Rejected Before Published: Chinese Plan And Its Consequences

Rejected Before Published: Chinese Plan And Its Consequences

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On February 24, Beijing shared its plan of the settlement of the military conflict in Ukraine. The Chinese Foreign Ministry published it on its website on the year anniversary of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

The plan included 12 points :

1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Universally recognized international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly observed. The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be effectively upheld. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. All parties should jointly uphold the basic norms governing international relations and defend international fairness and justice. Equal and uniform application of international law should be promoted, while double standards must be rejected.

2. Abandoning the Cold War mentality. The security of a country should not be pursued at the expense of others. The security of a region should not be achieved by strengthening or expanding military blocs. The legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries must be taken seriously and addressed properly. There is no simple solution to a complex issue. All parties should, following the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and bearing in mind the long-term peace and stability of the world, help forge a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture. All parties should oppose the pursuit of one’s own security at the cost of others’ security, prevent bloc confrontation, and work together for peace and stability on the Eurasian Continent.

3. Ceasing hostilities. Conflict and war benefit no one. All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint, avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions, and prevent the crisis from deteriorating further or even spiraling out of control. All parties should support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible, so as to gradually deescalate the situation and ultimately reach a comprehensive ceasefire.

4. Resuming peace talks. Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis. All efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis must be encouraged and supported. The international community should stay committed to the right approach of promoting talks for peace, help parties to the conflict open the door to a political settlement as soon as possible, and create conditions and platforms for the resumption of negotiation. China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard.

5. Resolving the humanitarian crisis. All measures conducive to easing the humanitarian crisis must be encouraged and supported. Humanitarian operations should follow the principles of neutrality and impartiality, and humanitarian issues should not be politicized. The safety of civilians must be effectively protected, and humanitarian corridors should be set up for the evacuation of civilians from conflict zones. Efforts are needed to increase humanitarian assistance to relevant areas, improve humanitarian conditions, and provide rapid, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access, with a view to preventing a humanitarian crisis on a larger scale. The UN should be supported in playing a coordinating role in channeling humanitarian aid to conflict zones.

6. Protecting civilians and prisoners of war (POWs). Parties to the conflict should strictly abide by international humanitarian law, avoid attacking civilians or civilian facilities, protect women, children and other victims of the conflict, and respect the basic rights of POWs. China supports the exchange of POWs between Russia and Ukraine, and calls on all parties to create more favorable conditions for this purpose.

7. Keeping nuclear power plants safe. China opposes armed attacks against nuclear power plants or other peaceful nuclear facilities, and calls on all parties to comply with international law including the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) and resolutely avoid man-made nuclear accidents. China supports the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in playing a constructive role in promoting the safety and security of peaceful nuclear facilities.

8. Reducing strategic risks. Nuclear weapons must not be used and nuclear wars must not be fought. The threat or use of nuclear weapons should be opposed. Nuclear proliferation must be prevented and nuclear crisis avoided. China opposes the research, development and use of chemical and biological weapons by any country under any circumstances.

9. Facilitating grain exports. All parties need to implement the Black Sea Grain Initiative signed by Russia, Türkiye, Ukraine and the UN fully and effectively in a balanced manner, and support the UN in playing an important role in this regard. The cooperation initiative on global food security proposed by China provides a feasible solution to the global food crisis.

10. Stopping unilateral sanctions. Unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure cannot solve the issue; they only create new problems. China opposes unilateral sanctions unauthorized by the UN Security Council. Relevant countries should stop abusing unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction” against other countries, so as to do their share in deescalating the Ukraine crisis and create conditions for developing countries to grow their economies and better the lives of their people.

11. Keeping industrial and supply chains stable. All parties should earnestly maintain the existing world economic system and oppose using the world economy as a tool or weapon for political purposes. Joint efforts are needed to mitigate the spillovers of the crisis and prevent it from disrupting international cooperation in energy, finance, food trade and transportation and undermining the global economic recovery.

12. Promoting post-conflict reconstruction. The international community needs to take measures to support post-conflict reconstruction in conflict zones. China stands ready to provide assistance and play a constructive role in this endeavor.

The plan proposed by the Chinese People’s Republic is quite neutral and reflects the balanced position towards the interests of the warring sides. It highlights Beijing’s commitment to its policy aimed at deescalation if the military conflict.

Rejected Before Published: Chinese Plan And Its Consequences

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In its turn, Washington made it clear that it would reject the Chinese plan even before it was published. On February 24, there was only one question, what kind of rhetoric the White House would choose to reject another peace plan without openly declaring its will to instigate and prolong the war as much as possible.

The US reaction was voiced by President Joe Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan. He likely made one of his most hypocritical statements. Years after the full-scaled war on Ukrainian territories which was de facto launched and coordinated by Washington, Sullivan remembered about the “sovereignty” of Ukraine as soon as there are talks about the ceasefire.

