A series of rallies against the US missile strike on Syria have been held in the US and the UK.

Protestors expressed outrage in the wake of the US President’s sudden change in policy (Photo: New York Daily News / Sam Costanza)
Hundreds of Americans went to protest against the US missile strike on Syria in New York and other US cities, including Washington, San Francisco and Los Angeles, the Daily News New York newspaper reported.
So, in the center of New York, in Manhattan, demonstrators gathered near the Trump Tower skyscraper, owned by the US President, as well as at Union Square.
crowd gathered in Union Square NYC to protest war in Syria pic.twitter.com/GKjWBssCq6
— marisa kabas (@MarisaKabas) April 7, 2017
Protesters held in their hands placards with slogans “Hands off Syria!” and “Money for Jobs, Schools & Healthcare not war in Syria!” They also chanted anti-war slogans.
“Out of Syria, out of Iraq, out of Palestine don’t come back” @ NYC #handsoffsyria action pic.twitter.com/erVLNUfjfr — erin (@erinacorbett) April 8, 2017
“US intervention has never brought about peace and democracy in other countries,” the newspaper quoted words of one of the protesters.
Earlier, it was reported that another rally against the US strike on Syria was held in London, near a residence of British Prime Minister Theresa May. Demonstrators held placards, bearing inscriptions “Shame on Trump! Shame on May!”, “Trump, May, Hands off Syria” and “Stop Bombing Syria.”
On the night of April 7, Donald Trump gave an order to fire cruise missiles on the Syrian Ash Sha’irat airbase. According to the US President, a chemical attack was carried out from this airfield on the province of Idlib, of which Washington accuses Damascus, despite the fact that there is no evidence of involvement of the Syrian authorities in the incident. Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the US military action, describing it as an “act of aggression.”

About 100 people hoisted signs and marched along Fifth Ave., voicing their outrage over President Trump’s decision to target a Syrian air base (Photo: New York Daily News / Sam Costanza)

Protesters later marched to Union Square Park, where a large crowd chanted: “U.S. imperialist, number one terrorist!” (Photo: New York Daily News / Sam Costanza)

Protestors in New York (Photo: AFP)

Protestors in Los Angeles (Photo: AFP)

Protestors in Los Angeles (Photo: AFP)

Protestors in Los Angeles (Photo: AFP)

Protestors in London (Photo: Reuters)

A rally against the US missile strike on Syria in Bolivia (Photo: Reuters)

A rally against the US missile strike on Syria in La Paz, the de-facto capital of Bolivia (Photo: Reuters)

Protesters in Calcutta incinerate an effigy of Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters)
I feel dirty being now in the same camp as guys wearing Che Guevara t-shirts. Life can make for strange bedfellows.
lol, at least life has some humor. I do agree they are interesting times.
But logic suggest we must do things totally different.
Doing the same things over and over is insanity.
So lets mix it up, be unpredictable, and get wacky, and set the agenda for a change instead of following predictable patters that globalist have laid out for us in the distant past.
Time To Brush Up On Facts.
Fact #1 Bannon is kicked out, Bannon was the only anti-war guy in Trumps inner circle.
Fact #2 Trump has chosen not to follow instead all orders giving to him by (((Jared Kushner))). Jared Kushner followers all orders and advice from the known human rights violator Benjamin Netanyahu.
Fact #3 What makes Trump so evil is his selection of the NEW ((( Inner Circle )))
People need to focus on Trumps Evil Inner Circle which I list below. They are the ones who set policy and manipulate global events and comit warcrimes against Goyims around the world.
1. Jared Kushner
2. Boris Epshteyn
3. Jason Greenblatt
4. David Friedman
5. Stephen Miller
6. Steven Mnuchin
7. Lewis Eisenberg
8. Michael Glassner
9. Ivanka Trump
what can be done about this?
For now, it is a major information-war. AT least 90% of Americans are not aware of these facts.
We need to just put the truth out their (without political leaning) we want everyone across the board to know these as accepted facts.
Once at least 30-40% of everyday Americans know these facts.
Then things will start to change culturally, at the polls and in policies and elected officials.
For now, it is spreading the information “Tactfully” without offending.
This changes the minds of the masses over a few short years.
Then we will have a better grip to help guide people towards a healthy direction of healthy nationalism for every people group with mature respect.
This will totally defeat the Zionist and the globalist war on us and everyone else.
What do you think?
idk, i hope you are right, but our MSM is also totally zionist dominated, which is a whole other animal to deal with. they have a death grip on the country :(
The most intellectual thing I can share with you is 6 minutes long.
Please watch this video. I have never seen a better one put together on how to save ourselves through information.
If you’re being honest, I sincerely wish you well in this venture. But I’m pessimist when it comes to the US public – they usually always wake up when it’s too late and when too many people has suffered.
I am being honest to the best of what I know and how I understand it.
I really do believe in peace, and desire a peaceful solution to the corruption in the US and UN and UK and so forth.
I do believe that educating people and spreading truth is the most beneficial way to do this.
I believe that once the 30% threshold is broken, that things will change simi-rapidly over a four year course of time.
And I desire with my heart that Ron Paul would not have been robbed of the election in 2012.
I like all nations, but I do not like most of their governments.
I even like Israel, but I do not like the Zionist-government of Israel.
I believe in working together and forming bridges of understanding and common goals.
Ending wars, and allowing people to government themselves they way they best wish to do so within their own lands.
I believe this is the most natural healthy way for all people groups to live at this time till humanoids mature a lot more then is currently the case.
Regardless of my opinion of the US bombing Syria, i shall not walk with anti-capitalists or Che Guevara fans!
Easy! Protest on your own! Just do it!
Why friend? It’s an Oil War basically. Would anybody care for the ME had there been no oil there?
Yes, Israel. IF their is any oil or not, Israel for thousands of years have laied claim to the ((( Greater Israel ))) which encompasses almost all of Syria and Iraq and all of Lebanon and a tiny part of Turkey and all of Sini and some of Egypt and a tiny part of Iran.
These wars are for Israel to eventually conquer and expand.
Oil is cheap, the USA produces more then can consume, and electric and batteries and solar and wind are rapidly replacing oil.
Oil is going out the door, soon to no longer be a fuel in the west.
Great, then walk with normal common law abiding Patriots. Plain and simple.
Thanks for the suggestion, that makes a lot of sense. I actually did so 5 weeks ago in Denver, Colorado, on the assumption that “America First” means “No warmongering against others”. For those interested, my favorite speech was this one:
On a practical note, living in a relatively small city and most of my friends blindly pro-American, organizing an actual rally isn’t realistic. Also, I happen to have some writing skills, so instead I try to keep Danes informed about the real situation in Syria, about the Herculean effort done by the Russians to defeat Islamic State and other Jihadis. This effort is made much easier by SouthFront, whom I donate to when I have the surplus.
We’re living in interesting times. No good effort is ever a waste!
Thank you for the link, and thank you for spreading truth.
I have another simple idea, one which I myself use.
Make cheap business cards with a flashy good message and picture, along with 3 or 4 websites on them.
Leave them in public bathrooms when no one is looking and other public places.
With websites such as…
Or whatever ones you think is best for your region.
This is a way for you to not be persecuted or loose anything.
You do not even have to debate people this way.
They can just go to the websites if they choose, all of the facts and answers to any questions they may have will be available.
It is easy, cheap, and your personal life does not have to suffer.
maybe if they protested when Bernie Sanders was forced to step down from the DP candidacy it would had made a little more sense. But back then, the problem was the Russian hackers that in their narrative uncovered the news, not the news in itself.