Rehabilitation Of Nazism Advancing In Moldova

Rehabilitation Of Nazism Advancing In Moldova

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The memory of the WWII is being disturbed in countries co-opted by NATO. States “allied” with the US are banning symbols related to the victory against Nazism. In practice, the excuse of repudiating the “Russian invasion of Ukraine” is working to legitimize truly unacceptable acts, such as the rehabilitation of Nazism.

Moldova, an ex-Soviet country that has been going through a strong process of Western-backed anti-Russian brainwashing, has decided to punish people who wear the St. George ribbon, an important Russian national symbol related to the Soviet victory against the Nazis. According to Viorel Cernauteanu, inspector general of the Moldovan Police, the ribbon is a “symbol of Russian aggression”, and is inadmissible on Moldovan territory.

“Selling, storing, producing and wearing a two-color ribbon, which is a symbol of aggression is currently banned (…) We all must abide by the rules,” Carnauteanu said.

In fact, the ban is not new. Moldovan authorities passed a law banning the St. George ribbon in April 2022, in a clear gesture of reaction to the launch of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. However, the actual persecution of ordinary people who use the symbols is getting worse day by day, reaching its peak this year.

Moldovan law establishes fines of up to 500 dollars for individuals and 1,700 dollars for companies that violate the measure. In other words, Chisinau responded to the Russian initiative to denazify Ukraine with a clear gesture of repudiation against the memory of the anti-Nazi struggle, taking significant steps towards the rehabilitation of this harmful ideology in the country.

This measure has been, not surprisingly, supported by the ultranationalist sectors of Moldovan society, who despise not only Soviet memory, but also any possibility of friendly relations with the Russian Federation. Historical resentment has been a key factor in promoting Western brainwashing among Moldovans. NATO has used this troubled social reality to advance its agendas and expand anti-Russian hostility in the region.

Despite remembering the Soviet military victory, the St. George ribbon is not only related to the communist past alone and should not be considered an ideological symbol. The end of the Nazi occupation is extremely important for all people in the post-Soviet space, where 27 million citizens were murdered by German troops. Until recently, the need to celebrate the memory of the heroes who died in the battle against the Nazis was recognized by everyone in the region, however, to increase hatred against Russia, the West has encouraged the restoration of racist nationalism, which is endorsing a wave of disdain for Soviet memory.

Moldova is not the only country banning Soviet memory. The anti-Russian wave is spreading to several ex-communist states. For example, Estonia also banned any symbols related to the USSR, including the St. George ribbon. Not only that, but it is also forbidden to play any military music from the Great Patriotic War, resulting in a total “cancellation” of the Soviet past and anti-Nazi memory. As a direct result of these measures, fascism and Russophobic racism are growing the region, leading to many problems in the Eastern European security architecture.

For Russians, Nazism is an evil to be combated. The Nazi phenomenon is not “something of the past”, but a permanent problem, which is constantly used by Russia’s enemies to generate mobilization against the country. Ukraine was the biggest experiment in the rehabilitation of Nazism ever carried out. Since 2014, Hitlerist ideology has been a key factor in the policies of the Maidan Junta. Ultranationalist militias were used to kill Russian civilians in the eastern regions, generating the genocide in Donbass. Without any chance of resolving this situation by peaceful means, after eight years of failed diplomacy, Moscow launched a special military operation to denazify Ukraine in 2022.

Ironically, some European countries are reacting to the denazification of Ukraine by promoting their own Nazification. The repudiation of the memory of Soviet heroes and the promotion of anti-Russian racism tend to generate political scenarios in other European countries similar to that of Ukraine. In the Baltic countries, apartheid measures against ethnic Russians have already been implemented since 2022. In Moldova, regions friendly to Russia, such as Gagauzia and Transnistria, have been threatened by the government, with strong Western pressure for a civil conflict to begin in the country.

Nazism is a real threat in Europe. NATO uses Nazism as an anti-Russian ideological tool. Moscow does its best not to react militarily to such threats, but if this Nazification begins to have real effects against innocent Russians abroad, there will be a serious security crisis in the region.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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Viet Hochi min beats the USofA

odessa will be liberated still this year


nazi politics are easy to identify because the 25 point manifesto of the nsdap is a matter of public record. the politics of the hegemon have no connection with the national socialist policies of the nsdap. they are a much harsher form of global domination, which rejects all forms of socialism, national or otherwise. this article makes the basic mistake of equating anti-russianism with nazism. they are completely different.


derp, and derp again. derp derp.


keith is right. nazism is promoted by nato in easter european countries only as a tool against russia. in western europe public apology of nazism lead you directly to jail. the us culture promote diversity so hard it become ridiculous. now us students begin to understand zionists own their country. so all of this has nothing to do with nazism, it’s globalism.


nazism is a management tool for empire. the question of whether us imperialist globalism is any more harsh than nazism is ridiculous. nazism was expansionist and imperialist, and predicated on militarism. ultra-nationalism is self-limiting, which made it an ideal device to manage germany as capitalism flopped into yet another massive crisis in the 1930s. konsul. all you need to know about “far-right german nationalism.” same people paid for the ira in that period.


you forgot to add main thing — exceptionalism. when one man say he is higher than others from his birth, it’s direct way to oppression of “lower” ones. nazism is racial chauvinist form of fascism. all marks you’ve mentioned above are suitable for policy of western sodomites except racial superiority, but they are constantly repeating crap about “exceptional nation” meaning the us like mike johnson said not long time ago or obama before. “exceptional” = “uber alles”.


what is ultra-nationalism if not “exceptionalism”? the americans are quite content to back racial supremacists in the ukraine and israel if it suits their needs. “deutscheland uber alles” was not an expression of identitarian rubbish when it was written. it related to the idea of germans united in a democratic state outside the auspices of the array of petty monarchs who ruled over various german population in the early nineteenth century.


say bye to odessa and moldova stupids until to 2024 august odessa will be liberated, and until to february 2025 moldova stupids we wait from macron show macron how will you liberate the west ukraine? nucleer umbrella jajajaja i fuck all muslims jajaja im the son of john biden and napolyon s military adviser i fuck turkey everyday

Last edited 9 months ago by Jajahaja
I have a nuke

i fuck all muslim countries everyday too and these days i fuck muslim lover european countries too jajajaja europe you tottaly fucked up by muslims and african refugees you are trans lover nations . 150 million russians 100 – one milliar europeans 0 jajajaja score 100-0

Last edited 9 months ago by I have a nuke
jens holm

muslims are some billion. is it children included?


odessa is not in moldova you imbecile

jens holm

just another pamplet for internal russian use. soap and antivirus would be better.

now the nazis hordes in maldova are marching again – dead as well as alive.


yes, we will send all the eurotard nazis on their way! after all, they are nothing but expendable cannonfodder guillable clowns! they will all die for our mighty dollar. we merikkkans will get all your corporations and markets, while you idiot nazis get meatgrinded, just like in ww2.
cant wait to see denmark on the chopping block, maybe our nazi hero jens holm can then show how manly he is, but i guess he will run away like the coward that he is.

🤡 😆😆😆


anti-nazi struggle ? are you serious ? this article forget to mention how moldova, which is a romanian province, became a soviet republic: the ribbentrop-molotov pact in 1939. a pact between german nazis and russion nazis also called communists.
don’t also forget that russia never fulfilled the peace treaty signed with romania following the ww2 regarding moldova.
i suggest to southfront to downgrade this article to opinion level.


jesus christ are you eurotards illiterate twats. the molotov-ribbentrob pact was not an alliance, it was simply an non-agression pact and it was signed because we amerikkkans and the british dunces refused to sign a treaty with the soviets.
stalin knew that we were aiding the nazis, so he went temporary with the devil to stall for time.

its amazing how stupid you eurotards have become. even we amerikkkans know history.

guillable clowns!
🤡 😆😆😆


during the nineties, in the us empire, 1930’s european history was completely re-written to conform with the brain disease that spread throughout the empire. anti-communist hysteria replaced historical analysis once the soviet union was dismantled.


you’re and imbecile.


at not a pact at all, because pact is alliance. non-aggression treaties with hitler have been signed by chamberlain and daladier several years before, stalin was the last large leader in this row. england and france tried to push nazis to ussr and fed austria and cz to germany. ussr was ready to fight for cz, but poland (influenced by england) refused to give military access and occupied small part of cz instead help. when poland was attacked, e and f did nothing.


and romania was the occupier of south bessarabia and bukovina ~20 years while russia was fragmented on the civil war fractions and many foreign states sent their troops to rob. france and romania sent troops to odessa, germany occupied kiev and moved forward to donbas on south and pskov on northern direction. anglosaxons have landed on arhangelsk and murmansk, japan – in vladivostok. in 1939 romania (hitler’s ally) simply returned the lands back.