He declared that the United States allegedly would not dictate to Ukraine the conditions for the end of this conflict. Sullivan advised China to focus on the first point of the plan, which is respect for the sovereignty of other states. According to the US official, Ukrainians themselves are the only to make decisions about their future.

Sullivan’s sugary speech was made soon after US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland commented on the Chinese peace initiative, claiming that the White House is against a “cynical ceasefire”, once again demonstrating that the lives of people in mean nothing to Washington.

Rejected Before Published: Chinese Plan And Its Consequences

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It is not surprising that Zelensky, who is president of the country which has been suffering from the military aggression and has  no means to defend its territory without the multi-billion foreign support, rejected the Chinese peace plan. So far, there is no official reaction from Kiev to Beijing’s proposals but the day before, Zelensky ruled out the possibility of implementing a peace plan from Chinese President, before the plan was published on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Rejected Before Published: Chinese Plan And Its Consequences

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Despite the fact that the Chinese peace plan is too conceptual and does not contain any strict requirements and threats to any of the warring sides, it revealed Chinese readiness to become a mediator loyal to Russia, as well as to Ukraine.

The very fact that this plan was presented and the recent increase of contacts between the Russian and Chinese top officials confirm that China is “fed up” with the impunity of the West. Beijing has finally decided which side it should be on, at least on the diplomatic level, even if it does not speak about it officially.

The West’s refusal to accept the plan will unite Beijing’s efforts to accuse the US and its puppets of unilaterally rejecting any peaceful settlement in the war-torn country. This may lead to more active Chinese support for Russia.


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the plan is a joke and russia would’ve refussed it also . Probably China knew all too well the plan will be rejected so they didnt’t invest much effort into it anyway . Bottom line is, nobody wants peace now. Time will tell how the war is gonna go instead.



Sadly I ve to admit that you are fully right. . No peace in sight. The jews want the world war 3 to hide their global genocide, and the hundreds of mio of deadly injured, dying and already perished victims of the mRNA beneath the piles of corpses of their now initiated World War 3 project. USA needs war to fuel its industr, get rid of its debts (inflate out of it), and to suck Europe dry in money and technology.

Russia needs war to force communism upon Europe and to stop being isolated from Europe by the Americans. China can be happy if USA-Europe and Russia are beating each other – because China will come out of this as the laughing third. And as all Israel, USA+UK and EU and Ukraine as well as Russia and China are ruled eighter by ruled by Zionist or Communist/bolshewist – read JEWISH – ideologies (and often jewish leaders) as well, of course they are not interested in peace but are eager to startz WW3 as quick as possible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

“Russia needs war to force communism upon Europe and to stop being isolated from Europe by the Americans”,
this is not necessary , Europe is staggering in direction communism (or globalism) on its own. No Russian support needed.
And if the Europeans continue their destructive politics , they will be soon completely isolated , not only from Russia but from the whole world.
Don’t worry about Russia, take care of your own a… if you live in Europe.

Last edited 2 years ago by Darius

Every NATO nation including those in the queue, they should have all of their NATO and other military bases demolished plus their arms factories, warehouses, offices, research facilities (at night if in universities) their weapons, their command centres like Brussels NATO HQ, Pentagon, GCHQ….
pre-emptivel;y. How many bombs would that take?


even you must realize that is impossible :)

Stacey Clay

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Last edited 2 years ago by Stacey Clay

With the west, i.e. EU and USA rejecting it before it is even published, there is no need for the Russians to reject it.

Conflict starts and continues when only ONE of the participants wants it. Cessation or de-inticifation of the conflict happens BOTH sides want it, or it is imposed on to the side wants to perpetuate it.


“the plan is a joke” ,
ok , the “studio experts” have daily called China to take initiative and try to stop the war and now , when the Chinese are really active , they don’t like it any more.
What should China do? They have their principles in foreign politics and they will not take part in this war.
What kind of plan wouldn’t you call a joke? If there were demands , Russia must immediately capitulate, disarm itself and wait peacefully for NATO to occupy whole Russia and divide it as war revenue to all alies according to the will of the hegemon?
It’s ridiculous.

Otherwise I agree somehow with you: it’s still not the right time for negotiations. The expectations of both sides , US/NATO and Russia are too far apart. So any plan would be a joke at the moment.


Zelenskyj je fašista ktorý podporuje Banderovcov na Ukrajine!!!


Here we are again, somebody mentioned here in soutfront forum ,china will sale russia for a couple of Dollar, he was reight instead to close together with russia they pretende to be neutral ,nato started this war and it is necessary to end with destruction of nato there no other way for peace on the earth

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London!

well, then dont wonder if the PRC will side with Russia (which is already a fact). You had your chance for peace, but you decided to spit on it.


@Hypersonic Tsar Bomba

Can you tell me what language that is in the video ?

