Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their meeting at the King David hotel in Jerusalem, July 5, 2017. Sebastian Scheiner | AP
Written by Whitney Webb; Originally appeared at Mint Press
Israel’s export of Zionist nationalism and neocolonialism — and the accompanying oppression that in practice actually helps to create many of the very terrorist groups they fight against — is just as dangerous as its export of arms.
Well-known British journalist Robert Fisk recently wrote a very telling and troubling article in The Independent regarding the outsized role of the state of Israel in the burgeoning tensions between India and Pakistan, two nuclear powers. The story — despite its importance, given the looming threat of nuclear war between the two countries — was largely overlooked by the international media.
The tit-for-tat attacks exchanged between India and Pakistan last week have seen long-standing tensions between the two countries escalate to dangerous proportions, though Pakistan helped to deescalate the situation somewhat by returning and “saving” an Indian pilot whose plane had been shot down in retaliation for India’s bombing of targets in a disputed area administered by Pakistan.
That bombing was retaliation for a car bomb attack launched by Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) militants, a group that both India and Pakistan recognize as a terrorist organization, against Indian forces. Some analysts have speculated that India’s decision to bomb this area was made by Indian President Narendra Modi, a Hindu ethno-nationalist, in order to rally his base ahead of upcoming Indian elections in May.
Yet, whatever the reason, the bombing has revealed the close ties that have formed between Modi’s India and Israel, particularly between their militaries. As Fisk notes, following the bombing, Indian media heavily promoted the fact that Israeli-made bombs — specifically, Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” — had been used in the attack. Fisk writes:
Like many Israeli boasts of hitting similar targets, the Indian adventure into Pakistan might owe more to the imagination than military success. The ‘300-400 terrorists’ supposedly eliminated by the Israeli-manufactured and Israeli-supplied GPS-guided bombs may turn out to be little more than rocks and trees.”
Recently released satellite images seem to corroborate what Fisk predicted, as the bombing failed to hit its intended target and instead damaged a nearby forest.
Arguably the most important aspect of Fisk’s report is his detailing of the very close ties that have been forged between the Israeli and Indian militaries in recent years. For instance, according to Fisk, India was Israel’s arms industry’s largest client in 2017, spending nearly $700 million on Israeli air-defense systems, radars, ammunition and missiles. Many of those weapons had been promoted as “combat tested” after being used against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the world’s largest open-air prison. That same year, India represented 49 percent of Israel’s arms export market.
In addition to arms purchases, many Indian soldiers have traveled to the Negev desert to be trained by Israeli “special commando” units, and at least 16 elite Indian “Garud” commandos were recently based at two separate Israeli air bases.
Exporting oppression
Just as troubling as this military cooperation is that ethnonationalism and anti-Islam rhetoric are increasingly becoming the basis for the relationship between the two countries.
For instance, a recent Haaretz article, written by Shairee Malhotra and cited by Fisk, noted that “the India-Israel relationship is also commonly being framed in terms of a natural convergence of ideas between their ruling BJP and Likud parties.” Other reports have noted that this has translated into more “aggressive” policies from Modi targeting Kashmir and Muslims elsewhere in India and that continued Israeli goading of Modi’s anti-Islam tendencies could make life much more difficult for the estimated 180 million Muslims living in India.

Indian police beat a Kashmiri Shiite Muslim for participating in a religious procession in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Sept. 19, 2018. Dar Yasin | AP
While some analysts and reports have warned about this danger, Fisk notes that it will be difficult to prevent the Zionist, fascist nationalism of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party from influencing India’s ruling party, writing:
It is difficult to see how Zionist nationalism will not leach into Hindu nationalism when Israel is supplying so many weapons to India – the latest of which India, which has enjoyed diplomatic relations with Israel since 1992, has already used against Islamists inside Pakistan.”
Fisk goes on to note that “[s]igning up to the ‘war on terror’ – especially ‘Islamist terror’ – may seem natural for two states built on colonial partition.” Indeed, India’s actions in the disputed Kashmir region share many similarities to Israel’s neocolonial occupation of Palestine. For instance, the Muslim majority of Kashmir are treated as second-class citizens on their own land and their push for self-determination has been brutally suppressed by Indian forces. As of 2016, 500,000 Indian military personnel in the region were present in the region, roughly equating to one soldier for every 25 civilians. As Al Jazeera noted at the time, there have been more than 70,000 killings, about 10,000 enforced disappearances and 7,000 mass graves found since 1947 in Indian-administered Kashmir.
