Romanian President Says He Is Open To Sending Patriot System To Ukraine

Romanian President Says He Is Open To Sending Patriot System To Ukraine

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Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on May 7 that he was open to discussing sending an American-made MIM-104 Patriot long-range air defense system to Ukraine.

“There has been a discussion about who can send Patriot systems to Ukraine over the last few weeks,” Iohannis told reporters in Washington after meeting United States President Joe Biden in Washington, according to SWI swissinfo.

“President Biden mentioned it … in our meeting and I said I was open to discussion. I must discuss it in the Supreme Defence Council to see what we can offer and what we can get in return, because it is unacceptable to leave Romania without air defenses,” he added.

Romania, a NATO member since 2004, signed a $4 billion deal in 2017 to obtain a number of Patriot systems armed with PAC-2 GEM-T & PAC-3 MSE missiles, but so far only has one that is operational.

Iohannis said that any discussions related to Ukraine would concern a system that was in an advanced stage of becoming operational.

The White House said Biden thanked Romania for its commitment to security in NATO’s east, including in the Black Sea region, and applauded its defense investments, which exceed NATO’s target of spending at least 2% of GDP.

“The leaders reaffirmed their steadfast support for Ukraine as it defends itself against Russia’s senseless aggression, and President Biden expressed his appreciation for Romania’s support to Ukrainian refugees and efforts to move Ukrainian grain to market,” the White House said, omitting any mention of Patriot missiles.

Last year, Ukraine received two Patriot batteries and two launchers from Germany and another battery from the United States with two additional launchers donated by the Netherlands. Most of these systems have already been damaged or destroyed by the Russian military.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said recently that Ukraine needs 25 Patriots to cover the entire country, but his Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that he is for now focused on securing just seven systems to protect only the largest cities in the country.

Germany said on April 13 that it would provide Ukraine with one more Patriot system. However, Greece refused requests to supply any of its systems. Spain also refused, but said that it would supply additional missiles to Kiev forces.

The additional Patriot system Ukraine will get from Germany and the other that could be supplied by Romania will most likely meet the same fate as the ones supplied to Ukraine before.


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Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

…that’s good! russia could not destroy this system on romanian territory, – in ukraine already!

these systems have already proven to be not particularly effective and extremely expensive in israel.

have fun destroying 🙈🐵🙊🙉


klaus werner johannis is made president of romania by westerners through an electoral fraud of great proportions. from a simple physics teacher, he became mayor and stole 7 houses with false documents, committed many illegalities in favor of the germans and the austrians, even after he was made president.


he is trash without character, he only hurt romania at the expense of the westerners who made him president.


the western world is under the boot of the same ziomafia psychopaths who control romania. the westerners have as much say as the romanians do. none.

Last edited 10 months ago by Mike

romania from its foundation felt in hands of ethnic german hohenzollern ruling dynasty. germans changed alphabet of wallach people from cyrillic to latin in 1859 and filled it with foreign to erase slavic roots of wallachians. same way as austrians (ethnic germsn) created ukrainian pseudo-identity in the end of 19th century out of local ethnic russian people.


german dynasty was also installed in bulgaria when it was a kingdom after liberation from osmanian empire by russia in 19th century. since then bulgaria was official ally of germany in both world wars. ii the 1st world war romania was in the entente (formal ally of russia), but its joining to war created more problems for russia. england and france used it make front line longer for russia. and in the 2nd ww romania was nazis’ ally.

Last edited 10 months ago by Антон

he’s of german descent and put in power by the ziomafia parasites who are in control of every single institution in romania. the way aipac use their control over the us government to foment hatred towards russia, they use the stooges they selected in the traitorous romanian government to do the same.


da corect, sa l faca praf, si cu el. si banii romanilor, tuturor romanilor


bouvagon hanis ne vine, se vinde, e troc, fa e schimb, la tejghea, la tomberon : post de lacheu lingau secretar


armata romana e o curba. curba a fost si cu ceau ceaun in 89. asteptati va ca 0.50 brawning de pe hammerul din 2020 din pandemia de la piata unirii din bucuresti sa traga in oamenii ce se impotrivesc frontului nue de dupa alegerile din iarna 2024. nue va merge la confruntare directa, pe fata cu ursoica. la sol populatia nu are suport emoțional pt liderii politici romani.


vwrticalizati va! înțelegeți istoria si aveti viziune. anticipați evenimentele. vestul la nivel de tehnica e praf. ursoaica 🐻 va invata curand semnatura tuturor rachetelor. dar si in spatele unui s patrusute stau oamenii. frunza, ramul, trunchiurile de copaci nu mai stau in picioare. ursoaica lupta din ce in ce mai bine. lucrarile de geniu ale lui surovikin, si trenul/ gardul de fier de 40 de km de care au ras toți, s au dovedit extraordinare apoi in timp. toti si au ingjitit rasul.


cate oua mănânci pe. burta goala? dupa primele 2 oua burta nu mai este goala. politicienii romani nu inteleg romania. serviciile secrete germane prin inst de sociologie germane trimise in romania au arătat ca 17% din polulatia tanara a româniei fraternizeaza cu ursoaica 🐻, ei trăind in capitalism si nu comunism. la sol ursoiaca are un suport masiv in romanica. oamenii vor viata, pace, si ca si bulgaria, iahturi la marea neagra si nu nave de razboi ca si bouwagon hanis la. m neagra.


adevărații extremisti sau autentici in romania inca nu au aparut dar vor apare. nue ne omoara. ne omoara locurile de munca si firmele. darurile si ajutoarele nue sunt ca darurile grecești. fara legi de amortizare si deductibilitate favorabile romanilor.. totul va iesi din romanica. ca si gazul… din m neagra. fondurile nue nu lasa tehnologie in romanica.


hai ca se gaseste populatie neesentiala la greu in romania, vreo 35% din datele guvernamentale, unde mai pui ca babele si mosii de foame devin si extremisti. asteptam ca 0.50 browning sa treaca prin osul de baba, cand baba o trage cu cornetul in dispozitivele optice ale unui a unu m doi spev2-3 si apoi sa muste cu dantura din senila, si apoi sa aștepte sa i treacă cufuria pe cei din prajitorul de paine.


nue prin administrația fondului de mediu din românia distruge producătorii romani clasici de energie. banii nue folosesc clovnului si ua. cernavodă s a deconectat din cauza fotovoltaicele. energia scumpa e dimineata pana n ora 9 am si dupa. amiaza după ora 15 pm. sa puna forovoltaicele la. apus si răsărit sa echilibreze sistemul cat de cat. in timpul zilei energia electrica e cu preț negativ. se urnareste falimentul jucătorilor producători de pe piata sw energie


romania nu mai are industrie metalurgica sau industrii mari consumatoare de energie electrica in timpul zilei.


atenție la tehnica vestica ce a abandonat tehnica si principiile de baza.testul qpcr a detectat in laptele pasteurizat din magazine virus in cantitate. tot la microscop se intorc. la calitate.virusul e viu. a, mac mac, toate ratele s pe lac! v au plictisit cei de aici cu articolele despre laboratoarele din ua. nici nu mai contează. care v a face noul virus.asta e.noul guvwen roman ne va arunca iar in masuri arbitrarii si constrângeri.


hai sa traim, ca politicienii romani ” e” curbe proaste. să vedem cine macane si cine mugeste la noul virus aviar trecut la vaca si apoi.. vaca muuu s a mai imbolnavit grav acum 40 de ani. hai cip cirip. va urez nu sanatate, ca in romania toti mor sănătoși.. ci viata lunga! 🌞


am înțeles din harti ca un p at riot ar fi in padure la comana gr o fi vizitând delta si lansatorul din padure lacheul viitor secretar.


asta seara ch diaconescu se întreba cand vor merge romanii sa apere coridorul suwalki. statele. baltice la d ig i 2 4.


asta seara ch diaconescu se intreba la d ig i 2 4 cand vor merge romanii sa apere coridorul suwalki si statele baltice… daca scapa si nu se omoara romanii intre ei… poate…. plus ca armata romana nu e pregatita de lupta de gherila de. partizani pe teritoriul româniei, doar hamasul avea arme amwricane trecute prin romania.. le spune cineva ca viitorul nu le surade


what german secret service? are you brain dead? germany hasn’t been sovereign since wwii. the jewish supremacists are in complete control of both germany and romania


eu sunt zilier, sunt culegator. culegator de informatii. sunt vreo 3 institute sociologice germane si europene sub umbrela statului ger man ia si nue. ar vrea ei sa fie in inimile ger man ilor. afd e partid pornit de micii industrialisti germani. minim 15 % dintre ger man i gandesc exemplar.


cauta pe g oo gl e p un ct ro sau p un ct com sau p un ct de intitutele de sociologie ger man e si europene
unele rapoarte sunt publice. una din concluzii : nu le convine ca tinererul roman e lovit de coruptie, de pauperitate. am creierul intact, răspunde cu eleganta. f alu s : au uitat de migratia celor 5 milioane de romani.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

even romania is joining the orc hunt…everyone is shitting on russia…heheheh

South Front Is Pure Joke

over 20 million russians want indoor toilets not war. make indoor toilets not war. 😭🤪🤣

Boris Godunov

everybody hates war criminal russia. no wonder.


we don’t hate russia of today. we hated the soviet russia that was controlled by the jewish bolsheviks. the same jewish supremacists who are controlling romania today and fomenting the hatred towards russia.

Z - It's Winding Down

putin united whole west. helped sweden and finland join to nato. he will likely destroy brics too. putin the midas – how gold turn to shit.

Dr Pepper

funny, i though it was russia and china turning american gold into shit. somebody better check fort knox. it might be growing mushrooms in the vaults.

Dr Pepper

sweden & finland, oh my. i’m sure they’re shivering in their boots over it.

Stanley Matthews

putin’s bitches try to crawl to kiev.


“signed a $4 billion deal in 2017 to obtain a number of patriot systems, but so far only has one that is operational.” ha-ha-ha. 4 bln is the cost of 4 batteries (4 x 8 launchers). 7 years are gone and just 1 operational. fast as a snail. though it’s good when nazis have less weapons. 29.12.2017 – turkey signed the deal to buy s-400. 12.07.2019 – first shipment. india – october 2018 – november 2021. chinese contract (already done) – 3 years as well.

Dr Pepper

immortal patriot system shot down 150 kinzhals today with one rocket. it’s jfk’s magic bullet all over again.

pravda dot ua has the story.


because of this traitor:,iohannis romania wil be destroyed one day and he with his stupid wife will move to join his parents to germany if that contry will still exist.this brainless ,autistic “president” has sold the whole country to nato in ich richtig dumkopf?


he’s just a stooge of the jewish supremacists.

Dr Pepper

is klaus one of those nazi wiermacht that found a romanian honey that hid him in the closet after hitler ate his gun? a true love story for the ages.
