Riyadh Left Out In The Wind As Houthi Drones And Missiles Rain


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Washington has elected to withdraw its air defense systems from Saudi Arabia.

This leaves the Kingdom out to dry in a moment when Ansar Allah (the Houthis) are ramping up their cross-border attacks by way of drones and missiles.

The Prince Sultan Air Base, a key Saudi-led coalition facility, used to house a high-altitude air defense unit (THAAD) and a missile defense system in addition to Patriot missile batteries.

Today, the pads remain empty, with the Pentagon admitting that “certain assets” were removed. In desperation, Saudi Arabia has even accepted a Patriot anti-aircraft missile battery and a deployment of 120 soldiers to work on the system.

Meanwhile, against this worrisome backdrop from Riyadh, Iran is gradually increasing its arsenal of locally produced unmanned aerial vehicles, which it transfers to its allies in the region.

The removal of the US defense systems is an encouraging sign for Iran. As a result, the supply of attack drones, which are essentially copies of US-made RQ-170 Sentinel to the Houthis is likely to continue and even increase.

This is further substantiated by a statement by the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg, who assumed the post in August, after the previous envoy Martin Griffiths failed entirely.

On September 10th, Grundberg admitted that Yemen is “stuck in a state of war for an indefinite period”, and it will not be easy to resume negotiations on ending the more than six-year conflict.

On its part, the United States simply said that it would restore aid to the regions under Houthi control, and their terrorist designation would be lifted.

Riyadh is entirely right to feel left out in the open, as not only is Washington removing security assets from the Kingdom, but it is even indirectly supporting the Houthis by providing aid.

What could potentially sway the war further into Ansar Allah’s favor is the battle for Marib city. It is the last major urban center controlled by Yemen’s puppet government, and the area is home to most of the country’s oil and gas reserves.

The expectation is that no negotiations will take place until the Houthis take Marib, as it would be quite a significant leverage. It is an odd goal, as Marib houses nearly 4 million refugees, meaning an incredible number of mouths to feed, while Saudi-backed puppet government is currently providing some form of care for them.

It is essentially another way of funneling resources from Riyadh, in addition to targeting and destroying its military equipment and facilities.

Most recently, Saudi Arabia lost a Chengdu Wing Loong II spy drone, shortly after it lost control over a large area south of Marib city.

Meanwhile, on the southern Taiz front, the Houthis have regained control over the town of al-Kadhah, Maghdar and Ruwai mountains areas, following the withdrawal of Saudi-backed forces due to lack of financial support from the international coalition.

The fight is gaining momentum, and Saudi Arabia, yet again, shows that it is incapable of adequately participating in the chaos.

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Another sign of US decline, never before would the US let down the House of Al-Saud, because controlling the Arab oil means to Control Europe, wich import their most oil from this Region. Wonder when the US pull out of Iraq completly and therefore out of Syra too.
The new founded US Base in Israel is only a security Token for Tel Aviv nothing with the Network can Control the Region by any means.

Richard Hoard



Not the U.S declaine but Thierry Meyssan prediction of total destruction of the Midle East by the U.S. to wage the “Never ending war” search for Voltaire network.


The new US base in Israel is just a glorified ammo dump. Evey time Israel goes to war, even with Hamas, let alone an actual adversary like Hezbollah, Israel exhausts its US supplied advanced munitions in matter of weeks. They basically fire it all off in an attempt at a Shock and Awe campaign. Only it has stopped working working for them, as the adversaries are proving capable of holding out. In recent past Israel conceded truce only when they had nothing stand-off left to fire. The US base is munitions dump that Israel can lean on in their next inevitable crisis.

Last edited 3 years ago by YepItsTrue

This video needs to be smaller. 200 MB for a 3-minute HD video is at least 5x larger than it should be. It doesn’t play smoothly even on a 300 Mbps connection. Same thing yesterday.


Dear Margot, thank you for paying attention. We are trying to find a balance between quality and size. Please pay attention to the video that was released on September 16. it is be less than 150 MB. Do you think this is a comfortable size?


Yes, the Sep 16 video is smaller and shorter – 3:03 min, 121 MB. It is also unplayable, it chokes every 5 seconds. When I tried downloading the MP4 file, the speed was 20-40 KB/s . That is also very slow, normally i get 400-800 KB/s. Perhaps your streaming servers do not allow higher speeds? But this has been an issue only last several days. In the past, let’s say a couple weeks ago, I was able to play your videos without interruption.


Here’s an image from my downloading from the video, it downloads it with 11.5MB\s I bearly managed to catch the screenshot, it started to download it so fast and the video was download when speed reached 8.6MB\s

Image: http://puu.sh/IciFn/c70a182661.png


Dear SouthFront, on different issue, can you do anything about removing the huge influx of spam in the comments? As it is very disruptive to the comments section. Thank you.

Last edited 3 years ago by YepItsTrue

Hmmm, I am fine on my PC with a 100Mbps connection, plays smoothly, maybe it’s not up to the internet, CPU usage, GPU 3D usage, etc.



Last edited 3 years ago by World_Eye

US doesn’t have money or political will to support KSA. KSA next to collapse. Rats will try to flee. Entire royal family needs to be hunted down to ends of earth and put on trial for war crimes against Yemen.


where did you get the figure of 4 milion refugees in marib official figures are 1 milion

Icarus Tanović

This withdrawal of US forces and Anti air defence is just theatre for masses. They would rather lose Japan, or say half of south America than Arabia Saudia. They’re just not trust worthy to say the least.


Who made a deal with the devil, in the end, ate his shit too.