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The United States has already started bearing the consequences of the decision of the Biden administration to halt the troop drawdown from the Greater Middle East.
On February 15th, 14 rockets struck the area of the US military base near Erbil International Airport, 4 of them within the compound, 10 of which were near strikes. One private contractor was killed and 5 were injured. In a rare event, 1 US service member was also wounded.
The location of the attack coincides with Turkey’s operation “Claw Eagle 2” which targets the alleged Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions. Most of northern Iraq was on edge, as a result.
Turkey and the US, as NATO allies appear to not be cooperating whatsoever, as they’re pursuing separate goals in largely the same areas of the Middle East.
Ankara’s activities contribute to the chaos of the Middle East situation, as it targets the PKK, while the US mostly targets and is targeted by Iranian-backed forces.
Another US ally, this time one that aligns its activities with it – Israel struck unknown targets around Damascus.
It launched missiles from the occupied Golan Heights, and many of them were intercepted by Syrian air defenses, however, some landed on their targets. It is unclear what was targeted and what the damage was.
There have been no strikes by Israel through Lebanese airspace after a drone was downed, and Hezbollah vowed to attempt to destroy any Israeli aircraft that encroaches on its airspace.
Movements throughout the Middle East are beginning for the US and its allies.
In Iraq, many of the targeted convoys in the last several weeks have reached their destinations.
With a lack of reports of convoy targeting, it would appear that the currently static positions are under threat.
Iran is continuing its movements, undermining US and Israeli influence, and it has had general success in recent weeks. The US is fighting back against it.
On February 11th, a truck moving supplies for an Iranian-backed unit, al-Haydariyun, was targeted near Syria’s border with Iraq.
According to the Resistance Media Network, the truck was targeted by a drone likely operated by the US military.
In Yemen, the US said it would attempt to impose a peace deal, on its own terms. It claims to stop supporting Saudi Arabia’s genocidal intervention. Washington, however, also continues providing defensive services and intelligence.
Following Joe Biden’s first foreign policy speech, the time for the US to move has come. In the coming days, the “fight against ISIS” is sure to ramp up, alongside various other movements throughout the Middle East.
İnteresting who give the intel??
Both the americans and the turks will be expelled from (northern) iraq
keep dreaming… part of northern ıraq is belong to us already.
How does it belong to you,did you buy it or steal it?
ı purchased it..problem? or can you prevent Turkish entrance/or presence in northern ıraq?
How about we purchase or steal southern Turkey…problem?
Who we?
who we?
We, Alibaba and 40 thievs.
thats right 1001 nights..folk tales..story teller
Biggest Strolly teller are you, Kebab, domuz, donut, you third rate gypsy pig, Zionist Muslim brotherhood swine, and Snow white and 7 dwarfs will help. Problem with that?
???..poor one-liner..what can ı expect from you?
Read it again, illegal migrants bastard.
?? dont have any value man ..writing free of course…
I don’t give a shit what third rate mongoloid talking about.
thats why you are obssesed with me…?
Merhaba you iliterate caveman.
merhaba are so civilised..?
Yes, indeed I’m, hanum servet.
Have you lost your beloved goat?
ı found you… ??
Do you love, as any turks does Manly love? Bwahahaha Habiba and 7 garib.
Hey tokmak, be fucking quicker. Your dumuz is horny there in domuzistan Turkey, Çansu.
??…mmmmm….aleppo will be ours as well within 20 years.
Within 20000000000000
Yok, olsun shishbikibibib biçbiriçbiçbiriçbitch. Glu glu yoroglu, Salih.
Iç bir shikidim alepo seherezade duduk punk. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA BMW shikidum shikidim. HAHAHAHAHA.
That’s right, duduk. Merhaba çon weyn, merhaba mahir, firat, firgan, Gurbetoglu ahahahahaha.
?? ıcarus the mighty warrior…ok ı am gone watching serial..take care…xD
What serial about bullshit Turkish history, yok çoksun çanum. I tell you.
You are shame to Sultan Fatih the Magnificent.
Not history bro and you are deadly boring… xD…Who cares sultan-multan lmao…what a tool… ??
Aakşamhairola mutant.
bısmallah massallah… ?? Turks were master at teaching language from all channels…lmaaoooooooooooooo
It’s bismillah.
Yok çanum, paça pekye duduk Yamak kaymak, krk Turk bir insan.
you armeniaan xD
You turkish gurbet.
southfront is perfect venue for is cheap man talk is always cheap…xD
Yeah, that stands for you mensesoglu.
that exactly fits for you hooker…xD
Be original, that Phiraon is for you ANNE, ANNE, ANNE.
what original you shitty anus smeller…your ma ma ma ma ma….xD
Who repeats my words eats shit from the third world.
Sabahairola, çarap of Kurd. Çmaroglu.
ıcarus anus charlie sheen burt lancaster tanovich cavushesku…
Your CPU is not working properly, bebek.
cpu? illiterate monkey larping in sf….what talk like anus ıcarus…
Yes, you nomadic milet that eat donkey shit from kurdish autonomous area of turishstan. Ahahahahahaha.
nasralllahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….smelly nasrallah scks 24/7 from jews………………you better give blow job to him……bısmallah…what a crank….roflmao…..
Give back Turkey to righteous owners, the Kurds.
ı am saying your daughter or sister alooooo garage? roflmao……..nasralllahhhhhh.
No, no, just give back Turkey to righteous owners, Kurds.
Ataturk is crying on ones like you. You forgot and spit on your history, oh that is very good, you gurbet. You bet that you’re gurbet. Bey and dirtbey.
like me?lol you think ı am jihadi or something.. short-pant.
Short pants, you say? You are short minded, turkish junk.
Says Ceribasha the gypsy shit eater oglan oglu glu glu.
SAYS THE ANUS SMELLER..ıcarus tanovic shitovic-pussyovic..kovacovic…
Bwahahahahaha, you Kurdish gypsy bastard.
No, I’m gonna give you a headache, you kurdish yetim.
no you can not even your whole country cannot give me headace ıcarus the shitty-smelly anus…beach boy midget……lmaooooooo….
Farook, fuck of, aga, agag agag agag bey bey scumbey ahahahahahahahahaha.
Katil here. Ihtiyar there.
tuda suda tuda suda…tanovic the resistance in internet….hoooookkkkeeerrrrrrr…..lmao.
Your ANNE! Cumholeoglu.
your daughter…roflmaooooooooo
Your son, fuckoglu.
triggered little bitch…..dumbass… s-200 shot down f-35…… ahahahahaahahahahhahahaahah….earth is flat as not breed animal…ahahahahaahah
Yes indeed.
no dumbass propaganda there is no way s-200 can shot down f-35 you iliterate cheap propaganda maker..dont expect people to fall your hypes…stupid…just try to prove,try to convince me..go ahead…shameless liar.
No way, only crows can do.
rectum licker…did you fuck your donkey?
Gariboglu, did you done your goat olsun?
did you fuck your donkey you balkan clown?
Instead I did your sister, dumpbey.
instead ı creampied your whole family …
Merhaba, Memet garibaga. I see that you’re upset because goat hanum has gone away.
I have one spare just for you, because you turks whatever chimps are you likes goats. Goat is your president.
no way your nation likes donley as well as the donkey dick….xD
Turkey likes turkeys and donkeys, chickens and goats. With sogun dolmasi.
You’re third rate quasi nation, you still living your tribal nomadic life, wandering around the world and shit around corners in taxim and taxis.
You would give your brother to grab some white chick I know that.
ahahahaha…imbecile strikes back….pathetic smelling his sister,mothers anus then spams bullshit……coooowardddddd….
How much would you give for a white chick, gurbet fat nose ugly loon?
You are crooks of kurdish land, give it back!
cowaaaaardddddddd….he cant reval his nationality…butthurt to turks because turks expelled everybody…butthurt little bitch…
asma assad likes anal..ya know…
Emine haunum likes anal/oral, all iclusive.
not more than your mom..she gave me good blow job thou…her mouth was full of cum like ugly thai girls…lmaooooooo
Your daughter was yummy for a donkey, not me, both pipes.
You talking from your experience, kurd? It is that kurds creampied you and your dad too.
usa creampied your nation toooooo….xD
Gurbet, kurds rules your country.
come here ı aint hurt you …. son of whore….lmaooooooooooo
Go ahead, and make my day, you son of a anonimus Kurdish soldier.
you make my day …no wonder Usa is f.cking your whole nation…clown.
No, kurds are fucked you your sister, aunt and dad.
whut….lmao….your kurds are offed already (pkk you say)
Ask your self, are kurda good fuckers?
Bet they are.
Hey turkey getting stuffed for Thanksgiving? It is stolen land, it is kurdistan.
bla bla bla…..hahahahaahh…cheap boi…predictable ıq 15 phrases…
I see that you put some sort of turkey as avatar.
ı see rectum of your ma as avatar…you should be proud..xD
How about you gave me your address, so we can talk in person, gurbet? Or are you just coward?
ı can even give my facebook account rl if we met ı can cut your fingers in a minute…but probably you will run away just like your ancestors did..thats why ı said once coward always coward…
Okay, give me than your phone.
It doesn’t works. Talk is cheap.
of course it works..just add country code before dialing my phone…come on bring it on..or we can continue from facebook coward..anytime..
Provide it.
what provide it?just add country code and then dial my have internet find country codes ..come on go ahead ı’ll wait.
What is the code?
ı dont know dumbass it…
see but you even cant reveal your nationality..coward ….hahahahaah
Just give me your address and phone, so I can explain you everything in detail.
If you don’t, then you are a coward.
ı gave you my mobile phone sissy..first phone me then we can go one by one..and dont lie its my phone should manage to call..
If it doesn’t works this time, then you are a coward.
ahahahahahahhahha……..pathetic poser..what can ı expect from you?
Nothing. Just give me your full phone number.
its my full phone number…stupid..ı am living in antalya btw.
Oh there we are, you liar. Coward. Got nothing to say more. Nor do I care.
what liar dumbass ..ı live in antalya and my phone number..also have house at st.louis but cant fly there atm.
Just that. Liar.
roflmao…cant manage to phone me on top of that cant reveal his nationality accusing me with lies…how typical..ı am the honest side here boi and you obviously coward probably armenian.
You’re just common liar. Can’t even give a phone number. Or reveal country. Coward.
05389424375 once again.. antalya turkey anyone can phone 24/ are typical liar..a shameless liar….animal.
Diss me, why bother, step to me, I rather step to your father.
Yes, that’s right you punk, only crows can do it.
shallow answers… typical cheap bum..die already eh…xD
No, crows can do it, you third world junk.
Kurt Çoban.
Hey fat prick are you in america ,isee that you are.
What now, şuşuk?
Los angeles.
What? You losted your goat there, nalet?
ı found you boi…
Because you are turkish mongolid, that’s why you like manly love.
So, close the door and turn of the light because you gonna suck my dick all night.
nooooo you better suck my dick all day not worry dear.ı dont want to play your boring game…you are boring fuck….xD
Akshamhairola Fuckoglu, you’re giving headoglu to everybodyoglu, I see. That’s right Nihat Dickoglu, and one can’t breath your stinky breath and stunk Stinkoglu Smellyoglu. Yoroglu.
Who are you, Pussyoglu, what country you are living in?
Yarile, çarile şuşuk, Fuckheadoglu. Typhoon Korkut, and Tornado Fartoglu.
ıcarus tanoıc dick lickovic…you talk big but ı am sure in rl you bleed all over the place like little girl…ıcarus the shitty anus…..tanovic my asssssss…….roflmaoooo…ahahahaahahahahahaahhhahaahahahahahahahahaah……. syria f.cked up anus…tanovicc…shekerovic….
Tornado Fartoglu, givingoglu to everyoneoglu. Minça you Kurdish fat fartoglu.
nasralllah massalah…bısmallah ıcarus suckus dickus……
Soon we will start dechimping Asia minor aka Lydia.
??? hurry up great warrior.
No, saburr, Haydar pasha.
Erdodog is a clown. He will lose that stolen land just after Israel loses its population of Fake Joos.
ı dont like him either man but he is much better than anonymous dumbasses like you..stolen lands roflmao just try it boi.
Perhaps I should take a part of Turkey..
Yeah, that’s right.
you make these kinds of stupid comments or worse carry out this sort of behavior, then Iran will not be neutral anymore. You want problems? Already the Arabs and Kurd’s can’t stand you. should know why we are there show me where is the comments stupidity.Iraqs minister and krg Barzani already gave green light.Dozens of bases over there.oh ı forgot your iran is sheltering some of pkk leaders..Do not bullshit me anymore short-pant.What neutrality are you talking about?
you are there because you fukked up your domestic policies, politics and diplomacy within your own country. You fukked up!
Thats partly true..Erdogan played extremely, didnt/couldn’t calculate lots of things(nepotism).
Iran don’t hate turks! but turkey has no business being in SyRaq. Iran has no soldiers in the SyRaq nor AfPak. Why should you? Solve your kurdish drama in your own country first. Why did you listen to the US and Israel and fukk yourself up? Why? Surely you can’t be this foolish no?
Bcause there is hardly a True Turk in Turkish politics and Army – all are Donmeh Jews
That’s what Saudi said when they took parts of Yemen, but they are also getting expelled as we speak, now do you want also suicide drones to land in Turkey? If the poor Houthis can achieve that, then the stronger PMF can for sure
Talk/write about the possible-realistic scenarios…you better pray your god that we have serious problems with Usa and army was crippled in purge but everything is evolving in the direction we want at the moment.Rofl comparing Turkish army with saudis is indicator of your knowledge about military.You are dreamer-wishful thinker writing from far away.Do not hold your breath it aint happen anytime.
Yes Turkey is stronger than Saudi, but so is the whole Shia crescent in the Levant, you don’t want to go this path
Turkey doesnt have any major problem with iran(some nuances-minor problems we have but Turkey backed up İran seriously).Turkish land forces was simply the best,most powerful army in whole middle-east,everyone knows it.Once again İran is not Turkeys concern but Usa is.
Under a new Israeli PM, I promise to you – we are going to destroy all of the Iranian proxies on a scale unseen before. I am confident that this time Israelis choose wisely, and kick out the stinky fat ass traitor from office right to jail where he belongs. All of you Shia terrorists and your Sunni puppets aka Hamas and PIJ will feel us good. We are just itching for a war, give us a reason to unleash hell on you.
I agree, their adventage is their missiles, but it’s also the Lebanese nightmare. In a war we will target all of their stockpiles which means their fellow Lebanese will die from their own rockets. Israel must destroy all of the Shia villages in SL if Hezbollah shoots rockets, exile the Shia population and create a safe zone in which no more terrorists can operate. I only hope this time our leadership allows us to advance without any stops, no matter what the U.N says. If they can survive under the international pressure and gives us enough time to do the job as we know, then we will make sure they won’t dare to bother us for the next 40 years.
I hope so LR, I can only do the job on the gorund as much as the orders allow me and my unit. It is up to my govt to correct the 2006 disgrace and give us a greenlight to remove everything on our way till Beirut if need so.
Your “Unit” LoL what a dipsh!t. You are an armchair warrior. Any REAL IDF soldier will be shaking so badly just mentioning Nasrallah’s name….’cos he KNOWS who his Daddy is.
The 2006 disgrace was not a political disgrace, it was a military defeat. NO politician can fix that, even if they rewrite history
You mean like you been doing in
Syria ? Hezbollah doesn’t really have rocket’s anymore. It has missiles.
And other fun stuff.
Yeah, you can probably manage to put yourselves out of their misery for 40 years, or so….
You are a childish sh!thead.
FIRSTLY, PLEEEEESE Understand what Israeli AND US military planners ALL understand: Whether Israel’s FIRST strike is Nuclear on Non- Nuclear, It will never be able to destroy Iran in the First Strike.
AFTER the first strike, Iran and Hezbollah will retaliate with SO many missiles, that there are no missile shields capable of defending against an Axis-of-Resistance Saturation strike. Since Israel has NO strategic depth, it’s Key industries and Cities will be annhilated in the retaliatory strike. THATS WHY Nasrallah and Khamenei can say with complete conviction and truth, that Israel WILL be Destroyed completely in the next war.
Lebanon: For 15 years, Israel is too scared to bomb lebanon – country it bombed and invaded at a drop of a hat in the 70’s 80’s and 90’s – now go figure and after that, go play with your Mamma ‘lil boy.
6 american pigs wounded, before you get a new pm they’ll all be dead, and so will you, zionist ?
You are used to think that we are all cowards and that we are somewhat scared of your puppet terrorists. I have a news flash for you Kenny, there is one man only that is stopping the IDF from doing its operation and it’s Bibi, even Gantz has promised to enter Gaza or Lebanon if it must be. How long do you think he can protect you? he is a dead horse, no matter how many rockets you’ll shoot we will always hit you 10 times fold. Remember it.
Man, stop joking……lol……you haven’t done shit yet. You’ll always be on the defensive, until the day you gotta go back to the Arab country from where your daddy is from. You got that?
Come force us.
too late……Iran’s on your borders now, from three different directions joker……lol. Get off the fukking meth.
you evil people took over Russia with communism, killed over 30 millions mostly kulaks, ukrainian and christians, so you deserve what you got in world war 2. And yet Russia still saved your asses
You are clown teenage wanker, you would not know your mamma’s butt from a rifle butt :)
Of ALL Israeli politicians, Gantz more than anyone knows the limitations of the IDF – You ARE all cowards. Take away the airforce and not a single IDF Batallion will last a day in Hand to hand combat against Hamas and Islamic Jihad – Hezbollah is something else. The IDF by ALL Western military analyst accounts are demoralised and unprepared – thats what happens when you kill women and Children man, you simply can’t fight REAL men. Gantz is shooting off his mouth about a Gaza invasion – for political point scoring. He knows full well that once the US folds, it will be OPEN SEASON on the fake JOO Khazars.
When I see him assassinated, then I’ll believe you, but the israeli ppl are sheep and follow him
Not all of us, infact over half of us don’t.
your future lies in Casablanca, where ol daddy is from. You getting it man? That’s where you’re from no?
The pretenders don’t have a “mass strike boots on the ground” thing, without US military. Doesn’t have two weeks either.
Hush up you little wanker.
keep on dreaming hasbara your Xbox game is not the reality your zio fascist paradise will end in the ashtray and true the drain and Assad Hezbollah ,their Iranian and their proxies will dancing on your land, and all of your kind will all be used as fertilizer to revive the real Palestine and the real Semite people of the region
So scary, now I won’t sleep at nights.
i doubt it the most big mouths sofa experts even not live in ISSRAEL
Very well said.
IDF strikes targets in Syria to prevent Iran from entrenching.
IDF strikes targets in Syria to prevent Iran from entrenching.
IDF strikes targets in Syria to prevent Iran from entrenching.
IDF strikes targets in Syria to prevent Iran from entrenching.
IDF strikes targets in Syria to prevent Iran from entrenching.
IDF strikes targets in Syria to prevent Iran from entrenching.
IDF strikes targets in Syria 5000 times to prevent Iran from entrenching.
What happens during all of this?
Iran Entrenches
Iran build dozens of Missile Factories in Syria
Iran builds missile factories in Lebanon
Iran bring 100 000 PMU’s from all over the Muslim world for the next and final war against Israel.
IDF bombs for Sheeple Israeli masses to vote for Nuttyyahood again,
IDF bombs CAREFULLY, Else Hezbollah will retaliate if IDF kills or injures a single Hezb soldier.
IDF is a P@SSY army with P@$$Y soldiers.
IDF is a Hollywood army :
These Hasbara rats are clearly out of their depth on this forum.
Wrong LR, not only the Golan will remain Israeli but we will take more lands for good from either Lebanon or Syria in an all out war. This time, we will exile the Shias from SL and make sure those areas remain terrorists free.
You will exile SHIIT from NOWHERE. Nasrallah and Iran call the shots – in the ENTIRE Middle East. The “all out war” scenario is just a Zio Wetdream. dream on. All current Israeli bombing targets are CAREFULLY chosen so as NOT to kill or injure Hezbollah operatives. HOLLYWOOD IDF
Is that so? Are you telling us your wet dreams now?
Take one wrong step and we’ll teach all of you Jew terrorists and your Wahhabi puppets like ISIS (already did that, oops) a good lesson. Child-killer thugs never needed an excuse to invade and attack, if they don’t do it, it means either they can’t or scared to death of the consequences. Simple.
Ookhh! please unleash hell on us!! Jooon!
Unlike iran, this is a democracy and you can’t use the army whenever you like it. There is a clear procedure of how to do things, but in the end it’s up to the PM as he has the final word. It’s about time your proxies face the full might of the IDF, and I don’t mean only 10K soldiers like in 2006. Go ahead, order Nasrallah to do something, let’s see how brave he is shall we? don’t worry, we promise not to ask U.S troops to fight for us we want to slaughter the terrorists ourselves.
It doesn’t change the fact that Iran is far ahead of your in any thing related to control of its armed forces. There are numerous checks and balances and something like US military (which the president has no control over) or Zionist regime (where the armed forces act as personal thugs for the PM’s personal gains) will never happen in Iran.
It’s not like our leaders send our army whenever they feel like it to wage war against farmers and bomb lizards and defenceless sleeping civilians. Who really is in control of your army?
And some democracy you have. what’s the percentage of people who are opposed to Bibi as a PM? More than a year of weekly protests and where did that get you? Exactly nowhere, you and all the people protesting couldn’t scratch Bibi’s balls and he’s laughing his ugly arse off of your protesting. You have no voice in managing the regime whatsoever.
And we know it’s not like there’s a 4,5,6,7 years term for him to be in the office, Knesset can depose him whenever they want, but what we see is that the will of you, the poor people is not reflected in the political life. Repeating a lie doesn’t make it truth. The occupying regime has been the private country for Russian mob for a few decades now, something that you cannot change. Even if Bibi goes away, what will you do with the next Russian mob puppet? I guess it doesn’t matter as long as he keeps bombing others, right?
Why do you thing the honourable Mr. Nassrallah has to do anything? Hezbollah is not an invading and occupying force unlike IDF. He won’t do anything as long as you keep out of his country. The ball is in your yard friend, I don’t buy it that Nasrallah has to prove anything to you, he already did when they kicked you all the way back out of Lebanon. There’s a tiny bit remaining and you will leave that as well.
Whenever you felt so manly, we know where to find us. So cut the hot air and threatening and pray that the Russian mob with its thousands of tentacles somehow by a miracle gives control of your regime back to you.
I’m sorry that you are so fond of slaughtering the people who mind their own business and so far did not attack you while you pin prick them daily. Keep doing it and we’ll see what happens.
If you were smart, you’d consider my advice -which was sincere, friendly and away from all the political nonsense- and examined your options in places I named for you.
EXACTLY LIKE Iran, Israel is a Theocracy – An ApartHate state can never be a democracy
The solution is only one, dismantle the false isisrahell state and go back to where you came from, in Eastern Europe, after which the fucking Yankees will also leave and peace will return to MO, or in any case the Arabs can do their business calmly and quietly.
” The solution is only one, dismantle the false isisrahell state and go back to where you came from, in Eastern Europe ”
Khazars are not native to Eastern Europe.
Eurasia, Crimea was once a part of Khazaria. Belarus, the Baltic, and a part of Ukraine. What do you think the reason is that Rothschild snatched up Ukraine, and started practicing genocide on ethnic Russians ? He wants the land, not the people.
Putin snatched the prize right out of Rothschilds filthy hands when he had Pooroshenko puppet line the troops on the border, and doing stupid shit with the water, power, and gas. Crimea wanted the Hell away from Ukraine, it had just run it into the ground, shut everything down, and Russia wanted it’s port, and military base secure, and the Russians living there not to be dead.
Look at the place now. Do you know why Putin built the Ketch Bridge ?
(because he could)
The more Bodybags return back home…the sooner Muricans will leave….
NO… The Zionists are NOT GETTING Ukraine… or Georgia.
There wont be any Zios left to want anything. it will be ugly.
If Hezbollah has obtained weapons to close Lebanese airspace to the IDF that’s certainly a good thing.
Don’t know what those weapons could be,but the sooner they use them the better,those Zionist gangsters have been getting away with murder for far too long,literally.
I completely agree.
Yeah, me too.
They need to start using those weapons. Zionists only understand force. Only force deters Zionists… unless they can hide behind someone else.
Yes, Indeed. And Jordan is the next target for instability. Israel wants to be able to launch attacks on Syria from Jordanian territory and for Iran-Hezbollah, Jordan is the perfect place to cross over into the WB and seize Jeruslaem – so ……its a matter of When.
Jordan is a banana republic. The Star Trek king over there plays Call of Duty like a world class pro. He’s so good at it and so consumed by it that its earned him the nickname ‘King Playstation’……lol. His court toady have to occasionally drag him out of his room so he could tend to rubber stamp state formalities, cuz he can’t quit playing it……I bet he’d easily beat me and you Ewan…
The entirety of Jordan is earmarked for Oded Yinon Greater IsraHell project. This was disclosed in the Clinton Emails. Each folder had the complete corse of action to be taken against: Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq; all had extensive documentation on the project and what needed to be done in order to progress the Greater IsraHell project.
The Clinton Emails named names, projects, key milestones etc. The War OF Terror is how the Zionists are making Arabs FLEE the MENA, and it is why Europe was earmarked as the predominate destination to send all the Arabs. The Arabs had to be ‘offered’ a ‘better place ‘to go’ rather than sit and fight for their right to live in their own home and countries. Oded Yinon is why Americans continue to fight and die in MENA countries that have done nothing wrong to the U.$. and pose no threat to the U.$. or Europe. Even Saudi Arabia and Yemen are earmarked for Oded Yinon.
