion as well as Picatinny rails on the sides for attaching accessories such as flashlights. It also has replaceable lenses. There is a built-in system that prevents fogging of the lenses and an optional ventilation system attachment for the head.

Devtec, based in Yokohama, Japan, started off as an airsoft company, when Wesley Shibata started making his own masks in 2004 as an airsofter because he found the masks on the market were of poor quality. He began to research not only facemasks but ballistic helmets as well. Over the last 8 years Devtac has invested heavily in the R&D of ballistic safety. With the Ronin, the Yokohama-based company begins its long-ambition to become a major contributor to ballistic protection products.

The Ronin: New Ballistic Helmet By Devtac

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Getting punched in the face is better than having your brains blown out the back side of your head. If you inflicted the same level of damage with a hammer blow while wearing the helmet. It probably wouldn’t be a very pleasant experience.

When I got hit just below my left eye with a beam weapon shot. It went through the vehicle that I was in without damaging it before it took out part of my face and messed up the teeth and upper jaw underneath the entry wound scare. Which makes me think that it was an off planet rather than a terrestrial sequestered technology weapon. I haven’t determined whether the shooter was an earth person or ET.

At this stage I’m not running armor or camo on contact ops. Just offensive kinetic energy weapons with some electronics for targeting. Primarily for deterrent and defensive purposes. I stopped contact work a couple of months ago, after resuming it from a multi year hiatus, pending an equipment upgrade. After the close encounter with an unidentified life form or forms during a wilderness contact op on a high plateau entrance to an 800 foot deep mountain top basin that could serve as an remote LZ for ET/ED rendezvous.


Sorry to hear that you got hit.
Have you documented this? The vehicle, medical records, x-ray, location.
I have no idea what an ET contact op means. If that’s what I think it is, you’re going to shake and destroy the foundation of all human beliefs. Please elaborate.


The doctors, a dentist and a plastic surgeon, gave it the vampire cross, stay away, we don’t want to lose our license. So much for the Hippocratic oath. I have security clearances, weapons permits, etc.. So I didn’t push it. There was nothing that they could do anyways. I chewed my food on the other side of my mouth for over a month. It was a year to get pain free.

Everything has been documented privately. I don’t publish it for obvious reasons. We’re going through a transition to becoming ETs ourselves. We need to face the truth of where we’ve been and where we’re going. Where the foundation is lies, it is what it is. I’m not a shock jock. I just want a better future for everyone.

An ET contact op is meeting and interacting with ETs.


So we can’t examine the documents.
Thank you anyway for the explanation.


You’re welcome, it’s all true.


Do you have more photos of this or videos websides for it. I would like to know more.


Yes, I have photos similar to what’s shown here from the Meier case, from my own experience that I’m not currently releasing publicly for security and privacy reasons. I don’t have a website. My goal is progress, not fame. There are plenty of people doing disclosure. There are very few working on negotiations between ETs and our governments as I am. Trying to bring about our safe and peaceful transition into becoming an ET race ourselves. There are factions opposed to that who want conflict and problems instead. Because that’s what they’re into. So dealing with that is part of what I’m working on.


I’m sorry, that’s too much to sink for me.
I guess that’s because of my skeptic nature, my need of evidence, need to touch and all


I could provide emails, etc., but it would serve no useful purpose to publish it publicly at this time.


Any useful things to know for those who want to counter and abduction attempt?


I carry a gun and if it looks like a lead up to problems I try to get away from them. If you’ve been selected for contact there’s usually an escalatory phase prior to it where you get a heads up that there’s ET/ED interaction. Such as electronics starting to malfunction, abnormal sights, sounds and thought patterns, etc..

It similar to interacting with other sentient and animated life forms like an animal, person, machinary etc.. Except you’re dealing with higher technology and IQs. Some biological, some computers. So far I’ve avoided an abduction attempt. And don’t have any missing time that I’m aware of.

I’m looking for positive contact. If the lead up is questionable I disengage rather than risk problems.