Last edited 9 months ago by Антон
John Peel

england’s norman overlords tried to get chamberlain to urge stalin to enter poland to beat germany to the punch because there was a treaty between england and poland. they wanted stalin to cross the tripwire first so that they could declare war on the ussr. chamberlain refused so they got churchill (who wanted war with russia) to try instead. stalin didn’t fall for it, germany went into poland which forced england to declare war on germany. and the rest, as they say, is history.


plus stalin entered those parts of poland, which were annexed by poland in 1920’s. he did it in 17th of september, 2 day after gov-t of poland left the country and moved out to bucharest and then to london. so ussr simply took back own land populated with russian majority. that’s why official allies of poland didn’t declare war on ussr. territory with no government is no man land.


thanks for derping, derpster. the guy in the photo looks like he’s dressed for a children’s play.


if you want to liberate nazi’s you first have to liberate their heads from the rest of their body.


i am simply demanding that the oppression of three and a half million germans in czechoslovakia cease and that the inalienable right to self-determination takes its place.
— adolf hitler’s speech at the nsdap congress 1938


i would like to make it clear to all: this country will continue to actively defend the rights of russians, our compatriots abroad, using the entire range of available means — from political and economic to operations under international humanitarian law and the right of self-defense,” mr. putin 2022.

tell me who is the nazi.


bidenazi, although clearly using subterfuge, vp was about for years before and things were relatively peaceful. where were the sanctions on ukraine to make them treat the ethnic russians better, restore the water supply to crimea, and stop shelling the donbass?


the favorite russian stratagem in infantry combat is the cauldron. the inexorable advance of nato could only be seen by the kremlin as a cauldron in the making. although ukraine was intended to be in nato and advance the formation of the cauldron, the irony is that the smo, while thus far keeping ukraine out of nato, drove finland and sweden into nato. and the further irony is that ukraine may as well be in nato now, albeit a proxy.


that’s more a loss of independence for finland and sweden, nato would have defended them anyway. the limited support for ukraine is an acknowledgement of guilt. look at the brics expansion, shifting allegiances in africa, and the fact russia is no longer building superyachts and football teams but new advanced military hardware. i’d agree about the inexorable advance of nato provoking things though – politicians find it difficult to change direction.


thanks for playing, rommel. sweden was driven into nato by forty-plus years of penetration by us-dominated global capitalism. they turned the swedish military over to the americans long ago, eliminating conscription and providing a volunteer force to be used in criminal adventures like the invasion of afghanistan. the five eyes have been using urkrainian nationalism to attack the russians for seventy-five years.


that’s your super-smart ironic take, dipshit? nazism in germany was a disgraceful, infantile and deadly phenomenon, but it doesn’t mean the nazis weren’t right about the post-versaille imperialist game of mousetrap that was erected on their borders. the whole five eyes narrative concerning the ukraine is that their special ukrainianness has been thwarted by the wicked russians for the last hundred years. so applicattion of violence in the name of nationalism good or bad, derpster?


so dugin is irrelevant? because whether it’s nation states under one of the three ways, or a national culture (so-called civilization) under the fourth way, there always exists a frontier across which sits a neighbor almost always populated by a mingling of the two adjacent peoples, a frontier which in the case of eastern europe has moved back and forth repeatedly over the centuries. and if dugin is wrong, what folly has putin committed in launching his smo?

Last edited 9 months ago by Jon

into this article need to be a picture ot this “st. george ribbon” to know how it look.

Last edited 9 months ago by Hipp

seeing you malding eurotard nazis seeking any excuse to deflect is hillarious!

“nooo we are not the nazis, its the russians!“

hahahaha die for the dollar little eurotard nazis, guillable clowns!
🤡 😆😆😆


for the romanians the jewish bolsheviks were worse than the nazis. not liking the jewish bolshevik murderers doesn’t mean they support the nazi. surprisingly, many retards in russia still support the jewish bolsheviks who slaughtered tens of millions of russian orthodox christians and muslims.


o sf is a tool for the neo nazis russians and their propaganda, the 21 century nazis, little vlad and medveedev are 2 little hitlers from the world scum


hahaha eurotard nazi is salty that his pals are getting denazified. why not join them guillable clown?
🤡 😆😆😆


yarosh, tyahnybok, biletsky, c-14 and the rest of the ukretardish nazis probably disagree.


sf is a parroting beggar nazi propaganda


poor nazi is triggered!
🤡 😆😆😆


principality of moldavia is known since 14th century. most of their history they were under turks before suvorov liberated them with principality of wallachia in the end of 18 century. a bit later moldavia became a part of russia, so moldavia it’s not only the part of ussr, it has much deeper connections with russia.


local people speak russian with no accent, they are slavs by ethnics as wallachians (romanians), but wallach people pose themselves as ancient remnants of rome though dna research shows they are closest relatives to serbs and romania was formed in 1859. vlad tepes was the most famous ruler of wallachia, who fought against turks for freedom of christian countries unlike romania with artificial identity like ukros have. and see now what consequences it makes.