The IsraHell flag was developed / designed in 1885/6 and the blue lines top and bottom are the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf and Tigres etc. They also indicate ‘all the land boarding the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. It is sick what is being planned for the world. The world needs to recognise this and stamp out Zionism. Zionism is terrorism. There are no moderate Zionists, and the War OF Terror is Zionist Project.
Yep, NuttyYahoo will have to call Nasrallah to ask if he can “invade” ANY ME state to build Eretz Yisrael LoL – They cannot defeat a 2000 strong militia, but want to conquer the ME. Oded Yinon is nothing but a Zionist wetdream
they can fuck nasrallahs smelly hairy ass….bismallah mazaallahhhhh…lmaoooo
Yeah like they hid behind civilian jets last year in a cowardly attack. Remember?
problem is if lebanon is closed for the parasitic jews, then they just roll over jordan where the spineless king is hunkering down hoping no one notices his presence.
They’re already doing that but all of the targets are more easily reached over the occupied Golan. He’s in a weak position and could benefit from economic and military support to counter the Zionist menace.
With extremely rare exception the US alternative media is controlled by two faced anti American Zionist hypocrites.
Censors what it can’t control. (sort of)
Had me there for a while,I didn’t understand why?
In all fairness, US media is totally Jew controlled like its government and now they are in panic mode as global alternate media is undoing their lies, so they are clamping down on any free speech on the internet in western police states. Look at France where police brutality can not even be filmed. The occupation of Palestine is the Zionist template for oppression of the western hypocrites brainfucked sheeple retards. This Covid crap just gave the Jews more tools to control the morons.
I doubt the Chinese are that retarded to allow themselves to be sucked dry by those parasites.
I agree. And don’t doubt that they’re playing the zioblock in self defense.
The Han don’t fall for Jewish bullshit. They’re too smart for that.
Let’s hope so.
“President Trump, in an act of utter humiliation both for himself and our country, on his last day in office also pardoned Israeli colonel Aviem Sella, the handler of Pollard who never faced justice because he fled to Israel after Pollard got arrested and Israel refused to extradite him.
In another act of humiliation, just last year the US army was forced to abandon a $1 billion Iron Dome missile defense system after Israel refused to hand over the source code even though it was funded thanks to US taxpayers giving them $142 billion in aid.”
– Israel Threatens to Abandon America, Ally With China And Russia After Securing $40B In U.S. Aid –
We just need for the first place a way to chase Turks out of Syria. They’re there under direct deep state control, and under kurdish menace pretext. They just used those kurds and they love them to invade Syria and stalmate situation.
The Turks need to be chased out of Turkey, let alone Syria.
They can share the same ghettoes the Khazars will be packed into, seeing that they’re pretty much the same species of reptile.
bring it on son of whore…..nasrallah my ass…bismallah mazallah ..nasrallah ultra hairy blow-job man….
thats not gonna happen clown better sell your sister or mother its more stinky animal…….ahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahah
zdravsduvuyte..podskajite pojalusta kagda zftrak….lmaooooooooo
You are selling your self and you baba together in kirdistan to oçelan, thight minça.
whutttttttttttttttttt…clueless motherfucker..what are you blubbering you shit eater….hahahahahaahahhahahaha……….. turks fucked you hard no worries….seni pezevenk seni….ıcarus the mighty anus..
The Father of the Turks is a Jew. Did you know that, kebabnik?
no anus smeller…lie lie lie but however ı dont surprise everthing is possible in south-front dimension…xD
Well now you know. I can smell your anus from way over the internet.
Better wipe up, kebabnik!
better wipe up hairy shiiiitt…….ı can smell your shitty breathe through my monitor…pathetic liar…shia-mpanzee my ass….lick jew rectum enriched with Sharbat-e Nana …lmao…..
Time to remove kebab.
roflmao….just try it shia-mpanzeee…..
This surely has nothing whatsoever to do with the illegal US invasion and continued occupation of Iraq.
Nor could it possibly have anything to do with the illegal US bombings and assassinations which continue.
No, all the pundits and former CIA bosses agree, the attack is entirely, repeat entirely unprovoked.
The US military personnel and contractors are the innocent victims over there.
The only acceptable response, all US officials agree, is to “retaliate” against Iran, whether Iran had anything to do with this or not, because as we all are informed Iran must sooner or later be guilty of something.
Let’s give Iraqis the freedom we promised them and leave.