There are many other parallels between Kashmir and Palestine, including the fact that the British government shares a large share of the responsibility for both. Indeed, the British-brokered partition creating the current states of India and Pakistan in 1947 is the root of the current conflict in Kashmir much as the Britain-mandated creation of the Israeli state in 1948 is the root of the current conflict in Palestine. As far as Kashmiris and Palestinians are concerned, the governments of India and Israel picked up where their colonial master of years past left off.
If a deadly conflict ultimately breaks out between India and Pakistan, it will hardly be the first time Israel has armed controversial governments. Israel sold arms to the Rwandan government during the Rwandan genocide and, more recently, to the government of Myanmar during its “ethnic cleansing” of the Rohingya Muslims. Yet, as Fisk notes, Israel’s export of Zionist nationalism and neocolonialism — and the accompanying oppression that in practice actually helps to create many of the very terrorist groups they fight against — is just as dangerous as its export of arms.
Whitney Webb is a staff writer for MintPress News and has contributed to several other independent, alternative outlets. Her work has appeared on sites such as Global Research, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire among others. She also makes guest appearances to discuss politics on radio and television. She currently lives with her family in southern Chile.
There’s been ethnic cleansing of ethnic Indians and Hindus in Kashmir for sometime. And the Paks have been instrumental in forming and supporting Muslim terrorists in Indian Kashmir running the terror ops and doing the ethnic cleansing for decades.
I’m unaware of India doing similar things in Pak or Chinese Kashmir. This doesn’t absolve India from crimes it may commit in Indian Kashmir. But it also doesn’t justify Pak aggression against India.
India has refused selfdetermination for the Kashmiri population since 1947. India sees itself as the successor of the British empire and can’t accept loosing territory. Look at Sikkim. India is dreaming of an empire as big as the British one.
Many UN members have secession issues. That doesn’t justify state sponsored terrorism and ethnic cleansing by a neighbor fueling a cycle of violence. Which is what you have right now with the Paks against the Indians.
It’s not a secession issue, buddy, its an occupation issue. And what about Indian state sponsored terrorism in Balouchistan? Is that Hindu terrorism? Or normal secret service activity?
Arguing occupation doesn’t change international law which views the Paks as guilty of stater sponsored terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and fueling a cycle of violence against India. .
International law which would prohibit Indian interference in Pakistani affairs, in Balouchistan, Sind and many more
Are you accusing India of state sponsored terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and fueling a cycle of violence against Pakistan in Baluchistan? And if you are, what proof do you have?
A RAW agent was arrested in Balouchistan:
You’re a fool.
The article that you linked to is about a teacher protest 15 years ago:
– Teachers continue protest –
It has nothing to do with your allegations.
If you’re referring to the former Indian officer who was reportedly abducted in Iran and sent to Pakistan where he “confessed”. India took the Paks to international court for denying consular access and the Paks lost.
I smell curry dothead liar :)
You’re wasting thread space with your stupidity.
India has been supporting ethnic groups in Pakistan and it is a two way street.
What does that have to do with state sponsored terrorism and ethnic cleansing, are you accusing India of committing those crimes against Pakistan like Pakistan is against India, and if you are, what proof do you have?
You a liar shit head dothead fuckwit :)
Then disprove what I’ve written. You can’t because you’re the liar and a head case.
It is perhaps the other way around. Looks the people of Kashmir want freedom and out of India.
There are dozens of similar situations worldwide. What’s your solution, break up every country with an ethnic minority that wants independence?
Balouchistan is secret service activity of Pakistan and Saudi, not India.
Moron, the majority of Kashmiris in 1947 opted to join Pakistan. India like the Zionists in Palestine is a brutal occupation force an using the same savage tactics and losing.
You haven’t disproven what I’ve written. And you can’t, because it’s all true.
Wasn’t it India that launched a much trumpeted “surgical strike” on Pakistan that turned into a military and public relations disaster? and may unseat Modi!
What does that have to do with my comment on secession?
As we had in Bangladesh against the Hindus and Buddhists, and then it spread south into Burma creating the resent backlash.
US set to punish India
President Trump said he intends to end India’s preferential trade
treatment under a program that allows $5.6 billion worth of Indian
exports to enter the U.S. duty free.
You are a complete liar Hindu dumbass arsehole :) moron it was the Hindu shitheads that attacked Pakistani trees and got whacked. What a pathetic troll.
Your false accusations and stupidity are your problem.
Kashmir has had a special status in Indian constitution right from the beginning. Ambedkar, the western trained first law minister of India was dead against the Kashmiri special status, saying that it will lead to massive problems in the future. He was overruled by Nehru. Kashmir was originally going to be independent Princedom, but constant attacks by muslim militants persuaded the Prince Maharaja Hari Singh to acceed to India, IN EXCHANGE FOR DEFENCE, albeit under special status (that, I’m sure was supposed to be temporary). People forget that ALL Indian states were originally hereditary Princely states. To make it all democratic was a HUGE undertaking.
Here we are in 2019 and the Kashmiri problem is still there. The special status is the problem. Muslim ambitions to pry Kashmir from India by force is a problem. This makes Kashmir very good ignition point for conflicts engineered by outside players (formerly British Empire, these days zionists – I know, same difference). The global bankster money encourages violent militancy, zionists encourage violent actions by India. Both sides need to climb down and talk – something the globalists will hate.
Very well spoken, thank you.
Yeah, do come up with everything, the facts are in this article and if you dont know that YOU have an problem, nobody else, apart, of course the stupid Indians, whom is and have been scums for decades.
We may hagle about everything, from religion to economy, but the thing is, India is an occupying force, and somehow, like in the Palestinian cause, its the victims that is been blamed for everything, nice try, but eventually, dip shit, why dont we let the people of Kashmir deside that alone.
The second thing is, black ops, in an region like Kashmir, unrest have and is an political factore, must of the groups I know are fake, some are not, some are criminals, drugs etc to weapons, of course, you will have terror, when that unrest is suthable for other forces, again from comers to political insanity as the present Indian shit heads are engaged in, I dont bother to go deeper than that, and dont insult our intellegence with side kicks, all terror is terro I agree, but whom benefits, Kashmirs, huh, nope, the west, more lilghtly, and do you really want to debate this, do you, If I was an Indian I would step reather silently, and all tho I know some, and have no problems what so ever with Indians in general, this isnt good, its an one man freak show gone into an area of wast and unpresedented consequences because of nihilism.
And to drag the name of you all Indians, into the dirt.
Millions die because an man gets His rocks of because of watching His own image, starting an all out war and was this just an PR.stund, the dumb f…. managed to crash, yeah, sound like the “advicers” must be wankees, “elegantly” diplayed by the army drooling idiots, the inmates from PentaGooon.
Yeah, I bet this was their best, soft tissued wall compartement could manage to scrap up.
Modi have just one place to be at, after this, and thats at the end of an rope, hanging from the nearest possible lamp post, created by the intestrials of the Generals aporving this.
PS: hehe, an joke, all with good intentions, do you know where its the safes place to have an medical insident is and where the acute help is closest.
On an Plane to India, half of whats inside that plane is probably doctores.
( more than half of those few I know of, are all by now some sort of doctore, my hats off, girls and boys)
The Jew fucks are pure evil. When China opened up its economy to the Bilderberg global parasites in 1984, the Zionists crawled up Chinese arse and supplied them with stolen western technology including the F-16 clone Lavi. The Chinese were quick to cotton to the devious Jews, so the arseholes went to India and played on the Hindu inferiority complex. The Zionists have committed massive atrocities in Palestine and they are giving the Hindu low lives the same advice to rape, kill, murder and shoot pellets at the children of Kashmir. If Pakistan really wants a big global win it should train and unleash Jihadis in Kashmir and India and win global support. The 57 OIC states already supported Pakistan unanimously in its one side air victory over the Indian filthy turds.
It is either the rancid smell of Yankers or Zionists in all conflicts; both parties should be eradicated.
We a Hindu turd and Jew lover here too “Richard D” spewing 100% BS. ROFLMAO.
and what does roflmao mean ??
You need to get a 17 year old Son, mine just answered “”Rolling on Floor, Laughing My Arse off” – I shall thank him for you.
Keep up with the modern lingo gramps or you will end up like the Indian pilots.
But I do not want a mistache.
Why dont you all bastard commit suicide. Just fuck off your presence, your dirty thinking, your dirty customs belonging to middle age era. Everybody who knows the dirty mindset of so called SUNNAH followers like you. If you will be vanished then our Planet will become a heaven it self.
Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off :) India is a frigging joke.
I have him blocked, probably for the same reason you are mentioning.
Israel fishes in muddy waters from South Sudan to India. It’s policies are to promote conflicts that weakens its perceived enemies. Pakistan is now top of its hit list.
Israel and US are the merchants of death and destruction and peddle weapons to all regions of tension. Israel has a real interest in destabilizing South Asia and using India a huge weapons market. Modi has already signed over $4 billion worth of weapons deals with India. Hopefully, India will have a more moderate Congress government that can focus on economic development and trade with its neighbors.
Looks like these Israeli “smart bombs” bombed out. “Tested in Gaza”? Yeah, sure… like that Israeli rocket that was supposed to land on the moon.
would be better if india is on the side that is intent on kicking the squatters on palestinian land all the way to hell and no return whatsoever. however and even if they, the indians, are somewhat missed the rest of enemies of the israeli squatters are quite capable to kick them from here to eternity. and the earlier the better. the world has no need for those squatters and once they are history, like the dinosaurs, there will be peace and hatchets buried.
Israel has armed and trained the narco state of Colombia. Colombia manufactures Israeli weapons by licence agreement. Colombia has bombed Ecuador and has interfered in Venezuela’s internal affairs. In contrast Venezuela and Cuba helped settle the FARC conflict in Colombia.
All Nato countries plus Israel must join INf.Because their have the nuclear weapons and world destruction long and short range missiles.The big snake under the table is Satanyahu ,Merkel, Macroni,May,Erdogan and Trudeau of Canada.
Wtf are you on??
Only missiles.in canada comes off Shea Weber’s stick!
lol and true :)
All Muslims and Christians are basically anti hindu.kashmir was a Hindu state which was occupied and plundered by afgans andall Hindus driven out or killed now that thrre are more Muslims means they have the right to their own country.
Watch out Mr Fisk in a few years the Islamic Republic of bradford will be asking for indipendence from UK.
Nope, all Kasmiris hate the Hindu fucks that are licking Zionist arse but still getting whupped. What kind of lowest slime shoot pellets into the eyes of school children?
Your ugly mother mucker
i said this yesterday before i boycotted twitter he is a sinigog of satan slave and you will also find a connection between him modi and his bank account and the clinton foundation and when the east indian people find that he eats their young i am pretty sure they will turn on him but i assure you he has dined with nietenyahoo who is also a flesh eater and hillery clinton and huma hudeen who their is a tape on the dark web and other areas of these two women raping torturing and wearing the face of the child while you hear the child scream on the video he also has east indian agents worldwide who collect victims for these…spirit cookers it runs in fact within the hindu religion which modi is hindu
UltimatlUl the Jews Hindus and the Buddhists will have to combine to fight off the evil Muslims and Christians
Absolutely sir
their is no escaping for you modi your stupid decisions will not only be your downfall in the next election out there but you will be in shackles within the month or two you will fall along with your party you will all be investigated for crimes against children as hillery is nietenyahoo is and all your international cohorts your fcked modi you didin’t kill all the witness’s to your late night dinner parties with hillery and nietenyahoo we have the witness’s under protection soon punk and alls you had to do was stand down and get the fck out of kashmir your as stupid as i had hoped you would be..more soon flesh eater of children
not President .he is PM.
Hahaha, writer of this article seems to be either paid by followers of Islam (most barbarian religion, that unfortunately exists in our world) or is having some sort of prejudice thinking towards Hindus and Jews.
Do u know what? I have learnt a very simple lesson in 35 years span of my life which is that you have no need to be an Einstein for knowing equation of life for humanity in present ERA is
(Heaven = Earth without Islam and its followers)…