Once you go public, these are some of the issues that you have to deal with:

“UFO photographs:


A series of UFO sightings in Gulf Breeze, Florida that have taken place since 1987, but the most concentrated period of sightings was between November 1987 and May 1988 and were centered around Ed and Frances Walters. During this period, Ed claims that aliens have attempted to abduct both him and his wife using a blue ray, but failed. He also claims that he knew when another encounter with a UFO was imminent because he would feel a humming noise in his head. When he got this humming noise, he would rush out with his camera and would take a picture of the UFO, which would be waiting for him in the sky. The Walters took a total of forty photos with various cameras over that period and all of them were evaluated by various scientists and were proved that they were not faked. The most impressive photos included a blue ray that was used to transport people to and from the UFOs, a UFO photographed that was partially obscured by a tree (very hard to fake) and also the same UFO hovering above a highway with a reflection on the road of the bright light on the underside of the UFO.”


The problem I have with these claims is that they usually don’t accompany suitable evidence, no clear footage, no objects and just blurry images.
One of the best documented UFO encounters I believe is the 1976 Tehran UFO incident, and with the all the documents it’s still considered an Unidentified Flying Object, meaning no clear origin.
There are all kinds of websites with various stories, which I stopped reading a long time ago because I never saw any acceptable proof, so I remain skeptic.


What’s on this thread has either been authenticated in testing laboratories suitable for judicial quality evidence, or I took the pictures myself. I was shown pictures of ships at the Semjase Silver Star Center that are as clear as day. You couldn’t get better quality pictures if you walked out in the parking lot and took a picture of your car with your phone. If a picture has been reproduced there’s a degradation of quality. If you would decide a court case with similar evidence, it should be suitable for determining the authenticity of ET contact.


I’ve been in this building. This and many similar photos have never been duplicated or disproven:


What’s this?


It’s a Plejaren scout ship hovering in the parking lot of the Semjase Silver Star Center in Switzerland.


In the pic near the building what does the red ellipse point to?
And do we have footage of these things or just pictures?
Because I saw fake pictures of similar shape objects and their “making of”, throwing a hubcap or a similar object like a Frisbee or image manipulation and superimposition.


It looks like a hatch on the side of the ship.

Fake pictures don’t pass laboratory analysis. The Meier evidence has been extensively tested to judicial standards and has passed:

“Photographic analysis was performed on Meier’s photographs and films in the late 1970s when Meier first started to publish his photographs. In 1978, a report titled “Preliminary Photo Analysis,” written by physicist Neil M. Davis at Design Technology in Poway, California, provided test results of an analysis of one of Meier’s controversial photographs. Using microscopic examination, density contour plots, examination for evidence of double exposure, photo paste-up, or a model at short range suspended on a string. They state “Nothing was found to indicate a hoax” and concluded, “Nothing was found in the examination of the print which could cause me to believe that the object in the photos is anything other than a large object photographed a distance from the camera.””—1964-to-present.html


UFO – Billy Meier – 1981 April 3 – Extraterrestrial Beamships – Bachtel …
Video for UFO – Billy Meier – 1981 April 3 – Extraterrestrial Beamships – Bachtel, Switzerland▶ 1:08


This is what the drives sound like:


Ship in flight from the Meier case:


One more thing if you say we are getting ET`s ourselfs do you mean by Gene manipulation or just Flying exploring getting the license to fly to andromeda?


Probably both. Transportation being the primary means. But with the mastery of materials science at the molecular, atomic and sub atomic levels necessary for super lumen faster than the speed of light travel between stars. Comes advances in medical science for life extension and enhanced genetic capabilities. Telekinetics, telepathy, etc..


Thank you for your work, Richard. Sounds to me that a safe and peaceful transition is better than conflict and problems. I understand that some nations have take the ‘attack mode’ approach to contact rather than cooperation.


I think that technology harvesting from crash retrievals is part of it. In terms of hostilities towards ETs. But it goes beyond that to a policy of non compatibility with positive ETs by earth factions that want hegemony, domination and exploitation of both earth people and ETs. These are high IQ ETs who look at the misbehavior of some earth governments and factions as a red flag that they view with caution and limit their interaction accordingly.

I also don’t think that all ETs are problem free either. And that there are good and bad ETs just like there are good and bad elements here. So it’s necessary to play the cards that are being dealt without preconceived misconceptions or assumptions.