That music is really funny. Is that polish ? Or russian ? Or ukrainian ? See this funny video I mean:

Or anyone else here, can you tell me ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Germany Turkiye Japan China demand jews stop fucking around.


The UN voted for War earlier.
If it’s war you wish for, then it should be total War you receive.

Said no to stopping weaponry transfers to the theatre proposed by Belarus (This now allows China or Iran or anyone to supply Russia by UN mandate)
Said no to peace initiatives provided.
Now as per Putin’s speech, any EU country supplying weaponry can be stuck on its home territory with all means available to the Russian Military.
Should be fun for some <:)

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter

Who is running this site and refuses to let my comment pass ????


It’s run by people that don’t like repitition. That has happened in the past here. 1000+ post saying Jews a million times or “death to Russia” and then getting 100+ upvotes each. They got sick of that, so now there’s some moderation going on.

One of which is user decided. If your post is disliked by most regs here, that is to say it gets an x amount of downvotes, it’s considere nonsense trash and your post is removed.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrUmbrella
Florian Geyer

‘Discuss’ I think. A.H.
A US company.


It’s a good proposal, and it has the potential to become the basis upon which conflict resolution can begin. The principles are sound, and can be applied to a variety of current disputes and conflicts. Rational people need to consider it honestly and seriously, I think it should be supported.

WT Baker

drop the “conflict resolution” mindset as it is deeply rooted in the same politically correct geometry of those that started this war. The Chinese proposal is justified and comes from minds that are actually healthy. China is doing what the US was intended to do when the idea of a constitutional republic fist started with Gottfried Leibniz’s principle of the “common good.” It’s good you support China’s effort but don’t allow your intentions to be contaminated by PC vocabulary.

WT Baker

China is rapidly, if not already, fulfilling the purpose the USA was founded for. Biden is not only senile he is criminal by his own out of control statements and doing the nonsensical bidding of the global elitists, mostly that of the British.

Harry Taylor

U.S. must first stop the Proxy War against Russia. CIA/NATO both need to stop putting puppets like Biden and Zelensky illegally in power.

Last edited 2 years ago by Harry Taylor
Romanian whore

Nobody are better on TIMING as a Shaolin warrior. China will not speak in vain anymore and will take actions because it knows that is the appropriate time do defend itself. China know it is the next in-line after Russia and will not allow to have same fate as them, because they are phenomenal pragmatics.

Lawrence Hill

I found the report from yesterday that the US has stationed 200 troops in the “Chinese province” of Taiwan and are training hundreds more Taiwanese troops in the US. I’m not sure how much longer China can go without addressing such bald faced hostile provocations. Like Russia, the neocons are forcing China to act…


“The very fact that this plan was presented and the recent increase of contacts between the Russian and Chinese top officials confirm that China is “fed up” with the impunity of the West. Beijing has finally decided which side it should be on, at least on the diplomatic level, even if it does not speak about it officially.”…

Then if this is true “why” did it aid and abet a crime scene more than 21 years ago – in order to secure American manufacturing in it’s Country and bring non-stop H1-b visas and a “second home” to the U.$. ever since???

And I didn’t even speak to their indifference to the looting operations in Afghanistan and Iraq that they also took advantage of when the U.$. destroyed both of them that also includes Syria, Libya, Yemen and Ukraine!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

the immoral amerikan NATO prostitutes have damaged themselves—there are 2 possible outcomes—full Russian victory or WWIII


Question: So why didn’t China and India vote against the resolution along with “Belarus, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, and Mali were the only member states to vote against the resolution.”…???

That picture of Xi and Biden smiling speaks a thousand “words”!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Joseph Day

No, Odessa is coming home

Erik Nielsen

China is only interested in their own rice bowl and try to trick America into giving up our freedom and our constitution.


“China is only interested in their own rice bowl… ”
if the shitty west did the same , there would be probably no wars like now in Ukraine. “Mind your own business” or “don’t poke your nose in sb’s business” , you can translate it in all languages and everybody should understand.


English is not even your first language. You are absolutely not American, Nafomo.


I will say this. China’s peace plan is more nothing. Lets see what they actually DO now.


… “”So far, the United States had or has imposed economic sanctions on nearly 40 countries across the world… affecting nearly half of the world’s population.”…

Then “why” didn’t you PRC play the most important role in aiding and abetting this crime scene 21 years ago courtesy of the Bush Administration – ?… And then raped the Iraqi government alongside the U.$. and EU for energy, then Libya… then Syria…

And why pray tell did you not vote with Belarus, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, and Mali in the resolution before the UN last week which like 9/11 could have changed history had you chose to demand an investigation of the crime scence instead of making business deals for selling out the American manufacturing work force of the U.$. that purchased your $ilence!…

Hypocrisy and evil personified!… Didn’t someone once say that the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those that do nothing in a time of crisis???

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt