Romanian Mercenaries And Their Friends From “Free Woods” Attack Russian Border

Romanian Mercenaries And Their Friends From "Free Woods" Attack Russian Border

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NATO used its puppets in Ukraine to launch massive provocations on the Russian border during the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Kiev has no courage to engage its regular troops, but it cowardly threw the militants of the so-called Russian Volunteer Corps into the slaughter. Thus, the Ukrainian military allegedly had nothing to do with the ongoing attacks on the Russian territory. In fact, the alleged units of Russian citizens in Ukraine are created, trained and coordinated by the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR). They are acting under the orders from Kiev. Moreover, the forces attacking Russian territory mainly consist of Ukrainian military personnel and trained fighters from NATO member countries, some call them volunteers, others – mercenaries.

Kiev and NATO deny the involvement of foreign fighters in hostilities in the border regions, but the militants themselves are too greedy for fame to hide their ‘deeds’ on Ukrainian battlefields.

For example, Romanian mercenaries officially declared that they took part in attacks on Russian border regions. The group Romanian Battlegroup Getica announced that they took part in the operations together with the so-called Russian Volunteer Corps; but in fact they were acting as part of this unit, playing the alleged Russian citizens who were going ‘to liberate Russia from the cruel Putin’s regime.’

Footage of their attacks and shelling of Russian border regions was shared online, showing only the flags of the Russian Volunteers Corps but no other signs of the ‘brave foreign fighters’.



“We pretended that we were fighting little and secretly “prepared a large-scale operation together with the Free Russia Legion, the Siberian Battalion, Russian volunteer corps, Chechens from Ichkeria, brothers from Belarus, Georgia and many other “wolves” from the forests of the free world. We raided their border villages,” the Romanian mercenaries said in an official statement’, Romanian Battlegroup Getica declared.

The official claims confirm that instead of the alleged Russians there are mercenaries from “the free forests” around the world, which contradicts the Kiev’s claims and reports of Ukrainian, MSM propaganda.

The head of the Ukrainian GUR insists that Russians attacking from the Ukrainian side are an “internal state issue” of Russia.

At the end of February, Radio Romania reported that Romanian volunteers were fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They included members of the organization of the Romanian Battlegroup Getica, which “includes citizens of Romania and Moldova who joined the ranks of the Ukrainian army to confront Russia”.

The commander of the group with the call-sign GetoTac defined the members a little different:

“The Romanian Battlegroup Getica is a combat group formed from native Romanian speakers in Ukraine. The group was formed in September last year and began its activities with the unification of Romanian fighters who were already in various military units and structures of the Ukrainian army”

According to the militants, the group mainly specializes in technology and military intelligence. The group also engages in recruitment on social networks. According to GetiTac the unit is not an official recruiter for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and allegedly unites volunteers. It turned out that the Romanian militants are involved in attacks on the Russian territory.

The proud revelations by the Romanian militants once again confirm the following:

  • Kiev/NATO are constantly lying;
  • NATO mercenaries are launching attacks on the Russian territory under the command of the Ukrainian GUR and, apparently, Western special services.
  • There are no enough ‘Russian volunteers’ willing to take part in bloody media attacks ‘against Putin’.
  • No NATO fighters can help the Ukrainian military to achieve any minor victories, including on the Russian territory.


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imagine if russia did this to a nato country we wouldn’t hear the end of it.


russia needs to open gulags in siberia for the mercs. demand ten million in gold for each one to be returned. otherwise, put them to work in camps. whip them when they are not compliant and doing their assigned work.


all i have seen so far is dead mercs and you spamming this site with hysterical comments from your moms basement. very entertaining to see you seethe so hard.

_Tom Sawyer_

its all i can do, my transitioning is getting hard. unlike my schong… wont get hard anymore.



nazionale (italian word for “national”). internazionale (italian word for “international”).

both have the word “nazi” and “zion” in them! russia’s alternative media blogs have come up with stupid nonsense to say “look, here’s where nazis and zionists come from!”


but aren’t nazis and zionists pretty much the same thing these days?

i say, give the italians high marks for truth in advertising.


the national fascist party (italian: partito nazionale fascista, pnf) was a political party in italy, created by benito mussolini as the political expression of italian fascism and as a reorganisation of the previous italian fasces of combat.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
Yo mama

he also makes several accounts , up votes them himself and then downvotes our comments . loser troll .


you do exactly that yourself.


articles like these are why i consider this site a tabloid. point being the bulk of the soldiers who fight on the ukrainian side are ukrainian, russian, belarusian, georgia and former warsaw pact contries in that order respectfully. foreign fighters from western europe, canada, and the united states are far and few between.


90% of them are nazi wannabes and the remaining 10% have had their brains washed, rinsed and hung out to dry. actually, that’s 100%, including the 90% nazi wannabes.


those extremely few americans and west europeans are apart of a single brigade known as the foreign volunteers brigade, when translated to english. russia on the other hand has many more foreign volunteers from western europe (although still not very many), the middle east, north africa, sub-saharan africa, east asia, central asia, the indian subcontinent, south america, and a handful of volunteers from canada and the united states.


i also want to know why this article and the russian media considers the presence of romanian soldiers in romania a “bad thing”. the only thing is that more nato soldiers from different nato countries are being deployed to poland and romania. to be honest it would have been funny if nato had decided to invade serbia and transdniestria in response to russia’s invasion of ukraine in 2022. that would have gotten the hungarians (who consider themselves “magyars”) to change their tone.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

if there were any sense to this disfunctional rules-based order thigamajig, nato would have bombed kiev for trying to take back the donbass, just like it bombed belgrade over trying to take back kosovo and saved the russians the trouble. instead nato does one thing one day and the exact opposite the next and calls that their rule.

nobody with any common sense and who can add 2 + 2 believes the bullshit western narrative any more, if they ever did.

