Rear Israeli Airstrike Kill 18 Palestinians In West Bank (18+ Video)

Rear Israeli Airstrike Kill 18 Palestinians In West Bank (18+ Video)

Illustrative image (The Israeli Defense Forces)

At least 18 Palestinians were killed late on October 3 when an Israeli airstrike hit the Tulkarem refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed the death toll in a statement. Meanwhile, the official Palestinian news agency Wafa said that “Israeli warplanes struck a popular cafe in the al-Hamam neighborhood of the Tulkarem camp with at least one missile while several civilians were present.”

Following the airstrike, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released a brief statement annoncing that one of its fighter jets targeted Tulkarem as part of a joint operation with the Shin Bet security agency.

The military said in a later statement that it assassinated Zahi Yaser Abd al-Razeq Oufi, the head of the Hamas Movement in Tulkarem.

“Earlier today, in a joint IDF and ISA ]Israel Security Agency, or Shin Bet] counterterrorism operation, the IAF [Israeli Air Force] conducted an ISA intelligence-based strike in the Tulkarem area and eliminated…Zahi Yaser Abd al-Razeq Oufi,” the head Hamas in Tulkarem, a military statement said.

The IDF went on to claim in the statement that “Oufi planned and led the attempted car-bombing attack in Ateret” last September.

“As part of his role, Oufi planned and led a significant amount of attacks directed toward communities in Judea and Samaria (in the West Bank) and the rest of the Israeli Home Front,” it added.

The statement noted that “multiple other significant terrorists who were part of Hamas in Tulkarem were eliminated alongside Oufi.”

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the airstrike was the first of its kind carried out by an Israeli fighter jet in the West Bank since the Second Intifada in 2000.

The airstrike came just two days after seven Israelis were killed and 17 others were wounded as a result of a shooting attack in the central city of Tel Aviv that was claimed by Hamas. Israeli security forces killed two gunmen who carried out the attack.

The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 41,000 Palestinians, led to an increase of violence within Israel and in the West Bank.

According to the Palestinian Authority health ministry, more than 716 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since the start of the war. Over 5,250 others have been arrested. During the same period, 46 people, including Israeli soldiers and police officers, have been killed in attacks in Israel and the West Bank.


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after their “commandos” get their pussy asses kicked on the battlefield in lebanon, jews go back to what they truly excel at; bombing women and children.

Conan M

as well as their f-u.k.u.$. patron(s)… i understand the i$rael offense force used “williepete” in lebanon after the iranian ass wupping!… just like the u.$. used it in fallujah in 2004 on thousands of men after they strung up 6 american special forces as “payback”… the un/unsc of course has banned it’s use multiple times, but i$rael and it’$ ma$ter use it anyway in their war crimes with impunity…. america is the “chicken” that lets the i$raeli “egg”!…

Last edited 10 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

… they deserve one another and will be meeting their fate soon if they keep this up!…

Last edited 10 hours ago by Conan M
Terrorist Hunter

don’t take your women and children to terrorist gatherings.


jewish supremacists in palestine have shown an uncanny nack for finding and murdering women and children regardless of the presence of terrorists, hence the thousands of children murdered by the jewish supremacists death cult in the last eighty years.

America First

russia has advised it’s citizens to leave israel after an ammunition storage site was hit on or near the russian airbase in syria. the zionist terror regime has apparently flipped out with the the full support of the biden regime. wearing faoa ( fuck americans over again) hats the biden globalists seem imboldened enough to have americans fight and pay for yet another war for them.

Colony Fort Al Tanf

so i’m assuming you believe trump would do different.
i’ll remind you it was trump who authorized the assassination of iranian general soleimani.
now if he becomes president again i don’t wanna imagine what course of action he’d take everyone knows he supports the zionists

Anerica First

you assume incorrectly trump is fully committed to israel as a narcissistic business man but less driven by the deep state globalists as the assassination attempts suggest. trump was warned about the qasem soleimani assassination but was too arrogant to heed the warnings.


drumpf is nothing but a two-bit wrestling character and con-man.


there are two choices, harris, who is essentially an extension of clinton, bush, obama, biden etc… and trump who is not. with trump there is a chance for some sort of positive change, however slim. with harris and walz there is none.

that is a political reality. no amount of wishful thinking will change it

there are very many things about trump that are fucked up, but you might ask yourself why the deep state cretins have pulled out all the stops to try to destroy him


uhh, perhaps because he was created to be destroyed? he’s an anode rod installed to attract the disenfranchised section of the population that used to be working class while overseeing the ongoing economic assault on those same people. if they kill him, it serves to complete cleave his supporters from the rest of the population. ideal divide and rule outcome.

Last edited 8 hours ago by Clyde

wow…yeah man! that must be it.

must be some of that 5d chess strategy n’ shit…lol


no, it’s really simple. the us has created many disposable leaders over the last hundred years or so. did you think that the american people were so exceptional that they wouldn’t be given the same treatment when it became necessary? thaks for derping.

Joseph Day

so thats democracy. 2 options. surely anyone in america can be elected


drumpf doesn’t support the zionists. he is owned by jewish supremacists.


you’re some kind of fucking canadian or commonwealth creature, clyde, you have zero room to talk…lol

god knows you bozos have plenty of your own problems to deal with


you must have picked up on all my pro british and canadian comments! the derp glows and pulsates in you. congratulations.


the left in the west, which you are a part of, is, and always has been controlled by jews.

the dirty jew filth referred to as the “frankfurt school” slimed their way into america before ww2 and found many willing acolytes here, such as yourself.


there is no left. a “left” nationalizes mines, and oil wells and forests and banking and provides free healthcare and education and transportation. the entire us empire, that grundles like you pretend is “the west” is a far-right corporate structure owned by rent-seeking financiers. literally the opposite of the west. your derp is sweeter than yoohoo. good for you!


kinda like communism

marxist communism which is of course atheist/materialist.

try again douchebag



you actually belive that marxist bullshit.

i bet you belive in “equality” too…rofl

hey, sweet cheeks we all know who the guys with the mansions and the babes were under communism…pretty much the same as the guys in capitalism.

both “systems” are designed to centralize and control wealth.


the seven oligarchs who took over russia after ’91 were not the “guys with the mansions and the babes under communism”. the soviet communist system was not designed to centralize wealth, although it certainly was designed to control it. whether it was efficient or not, the whole point was to redistribute wealth. never stop being you, you’re the michael jordan of derp.



you mean like doggone billy browder?

billy is half irish and half jew

he was one of the many oligarchs fucking over the russian people and “redistributing” their wealth into his and his fellow fucking jews pockets.

you should watch the video of this jew motherfucker run over women to get into his limo in nyc

Colony Fort Al Tanf

i rather rock my state flag then the godforsaken stars and stripes!


the united states of america has been at war more or less since its inception, and really, long before its inception. every single war has been fought to increase the economic power of the rent-seeking class that owns the country.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

israel is kicking russian azz in syria too…heheheh


the only thing “israel” is good at doing…is kicking its own ass

Massa John

it’s another 18 souls then. not that there where no souls before.


derp? derp derp.

Terrorist Hunter

motto: don’t hang around with terrorists.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Terrorist Hunter

the jewish supremacists in palestine pride themselves on one hundred years of terrorism. you folks love you some baby-killing in the name of your cult. i love that for you!