This is an antique, though operational, off planet Plajaren beam weapon held by Eduard Meier:


This is the same weapon held by an ET human female:


This is the tree that Mr. Meier shot with it, I’ve been to his place, the Semjase Silver Star Center in Switzerland. The ETs have been there too. Including the lady in the above picture. This is a thermal weapon. What I got hit with was some type of non thermal dematerialization beam. If it had been turned up higher I’d be dead. The weapon above can cut down trees if you hold the trigger down and sweep it from side to side:


This is a picture that I took at the driveway entrance to the star center:

John Whitehot

do you happen to have a DAO Ruger? can’t remember the model, but the same of the one in the pic, only in DAO version? I’m interested in its performance.


The Keltec on top is DAO, the Rugar on the bottem is both double action and single action. I don’t have a DAO Rugar. My other pistols are an H & K 26.5 mm single shot break action flare gun, a CZ-52 in 7.62 x 25, which is a bottle neck sub machine gun round, and a Keltec P32 .32 ACP (automatic Colt pistol).

Which is my primary carry piece do to it’s light weight and small size. A head and chest magazine dump at close range will stop most aggressors. Or at 8 shots, one in the chamber and 7 in the magazine. It’s enough for double taps, 2 to the head and 2 to the chest, for 2 aggressors. I also have 10 round extended magazines for it.

In the woods I carry the 9mm or 7.62 x 25 for large predatory carnivores like wolves, mountain lions and bear. The Tokarev round for the CZ-52 at 1,700 fps could be effective against brown bear. Because it has a lot more penetration than the 9mm. The 9mm will stop most black bear and is effective at close range against wolves and cat.

These are the actions for the guns in the picture:

“One of the lightest and flattest 9mm pistols ever made, the PF-9™ is also one of the most concealable. This semi-automatic has a double action only firing mechanism”

“Light double-action and crisp single-action trigger pulls. External hammer is designed with a rounded spur for easy cocking and single-action shooting.”

John Whitehot

jeez, a .22,

I thought it was a niner, and was asking about the sr-9 DAO model (saw it now at ruger website).

Thanks for the information mate


There are threaded barrels, factory suppressors and sub sonic ammunition available for it. For circumstances when you don’t want to cause a disturbance.

John Whitehot

“and sub sonic ammunition available for it”

k, but i never heard of supersonic pistol ammunition.. how do they explain it?


A bullet traveling below the speed of sound doesn’t break the sound barrier and create a ballistic crack mini sonic boom. They’re a lot quieter.

John Whitehot

i know i know.
but pistol rounds have always been subsonic.

you wrote they sell subsonic rounds like they normally sell supersonic ones.


A lot of the pistol ammunition with light bullets or hot loads is over 1,100 fps, which is the speed of sound. Even out of a pistol. My SR22 is the 5 inch long slide. Adding a suppressor can increase the velocity.

BBTI – Ballistics by the Inch

John Whitehot

nice info, thanks




This will need some extensive training to get used to if it’s going to be used by special force. I can’t imagine a hit to the head in this won’t stun the user anyhow. Plus it’s going to be heavy to move around and put considerable stress on the neck.




The testing video of it receiving .40 handgun rounds look like your skull would be fractured, badly.

Maybe improve your survival odds but unlikely to fight another day what with the paralyzing headaches and adult diaper.


With something like that on your head, you’ll probably shoot like Star Wars’ Stormtroopers.


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Jaime Galarza

The countermeasure won’t be pretty.

John Whitehot

wow. Hope they’ll sell it on ebay :D

Solomon Krupacek

The same bullshit like russian ratnik. 1-2 weeks ago was here fake video with woman.

so guys, IF somebaody steps on landmine, will not run, but fly beacuse of blast. but maybe, the ranik shoes are made from material of neutron stars …

Nei Eduardo De Paula

You prove that the video is fake? Have you weared and tested ratnik to achieve this conclusion?

Solomon Krupacek

i dont need to be shoot and i know, that kalshnikovs bullet harm me. but ia worked with mines, explosive materials. and i know, what happens, if you step on landmine. this landmine was fake.


If it’s coupled with some upper body armor to distribute the force of an impact to lessen injuries. That would be helpful and is probably being worked on.

White rabbit

Stop talking nonsense DickD