Last edited 11 months ago by Apocalypto

nobody interested in what insecure poko molo nazi moron wants—your desperation stupidity displayed…”amerikans are mean bitter over-conformist semi automatons that cannot provide each other sexual pleasure”. david riesman


i don’t even think the hungarians really are the huns from the steppes who fought the romans and visigoths, let alone any of the other tribes that invaded europe centuries later when the mongolians were invading medieval europe. i do know that roman writers described the scythians and alans as being tall, strong and blond or red-haired with blue or green eyes. the alans or alani are essentially scythians and so were the sklabenoi or sclaveni from where the term “slav” derives.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind primitive and peurile lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to any standardization”. julius evola…


although the swarthy populations of the balkans are a different phenotype dating back to the prehistoric early european farmers (eef) and anatolian neolithic farmers (anf). the modern inhabitants of the italian island of sardinia are 90% genetically similar to eef and 80% similar to anf. russia silently denies the fact that the bulgarians adopted the cyrillic alphabet and old church slavonic language before the rus under the rurik dynasty.


i find it funny how the symbol of the kievan rus is ukraine’s national emblem today. russians have incorrectly misidentified the ukrainian trident originating from the rurik dynasty as a “nazi” symbol.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

where’d you get that stupid notion from?


hitler was no fan of being called a ‘nazi’:

he preferred the term “naso” which his party officially adopted. “nazi” was coined by konrad heiden, a jewish propagandist and member of the spd (social democrats). social democrats referred to themselves by the nickname ‘sozi’.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

while based on the term ‘sozi’, the term ‘nazi’ on the other hand was a shortened form of the word ‘ignatius’, a derogatory term for a backwards peasant in the area from which the national socialists emerged.

the nsdap (nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei), or national socialist german workers’ party was comparatively more right-wing than spain’s falangist and italy’s fascist roots in marxism and yellow socialism whom they took inspiration from.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

fascist corporatism (state-managed syndicalism, mixed economy):

yellow socialism, or yellow unionism, was an economic system proposed in 1902 in france by pierre biétry, as an alternative to the “red socialism” advocated in marxism. biétry envisioned workers organizing unions which would operate in parallel with groups of businesses.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

i don’t remember if it was in james a. gregor’s (anthony gimigliano) book ‘giovanni gentile: philosopher of fascism’, but giovanni gentile did refer to fascism as “practical marxism”.

mussolini and many other fascists were marxist socialists before coming up with fascism.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

“amerikans do not remember, amerikans do not feel; amerikans live in a materialist dream”. moused ostrogorski


you’ve never been too bright. these incursions into the russian mainland piss off the russian population and yields more recruits and people for the cause. it hardens political will for victory.

_Tom Sawyer_

what do you mean, not bright? i can fit two light-bulbs in my behind!
wiggling the cable in is a bit annoying, but i can shine!

_Tom Sawyer_

“free woods”?

that sounds so gay, i love it! i would go there and tast some of those soldiers’ “wood” with my poophole!
god i love those nazi supporters. we all are just gay/transgender!

_Tom Sawyer_

ahaha, my downvote bot is working!

we lie, we steal, and we cheat! i love cheating!


loser, your people are killed, you lost a lot and you will lose even more. you don’t know how many anglos are diying there 😊👍

Florian Geyer

the romanians were allied with the germans in ww2 and were useless soldiers.


it is just wonderful how many anglo and euro trash are exterminating the russian freedom figthers. thank you very much! and please, don’t hesitate bombing london if necesary. they coildnt resct anyway 😁

Branko Timarac

nope, it’s the united paedophiles of tom sawyer getting fked, here, there and everywhere!!!😘😘😘

Last edited 11 months ago by Branko Timarac
christian reinhard

this aint war its terorism


any of those bastards captured should be hung, see how tough the rest are after that.


destroy them mercilessly. brainwashed or cashless, either way, they are scum.


e altcineva sub acest id. nu sunt eu. cel care publica in lb romana de la bucurești.


brits and getting rekt. their “training” has not amounted to much. just observe their ukrainian fodders. brits are angry little weasels

jens holm

“one must be stupid to believe an amerikunt official”. arthur sylvester; us state dept undersecretary


where is the proof?


i know, how embarrassing that they cant stop this after three entire days, wow! evacuating people and everything over a rag tag bunch


after my gonasd removal surgery i more anxious insecure

Andreas Hoffmann

…in germany, the romanian special unit cleans toilets, scrubs the streets and cleans the sewers.


ya think? ukro orcs are getting annihilated and failing to achieve any objectives… are you really that congentitally fcked in the head?
[rhetorical question, as we all know you were dropped on yer head while still a spawnling]

jens holm

i am senile mercenary in copenhagen gay bar


time to kill and not capture these mercenaries, with no rights under the geneva convention.


waste the f@#$ing vampires.

emperor bill gates

romanian were nazi colony —amerikan all nazi pimprisoned in ugly zoo


each day another pile of dead mercs. urupp thanks mother russia for sending all this contract killer trash to bandera hell. z all the way to the end of natostan and the evil eussr.

Kev not Kiev

free woods, turned into ‘dead wood’ by khinzal pizza delivery team.
